40 research outputs found

    A Study on Health Care in Internet of Things

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    Healthcare becomes one of major economic and social problems around the world, especially in aging people, where it costs tremendous health expanses and resources. The advancement of technology and consistent improvement in machine to machine technologies lead to the era of internet of things (IoT). The new trends in health care are gradually progressing with the help of IoT which may make us more health conscious. This paper reviews the concepts, applications and various existing technologies for health care. We have enumerated the difference between those techniques and brief explanation of scope of IoT in personalized health care

    Development of IoT Service Classification Algorithm for Integrated Service Platform

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    Recently, with the appearance of the IoT paradigm, the existing Internet environment has changed with various things that connect with the Internet. The IoT paradigm is applied to various service such as smart homes, building management, surveillance services, smart farm, and so on. The environment of IoT services concerned on communication and interaction processes between different devices. To solve these complex problems, many researchers and service providers are focused on integrated service platform. However, previous studies did not consider problems such as service similarity and module reusability. In this paper, we focused on classification of services for providing reusability. And we propose classification algorithm that is based on detail operation steps of IoT services. To proof proposed classification algorithm, surveyed over 100 commercial IoT services are classified into 19 groups. The experimental results present each group is grouped together by their purpose

    Embedded Based Smart ICU-For Intelligent Patient Monitoring

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    Smart ICUs are networks of audio-visual communication and computer systems that link critical care doctors and nurses (intensivists) to intensive care units (ICUs) in other, remote hospitals. The intensivists in the “command center” can communicate by voice with the remote ICU personnel and can receive video communication and clinical data about the patients. Direct patient care is provided by the doctors and nurses in the remote ICU who do not have to be intensivists themselves. In recent years there has been an increase in the number of patients needing ICU care without a corresponding increase in the supply of intensivists. Smart ICUs can be a valuable resource for hospitals faced with the need to expand capacity and improve care for a growing elderly population. Evidence from some early-adopter hospitals indicates that it can leverage management of patient care by intensivists, reduce mortality rates, and reduce LOS. However, positive outcomes appear to depend on the organizational environment into which the Smart ICU is introduced. The dramatic improvements in mortality and LOS reported by some early-adopter hospitals have not been matched in most. The limited research available suggests that the best outcomes may occur in ICUs that: Can make organizational arrangements to support the management of patient care by intensivists using Smart ICU; Have little or no intensivist staff available to them in the absence of Smart ICU; Have relatively high severity-adjusted mortality and LOS rates; Are located in remote or rural areas where safe and efficient transfer of patients to regional centers for advanced critical care presents difficulties. Smart ICU connects a central command center staffed by intensivists with patients in distant ICUs. Continuous, real-time audio, video, and electronic reports of vital signs connect the command center to the patients’ bedsides. Computer-managed decision support systems track each patient’s status and give alerts when negative trends are detected and when changes in treatment patterns are scheduled. The patient data include physiological status (e.g., ECG and blood oxygenation), treatment (e.g., the infusion rate for a specific medicine or the settings on a respirator), and medical records.

    Role of a 24-hour Ambulatory Internet of Things System in Preeclampsia Monitoring: Technologies, Challenges, and Future Path Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that integrates different sensor actuators, working together for data management towards efficient communication within the digital world. IoT has been applied in many sectors to achieve sustainable development goals. Massive devices and a huge amount of data have been the major components of the technology, which has presented new challenges. IoT has been applied in healthcare to improve several ways of managing health, including antenatal care. Worldwide, the cost of having preeclampsia monitoring has been a major concern. A 24-hour ambulatory IoT system, an integration of a smartwatch, a mobile device, and a cloud-based application, is one of the technologies used to help in preeclampsia monitoring. IoT and its functionalities have been evaluated in previous studies and assessments. However, they concentrated on its application in other areas, such as animal husbandry, and little on ambulatory care. The impact of a real-time ambulatory IoT system on preeclampsia monitoring are comprehensively and methodically examined in this paper, focusing on three categories: the challenges and its benefits in ambulatory care. The application’s effects, performance, and safety have been thoroughly described. Generally, this paper explores potential initiatives of the IoT system to address existing ambulatory care issues

    Information Systems in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language

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    Based on the technological developments of the last few years and the associated digitalisation, the Internet of Things is now an essential part of practically every aspect of life. Smart products with their sensors and actuators are not only boundary objects between the physical and digital world, but also tie both worlds more and more together. The capabilities of the products range from simple monitoring tasks by drones in agriculture to autonomous use in mining. However, in order to exploit the full potential of these capabilities, it is not enough to use individual smart products or sensors, it is necessary to develop holistic IoT-based information systems from the ground up. To take such a systemic perspective, it is essential to have a sound conceptual understanding of the domain and a common language. Against this background, the publication presents a domain-specific modelling language for IoT- based information systems

    The Internet of Things in Healthcare. An Overview

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    La prestación de servicios de salud está experimentando enormes cambios alrededor del mundo. El envejecimiento de la población, la creciente incidencia de enfermedades crónicas, y la escasez de recursos se están convirtiendo en una carga pesada para los actuales sistemas de salud y podrían comprometer la prestación de servicios de salud en las próximas décadas. Por otro lado, la creciente popularidad de dispositivos para el cuidado de la salud y el bienestar, junto con avances en comunicaciones inalámbricas y en sensores abren la puerta a nuevos modelos para la prestación de servicios de salud respaldados por el Internet de las cosas (IoT). Este artículo presenta una revisión general de las tendencias que están impulsando el desarrollo de aplicaciones para el cuidado de la salud basadas en IoT, y las describe brevemente a nivel de sistema.The provision of healthcare is experimenting enormous changes worldwide. Population ageing, rising incidence of chronic diseases, and shortages of resources are placing a heavy burden in current healthcare systems and have the potential to risk the delivery of healthcare in the next few decades. On the other hand, the growing popularity of smart devices for healthcare and wellness, along with advances in wireless communications and sensors are opening the door to novel models of health care delivery supported by the Internet of things (IoT). This paper presents a review of the trends that are driving the development of IoT-based applications for healthcare and briefly describe them at a system level

    IoT Software Infrastructure for Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Metabolic Disorders

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    Novel Information and Communication Technologies, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), middleware and cloud computing, are providing innovative solutions ranging in different contexts. Smart health is one of these scenarios. Indeed, there is a rising interest in developing new healthcare services for remote patient assistance and monitoring. Among all, the main promised benefits consist on improving the patients’ quality of life, speeding up therapeutic interventions and reducing hospitalizations’ costs. This is also known as Telemedicine. In this paper, we present a novel distributed software infrastructure for remote monitoring of patients with chronic metabolic disorders: i) it collects and and makes available information coming from IoT devices, ii) it performs analysis to help medical diagnosis and iii) it promotes a bidirectional communication among the end-users (i.e. medical personnel and patients). In this paper, we also present our experimental results performed in a laboratory test environment to validate the proposed solution

    Development of a smart splint to monitor different parameters during the treatment process

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    [ES]Para determinadas lesiones musculoesqueléticas por rotura compleja, el único tratamiento disponible es el uso de férulas de inmovilización. Este tipo de tratamiento suele provocar molestias y ciertos contratiempos en los pacientes. Además, suelen generarse otras complicaciones a nivel vascular, muscular o articular. Actualmente, existe una alternativa realmente posible que solucionaría estos problemas e incluso permitiría una recuperación más rápida y mejor. Esto es posible gracias a la aplicación de la ingeniería en técnicas de fabricación aditiva y al uso de materiales biocompatibles disponibles en el mercado. Este estudio propone el uso de estos materiales y técnicas, incluyendo la integración de sensores en el interior de las férulas.Los principales parámetros considerados a estudiar son la presión, la humedad y la temperatura. Estos aspectos se combinan y analizan para determinar cualquier tipo de evolución inesperada del tratamiento. De esta forma, será posible monitorizar algunas señales que se estudiarían para detectar problemas asociados a la propia fase inicial del tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio es generar una férula inteligente mediante el uso de biomateriales y técnicas de ingeniería basadas en la fabricación avanzada y el sistema de sensores, con fines clínicos. Los resultados muestran que el prototipo de la férula inteligente permite obtener datos cuando se coloca sobre el brazo de un paciente. Durante el tratamiento se leen dos temperaturas: en contacto con la piel y entre la piel y la férula. Las variaciones de humedad debidas al sudor dentro de la férula también se leen mediante un sensor de humedad. Un sensor de presión detecta ligeros cambios de presión en el interior de la férula. Además, se ha incluido un sensor de infrarrojos como detector de presencia.[EN]For certain musculoskeletal complex rupture injuries, the only treatment available is the use of immobilization splints. This type of treatment usually causes discomfort and certain setbacks in patients. In addition, other complications are usually generated at the vascular, muscular, or articular level. Currently, there is a really possible alternative that would solve these problems and even allows a faster and better recovery. This is possible thanks to the application of engineering on additive manufacturing techniques and the use of biocompatible materials available in the market. This study proposes the use of these materials and techniques, including sensor integration inside the splints. The main parameters considered to be studied are pressure, humidity, and temperature. These aspects are combined and analyzed to determine any kind of unexpected evolution of the treatment. This way, it will be possible to monitor some signals that would be studied to detect problems that are associated to the very initial stage of the treatment. The goal of this study is to generate a smart splint by using biomaterials and engineering techniques based on the advanced manufacturing and sensor system, for clinical purposes. The results show that the prototype of the smart splint allows to get data when it is placed over the arm of a patient. Two temperatures are read during the treatment: in contact with the skin and between skin and splint. The humidity variations due to sweat inside the splint are also read by a humidity sensor. A pressure sensor detects slight changes of pressure inside the splint. In addition, an infrared sensor has been included as a presence detector

    M-R-I-o-T: MR e IoT para reabilitação física

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    Este trabalho descreve uma solução para reabilitação de membros superiores com recurso a tecnologias de realidade mista (MR) e Internet das Coisas (IoT) através de jogos sérios para os óculos de realidade virtual (VR) Meta Quest 2, que possui funcionalidades para a criação de ambientes MR, e de sensores inteligentes incorporados num par de luvas. As luvas têm como plataformas de computação o Arduino Nano. Sensores de força e flexão são utilizados para obter informação da força e flexão realizada pelos dedos do paciente, juntamente com informações sobre a aceleração e a rotação das mãos. Os sensores inteligentes realizam a comunicação com os óculos VR através de protocolo Bluetooth. Os dados obtidos pelos sensores são enviados no decorrer do jogo pelos óculos para uma base de dados na cloud com base no Amazon RDS. As comunicações com a base de dados são feitas com recurso a ficheiros PHP desenvolvidos e alojados numa instância criada pela Amazon EC2. Os dados obtidos são depois observáveis numa aplicação para smartphones onde se pode também visualizar os dados do utilizador e criar usuários.This work describes a solution for rehabilitation of upper members using technologies of mixed reality (MR) and Internet of Things (IoT) using serious games for virtual reality (VR) headset Meta Quest 2, which possesses functionalities that can simulate MR environments, and smart sensors inserted onto a pair of gloves. These gloves are composed by Arduino Nano boards with connections to force and flexibility sensors, to get information of the force and the flexibility used on each finger of the patient, as well as information about the acceleration and rotation of the hands. The Arduino Nano board establishes a Bluetooth connection with the VR headset. The obtained data is sent from the headset to a cloud database created in Amazon RDS. The communications with the database are done by using PHP scripts which were developed and allocated on a virtual machine created by Amazon EC2. The obtained data is then observable on a cross-platform application for smartphones where the user can visualize the exercise data and create new users

    Internet de las cosas y la Salud centrada en el Hogar

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    Este artículo presenta una revisión del concepto de Internet de las Cosas y su aplicación en el área de la salud, centrándonos en las soluciones que existen actualmente para el manejo de la salud orientada al hogar. El internet de las cosas aplicado al campo de la salud, permitirá que muchas personas, independientemente de su clase social, utilicen los servicios que por medio de estas tecnologías se podrían ofrecer y que en muchos países ya se están empezando a implementar. Teniendo en cuenta que en las próximas décadas, el modelo de asistencia médica se transformará del presente hospital-céntrico que comúnmente conocemos a un modelo de salud totalmente centrado en el hogar, donde en el hogar se tendrá menor intensidad laboral y costo operacional. El servicio de salud en el hogar permite el aprovechamiento de la tecnología IoT, llamado muy a menudo como Salud IoT. Esto suena prometedor para la industria del sector salud y las TIC en general, porque permite personalizar el servicio sanitario, acelerando su evolución