13 research outputs found

    A Review on Smart Cart Shopping System Using IOT

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    The internet of things (IOT) is changing human lives by connecting everyday objects together. Nowadays shopping at big malls is a daily activity in metro cities. One can see a huge rush at malls on holidays and on special discount days. People purchase different items and put them in trolleys and go to billing counter for payments. In that time, they have to wait in a long queue to get their products scanned using RFID reader with help of barcode scanner and get their billed. To modify that customer has to purchase in smart way in shopping malls. Each and e very product is attached with a RFID tags, when placed into a smart shopping cart, can be automatically read by a cart equipped with a RFID reader, so that the billing can be conducted from the shopping cart itself. In this way, customer can avoid waiting in a long queue at the checkout points. For this system, additional smart shelving can be added and equipped with RFID reader and can monitor stock, also updating central server, server knows the status of the items in the store. The inventory management also becomes much easier, because all the items can be automatically read by a RFID reader instead of manually scanned by the laborer

    IoT-based automated and contactless shopping cart during pandemic diseases outbreak

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    Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an alarming disease outbreak that has affected more than 180 countries worldwide. It has caused close to 2.5 million deaths and has infected 114 million of the global population as of February 2021. This unprecedented pandemic, has caused severe socio-economic problems globally, catching many sectors off-guard and in a state of suspended uncertainty. While vaccines are just starting to circulate, there is still a need to practice new social norms, including social distancing during daily activities such as supermarket shopping. As such, contactless technology is critically needed and preferable to minimize physical contact and mitigate virus spread. In this paper, an automated shopping cart is proposed as a potential solution to avoid item scanning at cashiers and long queues at payment counters. This innovation leads to reduced risk of exposure to COVID-19. This is done by integrating a typical shopping trolley with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. A radio frequency identification (RFID) tag is attached to every product and automatically read whenever they are placed in a shopping cart. Payment and weighing processes can be conducted at the trolley itself which reduces direct and prolonged contact with both cashiers and other patrons, and at both checkout queues and weighing counters. This proves to be a critical way to break transmission chains

    Sensor Based Industrial Kitchen Foodstuffs Monitoring System

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    Artificial Intelligence based foodstuff monitoring system is used for inventory management in industrial kitchens, restaurants, canteens, vegetable stores and so on. If the store keeper is not available to monitor the grocery and orders, the process will be risky. The proposed method considers the level estimation detection using ultrasonic sensor and if the container is empty then the information is sent to the store keeper. By this method, the intimation about availability of specific food item can be found and items not available can be ordered for purchasing. The DHT11 sensor is used to monitor the humidity and temperature inside the container, if any of these two is high then the notification will be sent. Decomposed organic items are identified by MQ3 sensor based on detection of alcoholic gas produced by organic items. The sensors data such as grocery level, humidity, temperature and decomposition range of organic items are collected from the corresponding smart container. This data transaction happens via micro controller known as Node MCU. The level of the groceries present, and spoiled organic items can be identified and mail notification can be triggered in the early stage with the help of mobile application called IFTTT

    Adjoining Internet of Things with Data Mining : A Survey

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    The Interactive Data Corporative (IDC) conjectures that by 2025 the worldwide data circle will develop to 163ZB (that is a trillion gigabytes) which is ten times the 16.1ZB of information produced in 2016. The Internet of Things is one of the hot topics of this living century and researchers are heading for mass adoption 2019 driven by better than-expected business results. This information will open one of a kind of user experience and another universe of business opening. The huge information produced by the Internet of Things (IoT) are considered of high business esteem, and information mining calculations can be connected to IoT to extract hidden data from information. This paper concisely discusses the work done in sequential manner of time in different fields of IOT along with its outcome and research gap. This paper also discusses the various aspects of data mining functionalities with IOT. The recommendation for the Challenges in IOT that can be adopted for betterment is given. Finally, this paper presents the vision for how IOT will have impact on changing the distant futur

    Exploratory analysis of Internet of Things (IoT): revolutionizing the grocery retail industry

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    This dissertation has investigated the consequences of implementing Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in grocery retailing by analyzing customers' perceptions of eight prominent technologies. The objective was to investigate and explore to what degree implementing these technologies would impact the customer experience. Based on secondary research, this thesis focuses on eight prominent technologies that presumably will encounter an increasing utilization in the visible future; Self-Scanning, Smart Robots, Smart Shelves, Smart Shopping Cart, Smart Fridge, Just Walk Out, Personalized Promotion/Pricing, and Mobile Apps. The technology distribution varies across different stages in the customer journey, and research indicates that IoT has the most significant impact in the pre-purchase stage. A comprehensive exploratory survey was conducted through Amazon mTurk with a wide range of respondents (n=204), giving valuable insight into demographic differences' influence on each technology perception. The investigation uncovered vast differences in several areas such as age, attitude, and privacy. Among other findings, the age segment 35-44 is more confident towards IoT technology than the age segment 55+, and shoppers with a positive attitude towards grocery shopping have higher confidence towards the technologies than shoppers with a negative attitude. On a widespread basis, the findings revealed that all eight technologies would positively affect customer experience to a certain level. Keywords: Internet of Things, Grocery Retailing, Customer Journey, Customer Experience, Autonomous Retail

    Optimized Automated Checkout Process for Major Food Retailers

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    There has been a push for automation in countless industries to save time and money, increase customer satisfaction, increase customer purchasing options, increase efficiency, and reduce waste. This design project will focus on optimizing the automated checkout process at major grocery retailers. The goal of the design is to reduce customer wait times at the checkout line, thus increasing customer satisfaction and save the retailer cashier expenses. The design was created using the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) process tool. Customers were surveyed to define if there was a problem, and 52.5% of customers felt the wait times at checkout were too long. Time studies were conducted to gather data and measure the baseline for later design comparisons. The designs were analyzed using Arena, a system modeling software. Also, a cost analysis was also performed on the design ideas to find the most plausible, effective, and efficient design option. Throughout the design process, weekly meetings were held to review the design, define the roadblocks, and improve upon the design. In section 3.2a, any foreseeable roadblocks were defined, and the solutions were supplied to help management control the design once implemented. The design starts with customers entering the store. At the entrance, they are given the choice to open the store’s application on their phone and take part in the scan as you go feature. There will be a station to grab a bagging rack that can be clipped to the cart to offer the customer a bag-as-you-go option. There will also be a basket of cellphone clips next to the bagging racks. The cell phone clips will allow the customer to have a touch-free and hassle-free scan-as-you-go experience. The customer will scan their items as they shop and bag the items as they place them in their cart. At checkout, the kiosk will ask the customer to scan the customer QR code in their phone to connect the data of what they have scanned to the kiosk and floor scale. The kiosk will prompt the customer to weigh the scanned produce items on the kiosk scale and place them back into their cart. Then, the kiosk prompts the customer to push their cart onto the floor scale that is next to the kiosk, remove the bagging rack and cell phone clip, step away from the cart/scale, and press weigh. The customer can then pay as normal and exit the system. In Arena, the standard self-checkout system and the new design were simulated. The results showed that in one hour the self-checkout system could process an average of 36 customers through the system, while the new design could process an average of 57 customers per hour. This is 1.58 times faster. The main reason this new design is more efficient at moving customers though the automated checkout process is because the scale eliminates the need for the customer to scan their items at checkout, and the bagging rack eliminates the need for the customer to bag their items at checkout. This report will breakdown the design process from start to finish, including all visuals

    Implications of the Internet of Things for the Small and Medium Sized Business

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects containing the embedded capability to interact, communicate, and otherwise exchange data with one another and the external environment over a network without human intervention. As the Internet of Things begins to grow into almost all aspects of business, the small to midsize business (SMB) must not get behind. Some unanswered questions include: How will small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) participate in IoT? Have they already begun participating and what challenges have they encountered along the way? Do smaller organizations have a disadvantage compared to larger organizations in the IoT landscape? A literature review and a survey of owners, executives and employees of SMBs were performed in order to gain a better understanding of the current state of awareness and use of IoT technologies. The thesis concludes with a theoretical recommended implementation plan that combines the literature on the strengths and weaknesses of the SMB with the results of the survey as well as the literature examining the challenges and opportunities of IoT into a series of recommendations for implementation. These recommendations are given in the form of a “Maturity Model” that will cover the steps from infancy to a fully mature implementation of IoT solutions