87 research outputs found

    Multicast Scheduling and Resource Allocation Algorithms for OFDMA-Based Systems: A Survey

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    Multicasting is emerging as an enabling technology for multimedia transmissions over wireless networks to support several groups of users with flexible quality of service (QoS)requirements. Although multicast has huge potential to push the limits of next generation communication systems; it is however one of the most challenging issues currently being addressed. In this survey, we explain multicast group formation and various forms of group rate determination approaches. We also provide a systematic review of recent channel-aware multicast scheduling and resource allocation (MSRA) techniques proposed for downlink multicast services in OFDMA based systems. We study these enabling algorithms, evaluate their core characteristics, limitations and classify them using multidimensional matrix. We cohesively review the algorithms in terms of their throughput maximization, fairness considerations, performance complexities, multi-antenna support, optimality and simplifying assumptions. We discuss existing standards employing multicasting and further highlight some potential research opportunities in multicast systems

    Radio resource allocation algorithms for multicast OFDM systems

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorVideo services have become highly demanded in mobile networks leading to an unprecedented traffic growth. It is expected that traffic from wireless and mobile devices will account for nearly 70 percent of total IP traffic by the year 2020, and the video services will account for nearly 75 percent of mobile data traffic by 2022. Multicast transmission is one of the key enablers towards a more spectral and energy efficient distribution of multimedia content in current and envisaged mobile networks. It is worth noting that multicast is a mechanism that efficiently delivers the same content to many users, not only focusing on video broadcasting, but also distributing many other media, such as software updates, weather forecast or breaking news. Although multicast services are available in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) networks, new improvements are needed in some areas to handle the demands expected in the near future. Resource allocation techniques for multicast services are one of the main challenging issues, since it is required the development of novel schemes to meet the demands of their evolution towards the next generation. Most multicast techniques adopt rather conservative strategies that select a very robust modulation and coding scheme (MCS), whose characteristics are determined by the propagation conditions experienced by the worst user in the group in order to ensure that all users in a multicast group are able to correctly decode the received data. Obviously, this robustness comes at the prize of a low spectral efficiency. This thesis presents an exhaustive study of broadcast/multicast technology for current mobile networks, especially focusing on the scheduling and resource allocation (SRA) strategies to maximize the potential benefits that multicast transmissions imply on the spectral efficiency. Based on that issue, some contributions have been made to the state of the art in the radio resource management (RRM) for current and beyond mobile multicast services. • In the frame of LTE/LTE-A, the evolved multimedia broadcast and multicast service (eMBMS) shares the physical layer resources with the unicast transmission mode (at least up to Release 12). Consequently, the time allocation to multicast transmission is limited to a maximum of a 60 percent, and the remaining subframes (at least 40 percent) are reserved for unicast transmissions. With the aim of achieving the maximum aggregated data rate (ADR) among the multicast users, we have implemented several innovative SRA schemes that combine the allocation of multicast and unicast resources in the LTE/LTE-A frame, guaranteeing the prescribed quality of service (QoS) requirements for every user. • In the specific context of wideband communication systems, the selection of the multicast MCS has often relied on the use of wideband channel quality indicators (CQIs), providing rather imprecise information regarding the potential capacity of the multicast channel. Only recently has the per-subband CQI been used to improve the spectral efficiency of the system without compromising the link robustness. We have proposed novel subband CQI-based multicast SRA strategies that, relying on the selection of more spectrally efficient transmission modes, lead to increased data rates while still being able to fulfill prescribed QoS metrics. • Mobile broadcast/multicast video services require effective and low complexity SRA strategies. We have proposed an SRA strategy based on multicast subgrouping and the scalable video coding (SVC) technique for multicast video delivery. This scheme focuses on reducing the search space of solutions and optimizes the ADR. The results in terms of ADR, spectral efficiency, and fairness among multicast users, along with the low complexity of the algorithm, show that this new scheme is adequate for real systems. These contributions are intended to serve as a reference that motivate ongoing and future investigation in the challenging field of RRM for broadcast/ multicast services in next generation mobile networks.La demanda de servicios de vídeo en las redes móviles ha sufrido un incremento exponencial en los últimos años, lo que a su vez ha desembocado en un aumento sin precedentes del tráfico de datos. Se espera que antes del año 2020, el trafico debido a dispositivos móviles alcance cerca del 70 por ciento del tráfico IP total, mientras que se prevé que los servicios de vídeo sean prácticamente el 75 por ciento del tráfico de datos en las redes móviles hacia el 2022. Las transmisiones multicast son una de las tecnologías clave para conseguir una distribución más eficiente, tanto espectral como energéticamente, del contenido multimedia en las redes móviles actuales y futuras. Merece la pena reseñar que el multicast es un mecanismo de entrega del mismo contenido a muchos usuarios, que no se enfoca exclusivamente en la distribución de vídeo, sino que también permite la distribución de otros muchos contenidos, como actualizaciones software, información meteorológica o noticias de última hora. A pesar de que los servicios multicast ya se encuentran disponibles en las redes Long Term Evolution (LTE) y LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), la mejora en algunos ámbitos resulta necesaria para manejar las demandas que se prevén a corto plazo. Las técnicas de asignación de recursos para los servicios multicast suponen uno de los mayores desafíos, ya que es necesario el desarrollo de nuevos esquemas que nos permitan acometer las exigencias que supone su evolución hacia la próxima generación. La mayor parte de las técnicas multicast adoptan estrategias conservadoras, seleccionando esquemas de modulación y codificación (MCS) impuestos por las condiciones de propagación que experimenta el usuario del grupo con peor canal, para así asegurar que todos los usuarios pertenecientes al grupo multicast sean capaces de decodificar correctamente los datos recibidos. Como resulta obvio, la utilización de esquemas tan robustos conlleva el precio de sufrir una baja eficiencia espectral. Esta tesis presenta un exhaustivo estudio de la tecnología broadcast/ multicast para las redes móviles actuales, que se centra especialmente en las estrategias de asignación de recursos (SRA), cuyo objetivo es maximizar los beneficios que la utilización de transmisiones multicast potencialmente implica en términos de eficiencia espectral. A partir de dicho estudio, hemos realizado varias contribuciones al estado del arte en el ámbito de la gestión de recursos radio (RRM) para los servicios multicast, aplicables en las redes móviles actuales y futuras. • En el marco de LTE/LTE-A, el eMBMS comparte los recursos de la capa física con las transmisiones unicast (al menos hasta la revisión 12). Por lo tanto, la disponibilidad temporal de las transmisiones multicast está limitada a un máximo del 60 por ciento, reservándose las subtramas restantes (al menos el 40 por ciento) para las transmisiones unicast. Con el objetivo de alcanzar la máxima tasa total de datos (ADR) entre los usuarios multicast, hemos implementado varios esquemas innovadores de SRA que combinan la asignación de los recursos multicast y unicast de la trama LTE/LTE-A, garantizando los requisitos de QoS a cada usuario. • En los sistemas de comunicaciones de banda ancha, la selección del MCS para transmisiones multicast se basa habitualmente en la utilización de CQIs de banda ancha, lo que proporciona información bastante imprecisa acerca de la capacidad potencial del canal multicast. Recientemente se ha empezado a utilizar el CQI por subbanda para mejorar la eficiencia espectral del sistema sin comprometer la robustez de los enlaces. Hemos propuesto nuevas estrategias para SRA multicast basadas en el CQI por subbanda que, basándose en la selección de los modos de transmisión con mayor eficiencia espectral, conducen a mejores tasas de datos, a la vez que permiten cumplir los requisitos de QoS. • Los servicios móviles de vídeo broadcast/multicast precisan estrategias eficientes de SRA con baja complejidad. Hemos propuesto una estrategia de SRA basada en subgrupos multicast y la técnica de codificación de vídeo escalable (SVC) para la difusión de vídeo multicast, la cual se centra en reducir el espacio de búsqueda de soluciones y optimizar el ADR. Los resultados obtenidos en términos de ADR, eficiencia espectral y equidad entre los usuarios multicast, junto con la baja complejidad del algoritmo, ponen de manifiesto que el esquema propuesto es adecuado para su implantación en sistemas reales. Estas contribuciones pretenden servir de referencia que motive la investigación actual y futura en el interesante ámbito de RRM para los servicios broadcast/multicast en las redes móviles de próxima generación.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Atilio Manuel Da Silva Gameiro.- Secretario: Víctor Pedro Gil Jiménez.- Vocal: María de Diego Antó

    Policy-Based Radio Resource Management in Multicast OFDMA Systems

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    Η ασύρματηφασματική αποδοτικότητα είναι ένας, όλο και περισσότερο, σημαντικός παράγοντας εξαιτίας της ταχείας ανάπτυξης των ασύρματων υπηρεσιών ευρείας ζώνης. Η σχεδίαση ενός συστήματος με πολλά φέροντα, όπως είναι ένα σύστημα OFDMA,επιτρέπει στα συστήματα να έχουν υψηλή χωρητικότητα για να ικανοποιήσουν τις απαιτήσεις των υπηρεσιών ευρείας ζώνης.Αυτή η αυξημένη χωρητικότητα των συστημάτων μπορεί να βελτιστοποιηθεί περαιτέρω εκμεταλλευόμενοι καλύτερα τα χαρακτηριστικά των ασύρματων καναλιών. Ηθεμελιώδηςιδέα ενός σχήματος κατανομής πόρων είναι η αποτελεσματική κατανομή των διαθέσιμων ασύρματων πόρων, όπως είναι οι υποφορείς και η ισχύς εκπομπής, μεταξύ των χρηστών του συστήματος. Σχετικά με τα προβλήματα της κατανομής πόρων σε ασύρματα συστήματα τηλεπικοινωνιών βασισμένα στην τεχνική OFDMA, η περισσότερη έρευνα επικεντρώνεται στην αναζήτηση πολιτικών ανάθεσης υποφορέων και ισχύος. Οι διαθέσιμες τεχνικές της βιβλιογραφίας δεν μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν όπως είναι σε συστήματα πολυεκπομπής. Επιπλέον, οι υπάρχουσες τεχνικές δεν μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν αμετάβλητες σε πραγματικά συστήματα στα οποία υπάρχει μεγάλος αριθμός OFDMυποφορέων, καθώς η υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα είναι πολύ μεγάλη. Ο βασικός στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η πρόταση ικανών μηχανισμών κατανομής των διαθέσιμων υποφορέων σε ασύρματα συστήματα πολυεκπομπής χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνολογία OFDMA. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, σχετικά με τα συστήματα πολυεκπομπής, θεωρούμε ότι τόσο ο σταθμός βάσης όσο και κάθε χρήστης είναι εφοδιασμένοι με μοναδική κεραία και η μονάδα κατανομής δεν είναι ο υποφορέας, όπως στα συμβατικά συστήματα OFDMA, αλλά μία ομάδα γειτονικώνυποφορέων, η οποία ονομάζεται τεμάχιο, με σκοπό τη μείωση της μεγάλης υπολογιστικής πολυπλοκότητας. Ένας αποτελεσματικός αλγόριθμος προτείνεται του οποίου ο στόχος είναι η μεγιστοποίηση του συνολικού ρυθμού μετάδοσης δεδομένων με περιορισμούς στη συνολική διαθέσιμη ισχύ, στο BERανά τεμάχιο και στους αναλογικούς περιορισμούς μεταξύ των ρυθμών μετάδοσης δεδομένων των ομάδων χρηστών. Η προσομοίωση και η ανάλυση της πολυπλοκότητας που παρουσιάζονται, υποστηρίζουν τα πλεονεκτήματα της κατανομής πόρων σε συστήματα πολυεκπομπήςOFDMA τα οποία βασίζονται σε κατανομή τεμαχίων και έχουν ως στόχος την εξασφάλιση της αναλογικότητας μεταξύ των ρυθμών μετάδοσης δεδομένων των ομάδων χρηστών.Wireless spectral efficiency is increasingly important due to the rapid growth of demand for high data rate wideband wireless services. The design of a multi-carrier system, such as an OFDMA system, enables high system capacity suited for these wideband wireless services. This system capacity can be further optimized with a resource allocation scheme by exploiting the characteristics of the wireless fading channels. The fundamental idea of a resource allocation scheme is to efficiently distribute the available wireless resources, such as the subcarriers and transmission power, among all admitted users in the system. Regarding the problems of resource allocation in OFDMA-based wireless communicationsystems, much of the research effort mainly focuses on finding efficient power controland subcarrier assignment policies. With systems employing multicast transmission,the available schemes in literature are not always applicable. Moreover, the existing approachesare particularly inaccessible in practical systems in which there are a large numberof OFDM subcarriers being utilized, as the required computational burden is prohibitivelyhigh. The ultimate goal of this Thesis is therefore to propose affordable mechanisms toflexibly and effectively share out the available resources in multicast wireless systems deployingOFDMA technology. Specifically, according to multicast system, it is assumed thatboth the BS and each user are equipped witha single antenna and the allocation unit is not the subcarrier,as in conventional OFDMA systems, but a set of contiguoussubcarriers, which is called chunk, in order to alleviate the heavy computational burden. An efficient algorithmis proposed whose aim is to maximize the total throughput subject to constraints on totalavailable power,BER over a chunk, and proportional data rates constraints among multicast groups. Simulation and complexity analysis are provided to support thebenefits of chunk-based resource allocation to multicast OFDMA systems with targeting proportional data rates among multicast groups

    Vehicular Wireless Communication Standards: Challenges and Comparison

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    Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are the future of mobility. Safe and reliable AVs are required for widespread adoption by a community which is only possible if these AVs can communicate with each other & with other entities in a highly efficient way. AVs require ultra-reliable communications for safety-critical applications to ensure safe driving. Existing vehicular communication standards, i.e., IEEE 802.11p (DSRC), ITS-G5, & LTE, etc., do not meet the requirements of high throughput, ultra-high reliability, and ultra-low latency along with other issues. To address these challenges, IEEE 802.11bd & 5G NR-V2X standards provide more efficient and reliable communication, however, these standards are in the developing stage. Existing literature generally discusses the features of these standards only and does not discuss the drawbacks. Similarly, existing literature does not discuss the comparison between these standards or discusses a comparison between any two standards only. However, this work comprehensively describes different issues/challenges faced by these standards. This work also comprehensively provides a comparison among these standards along with their salient features. The work also describes spectrum management issues comprehensively, i.e., interoperability issues, co-existence with Wi-Fi, etc. The work also describes different other issues comprehensively along with recommendations. The work describes that 802.11bd and 5G NR are the two potential future standards for efficient vehicle communications; however, these standards must be able to provide backward compatibility, interoperability, and co-existence with current and previous standards

    Adaptive load balancing routing algorithms for the next generation wireless telecommunications networks

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel UniversityWith the rapid development of wireless networks, mesh networks are evolving as a new important technology, presenting a high research and commercial interest. Additionally, wireless mesh networks have a wide variety of applications, offering the ability to provide network access in both rural and urban areas with low cost of maintenance. One of the main functionalities of a wireless mesh network is load balancing routing, which is the procedure of finding the best, according to some criteria, routes that data need to follow to transfer from one node to another. Routing is one of the state-of-the-art areas of research because the current algorithms and protocols are not efficient and effective due to the diversity of the characteristics of these networks. In this thesis, two new routing algorithms have been developed for No Intra-Cell Interference (NICI) and Limited Intra-Cell Interference (LICI) networks based on WiMAX, the most advanced wireless technology ready for deployment. The algorithms created are based on the classical Dijkstra and Ford-Fulkerson algorithms and can be implemented in the cases of unicast and multicast transmission respectively.State scholarships foundation of Greece

    Modeling network-controlled device-to-device communications in SimuLTE

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    In Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A), network-controlled device-to-device (D2D) communications allow User Equipments (UEs) to communicate directly, without involving the Evolved Node-B in data relaying, while the latter still retains control of resource allocation. The above paradigm allows reduced latencies for the UEs and increased resource efficiency for the network operator, and is therefore foreseen to support several services, from Machine-to-machine to vehicular communications. D2D communications introduce research challenges that might affect the performance of applications and upper-layer protocols, hence simulations represent a valuable tool for evaluating these aspects. However, simulating D2D features might pose additional com-putational burden to the simulation environment. To this aim, a careful modeling is required in order to reduce computational overhead. In this paper we describe our modeling of net-work-controlled D2D communications in SimuLTE, a system-level LTE-A simulation library based on OMNeT++. We describe the core modeling choices of SimuLTE, and show how these allow an easy extension to D2D communications. Moreover, we describe in detail the modeling of specific problems arising with D2D communications, such as scheduling with frequency reuse, connection mode switching and broadcast transmission. We document the computational efficiency of our modeling choices, showing that simulation of D2D communications is not more complex than simulation of classical cellular communications of comparable scale. Results show that the heaviest computational burden of D2D communication lies in estimating the Sidelink channel quality. We show that SimuLTE allows one to evaluate the interplay between D2D communication and end-to-end performance of UDP- and TCP-based services. Moreover, we assess the accuracy of using a binary interference model for frequency reuse, and we evaluate the trade-off between speed of execution and accuracy in modeling the reception probability

    4G Technology Features and Evolution towards IMT-Advanced

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    Kiinteiden- ja mobiilipalveluiden kysyntä kasvaa nopeasti ympäri maailmaa. Älykkäiden päätelaitteiden, kuten iPhone:n ja Nokia N900:n markkinoilletulo yhdistettynä näiden korkeaan markkinapenetraatioon ja korkealuokkaiseen käyttäjäkokemukseen lisäävät entisestään palveluiden kysyntää ja luovat tarpeen jatkuvalle innovoinnille langattomien teknologioiden alalla tavoitteena lisäkapasiteetin ja paremman palvelunlaadun tarjoaminen. Termi 4G (4th Generation) viittaa tuleviin neljännen sukupolven mobiileihin langattomiin palveluihin, jotka International Telecommunications Union:in Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) on määritellyt ja nimennyt International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced). Nämä ovat järjestelmiä, jotka pitävät sisällään IMT:n ne uudet ominaisuudet, jotka ylittävät IMT-2000:n vaatimukset. Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) ja IEEE 802.16m ovat IMT-A sertifiointiin lähetetyt kaksi pääasiallista kandidaattiteknologiaa. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään kolmannen sukupolven järjestelmien kehityspolku LTE:hen ja IEEE 802.16e-2005 asti. Lisäksi työssä esitetään LTE-Advanced:n ja IEEE 802.16m:n uudet vaatimukset ja ominaisuudet sekä vertaillaan näiden lähestymistapoja IMT-A vaatimusten täyttämiseksi. Lopuksi työssä luodaan katsaus LTE ja IEEE 802.16e-2005 (markkinointinimeltään Mobile WiMAX) -järjestelmien markkinatilanteeseen.The demand for affordable bandwidth in fixed and mobile services is growing rapidly around the world. The emergence of smart devices like the iPhone and Nokia N900, coupled with their high market penetration and superior user experience is behind this increased demand, inevitably driving the need for continued innovations in the wireless data technologies industry to provide more capacity and higher quality of service. The term "4G" meaning the 4th Generation of wireless technology describes mobile wireless services which have been defined by the ITU's Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) and titled International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced). These are mobile systems that include the new capabilities of IMT that go beyond those of IMT-2000. Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) and IEEE 802.16m are the two main candidate technologies submitted for IMT-Advanced certification. This thesis reviews the technology roadmap up to and including current 3G systems LTE from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and IEEE 802.16e-2005 from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Furthermore, new requirements and features for LTE-Advanced and IEEE 802.16m as well as a comparative approach towards IMT-Advanced certification are presented. Finally, the thesis concludes with a discussion on the market status and deployment strategies of LTE and IEEE 802.16e-2005, or Mobile WiMAX as it is being marketed

    Interoperability of wireless communication technologies in hybrid networks : evaluation of end-to-end interoperability issues and quality of service requirements

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    Hybrid Networks employing wireless communication technologies have nowadays brought closer the vision of communication “anywhere, any time with anyone”. Such communication technologies consist of various standards, protocols, architectures, characteristics, models, devices, modulation and coding techniques. All these different technologies naturally may share some common characteristics, but there are also many important differences. New advances in these technologies are emerging very rapidly, with the advent of new models, characteristics, protocols and architectures. This rapid evolution imposes many challenges and issues to be addressed, and of particular importance are the interoperability issues of the following wireless technologies: Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) IEEE802.11, Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) IEEE 802.16, Single Channel per Carrier (SCPC), Digital Video Broadcasting of Satellite (DVB-S/DVB-S2), and Digital Video Broadcasting Return Channel through Satellite (DVB-RCS). Due to the differences amongst wireless technologies, these technologies do not generally interoperate easily with each other because of various interoperability and Quality of Service (QoS) issues. The aim of this study is to assess and investigate end-to-end interoperability issues and QoS requirements, such as bandwidth, delays, jitter, latency, packet loss, throughput, TCP performance, UDP performance, unicast and multicast services and availability, on hybrid wireless communication networks (employing both satellite broadband and terrestrial wireless technologies). The thesis provides an introduction to wireless communication technologies followed by a review of previous research studies on Hybrid Networks (both satellite and terrestrial wireless technologies, particularly Wi-Fi, WiMAX, DVB-RCS, and SCPC). Previous studies have discussed Wi-Fi, WiMAX, DVB-RCS, SCPC and 3G technologies and their standards as well as their properties and characteristics, such as operating frequency, bandwidth, data rate, basic configuration, coverage, power, interference, social issues, security problems, physical and MAC layer design and development issues. Although some previous studies provide valuable contributions to this area of research, they are limited to link layer characteristics, TCP performance, delay, bandwidth, capacity, data rate, and throughput. None of the studies cover all aspects of end-to-end interoperability issues and QoS requirements; such as bandwidth, delay, jitter, latency, packet loss, link performance, TCP and UDP performance, unicast and multicast performance, at end-to-end level, on Hybrid wireless networks. Interoperability issues are discussed in detail and a comparison of the different technologies and protocols was done using appropriate testing tools, assessing various performance measures including: bandwidth, delay, jitter, latency, packet loss, throughput and availability testing. The standards, protocol suite/ models and architectures for Wi-Fi, WiMAX, DVB-RCS, SCPC, alongside with different platforms and applications, are discussed and compared. Using a robust approach, which includes a new testing methodology and a generic test plan, the testing was conducted using various realistic test scenarios on real networks, comprising variable numbers and types of nodes. The data, traces, packets, and files were captured from various live scenarios and sites. The test results were analysed in order to measure and compare the characteristics of wireless technologies, devices, protocols and applications. The motivation of this research is to study all the end-to-end interoperability issues and Quality of Service requirements for rapidly growing Hybrid Networks in a comprehensive and systematic way. The significance of this research is that it is based on a comprehensive and systematic investigation of issues and facts, instead of hypothetical ideas/scenarios or simulations, which informed the design of a test methodology for empirical data gathering by real network testing, suitable for the measurement of hybrid network single-link or end-to-end issues using proven test tools. This systematic investigation of the issues encompasses an extensive series of tests measuring delay, jitter, packet loss, bandwidth, throughput, availability, performance of audio and video session, multicast and unicast performance, and stress testing. This testing covers most common test scenarios in hybrid networks and gives recommendations in achieving good end-to-end interoperability and QoS in hybrid networks. Contributions of study include the identification of gaps in the research, a description of interoperability issues, a comparison of most common test tools, the development of a generic test plan, a new testing process and methodology, analysis and network design recommendations for end-to-end interoperability issues and QoS requirements. This covers the complete cycle of this research. It is found that UDP is more suitable for hybrid wireless network as compared to TCP, particularly for the demanding applications considered, since TCP presents significant problems for multimedia and live traffic which requires strict QoS requirements on delay, jitter, packet loss and bandwidth. The main bottleneck for satellite communication is the delay of approximately 600 to 680 ms due to the long distance factor (and the finite speed of light) when communicating over geostationary satellites. The delay and packet loss can be controlled using various methods, such as traffic classification, traffic prioritization, congestion control, buffer management, using delay compensator, protocol compensator, developing automatic request technique, flow scheduling, and bandwidth allocation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Energy Efficient and Cooperative Solutions for Next-Generation Wireless Networks

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    Energy efficiency is increasingly important for next-generation wireless systems due to the limited battery resources of mobile clients. While fourth generation cellular standards emphasize low client battery consumption, existing techniques do not explicitly focus on reducing power that is consumed when a client is actively communicating with the network. Based on high data rate demands of modern multimedia applications, active mode power consumption is expected to become a critical consideration for the development and deployment of future wireless technologies. Another reason for focusing more attention on energy efficient studies is given by the relatively slow progress in battery technology and the growing quality of service requirements of multimedia applications. The disproportion between demanded and available battery capacity is becoming especially significant for small-scale mobile client devices, where wireless power consumption dominates within the total device power budget. To compensate for this growing gap, aggressive improvements in all aspects of wireless system design are necessary. Recent work in this area indicates that joint link adaptation and resource allocation techniques optimizing energy efficient metrics can provide a considerable gain in client power consumption. Consequently, it is crucial to adapt state-of-the-art energy efficient approaches for practical use, as well as to illustrate the pros and cons associated with applying power-bandwidth optimization to improve client energy efficiency and develop insights for future research in this area. This constitutes the first objective of the present research. Together with energy efficiency, next-generation cellular technologies are emphasizing stronger support for heterogeneous multimedia applications. Since the integration of diverse services within a single radio platform is expected to result in higher operator profits and, at the same time, reduce network management expenses, intensive research efforts have been invested into design principles of such networks. However, as wireless resources are limited and shared by clients, service integration may become challenging. A key element in such systems is the packet scheduler, which typically helps ensure that the individual quality of service requirements of wireless clients are satisfied. In contrastingly different distributed wireless environments, random multiple access protocols are beginning to provide mechanisms for statistical quality of service assurance. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive analytical frameworks which allow reliable control of the quality of service parameters for both cellular and local area networks. Providing such frameworks is therefore the second objective of this thesis. Additionally, the study addresses the simultaneous operation of a cellular and a local area network in spectrally intense metropolitan deployments and solves some related problems. Further improving the performance of battery-driven mobile clients, cooperative communications are sought as a promising and practical concept. In particular, they are capable of mitigating the negative effects of fading in a wireless channel and are thus expected to enhance next-generation cellular networks in terms of client spectral and energy efficiencies. At the cell edges or in areas missing any supportive relaying infrastructure, client-based cooperative techniques are becoming even more important. As such, a mobile client with poor channel quality may take advantage of neighboring clients which would relay data on its behalf. The key idea behind the concept of client relay is to provide flexible and distributed control over cooperative communications by the wireless clients themselves. By contrast to fully centralized control, this is expected to minimize overhead protocol signaling and hence ensure simpler implementation. Compared to infrastructure relay, client relay will also be cheaper to deploy. Developing the novel concept of client relay, proposing simple and feasible cooperation protocols, and analyzing the basic trade-offs behind client relay functionality become the third objective of this research. Envisioning the evolution of cellular technologies beyond their fourth generation, it appears important to study a wireless network capable of supporting machine-to-machine applications. Recent standardization documents cover a plethora of machine-to-machine use cases, as they also outline the respective technical requirements and features according to the application or network environment. As follows from this activity, a smart grid is one of the primary machine-to-machine use cases that involves meters autonomously reporting usage and alarm information to the grid infrastructure to help reduce operational cost, as well as regulate a customer's utility usage. The preliminary analysis of the reference smart grid scenario indicates weak system architecture components. For instance, the large population of machine-to-machine devices may connect nearly simultaneously to the wireless infrastructure and, consequently, suffer from excessive network entry delays. Another concern is the performance of cell-edge machine-to-machine devices with weak wireless links. Therefore, mitigating the above architecture vulnerabilities and improving the performance of future smart grid deployments is the fourth objective of this thesis. Summarizing, this thesis is generally aimed at the improvement of energy efficient properties of mobile devices in next-generation wireless networks. The related research also embraces a novel cooperation technique where clients may assist each other to increase per-client and network-wide performance. Applying the proposed solutions, the operation time of mobile clients without recharging may be increased dramatically. Our approach incorporates both analytical and simulation components to evaluate complex interactions between the studied objectives. It brings important conclusions about energy efficient and cooperative client behaviors, which is crucial for further development of wireless communications technologies