1,845 research outputs found

    Video Classification With CNNs: Using The Codec As A Spatio-Temporal Activity Sensor

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    We investigate video classification via a two-stream convolutional neural network (CNN) design that directly ingests information extracted from compressed video bitstreams. Our approach begins with the observation that all modern video codecs divide the input frames into macroblocks (MBs). We demonstrate that selective access to MB motion vector (MV) information within compressed video bitstreams can also provide for selective, motion-adaptive, MB pixel decoding (a.k.a., MB texture decoding). This in turn allows for the derivation of spatio-temporal video activity regions at extremely high speed in comparison to conventional full-frame decoding followed by optical flow estimation. In order to evaluate the accuracy of a video classification framework based on such activity data, we independently train two CNN architectures on MB texture and MV correspondences and then fuse their scores to derive the final classification of each test video. Evaluation on two standard datasets shows that the proposed approach is competitive to the best two-stream video classification approaches found in the literature. At the same time: (i) a CPU-based realization of our MV extraction is over 977 times faster than GPU-based optical flow methods; (ii) selective decoding is up to 12 times faster than full-frame decoding; (iii) our proposed spatial and temporal CNNs perform inference at 5 to 49 times lower cloud computing cost than the fastest methods from the literature.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Extension of ICIP 2017 conference pape

    Action Recognition: From Static Datasets to Moving Robots

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    Deep learning models have achieved state-of-the- art performance in recognizing human activities, but often rely on utilizing background cues present in typical computer vision datasets that predominantly have a stationary camera. If these models are to be employed by autonomous robots in real world environments, they must be adapted to perform independently of background cues and camera motion effects. To address these challenges, we propose a new method that firstly generates generic action region proposals with good potential to locate one human action in unconstrained videos regardless of camera motion and then uses action proposals to extract and classify effective shape and motion features by a ConvNet framework. In a range of experiments, we demonstrate that by actively proposing action regions during both training and testing, state-of-the-art or better performance is achieved on benchmarks. We show the outperformance of our approach compared to the state-of-the-art in two new datasets; one emphasizes on irrelevant background, the other highlights the camera motion. We also validate our action recognition method in an abnormal behavior detection scenario to improve workplace safety. The results verify a higher success rate for our method due to the ability of our system to recognize human actions regardless of environment and camera motion

    Spatio-temporal human action detection and instance segmentation in videos

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    With an exponential growth in the number of video capturing devices and digital video content, automatic video understanding is now at the forefront of computer vision research. This thesis presents a series of models for automatic human action detection in videos and also addresses the space-time action instance segmentation problem. Both action detection and instance segmentation play vital roles in video understanding. Firstly, we propose a novel human action detection approach based on a frame-level deep feature representation combined with a two-pass dynamic programming approach. The method obtains a frame-level action representation by leveraging recent advances in deep learning based action recognition and object detection methods. To combine the the complementary appearance and motion cues, we introduce a new fusion technique which signicantly improves the detection performance. Further, we cast the temporal action detection as two energy optimisation problems which are solved using Viterbi algorithm. Exploiting a video-level representation further allows the network to learn the inter-frame temporal correspondence between action regions and it is bound to be a more optimal solution to the action detection problem than a frame-level representation. Secondly, we propose a novel deep network architecture which learns a video-level action representation by classifying and regressing 3D region proposals spanning two successive video frames. The proposed model is end-to-end trainable and can be jointly optimised for both proposal generation and action detection objectives in a single training step. We name our new network as \AMTnet" (Action Micro-Tube regression Network). We further extend the AMTnet model by incorporating optical ow features to encode motion patterns of actions. Finally, we address the problem of action instance segmentation in which multiple concurrent actions of the same class may be segmented out of an image sequence. By taking advantage of recent work on action foreground-background segmentation, we are able to associate each action tube with class-specic segmentations. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed models on challenging action detection benchmarks achieving new state-of-the-art results across the board and signicantly increasing detection speed at test time

    On the Use of Efficient Projection Kernels for Motion-Based Visual Saliency Estimation

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    In this paper, we investigate the potential of a family of efficient filters—the Gray-Code Kernels (GCKs)—for addressing visual saliency estimation with a focus on motion information. Our implementation relies on the use of 3D kernels applied to overlapping blocks of frames and is able to gather meaningful spatio-temporal information with a very light computation. We introduce an attention module that reasons the use of pooling strategies, combined in an unsupervised way to derive a saliency map highlighting the presence of motion in the scene. A coarse segmentation map can also be obtained. In the experimental analysis, we evaluate our method on publicly available datasets and show that it is able to effectively and efficiently identify the portion of the image where the motion is occurring, providing tolerance to a variety of scene conditions and complexities
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