49 research outputs found

    Comparison of Human Social Brain Activity During Eye-Contact With Another Human and a Humanoid Robot

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    Robot design to simulate interpersonal social interaction is an active area of research with applications in therapy and companionship. Neural responses to eye-to-eye contact in humans have recently been employed to determine the neural systems that are active during social interactions. Whether eye-contact with a social robot engages the same neural system remains to be seen. Here, we employ a similar approach to compare human-human and human-robot social interactions. We assume that if human-human and human-robot eye-contact elicit similar neural activity in the human, then the perceptual and cognitive processing is also the same for human and robot. That is, the robot is processed similar to the human. However, if neural effects are different, then perceptual and cognitive processing is assumed to be different. In this study neural activity was compared for human-to-human and human-to-robot conditions using near infrared spectroscopy for neural imaging, and a robot (Maki) with eyes that blink and move right and left. Eye-contact was confirmed by eye-tracking for both conditions. Increased neural activity was observed in human social systems including the right temporal parietal junction and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during human-human eye contact but not human-robot eye-contact. This suggests that the type of human-robot eye-contact used here is not sufficient to engage the right temporoparietal junction in the human. This study establishes a foundation for future research into human-robot eye-contact to determine how elements of robot design and behavior impact human social processing within this type of interaction and may offer a method for capturing difficult to quantify components of human-robot interaction, such as social engagement

    Social cognition in the age of human–robot interaction

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    Artificial intelligence advances have led to robots endowed with increasingly sophisticated social abilities. These machines speak to our innate desire to perceive social cues in the environment, as well as the promise of robots enhancing our daily lives. However, a strong mismatch still exists between our expectations and the reality of social robots. We argue that careful delineation of the neurocognitive mechanisms supporting human–robot interaction will enable us to gather insights critical for optimising social encounters between humans and robots. To achieve this, the field must incorporate human neuroscience tools including mobile neuroimaging to explore long-term, embodied human–robot interaction in situ. New analytical neuroimaging approaches will enable characterisation of social cognition representations on a finer scale using sensitive and appropriate categorical comparisons (human, animal, tool, or object). The future of social robotics is undeniably exciting, and insights from human neuroscience research will bring us closer to interacting and collaborating with socially sophisticated robots

    What we can and cannot (yet) do with functional near infrared spectroscopy

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    Functional near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a relatively new technique complimentary to EEG for the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). NIRS-based systems for detecting various cognitive and affective states such as mental and emotional stress have already been demonstrated in a range of adaptive human–computer interaction (HCI) applications. However, before NIRS-BCIs can be used reliably in realistic HCI settings, substantial challenges oncerning signal processing and modeling must be addressed. Although many of those challenges have been identified previously, the solutions to overcome them remain scant. In this paper, we first review what can be currently done with NIRS, specifically, NIRS-based approaches to measuring cognitive and affective user states as well as demonstrations of passive NIRS-BCIs. We then discuss some of the primary challenges these systems would face if deployed in more realistic settings, including detection latencies and motion artifacts. Lastly, we investigate the effects of some of these challenges on signal reliability via a quantitative comparison of three NIRS models. The hope is that this paper will actively engage researchers to acilitate the advancement of NIRS as a more robust and useful tool to the BCI community

    An Exploratory Analysis of the Neural Correlates of Human-Robot Interactions With Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has been gaining increasing interest as a practical mobile functional brain imaging technology for understanding the neural correlates of social cognition and emotional processing in the human prefrontal cortex (PFC). Considering the cognitive complexity of human-robot interactions, the aim of this study was to explore the neural correlates of emotional processing of congruent and incongruent pairs of human and robot audio-visual stimuli in the human PFC with fNIRS methodology. Hemodynamic responses from the PFC region of 29 subjects were recorded with fNIRS during an experimental paradigm which consisted of auditory and visual presentation of human and robot stimuli. Distinct neural responses to human and robot stimuli were detected at the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) regions. Presentation of robot voice elicited significantly less hemodynamic response than presentation of human voice in a left OFC channel. Meanwhile, processing of human faces elicited significantly higher hemodynamic activity when compared to processing of robot faces in two left DLPFC channels and a left OFC channel. Significant correlation between the hemodynamic and behavioral responses for the face-voice mismatch effect was found in the left OFC. Our results highlight the potential of fNIRS for unraveling the neural processing of human and robot audio-visual stimuli, which might enable optimization of social robot designs and contribute to elucidation of the neural processing of human and robot stimuli in the PFC in naturalistic conditions

    New approaches to the emerging social neuroscience of human-robot interaction

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    Prehistoric art, like the Venus of Willendorf sculpture, shows that we have always looked for ways to distil fundamental human characteristics and capture them in physically embodied representations of the self. Recently, this undertaking has gained new momentum through the introduction of robots that resemble humans in their shape and their behaviour. These social robots are envisioned to take on important roles: alleviate loneliness, support vulnerable children and serve as helpful companions for the elderly. However, to date, few commercially available social robots are living up to these expectations. Given their importance for an ever older and more socially isolated society, rigorous research at the intersection of psychology, social neuroscience and human-robot interaction is needed to determine to which extent mechanisms active during human-human interaction can be co-opted when we encounter social robots. This thesis takes an anthropocentric approach to answering the question how socially motivated we are to interact with humanoid robots. Across three empirical and one theoretical chapter, I use self-report, behavioural and neural measures relevant to the study of interactions with robots to address this question. With the Social Motivation Theory of Autism as a point of departure, the first empirical chapter (Chapter 3) investigates the relevance of interpersonal synchrony for human-robot interaction. This chapter reports a null effect: participants did not find a robot that synchronised its movement with them on a drawing task more likeable, nor were they more motivated to ask it more questions in a semi-structured interaction scenario. As this chapter heavily relies on self-report as a main outcome measure, Chapter 4 addresses this limitation by adapting an established behavioural paradigm for the study of human-robot interaction. This chapter shows that a failure to conceptually extend an effect in the field of social attentional capture calls for a different approach when seeking to adapt paradigms for HRI. Chapter 5 serves as a moment of reflection on the current state-of-the-art research at the intersection of neuroscience and human-robot interaction. Here, I argue that the future of HRI research will rely on interaction studies with mobile brain imaging systems (like functional near-infrared spectroscopy) that allow data collection during embodied encounters with social robots. However, going forward, the field should slowly and carefully move outside of the lab and into real situations with robots. As the previous chapters have established, well-known effects have to be replicated before they are implemented for robots, and before they are taken out of the lab, into real life. The final empirical chapter (Chapter 6), takes the first step of this proposed slow approach: in addition to establishing the detection rate of a mobile fNIRS system in comparison to fMRI, this chapter contributes a novel way to digitising optode positions by means of photogrammetry. In the final chapter of this thesis, I highlight the main lessons learned conducting studies with social robots. I propose an updated roadmap which takes into account the problems raised in this thesis and emphasise the importance of incorporating more open science practices going forward. Various tools that emerged out of the open science movement will be invaluable for researchers working on this exciting, interdisciplinary endeavour

    Interdisciplinary views of fNIRS: Current advancements, equity challenges, and an agenda for future needs of a diverse fNIRS research community

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    Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an innovative and promising neuroimaging modality for studying brain activity in real-world environments. While fNIRS has seen rapid advancements in hardware, software, and research applications since its emergence nearly 30 years ago, limitations still exist regarding all three areas, where existing practices contribute to greater bias within the neuroscience research community. We spotlight fNIRS through the lens of different end-application users, including the unique perspective of a fNIRS manufacturer, and report the challenges of using this technology across several research disciplines and populations. Through the review of different research domains where fNIRS is utilized, we identify and address the presence of bias, specifically due to the restraints of current fNIRS technology, limited diversity among sample populations, and the societal prejudice that infiltrates today's research. Finally, we provide resources for minimizing bias in neuroscience research and an application agenda for the future use of fNIRS that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive

    Bridging the gap between emotion and joint action

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    Our daily human life is filled with a myriad of joint action moments, be it children playing, adults working together (i.e., team sports), or strangers navigating through a crowd. Joint action brings individuals (and embodiment of their emotions) together, in space and in time. Yet little is known about how individual emotions propagate through embodied presence in a group, and how joint action changes individual emotion. In fact, the multi-agent component is largely missing from neuroscience-based approaches to emotion, and reversely joint action research has not found a way yet to include emotion as one of the key parameters to model socio-motor interaction. In this review, we first identify the gap and then stockpile evidence showing strong entanglement between emotion and acting together from various branches of sciences. We propose an integrative approach to bridge the gap, highlight five research avenues to do so in behavioral neuroscience and digital sciences, and address some of the key challenges in the area faced by modern societies

    Leveraging EEG-based speech imagery brain-computer interfaces

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    Speech Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) provide an intuitive and flexible way of interaction via brain activity recorded during imagined speech. Imagined speech can be decoded in form of syllables or words and captured even with non-invasive measurement methods as for example the Electroencephalography (EEG). Over the last decade, research in this field has made tremendous progress and prototypical implementations of EEG-based Speech Imagery BCIs are numerous. However, most work is still conducted in controlled laboratory environments with offline classification and does not find its way to real online scenarios. Within this thesis we identify three main reasons for these circumstances, namely, the mentally and physically exhausting training procedures, insufficient classification accuracies and cumbersome EEG setups with usually high-resolution headsets. We furthermore elaborate on possible solutions to overcome the aforementioned problems and present and evaluate new methods in each of the domains. In detail we introduce two new training concepts for imagined speech BCIs, one based on EEG activity during silently reading and the other recorded during overtly speaking certain words. Insufficient classification accuracies are addressed by introducing the concept of a Semantic Speech Imagery BCI, which classifies the semantic category of an imagined word prior to the word itself to increase the performance of the system. Finally, we investigate on different techniques for electrode reduction in Speech Imagery BCIs and aim at finding a suitable subset of electrodes for EEG-based imagined speech detection, therefore facilitating the cumbersome setups. All of our presented results together with general remarks on experiences and best practice for study setups concerning imagined speech are summarized and supposed to act as guidelines for further research in the field, thereby leveraging Speech Imagery BCIs towards real-world application.Speech Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) bieten eine intuitive und flexible Möglichkeit der Interaktion mittels Gehirnaktivität, aufgezeichnet während der bloßen Vorstellung von Sprache. Vorgestellte Sprache kann in Form von Silben oder Wörtern auch mit nicht-invasiven Messmethoden wie der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) gemessen und entschlüsselt werden. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet enorme Fortschritte gemacht, und es gibt zahlreiche prototypische Implementierungen von EEG-basierten Speech Imagery BCIs. Die meisten Arbeiten werden jedoch immer noch in kontrollierten Laborumgebungen mit Offline-Klassifizierung durchgeführt und finden nicht denWeg in reale Online-Szenarien. In dieser Arbeit identifizieren wir drei Hauptgründe für diesen Umstand, nämlich die geistig und körperlich anstrengenden Trainingsverfahren, unzureichende Klassifizierungsgenauigkeiten und umständliche EEG-Setups mit meist hochauflösenden Headsets. Darüber hinaus erarbeiten wir mögliche Lösungen zur Überwindung der oben genannten Probleme und präsentieren und evaluieren neue Methoden für jeden dieser Bereiche. Im Einzelnen stellen wir zwei neue Trainingskonzepte für Speech Imagery BCIs vor, von denen eines auf der Messung von EEG-Aktivität während des stillen Lesens und das andere auf der Aktivität während des Aussprechens bestimmter Wörter basiert. Unzureichende Klassifizierungsgenauigkeiten werden durch die Einführung des Konzepts eines Semantic Speech Imagery BCI angegangen, das die semantische Kategorie eines vorgestellten Wortes vor dem Wort selbst klassifiziert, um die Performance des Systems zu erhöhen. Schließlich untersuchen wir verschiedene Techniken zur Elektrodenreduktion bei Speech Imagery BCIs und zielen darauf ab, eine geeignete Teilmenge von Elektroden für die EEG-basierte Erkennung von vorgestellter Sprache zu finden, um so die umständlichen Setups zu erleichtern. Alle unsere Ergebnisse werden zusammen mit allgemeinen Bemerkungen zu Erfahrungen und Best Practices für Studien-Setups bezüglich vorgestellter Sprache zusammengefasst und sollen als Richtlinien für die weitere Forschung auf diesem Gebiet dienen, um so Speech Imagery BCIs für die Anwendung in der realenWelt zu optimieren

    ENGAGE-DEM: a model of engagement of people with dementia

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    One of the most effective ways to improve quality of life in dementia is by exposing people to meaningful activities. The study of engagement is crucial to identify which activities are significant for persons with dementia and customize them. Previous work has mainly focused on developing assessment tools and the only available model of engagement for people with dementia focused on factors influencing engagement or influenced by engagement. This paper focuses on the internal functioning of engagement and presents the development and testing of a model specifying the components of engagement, their measures, and the relationships they entertain. We collected behavioral and physiological data while participants with dementia (N=14) were involved in six sessions of play, three of game-based cognitive stimulation and three of robot-based free play. We tested the concurrent validity of the measures employed to gauge engagement and ran factorial analysis and Structural Equation Modeling to determine whether the components of engagement and their relationships were those hypothesized. The model we constructed, which we call the ENGAGE-DEM, achieved excellent goodness of fit and can be considered a scaffold to the development of affective computing frameworks for measuring engagement online and offline, especially in HCI and HRI.Postprint (author's final draft