1,528 research outputs found

    Electro-kinetically enhanced nano-metric material removal

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    This project is a fundamental proof of concept to look at the feasibility of using field activated abrasive particles to achieve material removal on a substrate. There are a few different goals for this project. The first goal is to prove through visualization that particle movement can be influenced and controlled by changes in electric field. The second goal is to fundamentally prove that particles controlled by electric field can remove material from a substrate. Third, it should be shown that changes in electric field can control the amount of material being removed in a given amount of time. A mathematical model will be presented which predicts metallic material removal rates based on changes in electric field strength. In this project, a technique combining concepts from electrokinetics, electrochemical mechanical planarization, and contact mechanics is proposed, aiming at enhancing planarization performance. By introducing an AC electric field with a DC offset, we try to achieve not only a better control of metallic material removal but also more flexible manipulation of the dynamic behaviour of abrasive particles. The presence of electric field will lead to electrokinetic phenomena including electroosmotic flow of an electrolyte solution and electrophoretic motion of abrasive particles. As a result, we aim to improve both the mechanical performance of planarization that is largely determined by the polishing parameters (e.g. down pressure, rotation speed, pads, and types of abrasives) and the chemical performance of planarization that is governed by selective and collective reactions of different chemical ingrediants of the slurry with the sample surface. The aim is also to understand and improve the interactions of abrasive particles with the sample.M.S.Committee Chair: Danyluk, Steven; Committee Member: Butler, David; Committee Member: Hesketh, Peter; Committee Member: Yoda, Minam

    Report and preliminary results of R/V POSEIDON cruise POS500, LISA, Ligurian Slope AUV mapping, gravity coring and seismic reflection, Catania (Italy) – Malaga (Spain), 25.05.2016 – 09.06.2016

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    Cruise POS500 “LISA” with R/V Poseidon studied the western Ligurian Margin off Southern France, an area in the northeastern part of the western Mediterranean Sea characterized by its active tectonism and frequent mass wasting. The region near the Var estuary close to the city of Nice is particularly suited for landslide research because it represents a natural laboratority where it is possible to study a series of trigger processes of geological and anthropogenic origin. The aim of this MARUM expedition was to: i. Study fresh water seepage in the marine Nice airport landslide and adjacent stable plateau in 15-50 m water depth using water sampling, CTD and geochemistry; ii. Recover and deploy a number of observatories that monitor, pressure, temperature, tilt and seismicity; iii. Run an AUV micro-bathymetric survey with MARUM AUV SEAL5000 to complement existing multibeam maps; and iv. Acquire additional high-resolution seismic reflection profiles to unravel the complex architecture of the Nice slope and Var delta. In a period of approximately two weeks, we acquired valuable geophysical information that helps to understand the evolution of this portion of the Ligurian Margin and further to support an active Amphibious Drilling proposal submitted to ICDP and IODP. We could also show that heavy spring rainfall plus melt water from the French Maritime Alps supplied sufficient hydraulic forcing to push Var aquifer groundwaters to seep into the marine deposits and water column. Freshening was strongest in the 1979 Nice landslide scar, but was also found at the outer edge of the shelf. Recovery and redeployment of various observatory prototypes worked well, both for the MARUM MeBo seafloor drillstring tolos and independent piezometers. Observatory data have yet to be evaluated. In addition, geochemical analyses of bottom waters and pore waters was deferred to shore-based laboratorios except for salinity estimates using a refractometer. Seismic processing was started onboard, but is largely taking place post-cruise at University Bremen

    Analysing stress field conditions of the Colima Volcanic Complex (Mexico) by integrating finite-element modelling (FEM) simulations and geological data

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    In recent decades, finite-element modelling (FEM) has become a very popular tool in volcanological studies and has even been used to describe complex system geometries by accounting for multiple reservoirs, topography, and het- erogeneous distribution of host rock mechanical properties. In spite of this, the influence of geological information on numerical simulations is still poorly considered. In this work, 2D FEM of the Colima Volcanic Complex (Mexico) is pro- vided by using the Linear Static Analysis (LISA) software in order to investigate the stress field conditions with increas- ingly detailed geological data. By integrating the published geophysical, volcanological, and petrological data, we mod- elled the stress field considering either one or two magma chambers connected to the surface via dykes or isolated (not connected) in the elastic host rocks (considered homoge- neous and non-homogeneous). We also introduced tectonic disturbance, considering the effects of direct faults bordering the Colima Rift and imposing an extensional far-field stress of 5 MPa. We ran the model using the gravity in calculations. Our results suggest that an appropriate set of geological data is of pivotal importance for obtaining reliable numerical out- puts, which can be considered a proxy for natural systems. Beside and beyond the importance of geological data in FEM simulations, the model runs using the complex feeding system geometry and tectonics show how the present-day Col- ima volcanic system can be considered in equilibrium from a stress state point of view, in agreement with the long-lasting open conduit dynamics that have lasted since 1913

    Research report 1987-1989: Environmental Quality Laboratory and Environmental Engineering Science, W. M. Keck Laboratories

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    This research biennial report for 1987-89 covers the activities of both the Environmental Engineering Science program and the Environmental Quality Laboratory for the period October 1987-November 1989. Environmental Engineering Science is the degree-granting academic program housed in the Keck Laboratories, with associated research projects. The Environmental Quality Laboratory is a research center focusing on large scale problems of environmental quality and natural resources. All the faculty and students involved in EQL projects are part of one of the regular academic programs, with the largest number being in Environmental Engineering Science. Hence the convenience of this combined report. In the lists of students, degrees, and research projects we have included some students in other degree programs who are working on environmental topics under one of the professors associated with EES and/or EQL. Caltech's small size and flexible structure allows professors to participate in more than one academic program including the supervision of doctoral students. The report starts with brief descriptions of EQL and EES, then lists the people - professors, research staff, visitors and consultants, support staff, and graduate students. Next is a listing of our research sponsors and donors, to whom we are all indebted for making these programs possible. The main part of the report presents the research summaries for all our activities including publications during the period October 1987 - November 1989. Also included at the end of the report is a listing of books published during 1987-89 (which do not appear in the research summaries) and information about a major smog conference held in 1988. It is hoped this report will be a useful reference not only for prospective students and visitors but also for the entire EES and EQL group


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    v. 26, no. 3 (1983

    Open Ocean Deep Sea

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    The deep sea comprises the seafloor, water column and biota therein below aspecified depth contour. There are differences in views among experts and agencies regarding the appropriate depth to delineate the “deep sea”. This chapter uses a 200 metre depth contour as a starting point, so that the “deep sea” represents 63 per cent of the Earth’s surface area and about 98.5 per cent of Earth’s habitat volume (96.5 per cent of which is pelagic). However, much of the information presented in this chapter focuses on biodiversity of waters substantially deeper than 200 m. Many of the other regional divisions of Chapter 36 include treatments of shelf and slope biodiversity in continental-shelf and slope areas deeper than 200m. Moreover Chapters 42 and 45 on coldwater corals and vents and seeps, respectively, and 51 on canyons, seamounts and other specialized morphological habitat types address aspects of areas in greater detail. The estimates of global biodiversity of the deep sea in this chapter do include all biodiversity in waters and the seafloor below 200 m. However, in the other sections of this chapter redundancy with the other regional chapters is avoided, so that biodiversity of shelf, slope, reef, vents, and specialized habitats is assessed in the respective regional or thematic chapters. AB - The deep sea comprises the seafloor, water column and biota therein below aspecified depth contour. There are differences in views among experts and agencies regarding the appropriate depth to delineate the “deep sea”. This chapter uses a 200 metre depth contour as a starting point, so that the “deep sea” represents 63 per cent of the Earth’s surface area and about 98.5 per cent of Earth’s habitat volume (96.5 per cent of which is pelagic). However, much of the information presented in this chapter focuses on biodiversity of waters substantially deeper than 200 m. Many of the other regional divisions of Chapter 36 include treatments of shelf and slope biodiversity in continental-shelf and slope areas deeper than 200m. Moreover Chapters 42 and 45 on coldwater corals and vents and seeps, respectively, and 51 on canyons, seamounts and other specialized morphological habitat types address aspects of areas in greater detail. The estimates of global biodiversity of the deep sea in this chapter do include all biodiversity in waters and the seafloor below 200 m. However, in the other sections of this chapter redundancy with the other regional chapters is avoided, so that biodiversity of shelf, slope, reef, vents, and specialized habitats is assessed in the respective regional or thematic chapters.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/occ_facbooks/1050/thumbnail.jp

    Advanced photomask characterisation for microlithography

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    \u3cem\u3eNautilus\u3c/em\u3e Sample 2016: New Techniques and Partnerships

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    In 2016, E/V Nautilus and the ROV Hercules collected 549 geological, biological, and water samples (2,022 subsamples) to characterize several US West Coast national marine sanctuaries, the Cascadia margin, and offshore southern California. Most samples are archived at partnering repositories: geological samples to the Marine Geological Samples Lab at the University of Rhode Island and biological samples to Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology. The national marine sanctuary samples were split between these repositories and the California Academy of Sciences. During this field season, we experimented with new sampling methods to improve exploration efficiency and robustness

    Exploration of the Southern California Borderland

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    E/V Nautilus cruise NA075 returned to the Southern California Continental Borderland, an area that remains largely unexplored. Part of the broader North America-Pacific plate boundary, this region extends ~300 km west of the San Andreas Fault and displays an unusually rugged physiography. During the cruise, the multibeam sonar mapped ~5,200 km2 of seafloor, and ROVs Hercules and Argus were deployed for 16 dives to explore geological and biological targets (Figure 1) and collect samples

    Economic impact to shipping industry : Economic impact to shipping industry considering Maritime Spatial Planning and green routes in pilot case studies

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    In this project, three case studies are considered in order to examine the economic impact of the implementation of MSP when considering environmental impact of the shipping industry. Specific characteristics and limitations of areas in the Greek Sea, the Balearic Sea and the Baltic Sea are evaluated with respect to their economic effects on the maritime transport domain. The purpose of the above is to evaluate the economic impacts and risk implications of different scenarios and particularly: The economic impact of vessel traffic rerouting and/or reducing the speed in order to reduce the probability of vessel strikes or other negative impact to endangered marine species. Analysis and treatment of costs (constraints and penalties) from unexpected delays, in addition to the additional transit time cost. Estimation of the direct and indirect economic impact on the shipping industry and the effects of potential port call dislocation for the implementation of the proposed management options (e.g. speed deceleration or ship rerouting).https://commons.wmu.se/monalisa2/1001/thumbnail.jp