2,208 research outputs found

    Reducing Errors in Optical Data Transmission Using Trainable Machine Learning Methods

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    Reducing Bit Error Ratio (BER) and improving performance of modern coherent optical communication system is a significant issue. As the distance travelled by the information signal increases, the bit error ratio will degrade. Machine learning techniques (ML) have been used in applications associated with optical communication systems. The most common machine learning techniques that have been used in applications of optical communication systems are artificial neural networks, Bayesian analysis, and support vector machines (SVMs). This thesis investigates how to improve the bit error ratio in optical data transmission using a trainable machine learning method (ML), that is, a Support Vector Machine (SVM). SVM is a successful machine learning method for pattern recognition, which outperformed the conventional threshold method based on measuring the phase value of each symbol's central sample. In order that the described system can be implemented in hardware, this thesis focuses on applications of SVM with a linear kernel due to the fact that the linear separator is easier to be built in hardware at the desired high speed required of the decoder. In this thesis, using an SVM to reduce the bit error ratio of signals that travel over various distances has been investigated thoroughly. Especially, particular attention has been paid to using the neighbouring information of each symbol being decoded. To further improve the bit error ratio, the wavelet transforms (WT) technique has been employed to reduce the noise of distorted optical signals; however the method did not bring the sort of improvements that the proponents of wavelets led me to believe. It has been found that the most significant improvement of bit error ratio over the current threshold method is to use a number of neighbours on either side of the symbol being decoded. This works much better than using more information from the symbol itself

    Spread spectrum-based video watermarking algorithms for copyright protection

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2263 on 14.03.2017 by CS (TIS)Digital technologies know an unprecedented expansion in the last years. The consumer can now benefit from hardware and software which was considered state-of-the-art several years ago. The advantages offered by the digital technologies are major but the same digital technology opens the door for unlimited piracy. Copying an analogue VCR tape was certainly possible and relatively easy, in spite of various forms of protection, but due to the analogue environment, the subsequent copies had an inherent loss in quality. This was a natural way of limiting the multiple copying of a video material. With digital technology, this barrier disappears, being possible to make as many copies as desired, without any loss in quality whatsoever. Digital watermarking is one of the best available tools for fighting this threat. The aim of the present work was to develop a digital watermarking system compliant with the recommendations drawn by the EBU, for video broadcast monitoring. Since the watermark can be inserted in either spatial domain or transform domain, this aspect was investigated and led to the conclusion that wavelet transform is one of the best solutions available. Since watermarking is not an easy task, especially considering the robustness under various attacks several techniques were employed in order to increase the capacity/robustness of the system: spread-spectrum and modulation techniques to cast the watermark, powerful error correction to protect the mark, human visual models to insert a robust mark and to ensure its invisibility. The combination of these methods led to a major improvement, but yet the system wasn't robust to several important geometrical attacks. In order to achieve this last milestone, the system uses two distinct watermarks: a spatial domain reference watermark and the main watermark embedded in the wavelet domain. By using this reference watermark and techniques specific to image registration, the system is able to determine the parameters of the attack and revert it. Once the attack was reverted, the main watermark is recovered. The final result is a high capacity, blind DWr-based video watermarking system, robust to a wide range of attacks.BBC Research & Developmen

    Submillimeter Polarimetry with PolKa, a reflection-type modulator for the APEX telescope

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    Imaging polarimetry is an important tool for the study of cosmic magnetic fields. In our Galaxy, polarization levels of a few up to \sim10\% are measured in the submillimeter dust emission from molecular clouds and in the synchrotron emission from supernova remnants. Only few techniques exist to image the distribution of polarization angles, as a means of tracing the plane-of-sky projection of the magnetic field orientation. At submillimeter wavelengths, polarization is either measured as the differential total power of polarization-sensitive bolometer elements, or by modulating the polarization of the signal. Bolometer arrays such as LABOCA at the APEX telescope are used to observe the continuum emission from fields as large as \sim0\fdg2 in diameter. %Here we present the results from the commissioning of PolKa, a polarimeter for Here we present PolKa, a polarimeter for LABOCA with a reflection-type waveplate of at least 90\% efficiency. The modulation efficiency depends mainly on the sampling and on the angular velocity of the waveplate. For the data analysis the concept of generalized synchronous demodulation is introduced. The instrumental polarization towards a point source is at the level of 0.1\sim0.1\%, increasing to a few percent at the 10-10db contour of the main beam. A method to correct for its effect in observations of extended sources is presented. Our map of the polarized synchrotron emission from the Crab nebula is in agreement with structures observed at radio and optical wavelengths. The linear polarization measured in OMC1 agrees with results from previous studies, while the high sensitivity of LABOCA enables us to also map the polarized emission of the Orion Bar, a prototypical photon-dominated region

    Wave Propagation

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    A wave is one of the basic physics phenomena observed by mankind since ancient time. The wave is also one of the most-studied physics phenomena that can be well described by mathematics. The study may be the best illustration of what is “science”, which approximates the laws of nature by using human defined symbols, operators, and languages. Having a good understanding of waves and wave propagation can help us to improve the quality of life and provide a pathway for future explorations of the nature and universe. This book introduces some exciting applications and theories to those who have general interests in waves and wave propagations, and provides insights and references to those who are specialized in the areas presented in the book

    Deep U band and R imaging of GOODS-South: Observations,data reduction and first results

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    We present deep imaging in the {\em U} band covering an area of 630 arcmin2^{2} centered on the southern field of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). The data were obtained with the VIMOS instrument at the ESO Very Large Telescope. The final images reach a magnitude limit Ulim29.8U_{lim} \approx 29.8 (AB, 1σ\sigma, in a 1\arcsec radius aperture), and have good image quality, with full width at half maximum \approx 0.8\arcsec. They are significantly deeper than previous U--band images available for the GOODS fields, and better match the sensitivity of other multi--wavelength GOODS photometry. The deeper U--band data yield significantly improved photometric redshifts, especially in key redshift ranges such as 2<z<42<z<4, and deeper color--selected galaxy samples, e.g., Lyman--break galaxies at z3z\approx 3. We also present the coaddition of archival ESO VIMOS R band data, with Rlim29R_{lim} \approx 29 (AB, 1σ\sigma, 1\arcsec radius aperture), and image quality \approx 0.75 \arcsec. We discuss the strategies for the observations and data reduction, and present the first results from the analysis of the coadded images.Comment: Accepted for publication ApJS, 54 pages, 27 figures. Released data and full-quality paper version available at http://archive.eso.org/cms/eso-data/data-packages/goods-vimos-imaging-data-release-version-1.

    Advanced Television and Signal Processing Program

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    Contains an introduction and reports on two research projects.Advanced Television Research Progra

    Otimização de soluções de fotónica integrada para sistemas óticos de nova geração

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    Next generation optical systems can highly benefit from optimized photonic integrated solutions. Photonic integrated circuits (PIC) appear as a promising technology under the current demand for flexibility/reconfigurability in optical systems and telecommunications networks. PIC-based optical systems offer an efficient and cost-effective solution to data transmission increasing claims. In order to contribute to the development of integrated photonic technology, optimized PIC solutions addressing different steps of the PIC development chain, mainly design, testing, and packaging processes, are investigated. Optical signal data compression techniques are progressing to sustain the fast processing/storing of large amounts of bandwidth demanding data, with the advantage of resorting to photonic integrated solutions for the implementation of optical transforms, e.g., Haar transform (HT). This demand motivated the research of an optimized PIC design solution in silicon nitride (Si3N4) based platform comprising a two-level HT network for compression, and a switching network as a framework that supplies all logical inputs of the HT network for testing/characterization purposes. Optimized design models for the multimode interference key building block structure of the PIC design solution, are proposed. Additionally, a first test and characterization of PIC solutions implementing the HT for compression applications in indium phosphide (InP) based platform and in a new organic-inorganic hybrid material were realized. Taking advantage of a tunable lattice filter dispersion compensator in Si3N4-based integrated platform, it was demonstrated a real-time extended reach PAM-4 transmission over 40 km enabled by the photonic integrated dispersion compensator, with application in data center interconnects. Under photonic integrated high-Q resonators need for accurate performance measurement, a technique based on RF calibrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and Brillouin gain measurements through Lorentzian fitting analysis were successfully attained. Finally, as technical and functional requirements of PIC demand a thorough characterization/testing to provide an accurate prediction of its performance, and current testing platforms can be expensive and have low flexibility, a proof of concept of a new soft-packaging flexible platform for photonic integrated processors and spatial division multiplexing systems, based in spatial light modulation operation principle is proposed.Os sistemas óticos de nova geração beneficiam com a otimização de fotónica integrada. Com os circuitos de fotónica integrada (PIC) avançados a surgir como uma tecnologia promissora, dentro da crescente procura por flexibilidade/ reconfigurabilidade dos sistemas óticos e redes de telecomunicações. Os sistemas óticos baseados em PIC oferecem soluções eficientes e rentáveis em resposta às necessidades crescentes de transmissão de dados. De modo a contribuir para o desenvolvimento tecnológico associado à fotónica integrada, são investigados no âmbito desta dissertação diferentes soluções otimizadas de PIC, abordando diferentes estágios do seu desenvolvimento, nomeadamente projeto/design, teste e encapsulamento. Técnicas de compressão de sinais óticos estão a progredir no sentido de apoiar a expansão de velocidade de processamento e quantidade de armazenamento com elevada largura de banda associada. São esperadas vantagens recorrendo a PIC para a implementação de transformadas óticas, e.g., transformada de Haar (HT). Esta necessidade motivou a investigação de soluções de PIC com design otimizado, desenvolvidas em plataforma integrada de nitreto de silício (Si3N4). O PIC desenhado é constituído por uma rede 2D a executar a HT para fins de compressão e uma rede de comutação para produzir todas as entradas lógicas esperadas para teste e caracterização. São propostos modelos de design otimizados para a estrutura elementar que compõe o PIC, i.e., componente de interferência multimodal. Adicionalmente, foi realizado o primeiro teste e caracterização experimental de um PIC implementando a HT para fins de compressão, numa plataforma integrada de fosfato de índio (InP) e num material orgânico-inorgânico híbrido. Tirando partido de um filtro sintonizável para compensação de dispersão, desenvolvido em plataforma integrada de Si3N4, foi demostrado um link de transmissão alargada (40 km) em modulação PAM-4, com possível aplicação em centros de processamento de dados de interconexão. A necessidade de medições precisas de desempenho para a caracterização efetiva de soluções integradas de ressoadores de elevado fator de qualidade, motivou a implementação de uma técnica de medição eficaz. Esta é baseada num interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder calibrado em rádio frequência e na realização de mediações de ganho de Brillouin por análise Lorentziana de ajuste de curva. Por fim, tendo em conta os rigorosos requisitos técnicos e funcionais associados ao teste/caracterização precisa de PIC e o facto de as atuais soluções serem dispendiosas e pouco flexíveis. Uma prova de conceito de uma nova plataforma flexível de encapsulamento por software é proposta com aplicação em processadores PIC e sistemas com multiplexagem por divisão espacial.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe


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    One of the goals of astrophysics is to obtain a full understanding how the Universe is organized on large scales and how structure evolved. In this thesis we develop a method of detecting structure on Mpc scales by measuring the one-dimensional power spectrum of the transmitted ux in the Lyman- forest. The method is based on the wavelet packet transform (WPT), which has several advantages over the Fourier transform. This includes reduced noise, resulting in less data manipulation and scrubbing in the early stages of analysis. Another advantage is localization of outliers in the data, which allows the general trend of the power spectrum to be revealed despite potentially problematic data. We apply the method to the set of 54,468 quasar spectra from the third collaboration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III) Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) data release 9 (DR9) catalog. This is intended to be a proof of concept to determine if the wavelet packet power spectrum is a valid technique to extract the power spectrum in order to detect matter density uctuations. Results are in good agreement with previous studies that used conventional Fourier techniques. The power spectrum vs velocity space plots show increasing power at smaller scales for both our results and earlier studies by [21] and [6]. We conclude that the wavelet packet power spectrum is a tool for detecting structure from transmitted ux in the Lyman- forest. The advantages the wavelet packet power spectrum over the Fourier transform method are it requires less data manipulation and minimizes noise and propagation of errors and outliers in the data. As a next step we propose applying the tool to the larger more recent SDSS IV eBOSS dataset

    Advanced Telecommunications and Signal Processing Program

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    Contains an introduction and reports on eleven research projects.Advanced Telecommunications Research Progra