17,777 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency of Software Transactional Memory in a Heterogeneous Architecture

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    Hardware vendors make an important effort creating low-power CPUs that keep battery duration and durability above acceptable levels. In order to achieve this goal and provide good performance-energy for a wide variety of applications, ARM designed the big.LITTLE architecture. This heterogeneous multi-core architecture features two different types of cores: big cores oriented to performance and little cores, slower and aimed to save energy consumption. As all the cores have access to the same memory, multi-threaded applications must resort to some mutual exclusion mechanism to coordinate the access to shared data by the concurrent threads. Transactional Memory (TM) represents an optimistic approach for shared-memory synchronization. To take full advantage of the features offered by software TM, but also benefit from the characteristics of the heterogeneous big.LITTLE architectures, our focus is to propose TM solutions that take into account the power/performance requirements of the application and what it is offered by the architecture. In order to understand the current state-of-the-art and obtain useful information for future power-aware software TM solutions, we have performed an analysis of a popular TM library running on top of an ARM big.LITTLE processor. Experiments show, in general, better scalability for the LITTLE cores for most of the applications except for one, which requires the computing performance that the big cores offer.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    Value creation through HR shared services: towards a conceptual framework

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to derive a measure for the performance of human resource shared service providers (HR SSPs) and then to develop a theoretical framework that conceptualises their performance.\ud \ud Design/methodology/approach – This conceptual paper starts from the HR shared services argument and integrates this with the knowledge-based view of the firm and the concept of intellectual capital.\ud \ud Findings – We recommend measuring HR SSP performance as HR value, referring to the ratio between use value and exchange value, that together reflect both transactional and transformational HR value. We argue that transactional HR value directly flows from the organisational capital in HR SSPs, whereas human and social capitals enable them to leverage their organisational capital for HR value creation. We argue that the human capital of HR SSPs has a direct effect on transformational HR value creation, while their social and organisational capitals positively moderate this relationship.\ud \ud Originality/value – The suggested measure paves the way for operationalising and measuring the performance of HR shared services providers. This paper offers testable propositions for the relationships between intellectual capital and the performance of HR shared service providers. These contributions could assist future research to move beyond the descriptive nature that characterises the existing literature

    A Process-Oriented Model to Business Value – the Case of Real-Time IT Infrastructures

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    Which investments in real-time capabilities and decision-support IT-infrastructures are appropriate? In view of the recent in-memory systems this poses an urgent question to companies in many industries. Despite ample research on the causal relationship between IS investments and business value, especially the value quantification remains a difficult challenge. This paper contributes a business value measurement model that structures and assesses the internal organizational benefits of real-time IT infrastructures. A case study from the automotive industry aims to validate the model

    From plasma to beefarm: Design experience of an FPGA-based multicore prototype

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    In this paper, we take a MIPS-based open-source uniprocessor soft core, Plasma, and extend it to obtain the Beefarm infrastructure for FPGA-based multiprocessor emulation, a popular research topic of the last few years both in the FPGA and the computer architecture communities. We discuss various design tradeoffs and we demonstrate superior scalability through experimental results compared to traditional software instruction set simulators. Based on our experience of designing and building a complete FPGA-based multiprocessor emulation system that supports run-time and compiler infrastructure and on the actual executions of our experiments running Software Transactional Memory (STM) benchmarks, we comment on the pros, cons and future trends of using hardware-based emulation for research.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Proximal business intelligence on the semantic web

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    This is the post-print version of this article. The official version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2010 Springer.Ubiquitous information systems (UBIS) extend current Information System thinking to explicitly differentiate technology between devices and software components with relation to people and process. Adapting business data and management information to support specific user actions in context is an ongoing topic of research. Approaches typically focus on providing mechanisms to improve specific information access and transcoding but not on how the information can be accessed in a mobile, dynamic and ad-hoc manner. Although web ontology has been used to facilitate the loading of data warehouses, less research has been carried out on ontology based mobile reporting. This paper explores how business data can be modeled and accessed using the web ontology language and then re-used to provide the invisibility of pervasive access; uncovering more effective architectural models for adaptive information system strategies of this type. This exploratory work is guided in part by a vision of business intelligence that is highly distributed, mobile and fluid, adapting to sensory understanding of the underlying environment in which it operates. A proof-of concept mobile and ambient data access architecture is developed in order to further test the viability of such an approach. The paper concludes with an ontology engineering framework for systems of this type – named UBIS-ONTO

    Transactional memory for high-performance embedded systems

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    The increasing demand for computational power in embedded systems, which is required for various tasks, such as autonomous driving, can only be achieved by exploiting the resources offered by modern hardware. Due to physical limitations, hardware manufacturers have moved to increase the number of cores per processor instead of further increasing clock rates. Therefore, in our view, the additionally required computing power can only be achieved by exploiting parallelism. Unfortunately writing parallel code is considered a difficult and complex task. Hardware Transactional Memories (HTMs) are a suitable tool to write sophisticated parallel software. However, HTMs were not specifically developed for embedded systems and therefore cannot be used without consideration. The use of conventional HTMs increases complexity and makes it more difficult to foresee implications with other important properties of embedded systems. This thesis therefore describes how an HTM for embedded systems could be implemented. The HTM was designed to allow the parallel execution of software and to offer functionality which is useful for embedded systems. Hereby the focus lay on: elimination of the typical limitations of conventional HTMs, several conflict resolution mechanisms, investigation of real time behavior, and a feature to conserve energy. To enable the desired functionalities, the structure of the HTM described in this work strongly differs from a conventional HTM. In comparison to the baseline HTM, which was also designed and implemented in this thesis, the biggest adaptation concerns the conflict detection. It was modified so that conflicts can be detected and resolved centrally. For this, the cache hierarchy as well as the cache coherence had to be adapted and partially extended. The system was implemented in the cycle-accurate gem5 simulator. The eight benchmarks of the STAMP benchmark suite were used for evaluation. The evaluation of the various functionalities shows that the mechanisms work and add value for the operation in embedded systems.Der immer grĂ¶ĂŸer werdende Bedarf an Rechenleistung in eingebetteten Systemen, der fĂŒr verschiedene Aufgaben wie z. B. dem autonomen Fahren benötigt wird, kann nur durch die effiziente Nutzung der zur VerfĂŒgung stehenden Ressourcen erreicht werden. Durch physikalische Grenzen sind Prozessorhersteller dazu ĂŒbergegangen, Prozessoren mit mehreren Prozessorkernen auszustatten, statt die Taktraten weiter anzuheben. Daher kann die zusĂ€tzlich benötigte Rechenleistung aus unserer Sicht nur durch eine Steigerung der ParallelitĂ€t gelingen. Hardwaretransaktionsspeicher (HTS) erlauben es ihren Nutzern schnell und einfach parallele Programme zu schreiben. Allerdings wurden HTS nicht speziell fĂŒr eingebettete Systeme entwickelt und sind daher nur eingeschrĂ€nkt fĂŒr diese nutzbar. Durch den Einsatz herkömmlicher HTS steigt die KomplexitĂ€t und es wird somit schwieriger abzusehen, ob andere wichtige Eigenschaften erreicht werden können. Um den Einsatz von HTS in eingebettete Systeme besser zu ermöglichen, beschreibt diese Arbeit einen konkreten Ansatz. Der HTS wurde hierzu so entwickelt, dass er eine parallele AusfĂŒhrung von Programmen ermöglicht und Eigenschaften besitzt, welche fĂŒr eingebettete Systeme nĂŒtzlich sind. Dazu gehören unter anderem: Wegfall der typischen Limitierungen herkömmlicher HTS, Einflussnahme auf den Konfliktauflösungsmechanismus, UnterstĂŒtzung einer abschĂ€tzbaren AusfĂŒhrung und eine Funktion, um Energie einzusparen. Um die gewĂŒnschten FunktionalitĂ€ten zu ermöglichen, unterscheidet sich der Aufbau des in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen HTS stark von einem klassischen HTS. Im Vergleich zu dem Referenz HTS, der ebenfalls im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entworfen und implementiert wurde, betrifft die grĂ¶ĂŸte Anpassung die Konflikterkennung. Sie wurde derart verĂ€ndert, dass die Konflikte zentral erkannt und aufgelöst werden können. HierfĂŒr mussten die Cache-Hierarchie und Cache-KohĂ€renz stark angepasst und teilweise erweitert werden. Das System wurde in einem taktgenauen Simulator, dem gem5-Simulator, umgesetzt. Zur Evaluation wurden die acht Benchmarks der STAMP-Benchmark-Suite eingesetzt. Die Evaluation der verschiedenen Funktionen zeigt, dass die Mechanismen funktionieren und somit einen Mehrwert fĂŒr eingebettete Systeme bieten
