2,200 research outputs found

    Compatibility, multi-brackets and integrability of systems of PDEs

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    We establish an efficient compatibility criterion for a system of generalized complete intersection type in terms of certain multi-brackets of differential operators. These multi-brackets generalize the higher Jacobi-Mayer brackets, important in the study of evolutionary equations and the integrability problem. We also calculate Spencer delta-cohomology of generalized complete intersections and evaluate the formal functional dimension of the solutions space. The results are applied to establish new integration methods and solve several differential-geometric problems.Comment: Some modifications in sections 6.1-2; new references're adde

    Brill-Gordan Loci, Transvectants and an Analogue of the Foulkes Conjecture

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    Combining a selection of tools from modern algebraic geometry, representation theory, the classical invariant theory of binary forms, together with explicit calculations with hypergeometric series and Feynman diagrams, we obtain the following interrelated results. A Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity bound and a projective normality result for the locus of hypersufaces that are equally supported on two hyperplanes. The surjectivity of an equivariant map between two plethystic compositions of symmetric powers; a statement which is reminiscent of the Foulkes-Howe conjecture. The nonvanishing of even transvectants of exact powers of generic binary forms. The nonvanishing of a collection of symmetric functions defined by sums over magic squares and transportation matrices with nonnegative integer entries. An explicit set of generators, in degree three, for the ideal of the coincident root locus of binary forms with only two roots of equal multiplicity.Comment: This is a considerably expanded version of math.AG/040523

    On integrability of (2+1)-dimensional quasilinear systems

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    A (2+1)-dimensional quasilinear system is said to be `integrable' if it can be decoupled in infinitely many ways into a pair of compatible n-component one-dimensional systems in Riemann invariants. Exact solutions described by these reductions, known as nonlinear interactions of planar simple waves, can be viewed as natural dispersionless analogs of n-gap solutions. It is demonstrated that the requirement of the existence of 'sufficiently many' n-component reductions provides the effective classification criterion. As an example of this approach we classify integrable (2+1)-dimensional systems of conservation laws possessing a convex quadratic entropy.Comment: 23 page

    Invariants of pseudogroup actions: Homological methods and Finiteness theorem

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    We study the equivalence problem of submanifolds with respect to a transitive pseudogroup action. The corresponding differential invariants are determined via formal theory and lead to the notions of k-variants and k-covariants, even in the case of non-integrable pseudogroup. Their calculation is based on the cohomological machinery: We introduce a complex for covariants, define their cohomology and prove the finiteness theorem. This implies the well-known Lie-Tresse theorem about differential invariants. We also generalize this theorem to the case of pseudogroup action on differential equations.Comment: v2: some remarks and references addee

    On a class of three-dimensional integrable Lagrangians

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    We characterize non-degenerate Lagrangians of the form ∫f(ux,uy,ut)dxdydt \int f(u_x, u_y, u_t) dx dy dt such that the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations (fux)x+(fuy)y+(fut)t=0 (f_{u_x})_x+ (f_{u_y})_y+ (f_{u_t})_t=0 are integrable by the method of hydrodynamic reductions. The integrability conditions constitute an over-determined system of fourth order PDEs for the Lagrangian density ff, which is in involution and possess interesting differential-geometric properties. The moduli space of integrable Lagrangians, factorized by the action of a natural equivalence group, is three-dimensional. Familiar examples include the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (dKP) and the Boyer-Finley Lagrangians, f=ux3/3+uy2−uxutf=u_x^3/3+u_y^2-u_xu_t and f=ux2+uy2−2eutf=u_x^2+u_y^2-2e^{u_t}, respectively. A complete description of integrable cubic and quartic Lagrangians is obtained. Up to the equivalence transformations, the list of integrable cubic Lagrangians reduces to three examples, f=uxuyut,f=ux2uy+uyut,andf=ux3/3+uy2−uxut(dKP). f=u_xu_yu_t, f=u_x^2u_y+u_yu_t, and f=u_x^3/3+u_y^2-u_xu_t ({\rm dKP}). There exists a unique integrable quartic Lagrangian, f=ux4+2ux2ut−uxuy−ut2. f=u_x^4+2u_x^2u_t-u_xu_y-u_t^2. We conjecture that these examples exhaust the list of integrable polynomial Lagrangians which are essentially three-dimensional (it was verified that there exist no polynomial integrable Lagrangians of degree five). We prove that the Euler-Lagrange equations are integrable by the method of hydrodynamic reductions if and only if they possess a scalar pseudopotential playing the role of a dispersionless `Lax pair'. MSC: 35Q58, 37K05, 37K10, 37K25. Keywords: Multi-dimensional Dispersionless Integrable Systems, Hydrodynamic Reductions, Pseudopotentials.Comment: 12 pages A4 format, standard Latex 2e. In the file progs.tar we include the programs needed for computations performed in the paper. Read 1-README first. The new version includes two new section
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