306 research outputs found

    Admissibility via Natural Dualities

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    It is shown that admissible clauses and quasi-identities of quasivarieties generated by a single finite algebra, or equivalently, the quasiequational and universal theories of their free algebras on countably infinitely many generators, may be characterized using natural dualities. In particular, axiomatizations are obtained for the admissible clauses and quasi-identities of bounded distributive lattices, Stone algebras, Kleene algebras and lattices, and De Morgan algebras and lattices.Comment: 22 pages; 3 figure

    Robust Linear Temporal Logic

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    Although it is widely accepted that every system should be robust, in the sense that "small" violations of environment assumptions should lead to "small" violations of system guarantees, it is less clear how to make this intuitive notion of robustness mathematically precise. In this paper, we address this problem by developing a robust version of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), which we call robust LTL and denote by rLTL. Formulas in rLTL are syntactically identical to LTL formulas but are endowed with a many-valued semantics that encodes robustness. In particular, the semantics of the rLTL formula φψ\varphi \Rightarrow \psi is such that a "small" violation of the environment assumption φ\varphi is guaranteed to only produce a "small" violation of the system guarantee ψ\psi. In addition to introducing rLTL, we study the verification and synthesis problems for this logic: similarly to LTL, we show that both problems are decidable, that the verification problem can be solved in time exponential in the number of subformulas of the rLTL formula at hand, and that the synthesis problem can be solved in doubly exponential time

    Extending possibilistic logic over Gödel logic

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    In this paper we present several fuzzy logics trying to capture different notions of necessity (in the sense of possibility theory) for Gödel logic formulas. Based on different characterizations of necessity measures on fuzzy sets, a group of logics with Kripke style semantics is built over a restricted language, namely, a two-level language composed of non-modal and modal formulas, the latter, moreover, not allowing for nested applications of the modal operator N. Completeness and some computational complexity results are shown

    Lewis meets Brouwer: constructive strict implication

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    C. I. Lewis invented modern modal logic as a theory of "strict implication". Over the classical propositional calculus one can as well work with the unary box connective. Intuitionistically, however, the strict implication has greater expressive power than the box and allows to make distinctions invisible in the ordinary syntax. In particular, the logic determined by the most popular semantics of intuitionistic K becomes a proper extension of the minimal normal logic of the binary connective. Even an extension of this minimal logic with the "strength" axiom, classically near-trivial, preserves the distinction between the binary and the unary setting. In fact, this distinction and the strong constructive strict implication itself has been also discovered by the functional programming community in their study of "arrows" as contrasted with "idioms". Our particular focus is on arithmetical interpretations of the intuitionistic strict implication in terms of preservativity in extensions of Heyting's Arithmetic.Comment: Our invited contribution to the collection "L.E.J. Brouwer, 50 years later

    Ruitenburg's Theorem mechanized and contextualized

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    In 1984, Wim Ruitenburg published a surprising result about periodic sequences in intuitionistic propositional calculus (IPC). The property established by Ruitenburg naturally generalizes local finiteness (intuitionistic logic is not locally finite, even in a single variable). However, one of the two main goals of this note is to illustrate that most "natural" non-classical logics failing local finiteness also do not enjoy the periodic sequence property; IPC is quite unique in separating these properties. The other goal of this note is to present a Coq formalization of Ruitenburg's heavily syntactic proof. Apart from ensuring its correctness, the formalization allows extraction of a program providing a certified implementation of Ruitenburg's algorithm.Comment: This note has been prepared for the informal (pre-)proceedings of FICS 2024. The version to be submitted to the post-proceedings volume is going to be significantly different, focusing on the Coq formalization, as requested by referees and the P