5 research outputs found

    A Survey on Attacks and Advances of Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Now day’s information of an organization floating over the internet that increases the traffic on the network as well as threats from attackers. To protect these sensitive material Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is situated in the scheme. It is an application software program or hardware mechanism that compacts with assaults by assembling information from a mixture of systems and network resources, then analyzing indications of defense dilemmas. Network Intrusion Detection (NID) is a method that efforts to determine unauthorized entrance to a network through analyzing traffic on the network. There are a variety of advances of intrusion detection, for instance Data Mining, Pattern Matching, Machine Learning and Measure Based Methods. This survey paper aims towards the proper learning of intrusion detection system with the intention that researchers could create employ of it and discover the new methods towards intrusions. Keywords: Intrusion Detection System, Data Mining, Pattern Matching, Anomaly detection, misuse detection, Machine Learning

    A Comprehensive Survey of Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Alongside with digital signatures and Cryptographic protocols, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are judged to be the final contour of protection to protect a system. But the major difficulty with today’s mainly admired IDSs (Intrusion Detection System) is the invention of massive quantity of false positive (FP) alerts alongside with the true positive (TP) alerts, which is an awkward assignment for the operator to examine to arrange the proper responses. So, there is an immense requirement to discover this area of study and to discover a reasonable solution. A main disadvantage of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), despite of their detection method, is the vast number of alerts they produce on a daily basis that can effortlessly exhaust security supervisors. This constraint has guide researchers in the IDS society to not only extend better detection algorithms and signature tuning methods, but to also focus on determining a variety of relations between individual alerts, formally known as alert correlation. There are a variety of approaches of intrusion detection, such as Pattern Matching, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Measure Based Methods. This paper aims towards the proper survey of IDS so that researchers can make use of it and find the new techniques towards intrusions. Keywords: Intrusion Detection System, False positive alert, KDD Cup99, Anomaly detection, misuse detection, Machine Learning

    A classifier mechanism for host based intrusion detection and prevention system in cloud computing environment

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    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are incidents in a cloud computing environment that cause major performance disturbances. Intrusion-detection and prevention system (IDPS) are tools to protect against such incidents, and the correct placement of ID/IP systems on networks is of great importance for optimal monitoring and for achieving maximum effectiveness in protecting a system. Even with such systems in place, however, the security level of general cloud computing must be enhanced. More potent attacks attempt to take control of the cloud environment itself; such attacks include malicious virtual-machine (VM) hyperjacking as well as traditional network-security threats such as traffic snooping (which intercepts network traffic), address spoofing and the forging of VMs or IP addresses. It is difficult to manage a host-based IDPS (H-IDPS) because information must be configured and managed for every host, so it is vital to ensure that security analysts fully understand the network and its context in order to distinguish between false positives and real problems. For this, it is necessary to know the current most important classifiers in machine learning, as these offer feasible protection against false-positive alarms in DDoS attacks. In order to design a more efficient classifier, it is necessary to develop a system for evaluating the classifier. In this thesis, a new mechanism for an H-IDPS classifier in a cloud environment has desigend. The mechanism’s design is based on the hybrid Antlion Optimization Algorithm (ALO) with Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) to protect against DDoS attacks. To implement the proposed mechanism, we demonstrate the strength of the classifier using a dimensionally reduced dataset using NSL-KDD. Furthermore, we focus on a detailed study of the NSL-KDD dataset that contains only selected records. This selected dataset provides a good analysis of various machine-learning techniques for H-IDPS. The evaluation process H-IDPS system shows the increases of intrusion detection accuracy and decreases the false positive alarms when compared to other related works. This is epitomized by the skilful use of the confusion matrix technique for organizing classifiers, visualizing their performance, and assessing their overall behaviour

    Intrusions detection based on Support Vector Machine optimized with swarm intelligence

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