224 research outputs found

    A Low-Cost Unified Experimental FPGA Board for Cryptography Applications

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    This paper describes the evaluation of available experimental boards, the comparison of their supported set of experiments and other aspects. The second part of this evaluation is focused on the design process of the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) for an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based cryptography environment suitable for evaluating the latest trends in the IC (Integrated Circuit) security like Side–Channel Attacks (SCA) or Physically Unclonable Function (PUF). It leads to many criteria affecting the design process and also the suitability for evaluating and measuring results of the attacks and their countermeasures. The developed system should be open, versatile and unrestricted by the U.S. law [1]

    End-to-end security in embedded system for modern mobile communication technologies

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    Modern mobile electronic devices such as smartphones or cell phones can now be used for distant devices such as technical systems to monitor and control. While surveillance systems do not require high standards navigating about the time of transfer of the displayed data. More real-time data are needed for a remote mobile robot transfer. Therefore, it has investigated and measured not only the possibilities of employing mobile devices. But also, the supported data transmission channels, such as UMTS, GSM, Wireless LAN, and Bluetooth. The remotecontrol system is used in many applications such as smart homes, cities, smart hospitals, etc., but it must be today updated to ensure fast-changing technology. Extensive coverage, remote control, and reliable operation in realtime in the deployment of wireless security knowledge. The home automation control system delivers significant features together with a user-friendly interface. A secure remote-based end-to-end security system NTMobile, a technique that enables NAT to provide transverse and encrypted communication from end to end. This confirmed that evaluating the performance of the system in the ECHONET lite compatible smartphone ecosystem. This gives flexibility in configuring time-sensitive industrial networks and enables them to be secured. A safe and reliable remote-control system is also conceivable under the privacy of the user

    AI Researchers, Video Games Are Your Friends!

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    If you are an artificial intelligence researcher, you should look to video games as ideal testbeds for the work you do. If you are a video game developer, you should look to AI for the technology that makes completely new types of games possible. This chapter lays out the case for both of these propositions. It asks the question "what can video games do for AI", and discusses how in particular general video game playing is the ideal testbed for artificial general intelligence research. It then asks the question "what can AI do for video games", and lays out a vision for what video games might look like if we had significantly more advanced AI at our disposal. The chapter is based on my keynote at IJCCI 2015, and is written in an attempt to be accessible to a broad audience.Comment: in Studies in Computational Intelligence Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 669 2017. Springe


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    Multichannel acoustic signal processing has undergone major development in recent years due to the increased complexity of current audio processing applications. People want to collaborate through communication with the feeling of being together and sharing the same environment, what is considered as Immersive Audio Schemes. In this phenomenon, several acoustic e ects are involved: 3D spatial sound, room compensation, crosstalk cancelation, sound source localization, among others. However, high computing capacity is required to achieve any of these e ects in a real large-scale system, what represents a considerable limitation for real-time applications. The increase of the computational capacity has been historically linked to the number of transistors in a chip. However, nowadays the improvements in the computational capacity are mainly given by increasing the number of processing units, i.e expanding parallelism in computing. This is the case of the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), that own now thousands of computing cores. GPUs were traditionally related to graphic or image applications, but new releases in the GPU programming environments, CUDA or OpenCL, allowed that most applications were computationally accelerated in elds beyond graphics. This thesis aims to demonstrate that GPUs are totally valid tools to carry out audio applications that require high computational resources. To this end, di erent applications in the eld of audio processing are studied and performed using GPUs. This manuscript also analyzes and solves possible limitations in each GPU-based implementation both from the acoustic point of view as from the computational point of view. In this document, we have addressed the following problems: Most of audio applications are based on massive ltering. Thus, the rst implementation to undertake is a fundamental operation in the audio processing: the convolution. It has been rst developed as a computational kernel and afterwards used for an application that combines multiples convolutions concurrently: generalized crosstalk cancellation and equalization. The proposed implementation can successfully manage two di erent and common situations: size of bu ers that are much larger than the size of the lters and size of bu ers that are much smaller than the size of the lters. Two spatial audio applications that use the GPU as a co-processor have been developed from the massive multichannel ltering. First application deals with binaural audio. Its main feature is that this application is able to synthesize sound sources in spatial positions that are not included in the database of HRTF and to generate smoothly movements of sound sources. Both features were designed after di erent tests (objective and subjective). The performance regarding number of sound source that could be rendered in real time was assessed on GPUs with di erent GPU architectures. A similar performance is measured in a Wave Field Synthesis system (second spatial audio application) that is composed of 96 loudspeakers. The proposed GPU-based implementation is able to reduce the room e ects during the sound source rendering. A well-known approach for sound source localization in noisy and reverberant environments is also addressed on a multi-GPU system. This is the case of the Steered Response Power with Phase Transform (SRPPHAT) algorithm. Since localization accuracy can be improved by using high-resolution spatial grids and a high number of microphones, accurate acoustic localization systems require high computational power. The solutions implemented in this thesis are evaluated both from localization and from computational performance points of view, taking into account different acoustic environments, and always from a real-time implementation perspective. Finally, This manuscript addresses also massive multichannel ltering when the lters present an In nite Impulse Response (IIR). Two cases are analyzed in this manuscript: 1) IIR lters composed of multiple secondorder sections, and 2) IIR lters that presents an allpass response. Both cases are used to develop and accelerate two di erent applications: 1) to execute multiple Equalizations in a WFS system, and 2) to reduce the dynamic range in an audio signal.Belloch Rodríguez, JA. (2014). PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OF MULTICHANNEL AUDIO BY GRAPHICS PROCESSING UNITS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/40651TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    IoT Based Virtual Reality Game for Physio-therapeutic Patients

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    Biofeedback therapy trains the patient to control voluntarily the involuntary process of their body. This non-invasive and non-drug treatment is also used as a means to rehabilitate the physical impairments that may follow a stroke, a traumatic brain injury or even in neurological aspects within occupational therapy. The idea behind this study is based on using immersive gaming as a tool for physical rehabilitation that combines the idea of biofeedback and physical computing to get a patient emotionally involved in a game that requires them to do the exercises in order to interact with the game. This game is aimed towards addressing the basic treatment for ‘Frozen Shoulder’. In this work, the physical motions are captured by the wearable ultrasonic sensor attached temporarily to the various limbs of the patient. The data received from the sensors are then sent to the game via serial wireless communication. There are two main aspects to this study: motion capturing and game design. The current status of the application is a single ultrasonic detector. The experimental result shows that physio-therapeutic patients are benefited through the IoT based virtual reality game

    Healthcare Monitoring Systems: A WBAN Approach for Patient Monitoring

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    Healthcare Monitoring System, which is expected to reduce healthcare expenses by enabling the continuous monitoring of patient health remotely during their daily activities in healthcare environment. Healthcare applications based on Wireless Sensor Networks are gaining high popularity in all over the world due to their features like flexibility, mobility and ease of constant monitoring of the patient in both outside and inside the body sensed as more useful. The main focus of such system is remote monitoring of patient, inside and outside the hospital room and in ICU in the sense of implantable feature for analysing the patient data. Recent developments in combining sensors, communication systems, and other fields such as cloud computing and Big Data analysis have provided the perfect tools to develop cutting edge systems for improving energy efficiency and consumption with the datasets. Smart homes, smart sensors, and Internet of Things are just a few examples of these application based technologies that will lead to more sustainable and more resilient energy systems. This research work will focus on the Wireless Sensor Networks in terms of emerging wireless technologies which means supporting infrastructure and technology and challenge design issues and as well as security, mobility and energy consumption

    SQUASH: Simple QoS-Aware High-Performance Memory Scheduler for Heterogeneous Systems with Hardware Accelerators

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    Modern SoCs integrate multiple CPU cores and Hardware Accelerators (HWAs) that share the same main memory system, causing interference among memory requests from different agents. The result of this interference, if not controlled well, is missed deadlines for HWAs and low CPU performance. State-of-the-art mechanisms designed for CPU-GPU systems strive to meet a target frame rate for GPUs by prioritizing the GPU close to the time when it has to complete a frame. We observe two major problems when such an approach is adapted to a heterogeneous CPU-HWA system. First, HWAs miss deadlines because they are prioritized only close to their deadlines. Second, such an approach does not consider the diverse memory access characteristics of different applications running on CPUs and HWAs, leading to low performance for latency-sensitive CPU applications and deadline misses for some HWAs, including GPUs. In this paper, we propose a Simple Quality of service Aware memory Scheduler for Heterogeneous systems (SQUASH), that overcomes these problems using three key ideas, with the goal of meeting deadlines of HWAs while providing high CPU performance. First, SQUASH prioritizes a HWA when it is not on track to meet its deadline any time during a deadline period. Second, SQUASH prioritizes HWAs over memory-intensive CPU applications based on the observation that the performance of memory-intensive applications is not sensitive to memory latency. Third, SQUASH treats short-deadline HWAs differently as they are more likely to miss their deadlines and schedules their requests based on worst-case memory access time estimates. Extensive evaluations across a wide variety of different workloads and systems show that SQUASH achieves significantly better CPU performance than the best previous scheduler while always meeting the deadlines for all HWAs, including GPUs, thereby largely improving frame rates

    Ambulance detection for smart traffic light applications with fuzzy controller

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    In the development of intelligent cities, the automation of vehicular mobility is one of the strong points of research, where intelligent traffic lights stand out. It is essential in this field to prioritize emergency vehicles that can help save lives, where every second counts in favor of the transfer of a patient or injured person. This paper presents an artificial intelligence algorithm based on two stages, one is the recognition of emergency vehicles through a ResNet-50 and the other is a fuzzy inference system for timing control of a traffic light, both lead to an intelligent traffic light. An application of traffic light vehicular flow control for automatic preemption when detecting emergency vehicles, specifically ambulances, is oriented. The training parameters of the network, which achieves 100% accuracy with confidence levels between 65% with vehicle occlusion and 99% in direct view, are presented. The traffic light cycles are able to extend the green time of the traffic light with almost 50% in favor of the road that must yield the priority, in relation to not using the fuzzy inference system