35 research outputs found

    Introduction to the digital government and Business Process Management (BPM) minitrack HICSS'54

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    Digital Government (traditionally known as e- Government) focuses on value delivery to citizens through information and communication technology (ICT) support for processes, activities and resources. Digital government’s collaborative processes involve organizations (employees, technologies), partners (providers, consumers), and users (citizens, foreigners), leading to complex interactions within different e- Government models and available technologies. Business Process Management (BPM) constitutes a real asset for enhancing the services of an organization and their coordination, as well as the products that each actor of a virtual network delivers to meet clients’ expectations (citizens, patients, etc.). Successful interorganizational process management within e- Government collaborative organizations will lead to better conceptual and technological integration, not only with each other but also with citizens and users in general. To this end, it is necessary to devise new ways to deal with the complexity of e-Government collaborative process definition, modeling, analysis, enactment and monitoring from various dimensions and points of view including theory, engineering, interoperability, agility, social aspects, etc

    Enterprise Content Management - A Literature Review

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    Managing information and content on an enterprise-wide scale is challenging. Enterprise content management (ECM) can be considered as an integrated approach to information management. While this concept received much attention from practitioners, ECM research is still an emerging field of IS research. Most authors that deal with ECM claim that there is little scholarly literature available. After approximately one decade of ECM research, this paper provides an in-depth review of the body of academic research: the ECM domain, its evolution, and main topics are characterized. An established ECM research framework is adopted, refined, and explained with its associated elements and working definitions. On this basis, 68 articles are reviewed, classified, and concepts are derived. Prior research is synthesized and findings are integrated in a concept-centric way. Further, implications for research and practice, including future trends, are drawn

    Cost Benefit Analysis of Key Actors in The Cocoa Beans Marketing

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    Efficient marketing can increase the profits of all the stakeholders involved. Profit increased at the farmer level will encourage the ability and motivation to manage the farm. This study aims to identify the benefits obtained by farmers, collectors, wholesalers, and purchasing units of exporters in the marketing of cocoa beans. This research was conducted through the survey using by Hayami Method. The results showed that: Profit received by farmers amount Rp314/kg was lower than those received by collectors amount Rp1,022/kg, wholesalers at Rp736/kg, and unit purchases at Rp2,826/kg. This was due to the cost of labor incurred by farmers, and the amount of Rp2,100/kg was higher than by collector's amount of Rp230/kg, the wholesaler's Rp12.5/kg, and the purchase unit Rp8.25/kg. Another factor was the price of production input costly (such as fertilizer dan pesticides), which was not followed by the increase in output price (cocoa beans) determined by marketers. The low productivity and quality of cocoa beans produced by farmers also affected low profit. The government must be able to control the purchase price of marketing actors, improve the knowledge and skills of farmers in the management of cocoa farms by establishing business groups/cooperatives, increase the role of farmer groups, and also to improve the internet infrastructure that supports the digital marketing of cocoa commodities. Keywords: main stakeholders, cocoa beans, profit, marketing, Hayami metho

    Effects of open innovation towards school performance in Johore State

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    Open Innovation remains the process of enabling inflow and outflow of knowledge, ideas, design, plus technologies throughout the organization during the various stages of the innovation process. This Innovation consists of inbound and outbound open innovations, whereby inbound open Innovation is the influx of knowledge, while outbound open innovation remains the outward flow of knowledge. Previously, studies related to open innovation have only focused specifically on the business world, the industrial sector while less focused on strategy and its implementation in the education sector. This study aims to fill this gap by studying open innovation in ordinary day secondary schools due to their significant contribution to development Malaysian education. Based on an open innovation model and a theory of views based on resources, this study will analyse the role of open and innovative innovation activities government support in determining the innovative capabilities of secondary schools. In this conceptual paper, the author develops the conceptual model that will be used in further research activities in education sector and will contribute to a better understanding of open innovation activities and their practices in secondary schools in Malaysia

    The agile strategies in IT Governance: Towards a framework of agile IT Governance in the banking industry

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    Digital transformation has changed corporate reality and, with that, firms’ IT environments and IT governance (ITG). As such, the perspective of ITG has shifted from the design of a relatively stable, closed and controllable system of a self-sufficient enterprise to a relatively fluid, open, agile and transformational system of networked co-adaptive entities. Related to this paradigm shift in ITG, this paper aims to clarify how the concept of an effective ITG framework has changed in terms of the demand for agility in organizations. Thus, this study conducted 33 qualitative interviews with executives and senior managers from the banking industry in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Analysis of the interviews focused on the formation of categories and the assignment of individual text parts (codings) to these categories to allow for a quantitative evaluation of the codings per category. Regarding traditional and agile ITG dimensions, 22 traditional and 25 agile dimensions in terms of structures, processes and relational mechanisms were identified. Moreover, agile strategies within the agile ITG construct and ten ITG patterns were identified from the interview data. The data show relevant perspectives on the implementation of traditional and new ITG dimensions and highlight ambidextrous aspects in ITG in the German-speaking banking industry


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    This paper seeks to identify the presence of ITG (Information Technology Governance) focus-areas and instruments, as well as associations between them, through a multi case study with 13 companies in the software LPA (Local Productive Arrangement) in Curitiba. A survey was used for data collection. Analysis was performed using quantitative methods with the support of statistical techniques: descriptive and Fisher's exact test. Results show the strong presence and the good contribution of maturity models – such as CMMI and MPS.BR – and project management, for IT management in the surveyed companies. On the other hand, emblematic ITG instruments – COBIT and ITIL – showed little expression among those companies. This invites to a reflection on the effectiveness of such instruments in companies with similar characteristics to those of the surveyed companies. Through these findings, this paper contributes to filling gaps in the empirical studies on the presence of ITG focus-areas and instruments in software companies.Este artigo procurou identificar em empresas a presença de áreas foco e instrumentos de Governança de Tecnologia da Informação (GTI), assim como as associações entre ambos, por meio de um estudo multicaso com 13 empresas do APL (Arranjo Produtivo Local) de Software de Curitiba. O método utilizado para a coleta de dados foi pesquisa por questionários. Procedeu-se às análises utilizando-se métodos quantitativos com o apoio de técnicas estatísticas descritivas. Os resultados permitiram identificar a presença expressiva e a boa contribuição dos modelos de maturidade – tais como CMMI e MPS.BR – e do gerenciamento de projetos, para a gestão de TI. Por outro lado, instrumentos ícones da GTI – COBIT e ITIL – mostraram pouca expressividade entre as empresas pesquisadas. Esta constatação convida a refletir sobre a efetividade de tais instrumentos em empresas com características como as pesquisadas neste artigo. Por meio destes resultados, esse artigo contribui para preencher lacunas no conjunto de estudos empíricos sobre a presença de áreas foco e instrumentos de GTI em empresas de software

    Luxury retail brands and their consumers in emerging markets: developing mobile marketing and sustaining the brand value

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    Understanding an individual’s self-interests remains a challenging task for consumer marketing because brands have no direct access to individual’s inner mind in order to satisfy his or her consumption-related wants, needs and expectations. In the case of luxury brands, customer service experts only seek to maintain close relationships with wealthy and elite customers, and they cannot extend the same individualized services to mass-market consumers. Among the new middle classes in emerging markets, consumers do not have strong brand attachments, but they do have high purchasing power with regard to luxuries. To bridge this gap, mobile technology could be an ideal interface through which luxury brands could enhance interactive communication and engagement with consumers. Nevertheless, research findings have revealed major discrepancies in the adoption of technology. While luxury brands have been ‘slow’ in their adoption of such technologies, consumers have adopted mobile devices as extensions of themselves in the digital world, which greatly enrich their lifestyles. Therefore, a medium should be developed to bridge this gap. The Gearbox of Exchange is proposed to help integrate the consumer’s self-interests with those of luxury brands. Through conditional access with a mutually agreed-upon exchange value to balance privacy concerns and financial risks, the consumer might be willing to share customized information with the brands with which they trust to engage. The luxury brands will benefit from the sharing of this customized information, as they can better predict an individual’s preferences and choices. This virtual engagement will revitalize customization to activate personalized services for every individual. These mutually agreed-upon interactions will develop into a mutual interdependence, a B2B2C relationship. This bond will protect brands from severe competition. More importantly, their knowledge of customized information, which is provided through their direct access to consumers’ self-interests, will fill the black box of radical behaviourism and enhance these brands’ abilities to predict individual choices. Therefore, the knowledge generated from the Gearbox of Exchange will not be meaningless to transform consumer analysis into micro marketing