419,928 research outputs found

    Multimodal Sentiment Analysis of Instagram Using Cross-media Bag-of-words Model

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    Instagram, one of social media sharing services has increasing growth of use and popularity during recent years. Photos or videos shared by Instagram users are challenging to be mined and analyzed for some purposes. One type of studies can be applied to Instagram data is sentiment analysis, a field of study that learn and analyze people opinion, sentiment, and (or) evaluation about something. Sentiment analysis applied to Instagram can be used as analytics tool for some business purposes such as user behavior, market intelligence and user evaluation. This research aimed to analyze sentiment contained on Instagrams post by considering two modalities: images and English text on its caption. The Cross-media Bag-of-Words Model (CBM) was applied for analyzing the sentiment contained on Instagrams post. CBM treated text and image features as a unit of vector representation. These cross-media features then classified using logistic regression to predict sentiment values which categorized into three classes: positive, negative and neutral. Simulation results showed that the combination of unigram text features and 56-length images features achieves the highest accuracy. The accuracy achieved is 87.2%. Keywords : Instagram, sentiment analysis, Cross-media Bag-of-Words Model (CBM), logistic regression, classification Bibliography [1] D. Borth, R. Ji, T. Chen, T. Breuel, and S.-F. Chang, “Large-scale visual sentiment ontology and detectors using adjective noun pairs,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, ser. MM '13. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013, pp. 223–232. [2] R.-E. Fan, K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Hsieh, X.-R. Wang, and C.-J. Lin, “Liblinear: A library for large linear classification,” J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 9, pp. 1871– 1874, Jun. 2008. [3] E. Ferrara, R. Interdonato, and A. 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    Language identification of multilingual posts from Twitter: a case study

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10115-016-0997-xThis paper describes a method for handling multi-class and multi-label classification problems based on the support vector machine formalism. This method has been applied to the language identification problem in Twitter. The system evaluation was performed mainly on a Twitter data set developed in the TweetLID workshop. This data set contains bilingual tweets written in the most commonly used Iberian languages (i.e., Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque, and Galician) as well as the English language. We address the following problems: (1) social media texts. We propose a suitable tokenization that processes the peculiarities of Twitter; (2) multilingual tweets. Since a tweet can belong to more than one language, we need to use a multi-class and multi-label classifier; (3) similar languages. We study the main confusions among similar languages; and (4) unbalanced classes. We propose threshold-based strategy to favor classes with less data. We have also studied the use of Wikipedia and the addition of new tweets in order to increase the training data set. Additionally, we have tested our system on Bergsma corpus, a collection of tweets in nine languages, focusing on confusable languages using the Cyrillic, Arabic, and Devanagari alphabets. To our knowledge, we obtained the best results published on the TweetLID data set and results that are in line with the best results published on Bergsma data set.This work has been partially funded by the project ASLP-MULAN: Audio, Speech and Language Processing for Multimedia Analytics (MINECO TIN2014-54288-C4-3-R).Pla Santamaría, F.; Hurtado Oliver, LF. (2016). Language identification of multilingual posts from Twitter: a case study. 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    Upgrading a Social Media Strategy to Increase Twitter Engagement During the Spring Annual Meeting of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.

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    Microblogs known as tweets are a rapid, effective method of information dissemination in health care. Although several medical specialties have described their Twitter conference experiences, Twitter-related data in the fields of anesthesiology and pain medicine are sparse. We therefore analyzed the Twitter content of 2 consecutive spring meetings of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine using publicly available online transcripts. We also examined the potential contribution of a targeted social media campaign on Twitter engagement during the conferences. The original Twitter meeting content was largely scientific in nature and created by meeting attendees, the majority of whom were nontrainee physicians. Physician trainees, however, represent an important and increasing minority of Twitter contributors. Physicians not in attendance predominantly contributed via retweeting original content, particularly picture-containing tweets, and thus increased reach to nonattendees. A social media campaign prior to meetings may help increase the reach of conference-related Twitter discussion

    The Democratization of Social Media A Critical Perspective in Technology

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    Social Media is part of contemporary technology that is the contentious subject matter within the society. It is paradoxical when social media should provide techniques and objects that serve human being in a positive way, but at the same time, it can dehumanize human being such as alienation. The main problem is because the lack of impact of public policy, which does not involve society in the democratic sphere. The article is about the possibility of democratization social media in the discourse of philosophy of technology. I refer to Andrew Feenberg’s Critical Theory of Technology (CTT) for opening discourse and criticizing social media. Social Media should be changed by the critical view to analyze the internal contradictions in technocracy, which view social media merely as an instrument and value-free. In the other hand, CTT will lead into the discourse of instrumentalization theory, technological rationality, technical code and democratization of social media. I conclude this article by applying CTT to delineate extant approach and consideration of democratization of social media in Indonesian through critical thinking participation and emotional education in the public sphere

    Learning Social Image Embedding with Deep Multimodal Attention Networks

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    Learning social media data embedding by deep models has attracted extensive research interest as well as boomed a lot of applications, such as link prediction, classification, and cross-modal search. However, for social images which contain both link information and multimodal contents (e.g., text description, and visual content), simply employing the embedding learnt from network structure or data content results in sub-optimal social image representation. In this paper, we propose a novel social image embedding approach called Deep Multimodal Attention Networks (DMAN), which employs a deep model to jointly embed multimodal contents and link information. Specifically, to effectively capture the correlations between multimodal contents, we propose a multimodal attention network to encode the fine-granularity relation between image regions and textual words. To leverage the network structure for embedding learning, a novel Siamese-Triplet neural network is proposed to model the links among images. With the joint deep model, the learnt embedding can capture both the multimodal contents and the nonlinear network information. Extensive experiments are conducted to investigate the effectiveness of our approach in the applications of multi-label classification and cross-modal search. Compared to state-of-the-art image embeddings, our proposed DMAN achieves significant improvement in the tasks of multi-label classification and cross-modal search
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