5 research outputs found

    Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation: New evidence for the vertical transmission of extra virgin olive oil phenolic compounds in rats

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    Maternal breast milk provides the newborn with passive immunity and stimulates the maturation of the infant immune system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the vertical transmission of phenolic compounds and their metabolites to offspring in rats fed with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) during pregnancy and lactation. For this purpose, plasma and lactic serum from dams and plasma from offspring were analyzed by LC-ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS. Both enzymatic and microbial metabolites of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol were detected in dam plasma and lactic serum. In addition, significant levels of phenolic compounds and their metabolites were found in offspring plasma. The concentration and number of hydroxytyrosol derivatives was higher than those of tyrosol and the microbial metabolites were found in the highest concentration. The observed vertical transmission of EVOO phenolic compounds, whose health benefits are widely reported, provides further support for the importance of the maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation

    A reference model for integrated energy and power management of HPC systems

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    Optimizing a computer for highest performance dictates the efficient use of its limited resources. Computers as a whole are rather complex. Therefore, it is not sufficient to consider optimizing hardware and software components independently. Instead, a holistic view to manage the interactions of all components is essential to achieve system-wide efficiency. For High Performance Computing (HPC) systems, today, the major limiting resources are energy and power. The hardware mechanisms to measure and control energy and power are exposed to software. The software systems using these mechanisms range from firmware, operating system, system software to tools and applications. Efforts to improve energy and power efficiency of HPC systems and the infrastructure of HPC centers achieve perpetual advances. In isolation, these efforts are unable to cope with the rising energy and power demands of large scale systems. A systematic way to integrate multiple optimization strategies, which build on complementary, interacting hardware and software systems is missing. This work provides a reference model for integrated energy and power management of HPC systems: the Open Integrated Energy and Power (OIEP) reference model. The goal is to enable the implementation, setup, and maintenance of modular system-wide energy and power management solutions. The proposed model goes beyond current practices, which focus on individual HPC centers or implementations, in that it allows to universally describe any hierarchical energy and power management systems with a multitude of requirements. The model builds solid foundations to be understandable and verifiable, to guarantee stable interaction of hardware and software components, for a known and trusted chain of command. This work identifies the main building blocks of the OIEP reference model, describes their abstract setup, and shows concrete instances thereof. A principal aspect is how the individual components are connected, interface in a hierarchical manner and thus can optimize for the global policy, pursued as a computing center's operating strategy. In addition to the reference model itself, a method for applying the reference model is presented. This method is used to show the practicality of the reference model and its application. For future research in energy and power management of HPC systems, the OIEP reference model forms a cornerstone to realize --- plan, develop and integrate --- innovative energy and power management solutions. For HPC systems themselves, it supports to transparently manage current systems with their inherent complexity, it allows to integrate novel solutions into existing setups, and it enables to design new systems from scratch. In fact, the OIEP reference model represents a basis for holistic efficient optimization.Computer auf höchstmögliche Rechenleistung zu optimieren bedingt Effizienzmaximierung aller limitierenden Ressourcen. Computer sind komplexe Systeme. Deshalb ist es nicht ausreichend, Hardware und Software isoliert zu betrachten. Stattdessen ist eine Gesamtsicht des Systems notwendig, um die Interaktionen aller Einzelkomponenten zu organisieren und systemweite Optimierungen zu ermöglichen. Für Höchstleistungsrechner (HLR) ist die limitierende Ressource heute ihre Leistungsaufnahme und der resultierende Gesamtenergieverbrauch. In aktuellen HLR-Systemen sind Energie- und Leistungsaufnahme programmatisch auslesbar als auch direkt und indirekt steuerbar. Diese Mechanismen werden in diversen Softwarekomponenten von Firmware, Betriebssystem, Systemsoftware bis hin zu Werkzeugen und Anwendungen genutzt und stetig weiterentwickelt. Durch die Komplexität der interagierenden Systeme ist eine systematische Optimierung des Gesamtsystems nur schwer durchführbar, als auch nachvollziehbar. Ein methodisches Vorgehen zur Integration verschiedener Optimierungsansätze, die auf komplementäre, interagierende Hardware- und Softwaresysteme aufbauen, fehlt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt ein Referenzmodell für integriertes Energie- und Leistungsmanagement von HLR-Systemen, das „Open Integrated Energy and Power (OIEP)“ Referenzmodell. Das Ziel ist ein Referenzmodell, dass die Entwicklung von modularen, systemweiten energie- und leistungsoptimierenden Sofware-Verbunden ermöglicht und diese als allgemeines hierarchisches Managementsystem beschreibt. Dies hebt das Modell von bisherigen Ansätzen ab, welche sich auf Einzellösungen, spezifischen Software oder die Bedürfnisse einzelner Rechenzentren beschränken. Dazu beschreibt es Grundlagen für ein planbares und verifizierbares Gesamtsystem und erlaubt nachvollziehbares und sicheres Delegieren von Energie- und Leistungsmanagement an Untersysteme unter Aufrechterhaltung der Befehlskette. Die Arbeit liefert die Grundlagen des Referenzmodells. Hierbei werden die Einzelkomponenten der Software-Verbunde identifiziert, deren abstrakter Aufbau sowie konkrete Instanziierungen gezeigt. Spezielles Augenmerk liegt auf dem hierarchischen Aufbau und der resultierenden Interaktionen der Komponenten. Die allgemeine Beschreibung des Referenzmodells erlaubt den Entwurf von Systemarchitekturen, welche letztendlich die Effizienzmaximierung der Ressource Energie mit den gegebenen Mechanismen ganzheitlich umsetzen können. Hierfür wird ein Verfahren zur methodischen Anwendung des Referenzmodells beschrieben, welches die Modellierung beliebiger Energie- und Leistungsverwaltungssystemen ermöglicht. Für Forschung im Bereich des Energie- und Leistungsmanagement für HLR bildet das OIEP Referenzmodell Eckstein, um Planung, Entwicklung und Integration von innovativen Lösungen umzusetzen. Für die HLR-Systeme selbst unterstützt es nachvollziehbare Verwaltung der komplexen Systeme und bietet die Möglichkeit, neue Beschaffungen und Entwicklungen erfolgreich zu integrieren. Das OIEP Referenzmodell bietet somit ein Fundament für gesamtheitliche effiziente Systemoptimierung

    Energy Measurements of High Performance Computing Systems: From Instrumentation to Analysis

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    Energy efficiency is a major criterion for computing in general and High Performance Computing in particular. When optimizing for energy efficiency, it is essential to measure the underlying metric: energy consumption. To fully leverage energy measurements, their quality needs to be well-understood. To that end, this thesis provides a rigorous evaluation of various energy measurement techniques. I demonstrate how the deliberate selection of instrumentation points, sensors, and analog processing schemes can enhance the temporal and spatial resolution while preserving a well-known accuracy. Further, I evaluate a scalable energy measurement solution for production HPC systems and address its shortcomings. Such high-resolution and large-scale measurements present challenges regarding the management of large volumes of generated metric data. I address these challenges with a scalable infrastructure for collecting, storing, and analyzing metric data. With this infrastructure, I also introduce a novel persistent storage scheme for metric time series data, which allows efficient queries for aggregate timelines. To ensure that it satisfies the demanding requirements for scalable power measurements, I conduct an extensive performance evaluation and describe a productive deployment of the infrastructure. Finally, I describe different approaches and practical examples of analyses based on energy measurement data. In particular, I focus on the combination of energy measurements and application performance traces. However, interweaving fine-grained power recordings and application events requires accurately synchronized timestamps on both sides. To overcome this obstacle, I develop a resilient and automated technique for time synchronization, which utilizes crosscorrelation of a specifically influenced power measurement signal. Ultimately, this careful combination of sophisticated energy measurements and application performance traces yields a detailed insight into application and system energy efficiency at full-scale HPC systems and down to millisecond-range regions.:1 Introduction 2 Background and Related Work 2.1 Basic Concepts of Energy Measurements 2.1.1 Basics of Metrology 2.1.2 Measuring Voltage, Current, and Power 2.1.3 Measurement Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 2.2 Power Measurements for Computing Systems 2.2.1 Measuring Compute Nodes using External Power Meters 2.2.2 Custom Solutions for Measuring Compute Node Power 2.2.3 Measurement Solutions of System Integrators 2.2.4 CPU Energy Counters 2.2.5 Using Models to Determine Energy Consumption 2.3 Processing of Power Measurement Data 2.3.1 Time Series Databases 2.3.2 Data Center Monitoring Systems 2.4 Influences on the Energy Consumption of Computing Systems 2.4.1 Processor Power Consumption Breakdown 2.4.2 Energy-Efficient Hardware Configuration 2.5 HPC Performance and Energy Analysis 2.5.1 Performance Analysis Techniques 2.5.2 HPC Performance Analysis Tools 2.5.3 Combining Application and Power Measurements 2.6 Conclusion 3 Evaluating and Improving Energy Measurements 3.1 Description of the Systems Under Test 3.2 Instrumentation Points and Measurement Sensors 3.2.1 Analog Measurement at Voltage Regulators 3.2.2 Instrumentation with Hall Effect Transducers 3.2.3 Modular Instrumentation of DC Consumers 3.2.4 Optimal Wiring for Shunt-Based Measurements 3.2.5 Node-Level Instrumentation for HPC Systems 3.3 Analog Signal Conditioning and Analog-to-Digital Conversion 3.3.1 Signal Amplification 3.3.2 Analog Filtering and Analog-To-Digital Conversion 3.3.3 Integrated Solutions for High-Resolution Measurement 3.4 Accuracy Evaluation and Calibration 3.4.1 Synthetic Workloads for Evaluating Power Measurements 3.4.2 Improving and Evaluating the Accuracy of a Single-Node Measuring System 3.4.3 Absolute Accuracy Evaluation of a Many-Node Measuring System 3.5 Evaluating Temporal Granularity and Energy Correctness 3.5.1 Measurement Signal Bandwidth at Different Instrumentation Points 3.5.2 Retaining Energy Correctness During Digital Processing 3.6 Evaluating CPU Energy Counters 3.6.1 Energy Readouts with RAPL 3.6.2 Methodology 3.6.3 RAPL on Intel Sandy Bridge-EP 3.6.4 RAPL on Intel Haswell-EP and Skylake-SP 3.7 Conclusion 4 A Scalable Infrastructure for Processing Power Measurement Data 4.1 Requirements for Power Measurement Data Processing 4.2 Concepts and Implementation of Measurement Data Management 4.2.1 Message-Based Communication between Agents 4.2.2 Protocols 4.2.3 Application Programming Interfaces 4.2.4 Efficient Metric Time Series Storage and Retrieval 4.2.5 Hierarchical Timeline Aggregation 4.3 Performance Evaluation 4.3.1 Benchmark Hardware Specifications 4.3.2 Throughput in Symmetric Configuration with Replication 4.3.3 Throughput with Many Data Sources and Single Consumers 4.3.4 Temporary Storage in Message Queues 4.3.5 Persistent Metric Time Series Request Performance 4.3.6 Performance Comparison with Contemporary Time Series Storage Solutions 4.3.7 Practical Usage of MetricQ 4.4 Conclusion 5 Energy Efficiency Analysis 5.1 General Energy Efficiency Analysis Scenarios 5.1.1 Live Visualization of Power Measurements 5.1.2 Visualization of Long-Term Measurements 5.1.3 Integration in Application Performance Traces 5.1.4 Graphical Analysis of Application Power Traces 5.2 Correlating Power Measurements with Application Events 5.2.1 Challenges for Time Synchronization of Power Measurements 5.2.2 Reliable Automatic Time Synchronization with Correlation Sequences 5.2.3 Creating a Correlation Signal on a Power Measurement Channel 5.2.4 Processing the Correlation Signal and Measured Power Values 5.2.5 Common Oversampling of the Correlation Signals at Different Rates 5.2.6 Evaluation of Correlation and Time Synchronization 5.3 Use Cases for Application Power Traces 5.3.1 Analyzing Complex Power Anomalies 5.3.2 Quantifying C-State Transitions 5.3.3 Measuring the Dynamic Power Consumption of HPC Applications 5.4 Conclusion 6 Summary and Outloo

    Computer Science 2019 APR Self-Study & Documents

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    UNM Computer Science APR self-study report and review team report for Spring 2019, fulfilling requirements of the Higher Learning Commission

    Évaluation et optimisation de performance énergétique des centres de calcul

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    Cette habilitation vise à répondre à la question "Comment gérerefficacement un centre de calcul" en fournissant les outils théoriquesmais aussi pratiques nécessaires. Les centres de calculs sont au coeurde la vie d'une partie croissante de la population sans pour autant êtrevisibles, de par** la prédominance des services en ligne. Leurconsommation électrique est donc un enjeu d'actualité primordial, et lesera encore plus dans le futur prévisible. Gérer efficacement permetdonc d'optimiser la qualité de service tout en réduisant leurconsommation électrique. Ces travaux montrent les différents outilsnécessaires : Ceux liés à la mesure, autant techniquement que de par**la définition des métriques. Ensuite sont explorées les méthodes demodélisation de tels problèmes, ainsi que les techniques de résolutiondirectes ou approchées. L'étape suivante consiste à étudier différentesheuristiques permettant une résolution approchée mais rapide du problèmede la gestion d'un centre de calcul. Diverses validations, autantexpérimentales que basées sur des simulateurs améliorés serviront desupport à ces démonstrations. Une ouverture vers le futur, grâce aux"datacenter in a box" distribués, hétérogènes, coopératifs etmulti-échelles (spatiales et temporelles) conclue ces travaux