368,176 research outputs found

    Introduciendo PSP (procesos personal de software) en el aula

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    To consolidate a culture of software is necessary to have well defined processes and skilled personnel, trained in personal discipline and teamwork. Personal Software Process (PSP) contributes to individual labor discipline. This paper proposes a set of practical considerations to introduce the PSP, gradual and incremental manner in vocational training at the university in order to create the basis for introducing methods disciplined teamwork and meet the requirements of the industry. Some strategies are proposed for implementation at the University from the area of knowledge of algorithms and programmingPara consolidar una cultura de software es preciso contar con procesos bien definidos y un personal competente, entrenado en una disciplina personal y de trabajo en equipo. El Proceso de Software Personal (PSP) contribuye a alcanzar disciplina en el trabajo individual. Este artículo propone un conjunto de consideraciones para introducir las prácticas de PSP, de forma paulatina e incremental en la formación del profesional en la universidad; con el objetivo de crear las bases para introducir métodos disciplinados de trabajo en equipo y cumplir con los requerimientos de la industria. Se plantean algunas estrategias para su implementación en el ámbito de la Universidad desde el área de conocimiento de la algoritmia y la programación. Keywords: Personal Software Process, PSP, Software of Engineer, Good Best

    Determinants of technology adoption in the retail trade industry - the case of SMEs in Spain

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    This paper analyzes the determinants of small and medium-sized enterprises’ technology adoption in the retail trade industry. From the theoretical perspective, two types of influential factors are differentiated in this respect: the personal characteristics of the manager/business owner and the business’s organizational characteristics. The empirical analysis is based on a survey of 268 small and medium-sized enterprises in the Spanish retail trade sector. A logistic regression specification is used as an econometric method. The results indicate that both the acquisition of new technical and electronic equipment and the obtaining of new software are affected by the two types of determinants previously pointed out. The manager/business owner’s entrepreneurial motivation and educational background have significant influences on technology adoption in this type of companies. Furthermore, being part of a business group, carrying out training activities for the employees and inter-firm cooperation also positively influence technology adoption in the retail trade industry

    Criteria for the Diploma qualifications in information technology at levels 1, 2 and 3

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    A Conceptual Framework for Definition of the Correlation Between Company Size Categories and the Proliferation of Business Information Systems in Hungary Download article

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    Based on a conceptual model, this paper aims to explore the background of the decision-making process leading to the introduction of business information systems among enterprises in Hungary. Together with presenting the problems arising in the course of the implementation of such systems, their usage patterns are also investigated. A strong correlation is established between the size of an enterprise, the scope of its business activities and the range of the business information systems it applies

    Introducing and Using Electronic Voting Systems in a Large Scale Project With Undergraduate Students : Reflecting on the Challenges and Successes

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    Electronic Voting Systems (EVS) have become a popular medium for encouraging student engagement in class-based activities and for managing swift feedback in formative and summative assessments. Since their early days of popularity and introduction some five or more years ago, the author’s UK based University has been successful in refining strategies for their use across individual academic Schools and Departments, as previously reported at ECEL (e.g. Lorimer and Hilliard, 2008). The focus of this paper is a reflection on the introduction of EVS with 300 first year undergraduate students in the School of Computer Science, within the context of a wider ‘change’ project in teaching and learning affecting the whole institution. The author examines what lessons can be learnt following this rapid scaling up of EVS activity both at a local level and more widely across an HE institution and in reflecting on the successes and challenges of this experience provides key indicators for success and useful support for others considering using EVS. The paper first considers the landscape of EVS use within the UK and then the specific introduction of EVS at her own institution, before exploring the issues in her own academic School around the latest phase of their introduction as part of an institution–wide project to review measures to support assessment and feedback.Non peer reviewe

    Software process: standards, assessments and improvements

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    Audit to Forget: A Unified Method to Revoke Patients' Private Data in Intelligent Healthcare

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    Revoking personal private data is one of the basic human rights, which has already been sheltered by several privacy-preserving laws in many countries. However, with the development of data science, machine learning and deep learning techniques, this right is usually neglected or violated as more and more patients' data are being collected and used for model training, especially in intelligent healthcare, thus making intelligent healthcare a sector where technology must meet the law, regulations, and privacy principles to ensure that the innovation is for the common good. In order to secure patients' right to be forgotten, we proposed a novel solution by using auditing to guide the forgetting process, where auditing means determining whether a dataset has been used to train the model and forgetting requires the information of a query dataset to be forgotten from the target model. We unified these two tasks by introducing a new approach called knowledge purification. To implement our solution, we developed AFS, a unified open-source software, which is able to evaluate and revoke patients' private data from pre-trained deep learning models. We demonstrated the generality of AFS by applying it to four tasks on different datasets with various data sizes and architectures of deep learning networks. The software is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/JoshuaChou2018/AFS}

    Introducing New Methodologies for Identifying Design Patterns for Internationalization and Localization

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    This paper describes a new methodology for deriving interaction design patterns from an analysis of ethnographic data. It suggests using inductive and deductive analysis processes to identify and articulate patterns that address the needs of culturally diverse users of interactive, collaborative systems. This might inform the internationalization and localization process of computer supported collaboration systems

    Planning for Success in Introducing and Embedding Technology to Enhance Learning

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    The authors reflect on the outcomes of recent change management projects for introducing technology into Higher Education in the UK and discuss key aspects which have led to success in the increasing use and subsequent embedding of learning technologies in the classroom. They focus on three areas where it is suggested that institutions need to ‘get it right’ in terms of justifying the expensive introduction of technology into the learning environment: the building and maintaining of the technical infrastructure; the provision of appropriate initial and continuing user support, which includes relating the use of technology to pedagogy; and the management of the impact of change on those who are faced with adapting to different ways of learning and teaching. These are mapped to a set of critical success factors by the authors. The paper investigate these firstly, via a case-study within a technology-focussed university, where its commitment to the enhancement of the student experience through using technology to support assessment and feedback mechanisms has increased. The authors explore how academics were encouraged to become further engaged within the process. Consequently, the use of technology in the classroom was no longer seen as being the preserve of a group of ‘enthusiasts’ or ‘early adopters’ but was perceived to be relevant to a wider user group. A further case-study shows how the critical success factors were applied to develop a flexible learning module within a more traditional teaching environment. This paper explores the importance of balancing underlying pedagogical approaches to the introduction of new technologies. It is proposed that while technology can be an excellent tool it should not drive the pedagogy. The aim finally is to ensure that throughout and following a period of change both academics and students can benefit from the appropriate use of technology to enhance learnin

    The integration of computer use in education

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    There is an increasing awareness that disappointing experiences with the introduction of computers in education are a consequence of insufficiently taking into account factors that are crucial when introducing change in educational settings. Many of the problems in the literature show great similarity with the kind of problems often experienced in curriculum implementation. In this context the endeavors to make computer use an integrated part of classroom activities are analyzed. Emphasis will be laid on the interaction between teachers and courseware; elements for a more effective strategy for the integration of computer use in educational practice will be presented, with special attention to the design of support materials as an essential part of courseware