23 research outputs found

    Interaction design for multi-user virtual reality systems: An automotive case study

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    Virtual reality (VR) technology have become ever matured today. Various research and practice have demonstrated the potential benefits of using VR in different application area of manufacturing, such as in factory layout planning, product design, training, etc. However, along with the new possibilities brought by VR, comes with the new ways for users to communicate with the computer system. The human computer interaction design for these VR systems becomes pivotal to the smooth integration. In this paper, it reports the study that investigates interaction design strategies for the multi-user VR system used in manufacturing context though an automotive case study

    Digital Technologies to Redesign Automatic Machines with a Human-Centric Approach: Application in Industry

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    Human factors integration is definitely a transdisciplinary and urgent matter in modern factories. Despite the great surge in factory automation in recent years, human-machine interaction is still a crucial aspect and companies need to take care of the workers' wellbeing and performance to enhance the overall system quality and productivity. Nevertheless, ergonomics is poorly considered during the design of complex industrial systems, such as automatic machinery, especially for the lack of practical methodologies and guidelines to promote human factors from the early stages of design or redesign. To overcome this issue, this work proposes a transdisciplinary approach to redesign automatic machinery in compliance with factory ergonomics, using a combination of digital technologies (e.g., digital human simulation, human physiological data monitoring). The paper defines a structure method and related tools to apply a human-centric approach to industrial cases and their validation of a real case, concerning the redesign of a packaging automatic machine. Results show how the proposed approach is useful to detect possible ergonomic issues at the shop floor, identifying in advance risky situations for the operators during operating or maintenance tasks, and leading to an optimized machine able to enhance the workers’ wellbeing and factory productivity at the same time

    A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics application in human simulation

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    Although automatic techniques have been employed in manufacturing industries to increase productivity and efficiency, there are still lots of manual handling jobs, especially for assembly and maintenance jobs. In these jobs, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the major health problems due to overload and cumulative physical fatigue. With combination of conventional posture analysis techniques, digital human modelling and simulation (DHM) techniques have been developed and commercialized to evaluate the potential physical exposures. However, those ergonomics analysis tools are mainly based on posture analysis techniques, and until now there is still no fatigue index available in the commercial software to evaluate the physical fatigue easily and quickly. In this paper, a new muscle fatigue and recovery model is proposed and extended to evaluate joint fatigue level in manual handling jobs. A special application case is described and analyzed by digital human simulation technique.Comment: IDMME - Virtual Concept, Beijing : Chine (2008

    Combining Geometric Constraints With Physics Modeling for Virtual Assembly Using SHARP

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    This research combines physics-based and constraint-based approaches for virtual assembly simulations where geometric constraints are created or deleted within the virtual environment at runtime. In addition, this research provides a solution to low clearance assembly by utilizing B-Rep data representation of complex CAD models for accurate collision/physics results. These techniques are demonstrated in the SHARP software (System for Haptic Assembly and Realistic Prototyping). Combining physics-based and constraint-based techniques and operating on accurate B-rep data, SHARP can now assemble parts with 0.001% clearance and can accurately detect collision responses with 0.0001mm accuracy. Case studies are presented which can be used to identify the suitable combination of methods capable of best simulating intricate interactions and environment behavior during manual assembly

    Automatic assessment of the ergonomic risk for manual manufacturing and assembly activities through optical motion capture technology

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    Abstract Safeguard the operator health is nowadays a hot topic for most of the companies whose production process relies on manual manufacturing and assembly activities. European legislations, national regulations and international standards force the companies to assess the risk of musculoskeletal disorders of operators while they are performing manual tasks. Furthermore, international corporates typically require their partners to adopt and implement particular indices and procedures to assess the ergonomic risks specific of their industrial sector. The expertise and time required by the ergonomic assessment activity compels the companies to huge financial, human and technological investments. An original Motion Analysis System (MAS) is developed to facilitate the evaluation of most of the ergonomic indices traditionally adopted by manufacturing firms. The MAS exploits a network of marker-less depth cameras to track and record the operator movements and postures during the performed tasks. The big volume of data provided by this motion capture technology is employed by the MAS to automatically and quantitatively assesses the risk of musculoskeletal disorders over the entire task duration and for each body part. The developed hardware/software architecture is tested and validated with a real industrial case study of a car manufacturer which adopts the European Assembly Worksheet (EAWS) to assess the ergonomic risk of its assembly line operators. The results suggest how the MAS is a powerful architecture compared to other motion capture solutions. Indeed, this technology accurately assesses the operator movements and his joint absolute position in the assembly station 3D layout. Finally, the MAS automatically and quantitatively fill out the different EAWS sections, traditionally evaluated through time- and resource-consuming activities

    Combining physical constraints with geometric constraint-based modeling for virtual assembly

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    The research presented in this dissertation aims to create a virtual assembly environment capable of simulating the constant and subtle interactions (hand-part, part-part) that occur during manual assembly, and providing appropriate feedback to the user in real-time. A virtual assembly system called SHARP System for Haptic Assembly and Realistic Prototyping is created, which utilizes simulated physical constraints for part placement during assembly.;The first approach taken in this research attempt utilized Voxmap Point Shell (VPS) software for implementing collision detection and physics-based modeling in SHARP. A volumetric approach, where complex CAD models were represented by numerous small cubic-voxel elements was used to obtain fast physics update rates (500--1000 Hz). A novel dual-handed haptic interface was developed and integrated into the system allowing the user to simultaneously manipulate parts with both hands. However, coarse model approximations used for collision detection and physics-based modeling only allowed assembly when minimum clearance was limited to ∌8-10%.;To provide a solution to the low clearance assembly problem, the second effort focused on importing accurate parametric CAD data (B-Rep) models into SHARP. These accurate B-Rep representations are used for collision detection as well as for simulating physical contacts more accurately. A new hybrid approach is presented, which combines the simulated physical constraints with geometric constraints which can be defined at runtime. Different case studies are used to identify the suitable combination of methods (collision detection, physical constraints, geometric constraints) capable of best simulating intricate interactions and environment behavior during manual assembly. An innovative automatic constraint recognition algorithm is created and integrated into SHARP. The feature-based approach utilized for the algorithm design, facilitates faster identification of potential geometric constraints that need to be defined. This approach results in optimized system performance while providing a more natural user experience for assembly

    Biomechanical fidelity of simulated pick-and-place tasks: impact of visual and haptic renderings

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    International audienceVirtual environments (VE) and haptic interfaces (HI) tend to be introduced as virtual prototyping tools to assess ergonomic features of workstations. These approaches are costeffective and convenient since working directly on the Digital Mock-Up in a VE is preferable to constructing a physical mockup in a Real Environment (RE). However it can be usable only if the ergonomic conclusions made from the VE are similar to the ones you would make in the real world. This study aims at evaluating the impact of visual and haptic renderings in terms of biomechanical fidelity for pick-and-place tasks. Fourteen subjects performed time-constrained pick-and-place tasks in RE and VE with a real and a virtual, haptic driven object at three different speeds. Motion of the hand and muscles activation of the upper limb were recorded. A questionnaire assessed subjectively discomfort and immersion. The results revealed significant differences between measured indicators in RE and VE and with real and virtual object. Objective and subjective measures indicated higher muscle activity and higher length of the hand trajectories in VE and with HI. Another important element is that no cross effect between haptic and visual rendering was reported. Theses results confirmed that such systems should be used with caution for ergonomics evaluation, especially when investigating postural and muscle quantities as discomfort indicators. The last contribution of the paper lies in an experimental setup easily replicable to asses more systematically the biomechanical fidelity of virtual environments for ergonomics purposes

    Virtual reality for assembly methods prototyping: a review

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    Assembly planning and evaluation is an important component of the product design process in which details about how parts of a new product will be put together are formalized. A well designed assembly process should take into account various factors such as optimum assembly time and sequence, tooling and fixture requirements, ergonomics, operator safety, and accessibility, among others. Existing computer-based tools to support virtual assembly either concentrate solely on representation of the geometry of parts and fixtures and evaluation of clearances and tolerances or use simulated human mannequins to approximate human interaction in the assembly process. Virtual reality technology has the potential to support integration of natural human motions into the computer aided assembly planning environment (Ritchie et al. in Proc I MECH E Part B J Eng 213(5):461–474, 1999). This would allow evaluations of an assembler’s ability to manipulate and assemble parts and result in reduced time and cost for product design. This paper provides a review of the research in virtual assembly and categorizes the different approaches. Finally, critical requirements and directions for future research are presented

    Disassembly task evaluation by muscle fatigue estimation in a virtual reality environment

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    International audienceToday, disassembly operations play a very important role during the initial design phase of industrial products considering the role played by these operations throughout the product life cycle. Current simulation platforms do not offer the necessary information and versatility required for a complete disassembly process simulation, including human/operator physiological data management. The paper deals with a new method for disassembly sequence evaluation. It is based on metabolic energy expenditure and muscle fatigue estimation. For this purpose, the analytical model for mechanical energy expenditure is proposed. In this model, the required mechanical work is used as a parameter that allows comparing the relationships among fatigue levels when performing disassembly sequences. Then, the fatigue levels are evaluated by analyzing the recorded electromyography signal on an operator’s arm. The proposed method is validated by a set of experimental disassembly tests performed in a virtual reality environment. The comparison of the analytical and experimental results has shown good correlation between them. The main result of this study is the proposed model for assessing muscle fatigue and its validation by experimental procedure. The proposed method provides the feasibility to integrate human muscle fatigue into disassembly sequence evaluation via mechanical energy expenditure when performing disassembly operation simulations