26,862 research outputs found

    Scheduling of non-repetitive lean manufacturing systems under uncertainty using intelligent agent simulation

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    World-class manufacturing paradigms emerge from specific types of manufacturing systems with which they remain associated until they are obsolete. Since its introduction the lean paradigm is almost exclusively implemented in repetitive manufacturing systems employing flow-shop layout configurations. Due to its inherent complexity and combinatorial nature, scheduling is one application domain whereby the implementation of manufacturing philosophies and best practices is particularly challenging. The study of the limited reported attempts to extend leanness into the scheduling of non-repetitive manufacturing systems with functional shop-floor configurations confirms that these works have adopted a similar approach which aims to transform the system mainly through reconfiguration in order to increase the degree of manufacturing repetitiveness and thus facilitate the adoption of leanness. This research proposes the use of leading edge intelligent agent simulation to extend the lean principles and techniques to the scheduling of non-repetitive production environments with functional layouts and no prior reconfiguration of any form. The simulated system is a dynamic job-shop with stochastic order arrivals and processing times operating under a variety of dispatching rules. The modelled job-shop is subject to uncertainty expressed in the form of high priority orders unexpectedly arriving at the system, order cancellations and machine breakdowns. The effect of the various forms of the stochastic disruptions considered in this study on system performance prior and post the introduction of leanness is analysed in terms of a number of time, due date and work-in-progress related performance metrics

    Simulation study for investment decisions on the EcoBoost camshaft machining line

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    Design/redesign of manufacturing systems is a complex, risky, and expensive task. Ford Motor Company’s Valencia Engine Plant faces this challenge as it plans to upgrade its machining and assembly lines to introduce the new EcoBoost engines. The research project described in this paper aimed to support the transition process particularly at the camshaft machining line by using simulation modelling techniques. A series of experiments was carried out using the simulation model developed, and recommendations were proposed based on the results of these experiments to support the decision as to where to invest on the line. The outcomes from the research project indicated that investment is required in terms of increasing the capacity of two bottleneck operations through retooling and improving the conveyor routing logic in one key area. Keywords: simulation modelling, closed-loop network, automotive production system

    Context of Production Control in Construction

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    It is commonly accepted that production control systems should correspond to the context within which they are operating, i.e. the production situation. However, rarely is this context indicated or made explicit; for example, the boundary conditions or the range of validity of a particular production control method. Thus, it is the aim of this paper to analyze how the production context could more sys- tematically be taken into account when determining which production control system to use. Whilst it is acknowledged that contextual issues can be approached in a variety of ways, this is dependent on the perspective being considered (e.g. from a management hierarchy perspective, or a process stage perspective). This investigation looks at context from a process stage perspective and firstly considers the major production control approaches (such as CPM, Line-of-Balance, Last Planner System and Critical Chain) to determine their range of validity. Secondly, we endeavour to identify a typology of production control situations (ideal types), together with a suggestion for production control in each case. Finally, we attempt to deconstruct production control into its constituent elements and evaluate the alternative suggestions at this elemental level in relation to their contextual assumptions. In the paper, all three approaches are discussed and illustrated, based on prior literature and field observations

    Production planning and control of closed-loop supply chains

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    More and more supply chains emerge that include a return flow of materials. Many original equipment manufacturers are nowadays engaged in the remanufacturing business. In many process industries, production defectives and by-products are reworked. These closed-loop supply chains deserve special attention. Production planning and control in such hybrid systems is a real challenge, especially due to increased uncertainties. Even companies that are engaged in remanufacturing operations only, face more complicated planning situations than traditional manufacturing companies.We point out the main complicating characteristics in closed-loop systems with both remanufacturing and rework, and indicated the need for new or modified/extended production planning and control approaches. An overview of the existing scientific contributions is given. It appears that we only stand at the beginning of this line of research, and that many more contributions are needed and expected in the future.closed-loop supply chains;Production planning and control

    Demand uncertainty and lot sizing in manufacturing systems: the effects of forecasting errors and mis-specification

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    This paper proposes a methodology for examining the effect of demand uncertainty and forecast error on lot sizing methods, unit costs and customer service levels in MRP type manufacturing systems. A number of cost structures were considered which depend on the expected time between orders. A simple two-level MRP system where the product is manufactured for stock was then simulated. Stochastic demand for the final product was generated by two commonly occurring processes and with different variances. Various lot sizing rules were then used to determine the amount of product made and the amount of materials bought in. The results confirm earlier research that the behaviour of lot sizing rules is quite different when there is uncertainty in demand compared to the situation of perfect foresight of demand. The best lot sizing rules for the deterministic situation are the worst whenever there is uncertainty in demand. In addition the choice of lot sizing rule between ‘good’ rules such as the EOQ turns out to be relatively less important in reducing unit cost compared to improving forecasting accuracy whatever the cost structure. The effect of demand uncertainty on unit cost for a given service level increases exponentially as the uncertainty in the demand data increases. The paper also shows how the value of improved forecasting can be analysed by examining the effects of different sizes of forecast error in addition to demand uncertainty. In those manufacturing problems with high forecast error variance, improved forecast accuracy should lead to substantial percentage improvements in unit costs

    Solution and quality robust project scheduling: a methodological framework.

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    The vast majority of the research efforts in project scheduling over the past several years has concentrated on the development of exact and suboptimal procedures for the generation of a baseline schedule assuming complete information and a deterministic environment. During execution, however, projects may be the subject of considerable uncertainty, which may lead to numerous schedule disruptions. Predictive-reactive scheduling refers to the process where a baseline schedule is developed prior to the start of the project and updated if necessary during project execution. It is the objective of this paper to review possible procedures for the generation of proactive (robust) schedules, which are as well as possible protected against schedule disruptions, and for the deployment of reactive scheduling procedures that may be used to revise or re-optimize the baseline schedule when unexpected events occur. We also offer a methodological framework that should allow project management to identify the proper scheduling methodology for different project scheduling environments. Finally, we survey the basics of Critical Chain scheduling and indicate in which environments it is useful.Framework; Information; Management; Processes; Project management; Project scheduling; Project scheduling under uncertainty; Stability; Robust scheduling; Quality; Scheduling; Stability; Uncertainty;

    SMEs: ERP or virtual collaboration teams

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    Small firms are indeed the engines of global economic growth. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role to promote economic development. SMEs in the beginning of implementing new technologies always face capital shortage and need technological assistance. Available ERP systems do not fulfil the specific requirements of Small firms. SMEs has scarce resources and manpower therefore many SMEs don?t have the possessions to buy and operate an ERP System. On the other hand competition and competitiveness of SMEs have to be strengthened. This paper briefly reviews the existing perspectives on virtual teams and their effect on SMEs management. It also discusses the main characteristics of virtual teams and clarifies the differences aspects of virtual team application in SMEs. After outlining some of the main advantages and pitfall of such teams, it concentrates on comparing of ERP and virtual collaborative teams in SMEs. Finally, it provides evidence for the need of ?Software as a Service (SaaS)? where an application is hosted as a service provided to customers across the web for SMEs as an alternative of ERP. It has been widely argued that ERP disadvantage in SMEs such as administrative expenditure and cost, isolated structure, severe lack of software flexibility, insufficient support of SMEs business and high operating cost, lead SMEs to use virtual collaborative team which is net work base solution