547 research outputs found

    Open-ended evolution to discover analogue circuits for beyond conventional applications

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10710-012-9163-8. Copyright @ Springer 2012.Analogue circuits synthesised by means of open-ended evolutionary algorithms often have unconventional designs. However, these circuits are typically highly compact, and the general nature of the evolutionary search methodology allows such designs to be used in many applications. Previous work on the evolutionary design of analogue circuits has focused on circuits that lie well within analogue application domain. In contrast, our paper considers the evolution of analogue circuits that are usually synthesised in digital logic. We have developed four computational circuits, two voltage distributor circuits and a time interval metre circuit. The approach, despite its simplicity, succeeds over the design tasks owing to the employment of substructure reuse and incremental evolution. Our findings expand the range of applications that are considered suitable for evolutionary electronics

    A novel genetic algorithm for evolvable hardware

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    Evolutionary algorithms are used for solving search and optimization problems. A new field in which they are also applied is evolvable hardware, which refers to a self-configurable electronic system. However, evolvable hardware is not widely recognized as a tool for solving real-world applications, because of the scalability problem, which limits the size of the system that may be evolved. In this paper a new genetic algorithm, particularly designed for evolving logic circuits, is presented and tested for its scalability. The proposed algorithm designs and optimizes logic circuits based on a Programmable Logic Array (PLA) structure. Furthermore it allows the evolution of large logic circuits, without the use of any decomposition techniques. The experimental results, based on the evolution of several logic circuits taken from three different benchmarks, prove that the proposed algorithm is very fast, as only a few generations are required to fully evolve the logic circuits. In addition it optimizes the evolved circuits better than the optimization offered by other evolutionary algorithms based on a PLA and FPGA structures

    Generalized disjunction decomposition for evolvable hardware

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    Evolvable hardware (EHW) refers to self-reconfiguration hardware design, where the configuration is under the control of an evolutionary algorithm (EA). One of the main difficulties in using EHW to solve real-world problems is scalability, which limits the size of the circuit that may be evolved. This paper outlines a new type of decomposition strategy for EHW, the “generalized disjunction decomposition” (GDD), which allows the evolution of large circuits. The proposed method has been extensively tested, not only with multipliers and parity bit problems traditionally used in the EHW community, but also with logic circuits taken from the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) benchmark library and randomly generated circuits. In order to achieve statistically relevant results, each analyzed logic circuit has been evolved 100 times, and the average of these results is presented and compared with other EHW techniques. This approach is necessary because of the probabilistic nature of EA; the same logic circuit may not be solved in the same way if tested several times. The proposed method has been examined in an extrinsic EHW system using the(1+lambda)(1 + lambda)evolution strategy. The results obtained demonstrate that GDD significantly improves the evolution of logic circuits in terms of the number of generations, reduces computational time as it is able to reduce the required time for a single iteration of the EA, and enables the evolution of larger circuits never before evolved. In addition to the proposed method, a short overview of EHW systems together with the most recent applications in electrical circuit design is provided

    Absolutely free extrinsic evolution of passive low-pass filter

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    Evolutionary electronics is a brunch of evolvable hardware, where the evolutionary algorithm is applied towards electronic circuits. The success of evolutionary search most of all depends on variable length representation methodology. The low-pass filter is a standard task in evolutionary electronics to start with. The results of evolution enable one to qualify whether the methodology is good for further experiments. In this paper the maximum freedom for evolutionary search has been proclaimed as a main target during development of new VLR methodology. The introduction of R-support elements enables to perform an unconstrained evolution of analogue circuits for the first time. The proposed algorithm has been tested on the example of analogue low-pass filter. The experimental results demonstrate that the evolved filter is comparable with filters evolved previously using genetic programming and genetic algorithms techniques. The obtained results are compared in details with low-pass filters previously designed

    A VHDL Core for Intrinsic Evolution of Discrete Time Filters with Signal Feedback

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    The design of an Evolvable Machine VHDL Core is presented, representing a discrete-time processing structure capable of supporting control system applications. This VHDL Core is implemented in an FPGA and is interfaced with an evolutionary algorithm implemented in firmware on a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) to create an evolvable system platform. The salient features of this architecture are presented. The capability to implement IIR filter structures is presented along with the results of the intrinsic evolution of a filter. The robustness of the evolved filter design is tested and its unique characteristics are described

    Evolvable Embryonics: 2-in-1 Approach to Self-healing Systems

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    This paper covers the authors’ recent research in the area of evolutionary design optimisation in electronic application domain (Evolvable Hardware). This will be also presented in the context of biologically inspired systems where Evolvable Hardware is concerned with evolutionary synthesis of self-healing systems and potentially hardware capable of online adaptation to dynamically changing environment. We will also illustrate how EAs can produce novel and unintuitive design solutions, and possibly new design principles. The novelty of this research project addresses this compelling change in the traditional landscape of the associated research disciplines by seeking to provide a novel biologically inspired mechanism to support the design optimisation of self-healing architectures, that is Evolvable-Embryonics

    Evolvable hardware platform for fault-tolerant reconfigurable sensor electronics

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    Challenging the evolutionary strategy for synthesis of analogue computational circuits

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    There are very few reports in the past on applications of Evolutionary Strategy (ES) towards the synthesis of analogue circuits. Moreover, even fewer reports are on the synthesis of computational circuits. Last fact is mainly due to the dif-ficulty in designing of the complex nonlinear functions that these circuits perform. In this paper, the evolving power of the ES is challenged to design four computational circuits: cube root, cubing, square root and squaring functions. The synthesis succeeded due to the usage of oscillating length genotype strategy and the substructure reuse. The approach is characterized by its simplicity and represents one of the first attempts of application of ES towards the synthesis of “QR” circuits. The obtained experimental results significantly exceed the results published before in terms of the circuit quality, economy in components and computing resources utilized, revealing the great potential of the technique pro-posed to design large scale analog circuits

    A novel FPGA-based evolvable hardware system based on multiple processing arrays

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    In this paper, an architecture based on a scalable and flexible set of Evolvable Processing arrays is presented. FPGA-native Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) is used for evolution, which is done intrinsically, letting the system to adapt autonomously to variable run-time conditions, including the presence of transient and permanent faults. The architecture supports different modes of operation, namely: independent, parallel, cascaded or bypass mode. These modes of operation can be used during evolution time or during normal operation. The evolvability of the architecture is combined with fault-tolerance techniques, to enhance the platform with self-healing features, making it suitable for applications which require both high adaptability and reliability. Experimental results show that such a system may benefit from accelerated evolution times, increased performance and improved dependability, mainly by increasing fault tolerance for transient and permanent faults, as well as providing some fault identification possibilities. The evolvable HW array shown is tailored for window-based image processing applications