109 research outputs found

    Shape-from-intrinsic operator

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    Shape-from-X is an important class of problems in the fields of geometry processing, computer graphics, and vision, attempting to recover the structure of a shape from some observations. In this paper, we formulate the problem of shape-from-operator (SfO), recovering an embedding of a mesh from intrinsic differential operators defined on the mesh. Particularly interesting instances of our SfO problem include synthesis of shape analogies, shape-from-Laplacian reconstruction, and shape exaggeration. Numerically, we approach the SfO problem by splitting it into two optimization sub-problems that are applied in an alternating scheme: metric-from-operator (reconstruction of the discrete metric from the intrinsic operator) and embedding-from-metric (finding a shape embedding that would realize a given metric, a setting of the multidimensional scaling problem)

    SHREC'16: partial matching of deformable shapes

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    Matching deformable 3D shapes under partiality transformations is a challenging problem that has received limited focus in the computer vision and graphics communities. With this benchmark, we explore and thoroughly investigate the robustness of existing matching methods in this challenging task. Participants are asked to provide a point-to-point correspondence (either sparse or dense) between deformable shapes undergoing different kinds of partiality transformations, resulting in a total of 400 matching problems to be solved for each method - making this benchmark the biggest and most challenging of its kind. Five matching algorithms were evaluated in the contest; this paper presents the details of the dataset, the adopted evaluation measures, and shows thorough comparisons among all competing methods

    Unsupervised Representation Learning for Diverse Deformable Shape Collections

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    We introduce a novel learning-based method for encoding and manipulating 3D surface meshes. Our method is specifically designed to create an interpretable embedding space for deformable shape collections. Unlike previous 3D mesh autoencoders that require meshes to be in a 1-to-1 correspondence, our approach is trained on diverse meshes in an unsupervised manner. Central to our method is a spectral pooling technique that establishes a universal latent space, breaking free from traditional constraints of mesh connectivity and shape categories. The entire process consists of two stages. In the first stage, we employ the functional map paradigm to extract point-to-point (p2p) maps between a collection of shapes in an unsupervised manner. These p2p maps are then utilized to construct a common latent space, which ensures straightforward interpretation and independence from mesh connectivity and shape category. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method achieves excellent reconstructions and produces more realistic and smoother interpolations than baseline approaches.Comment: Accepted at International Conference on 3D Vision 202

    Diskrete Spin-Geometrie für Flächen

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    This thesis proposes a discrete framework for spin geometry of surfaces. Specifically, we discretize the basic notions in spin geometry, such as the spin structure, spin connection and Dirac operator. In this framework, two types of Dirac operators are closely related as in smooth case. Moreover, they both induce the discrete conformal immersion with prescribed mean curvature half-density.In dieser Arbeit wird ein diskreter Zugang zur Spin-Geometrie vorgestellt. Insbesondere diskretisieren wir die grundlegende Begriffe, wie zum Beispiel die Spin-Struktur, den Spin-Zusammenhang und den Dirac Operator. In diesem Rahmen sind zwei Varianten fĂĽr den Dirac Operator eng verwandt wie in der glatten Theorie. DarĂĽber hinaus induzieren beide die diskret-konforme Immersion mit vorgeschriebener Halbdichte der mittleren KrĂĽmmung

    Surface Networks

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    We study data-driven representations for three-dimensional triangle meshes, which are one of the prevalent objects used to represent 3D geometry. Recent works have developed models that exploit the intrinsic geometry of manifolds and graphs, namely the Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and its spectral variants, which learn from the local metric tensor via the Laplacian operator. Despite offering excellent sample complexity and built-in invariances, intrinsic geometry alone is invariant to isometric deformations, making it unsuitable for many applications. To overcome this limitation, we propose several upgrades to GNNs to leverage extrinsic differential geometry properties of three-dimensional surfaces, increasing its modeling power. In particular, we propose to exploit the Dirac operator, whose spectrum detects principal curvature directions --- this is in stark contrast with the classical Laplace operator, which directly measures mean curvature. We coin the resulting models \emph{Surface Networks (SN)}. We prove that these models define shape representations that are stable to deformation and to discretization, and we demonstrate the efficiency and versatility of SNs on two challenging tasks: temporal prediction of mesh deformations under non-linear dynamics and generative models using a variational autoencoder framework with encoders/decoders given by SNs

    Calculating Sparse and Dense Correspondences for Near-Isometric Shapes

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    Comparing and analysing digital models are basic techniques of geometric shape processing. These techniques have a variety of applications, such as extracting the domain knowledge contained in the growing number of digital models to simplify shape modelling. Another example application is the analysis of real-world objects, which itself has a variety of applications, such as medical examinations, medical and agricultural research, and infrastructure maintenance. As methods to digitalize physical objects mature, any advances in the analysis of digital shapes lead to progress in the analysis of real-world objects. Global shape properties, like volume and surface area, are simple to compare but contain only very limited information. Much more information is contained in local shape differences, such as where and how a plant grew. Sadly the computation of local shape differences is hard as it requires knowledge of corresponding point pairs, i.e. points on both shapes that correspond to each other. The following article thesis (cumulative dissertation) discusses several recent publications for the computation of corresponding points: - Geodesic distances between points, i.e. distances along the surface, are fundamental for several shape processing tasks as well as several shape matching techniques. Chapter 3 introduces and analyses fast and accurate bounds on geodesic distances. - When building a shape space on a set of shapes, misaligned correspondences lead to points moving along the surfaces and finally to a larger shape space. Chapter 4 shows that this also works the other way around, that is good correspondences are obtain by optimizing them to generate a compact shape space. - Representing correspondences with a “functional map” has a variety of advantages. Chapter 5 shows that representing the correspondence map as an alignment of Green’s functions of the Laplace operator has similar advantages, but is much less dependent on the number of eigenvectors used for the computations. - Quadratic assignment problems were recently shown to reliably yield sparse correspondences. Chapter 6 compares state-of-the-art convex relaxations of graphics and vision with methods from discrete optimization on typical quadratic assignment problems emerging in shape matching

    Variational Autoencoders for Deforming 3D Mesh Models

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    3D geometric contents are becoming increasingly popular. In this paper, we study the problem of analyzing deforming 3D meshes using deep neural networks. Deforming 3D meshes are flexible to represent 3D animation sequences as well as collections of objects of the same category, allowing diverse shapes with large-scale non-linear deformations. We propose a novel framework which we call mesh variational autoencoders (mesh VAE), to explore the probabilistic latent space of 3D surfaces. The framework is easy to train, and requires very few training examples. We also propose an extended model which allows flexibly adjusting the significance of different latent variables by altering the prior distribution. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our general framework is able to learn a reasonable representation for a collection of deformable shapes, and produce competitive results for a variety of applications, including shape generation, shape interpolation, shape space embedding and shape exploration, outperforming state-of-the-art methods.Comment: CVPR 201

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationShape analysis is a well-established tool for processing surfaces. It is often a first step in performing tasks such as segmentation, symmetry detection, and finding correspondences between shapes. Shape analysis is traditionally employed on well-sampled surfaces where the geometry and topology is precisely known. When the form of the surface is that of a point cloud containing nonuniform sampling, noise, and incomplete measurements, traditional shape analysis methods perform poorly. Although one may first perform reconstruction on such a point cloud prior to performing shape analysis, if the geometry and topology is far from the true surface, then this can have an adverse impact on the subsequent analysis. Furthermore, for triangulated surfaces containing noise, thin sheets, and poorly shaped triangles, existing shape analysis methods can be highly unstable. This thesis explores methods of shape analysis applied directly to such defect-laden shapes. We first study the problem of surface reconstruction, in order to obtain a better understanding of the types of point clouds for which reconstruction methods contain difficulties. To this end, we have devised a benchmark for surface reconstruction, establishing a standard for measuring error in reconstruction. We then develop a new method for consistently orienting normals of such challenging point clouds by using a collection of harmonic functions, intrinsically defined on the point cloud. Next, we develop a new shape analysis tool which is tolerant to imperfections, by constructing distances directly on the point cloud defined as the likelihood of two points belonging to a mutually common medial ball, and apply this for segmentation and reconstruction. We extend this distance measure to define a diffusion process on the point cloud, tolerant to missing data, which is used for the purposes of matching incomplete shapes undergoing a nonrigid deformation. Lastly, we have developed an intrinsic method for multiresolution remeshing of a poor-quality triangulated surface via spectral bisection
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