11 research outputs found

    Lossless Compression of Point Cloud Sequences Using Sequence Optimized CNN Models

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    In this paper we propose a new paradigm for encoding the geometry of dense point cloud sequences, where a convolutional neural network (CNN), which estimates the encoding distributions, is optimized on several frames of the sequence to be compressed. We adopt lightweight CNN structures, we perform training as part of the encoding process and the CNN parameters are transmitted as part of the bitstream. The newly proposed encoding scheme operates on the octree representation for each point cloud, consecutively encoding each octree resolution level. At every octree resolution level, the voxel grid is traversed section-by-section (each section being perpendicular to a selected coordinate axis), and in each section, the occupancies of groups of two-by-two voxels are encoded at once in a single arithmetic coding operation. A context for the conditional encoding distribution is defined for each two-by-two group of voxels based on the information available about the occupancy of the neighboring voxels in the current and lower resolution layers of the octree. The CNN estimates the probability mass functions of the occupancy patterns of all the voxel groups from one section in four phases. In each new phase, the contexts are updated with the occupancies encoded in the previous phase, and each phase estimates the probabilities in parallel, providing a reasonable trade-off between the parallelism of the processing and the informativeness of the contexts. The CNN training time is comparable to the time spent in the remaining encoding steps, leading to competitive overall encoding times. The bitrates and encoding-decoding times compare favorably with those of recently published compression schemes.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Centralized and distributed semi-parametric compression of piecewise smooth functions

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    This thesis introduces novel wavelet-based semi-parametric centralized and distributed compression methods for a class of piecewise smooth functions. Our proposed compression schemes are based on a non-conventional transform coding structure with simple independent encoders and a complex joint decoder. Current centralized state-of-the-art compression schemes are based on the conventional structure where an encoder is relatively complex and nonlinear. In addition, the setting usually allows the encoder to observe the entire source. Recently, there has been an increasing need for compression schemes where the encoder is lower in complexity and, instead, the decoder has to handle more computationally intensive tasks. Furthermore, the setup may involve multiple encoders, where each one can only partially observe the source. Such scenario is often referred to as distributed source coding. In the first part, we focus on the dual situation of the centralized compression where the encoder is linear and the decoder is nonlinear. Our analysis is centered around a class of 1-D piecewise smooth functions. We show that, by incorporating parametric estimation into the decoding procedure, it is possible to achieve the same distortion- rate performance as that of a conventional wavelet-based compression scheme. We also present a new constructive approach to parametric estimation based on the sampling results of signals with finite rate of innovation. The second part of the thesis focuses on the distributed compression scenario, where each independent encoder partially observes the 1-D piecewise smooth function. We propose a new wavelet-based distributed compression scheme that uses parametric estimation to perform joint decoding. Our distortion-rate analysis shows that it is possible for the proposed scheme to achieve that same compression performance as that of a joint encoding scheme. Lastly, we apply the proposed theoretical framework in the context of distributed image and video compression. We start by considering a simplified model of the video signal and show that we can achieve distortion-rate performance close to that of a joint encoding scheme. We then present practical compression schemes for real world signals. Our simulations confirm the improvement in performance over classical schemes, both in terms of the PSNR and the visual quality


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    Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is rapidly gaining popularity as a low cost, robust video coding solution, that reduces video encoding complexity. DVC is built on Distributed Source Coding (DSC) principles where correlation between sources to be compressed is exploited at the decoder side. In the case of DVC, a current frame available only at the encoder is estimated at the decoder with side information (SI) generated from other frames available at the decoder. The inter-frame correlation in DVC is then explored at the decoder based on the received syndromes of Wyner-Ziv (WZ) frame and SI frame. However, the ultimate decoding performances of DVC are based on the assumption that the perfect knowledge of correlation statistic between WZ and SI frames should be available at decoder. Therefore, the ability of obtaining a good statistical correlation estimate is becoming increasingly important in practical DVC implementations.Generally, the existing correlation estimation methods in DVC can be classified into two main types: online estimation where estimation starts before decoding and on-the-fly (OTF) estimation where estimation can be refined iteratively during decoding. As potential changes between frames might be unpredictable or dynamical, OTF estimation methods usually outperforms online estimation techniques with the cost of increased decoding complexity.In order to exploit the robustness of DVC code designs, I integrate particle filtering with standard belief propagation decoding for inference on one joint factor graph to estimate correlation among source and side information. Correlation estimation is performed OTF as it is carried out jointly with decoding of the graph-based DSC code. Moreover, I demonstrate our proposed scheme within state-of-the-art DVC systems, which are transform-domain based with a feedback channel for rate adaptation. Experimental results show that our proposed system gives a significant performance improvement compared to the benchmark state-of-the-art DISCOVER codec (including correlation estimation) and the case without dynamic particle filtering tracking, due to improved knowledge of timely correlation statistics via the combination of joint bit-plane decoding and particle-based BP tracking.Although sampling (e.g., particle filtering) based OTF correlation advances performances of DVC, it also introduces significant computational overhead and results in the decoding delay of DVC. Therefore, I tackle this difficulty through a low complexity adaptive DVC scheme using the deterministic approximate inference, where correlation estimation is also performed OTF as it is carried out jointly with decoding of the factor graph-based DVC code but with much lower complexity. The proposed adaptive DVC scheme is based on expectation propagation (EP), which generally offers better tradeoff between accuracy and complexity among different deterministic approximate inference methods. Experimental results show that our proposed scheme outperforms the benchmark state-of-the-art DISCOVER codec and other cases without correlation tracking, and achieves comparable decoding performance but with significantly low complexity comparing with sampling method.Finally, I extend the concept of DVC (i.e., exploring inter-frames correlation at the decoder side) to the compression of biomedical imaging data (e.g., CT sequence) in a lossless setup, where each slide of a CT sequence is analogous to a frame of video sequence. Besides compression efficiency, another important concern of biomedical imaging data is the privacy and security. Ideally, biomedical data should be kept in a secure manner (i.e. encrypted).An intuitive way is to compress the encrypted biomedical data directly. Unfortunately, traditional compression algorithms (removing redundancy through exploiting the structure of data) fail to handle encrypted data. The reason is that encrypted data appear to be random and lack the structure in the original data. The "best" practice has been compressing the data before encryption, however, this is not appropriate for privacy related scenarios (e.g., biomedical application), where one wants to process data while keeping them encrypted and safe. In this dissertation, I develop a Secure Privacy-presERving Medical Image CompRessiOn (SUPERMICRO) framework based on DSC, which makes the compression of the encrypted data possible without compromising security and compression efficiency. Our approach guarantees the data transmission and storage in a privacy-preserving manner. I tested our proposed framework on two CT image sequences and compared it with the state-of-the-art JPEG 2000 lossless compression. Experimental results demonstrated that the SUPERMICRO framework provides enhanced security and privacy protection, as well as high compression performance

    Discrete Wavelet Transforms

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    The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithms have a firm position in processing of signals in several areas of research and industry. As DWT provides both octave-scale frequency and spatial timing of the analyzed signal, it is constantly used to solve and treat more and more advanced problems. The present book: Discrete Wavelet Transforms: Algorithms and Applications reviews the recent progress in discrete wavelet transform algorithms and applications. The book covers a wide range of methods (e.g. lifting, shift invariance, multi-scale analysis) for constructing DWTs. The book chapters are organized into four major parts. Part I describes the progress in hardware implementations of the DWT algorithms. Applications include multitone modulation for ADSL and equalization techniques, a scalable architecture for FPGA-implementation, lifting based algorithm for VLSI implementation, comparison between DWT and FFT based OFDM and modified SPIHT codec. Part II addresses image processing algorithms such as multiresolution approach for edge detection, low bit rate image compression, low complexity implementation of CQF wavelets and compression of multi-component images. Part III focuses watermaking DWT algorithms. Finally, Part IV describes shift invariant DWTs, DC lossless property, DWT based analysis and estimation of colored noise and an application of the wavelet Galerkin method. The chapters of the present book consist of both tutorial and highly advanced material. Therefore, the book is intended to be a reference text for graduate students and researchers to obtain state-of-the-art knowledge on specific applications

    Visual and Geometric Data Compression for Immersive Technologies

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    The contributions of this thesis are new compression algorithms for light field images and point cloud geometry. Light field imaging attracted wide attention in the recent decade, partly due to emergence of relatively low-cost handheld light field cameras designed for commercial purposes whereas point clouds are used more and more frequently in immersive technologies, replacing other forms of 3D representation. We obtain successful coding performance by combining conventional image processing methods, entropy coding, learning-based disparity estimation and optimization of neural networks for context probability modeling. On the light field coding side, we develop a lossless light field coding method which uses learning-based disparity estimations to predict any view in a light field from a set of reference views. On the point cloud geometry compression side, we develop four different algorithms. The first two of these algorithms follow the so-called bounding volumes approach which initially represents a part of the point cloud in two depth maps where the remaining points of the cloud are contained in a bounding volume which can be derived using only the two depth maps that are losslessly transmitted. One of the two algorithms is a lossy coder that reconstructs some of the remaining points in several steps which involve conventional image processing and image coding techniques. The other one is a lossless coder which applies a novel context arithmetic coding approach involving gradual expansion of the reconstructed point cloud into neighboring voxels. The last two of the proposed point cloud compression algorithms use neural networks for context probability modeling for coding the octree representation of point clouds using arithmetic coding. One of these two algorithms is a learning-based intra-frame coder which requires an initial training stage on a set of training point clouds. The lastly presented algorithm is an inter-frame (sequence) encoder which incorporates the neural network training into the encoding stage, thus for each sequence of point clouds, a specific neural network model is optimized which is also transmitted as a header in the bitstream

    Nonlinear approximation with redundant multi-component dictionaries

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    The problem of efficiently representing and approximating digital data is an open challenge and it is of paramount importance for many applications. This dissertation focuses on the approximation of natural signals as an organized combination of mutually connected elements, preserving and at the same time benefiting from their inherent structure. This is done by decomposing a signal onto a multi-component, redundant collection of functions (dictionary), built by the union of several subdictionaries, each of which is designed to capture a specific behavior of the signal. In this way, instead of representing signals as a superposition of sinusoids or wavelets many alternatives are available. In addition, since dictionaries we are interested in are overcomplete, the decomposition is non-unique. This gives us the possibility of adaptation, choosing among many possible representations the one which best fits our purposes. On the other hand, it also requires more complex approximation techniques whose theoretical decomposition capacity and computational load have to be carefully studied. In general, we aim at representing a signal with few and meaningful components. If we are able to represent a piece of information by using only few elements, it means that such elements can capture its main characteristics, allowing to compact the energy carried by a signal into the smallest number of terms. In such a framework, this work also proposes analysis methods which deal with the goal of considering the a priori information available when decomposing a structured signal. Indeed, a natural signal is not only an array of numbers, but an expression of a physical event about which we usually have a deep knowledge. Therefore, we claim that it is worth exploiting its structure, since it can be advantageous not only in helping the analysis process, but also in making the representation of such information more accessible and meaningful. The study of an adaptive image representation inspired and gave birth to this work. We often refer to images and visual information throughout the course of the dissertation. However, the proposed approximation setting extends to many different kinds of structured data and examples are given involving videos and electrocardiogram signals. An important part of this work is constituted by practical applications: first of all we provide very interesting results for image and video compression. Then, we also face the problem of signal denoising and, finally, promising achievements in the field of source separation are presented

    Visual saliency prediction based on deep learning

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    The Human Visual System (HVS) has the ability to focus on specific parts of a scene, rather than the whole image. Human eye movement is also one of the primary functions used in our daily lives that helps us understand our surroundings. This phenomenon is one of the most active research topics in the computer vision and neuroscience fields. The outcomes that have been achieved by neural network methods in a variety of tasks have highlighted their ability to predict visual saliency. In particular, deep learning models have been used for visual saliency prediction. In this thesis, a deep learning method based on a transfer learning strategy is proposed (Chapter 2), wherein visual features in the convolutional layers are extracted from raw images to predict visual saliency (e.g., saliency map). Specifically, the proposed model uses the VGG-16 network (i.e., Pre-trained CNN model) for semantic segmentation. The proposed model is applied to several datasets, including TORONTO, MIT300, MIT1003, and DUT-OMRON, to illustrate its efficiency. The results of the proposed model are then quantitatively and qualitatively compared to classic and state-of-the-art deep learning models. In Chapter 3, I specifically investigate the performance of five state-of-the-art deep neural networks (VGG-16, ResNet-50, Xception, InceptionResNet-v2, and MobileNet-v2) for the task of visual saliency prediction. Five deep learning models were trained over the SALICON dataset and used to predict visual saliency maps using four standard datasets, namely TORONTO, MIT300, MIT1003, and DUT-OMRON. The results indicate that the ResNet-50 model outperforms the other four and provides a visual saliency map that is very close to human performance. In Chapter 4, a novel deep learning model based on a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) architecture is proposed. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end style and designed to predict visual saliency. The model is based on the encoder-decoder structure and includes two types of modules. The first has three stages of inception modules to improve multi-scale derivation and enhance contextual information. The second module includes one stage of the residual module to provide a more accurate recovery of information and to simplify optimization. The entire proposed model is fully trained from scratch to extract distinguishing features and to use a data augmentation technique to create variations in the images. The proposed model is evaluated using several benchmark datasets, including MIT300, MIT1003, TORONTO, and DUT-OMRON. The quantitative and qualitative experiment analyses demonstrate that the proposed model achieves superior performance for predicting visual saliency. In Chapter 5, I study the possibility of using deep learning techniques for Salient Object Detection (SOD) because this work is slightly related to the problem of Visual saliency prediction. Therefore, in this work, the capability of ten well-known pre-trained models for semantic segmentation, including FCNs, VGGs, ResNets, MobileNet-v2, Xception, and InceptionResNet-v2, are investigated. These models have been trained over an ImageNet dataset, fine-tuned on a MSRA-10K dataset, and evaluated using other public datasets, such as ECSSD, MSRA-B, DUTS, and THUR15k. The results illustrate the superiority of ResNet50 and ResNet18, which have Mean Absolute Errors (MAE) of approximately 0.93 and 0.92, respectively, compared to other well-known FCN models. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and possible future works are discussed in chapter 6