17 research outputs found

    CubicleOS: A library OS with software componentisation for practical isolation

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    Library OSs have been proposed to deploy applications isolated inside containers, VMs, or trusted execution environments. They often follow a highly modular design in which third-party components are combined to offer the OS functionality needed by an application, and they are customised at compilation and deployment time to fit application requirements. Yet their monolithic design lacks isolation across components: when applications and OS components contain security-sensitive data (e.g., cryptographic keys or user data), the lack of isolation renders library OSs open to security breaches via malicious or vulnerable third-party components

    CubicleOS: A library OS with software componentisation for practical isolation

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    Library OSs have been proposed to deploy applications isolated inside containers, VMs, or trusted execution environments. They often follow a highly modular design in which third-party components are combined to offer the OS functionality needed by an application, and they are customised at compilation and deployment time to fit application requirements. Yet their monolithic design lacks isolation across components: when applications and OS components contain security-sensitive data (e.g., cryptographic keys or user data), the lack of isolation renders library OSs open to security breaches via malicious or vulnerable third-party components

    FlexOS: Towards Flexible OS Isolation

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    At design time, modern operating systems are locked in a specific safety and isolation strategy that mixes one or more hardware/software protection mechanisms (e.g. user/kernel separation); revisiting these choices after deployment requires a major refactoring effort. This rigid approach shows its limits given the wide variety of modern applications' safety/performance requirements, when new hardware isolation mechanisms are rolled out, or when existing ones break. We present FlexOS, a novel OS allowing users to easily specialize the safety and isolation strategy of an OS at compilation/deployment time instead of design time. This modular LibOS is composed of fine-grained components that can be isolated via a range of hardware protection mechanisms with various data sharing strategies and additional software hardening. The OS ships with an exploration technique helping the user navigate the vast safety/performance design space it unlocks. We implement a prototype of the system and demonstrate, for several applications (Redis/Nginx/SQLite), FlexOS' vast configuration space as well as the efficiency of the exploration technique: we evaluate 80 FlexOS configurations for Redis and show how that space can be probabilistically subset to the 5 safest ones under a given performance budget. We also show that, under equivalent configurations, FlexOS performs similarly or better than several baselines/competitors.Comment: Artifact Evaluation Repository: https://github.com/project-flexos/asplos22-a

    Securing unikernels in cloud infrastructures

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    PhD ThesisCloud computing adoption has seen an increase during the last few years. However, cloud tenants are still concerned about the security that the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) offers. Recent security incidents in cloud infrastructures that exploit vulnerabilities in the software layer highlight the need to develop new protection mechanisms. A recent direction in cloud computing is toward massive consolidation of resources by using lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) called unikernels. Unikernels are specialised VMs that eliminate the Operating System (OS) layer and include the advantages of small footprint, minimal attack surface, nearinstant boot times and multi-platform deployment. Even though using unikernels has certain advantages, unikernels employ a number of shortcomings. First, unikernels do not employ context switching from user to kernel mode. A malicious user could exploit this shortcoming to escape the isolation boundaries that the hypervisor provides. Second, having a large number of unikernels in a single virtualised host creates complex security policies that are difficult to manage and can introduce exploitable misconfigurations. Third, malicious insiders, such as disgruntled system administrators can use privileged software to exfiltrate data from unikernels. In this thesis, we divide our research into two parts, concerning the development of software and hardware-based protection mechanisms for cloud infrastructures that focus on unikernels. In each part, we propose a new protection mechanism for cloud infrastructures, where tenants develop their workloads using unikernels. In the first part, we propose a software-based protection mechanism that controls access to resources, which results on creating least-privileged unikernels. Current access-control mechanisms that reside in hypervisors do not confine unikernels to accepted behaviour and are susceptible to privilege escalation and Virtual Machine escapes attacks. Therefore, current hypervisors need to take into account the possibility of having one or more malicious unikernels and rethink their access-control mechanisms. We designed and implemented VirtusCap, a capability-based access control mechanism that acts as a lower layer of regulating access to resources in cloud infrastructures. Consequently, unikernels are only assigned the privileges required to perform their task. This ensures that the accesscontrol mechanism that resides in the hypervisor will only grant access to resources specified with capabilities. In addition, capabilities are easier to delegate to other unikernels when they need to and the security policies are less complex. Our performance evaluation shows that up to request rate of 7000 (req/sec) our prototype’s response time is identical to XSM-Flask. In the second part, we address the following problem: how to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of computations executing in a unikernel even in the presence of privileged software used by malicious insiders? A research prototype was designed and implemented called UniGuard, which aims to protect unikernels from an untrusted cloud, by executing the sensitive computations inside secure enclaves. This approach provides confidentiality and integrity guarantees for unikernels against software and certain physical attacks. We show how we integrated Intel SGX with unikernels and added the ability to spawn enclaves that execute the sensitive computations. We conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of UniGuard, which show that UniGuard exhibits acceptable performance overhead in comparison to when the sensitive computations are not executed inside a enclave. To the best of our knowledge, UniGuard is the first solution that protects the confidentiality and integrity of computations that execute inside unikernels using Intel SGX. Currently, unikernels drive the next generation of virtualisation software and especially the cooperation with other virtualisation technologies, such as containers to form hybrid virtualisation workloads. Thus, it is paramount to scrutinise the security of unikernels in cloud infrastructures and propose novel protection mechanisms that will drive the next cloud evolution

    FlexOS: Easy Specialization of OS Safety Properties

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    Unikraft:Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way

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    Unikernels are famous for providing excellent performance in terms of boot times, throughput and memory consumption, to name a few metrics. However, they are infamous for making it hard and extremely time consuming to extract such performance, and for needing significant engineering effort in order to port applications to them. We introduce Unikraft, a novel micro-library OS that (1) fully modularizes OS primitives so that it is easy to customize the unikernel and include only relevant components and (2) exposes a set of composable, performance-oriented APIs in order to make it easy for developers to obtain high performance. Our evaluation using off-the-shelf applications such as nginx, SQLite, and Redis shows that running them on Unikraft results in a 1.7x-2.7x performance improvement compared to Linux guests. In addition, Unikraft images for these apps are around 1MB, require less than 10MB of RAM to run, and boot in around 1ms on top of the VMM time (total boot time 3ms-40ms). Unikraft is a Linux Foundation open source project and can be found at www.unikraft.or

    InversOS: Efficient Control-Flow Protection for AArch64 Applications with Privilege Inversion

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    With the increasing popularity of AArch64 processors in general-purpose computing, securing software running on AArch64 systems against control-flow hijacking attacks has become a critical part toward secure computation. Shadow stacks keep shadow copies of function return addresses and, when protected from illegal modifications and coupled with forward-edge control-flow integrity, form an effective and proven defense against such attacks. However, AArch64 lacks native support for write-protected shadow stacks, while software alternatives either incur prohibitive performance overhead or provide weak security guarantees. We present InversOS, the first hardware-assisted write-protected shadow stacks for AArch64 user-space applications, utilizing commonly available features of AArch64 to achieve efficient intra-address space isolation (called Privilege Inversion) required to protect shadow stacks. Privilege Inversion adopts unconventional design choices that run protected applications in the kernel mode and mark operating system (OS) kernel memory as user-accessible; InversOS therefore uses a novel combination of OS kernel modifications, compiler transformations, and another AArch64 feature to ensure the safety of doing so and to support legacy applications. We show that InversOS is secure by design, effective against various control-flow hijacking attacks, and performant on selected benchmarks and applications (incurring overhead of 7.0% on LMBench, 7.1% on SPEC CPU 2017, and 3.0% on Nginx web server).Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Revisiting Isolation For System Security And Efficiency In The Era Of Internet Of Things

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    Isolation is a fundamental paradigm for secure and efficient resource sharing on a computer system. However, isolation mechanisms in traditional cloud computing platforms are heavy-weight or just not feasible to be applied onto the computing environment for Internet of Things(IoT). Most IoT devices have limited resources and their servers are less powerful than cloud servers but are widely distributed over the edge of the Internet. Revisions to the traditional isolation mechanisms are needed in order to improve the system security and efficiency in these computing environments. The first project explores container-based isolation for the emerging edge computing platforms. We show a performance issue of live migration between edge servers where the file system transmission becomes a bottleneck. Then we propose a solution that leverages a layered file system for synchronization before the migration starts, avoiding the usage of impractical networking shared file system as in the traditional solution. The evaluation shows that the migration time is reduced by 56% – 80%. In the second project, we propose a lightweight security monitoring service for edge computing platforms, base on the virtual machine isolation technique. Our framework is designed to monitor program activities from underneath of an operating system, which improves its transparency and avoids the cost of embedding different monitor modules into each layer inside the operating system. Furthermore, the monitor runs in a single process virtual machine which requires only ≤32MB of memory, reduces the scheduling overhead, and saves a significant amount of physical memory, while the performance overhead is an average of 2.7%. In the third project, we co-design the hardware and software system stack to achieve efficient fine-grained intra-address space isolation. We propose a systematic solution to partition a legacy program into multiple security compartments, which we call capsules, with isolation at byte granularity. Vulnerabilities in one capsule will not likely affect another capsule. The isolation is guaranteed by our hardware-based ownership types tagged to every byte in the memory. The ownership types are initialized, propagated, and checked by combining both static and dynamic analysis techniques. Finally, our co-design approach could remove most human refactoring efforts while avoiding the untrustworthiness as well as the cost of the pure software approaches. In brief, this proposal explores a spectrum of isolation techniques and their improvementsfor the IoT computing environment. With our explorations, we have shown the necessity to revise the traditional isolation mechanisms in order to improve the system efficiency and security for the edge and IoT platforms. We expect that many more opportunities will be discovered and various kinds of revised or new isolation mechanisms for the edge and IoT platforms will emerge soon