288 research outputs found

    Multiobjective optimization for interwoven systems

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    In practical situations, complex systems are often composed of subsystems or subproblems with single or multiple objectives. These subsystems focus on different aspects of the overall system, but they often have strong interactions with each other and they are usually not sequentially ordered or obviously decomposable. Thus, the individual solutions of subproblems do not generally induce a solution for the overall system. Here, we strive to identify "re-composition architectures" of such "interwoven" systems. Our intention is to connect the subsystems adequately, analyze the resulting performance, model/solve the overall system, and improve the overall solution instead of just solving each subsystem separately. We review recent developments in this field and discuss modeling and solution paradigms in a general and unified framework using the example of an interwoven system consisting of two interacting subsystems

    Complex Networks on a Rock Joint

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    A complex network approach on a rough fracture is developed. In this manner, some hidden metric spaces (similarity measurements) between apertures profiles are set up and a general evolutionary network in two directions (in parallel and perpendicular to the shear direction) is constructed. Also, an algorithm (COmplex Networks on Apertures: CONA) is proposed in which evolving of a network is accomplished using preferential detachments and attachments of edges (based on a competition and game manner) while the number of nodes is fixed. Also, evolving of clustering coefficients and number of edges display similar patterns as well as are appeared in shear stress, hydraulic conductivity and dilation changes, which can be engaged to estimate shear strength distribution of asperities.Comment: ROCKENG09: Proceedings of the 3rd CANUS Rock Mechanics Symposium, Toronto, May 2009 (Ed: M.Diederichs and G. Grasselli

    Lived religion in a plural society: a resource or liability

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    Recently there is a renewed academic interest in religion bringing it back on the global political agenda. Religion in the post modern global order is fast emerging as a new organizing principle in the face of multi-polarity, trans-nationality and sweeping pluralisation of peoples. Contrary to the secularist self believe, the modern has failed to take over the tradition including religion. Rather a logical opposite seems to be happening, questioning the very presumptions of the modernity project. The present paper is a narrative on this creative tension in the religious modern and post modern. The paper is crafted into four sections. First section seeks to pin down the genesis of “religious” in the search for social order and consciousness beyond the material world. Second section deals with the unfolding of enlightenment project and its manifest consequence with the birth of secularism master theory. Third section delves deep into the immediate Indian religious lived experiences under foreign rule up to the sweeping spell of globalisation. Fourth and last part of the essay makes a case for universality of a multicultural world and religious secularism

    Performance driven generative design systems: Agent based model driven design methodologies in architectural education

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    The research paper elaborates upon multi-performative generative design strategies by means of associative computational simulations incorporating social, environmental, spatial and structural dimensions. The interdisciplinary research driven design approach presented in this paper is exemplified via design experiments conducted at Hyperbody, TU Delft’s graduation studios. These experiments consciously fuse Agent based modeling (ABM), Associative and parametric design techniques, Swarm intelligence Models and Environmental analysis to evolve a comprehensive, performance driven design methodology. A looped process of iterative information exchange between analytical, aesthetic, fabrication and real-time interactive behavior based modes of experimentation for evolving performance driven architectural formations is thus proposed. This inter-performing data-driven approach devoid of its reliance on architecture styles and typologies is thus deemed a democratic methodology to understand our built environment and to bottom-up produce sustainable architectural morphologies. An interdisciplinary mode of operation to invent a new take on pre-processing via integration rather than post-design optimization of architectural space for the sake of sustainability is thus seen as a vital outcome of the research and design methodology
