1,436 research outputs found

    Von Imagepflege zur Diskreditierung politischer Gegner. Hassrede als Strategie von Online-Pressemitteilungen

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    Gdy w komunikatach prasowych zamieszczonych na oficjalnym portalu partii Alternatywa dla Niemiec (AfD) odnajdujemy w odniesieniu do konkurencyjnych ugrupowaƄ i politykĂłw okreƛlenia takie jak czerwony pokaz odmieƄcĂłw (socjaldemokraci) czy sadystyczna domina (Angela Merkel), nasuwa się pytanie o cel, w jakim elementy mowy nienawiƛci znajdują zastosowanie w gatunku tekstu, ktĂłrego prototypicznie nadrzędną funkcją jest przekazywanie informacji o wartoƛci medialnej oraz pozytywne nacechowanie nadawcy tekstu. Przedmiotem niniejszych rozwaĆŒaƄ jest mowa nienawiƛci w komunikatach prasowych partii politycznych jak strategia dyskredytacji przeciwnikĂłw politycznych. Wychodząc od omĂłwienia cech gatunkowych komunikatu prasowego, podjęta zostanie prĂłba okreƛlenia jego funkcji w obszarze komunikacji politycznej z punktu widzenia typologii tekstĂłw i gatunkĂłw (rodzajĂłw) tekstĂłw politycznych. W dalszej częƛci analizie iloƛciowej poddany zostanie wyekscerpowany materiaƂ w postaci szeƛćdziesięciu komunikatĂłw prasowych partii Alternatywa dla Niemiec oraz przeprowadzona zostanie analiza jakoƛciowa jednego wybranego tekstu komunikatu ze szczegĂłlnym uwzględnieniem przejawĂłw mowy nienawiƛci na pƂaszczyĆșnie pragmatycznej, semantycznej, gramatycznej oraz retorycznej.The subject of these considerations is hate speech in press releases of political parties as a strategy to discredit political opponents. The article published on the official website of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) contained terms such as the red show of misfits (social democrats) or sadistic domino (Angela Merkel) in relation to competing groups and politicians. The question arises as to the purpose of using such elements in types of texts whose primary function is to transmit information in a positive way and as a result relay the writer’s optimism. The paper shall start from the presentation of specific features of press releases; furthermore, an attempt will be made to determine its function in the field of political communication from the point of view of political text typology and genres. Throughout the rest of the paper quantitative analysis of selected materials will be presented, including sixty press releases of the Alternative for Germany party and a qualitative analysis of one selected text will be conducted. Special emphasis will be put on the pragmatic, semantic, grammatical and rhetorical levels of hate speech.Die Publikation wurde aus Mitteln des Instituts fĂŒr Germanistik der UniversitĂ€t ƁódĆș und des Vereins akademischer Lehrer zur Förderung der Kultur europĂ€ischer Sprachen finanziert

    fh-presse Dezember 2011

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    Ausgabe 6/2011 der fh-press

    fh-presse Dezember 2009

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    Ausgabe 6/2009 der fh-press

    Political conflict as moral conflict : multiculturalism and the nation in Germany (2015-2017)

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    Cette thĂšse examine, depuis une perspective durkheimienne, le conflit politique en Allemagne sur le multiculturalisme, l’immigration, et l’identitĂ© nationale. L’analyse se fait dans la pĂ©riode entre le dĂ©but de la crise des rĂ©fugiĂ©s en 2015 et l’élection fĂ©dĂ©rale allemande de septembre 2017. J’identifie quatre idĂ©aux moraux, soit des visions idĂ©ales de la communautĂ© allemande qui motivent les acteurs politique : l’idĂ©al des Autonomen qui rejettent tout forme de pouvoir et de domination, l’idĂ©al du Verfassungspatriotismus (le patriotisme constitutionnel) de la SPD (et une partie de la CDU), l’idĂ©al de la nation (ethno)culturelle de la plupart de l’AfD (et la CSU et la WerteUnion), et l’idĂ©al de la nation biologique de l’extrĂȘme droite. Au cƓur de chaque idĂ©al est un objet sacrĂ© qui sert d’autoritĂ© morale qui lĂ©gitimant des prescriptions morales et qui amĂšne Ă  une sĂ©rie de vĂ©ritĂ©s morales et de jugements moraux, la totalitĂ© duquel Émile Durkheim identifie comme un fait moral. Pour les Autonomen et les adhĂ©rents du Verfassungspatriotismus, l’objet sacrĂ© est l’individu conçu Ă  travers le concept de la dignitĂ© humaine. Pour les autres, l’objet sacrĂ© est la nation allemande, conçue en termes (ethno)culturels ou en termes biologiques. Cette thĂšse argumente que ces idĂ©aux moraux sont intrinsĂšquement profanatoires, dans le sens que les prescriptions morales d’un objet sacrĂ© (la dignitĂ© humaine) violent directement l’objet sacrĂ© de l’autre (la nation), et vice-versa. Ces idĂ©aux sont tous en concurrence pour le pouvoir et l’influence, avec comme but d’avoir accĂšs au pouvoir Ă©tatique allemand. Le rĂ©sultat est un conflit politique qui traduit essentiellement un conflit moral. Ces conflits ont lieu dans le domaine lĂ©gal, au sein des partis politique, et Ă  travers la violence politique. Ces conflits touchent un nombre de sujets clĂ©s comme la libertĂ© d’expression, le multiculturalisme, et l’extrĂ©misme politique. La prĂ©sente thĂšse cherche Ă  comprendre ces conflits Ă  travers le prisme du concept durkheimien du fait moral, et dĂ©veloppe une sociologie du conflit moral durkheimien. Cette thĂšse s’inspire Ă©galement de la thĂ©orie de conflit de Randall Collins, qui s’inspire elle aussi de l’Ɠuvre de Durkheim.This dissertation examines, from a Durkheimian perspective, political conflict in Germany around the issues of multiculturalism, immigration, and national identity within the context of the Refugee Crisis beginning in 2015 and ending roughly with the German Federal Election in September 2017. It identifies four moral ideals, or ideal visions of the German community, that motivated political actors during this period: the Autonomen ideal that rejects all forms of power and domination; the ideal of Verfassungspatriotismus (Constitutional Patriotism) of the SPD (and parts of the CDU); the ideal of the cultural or ethnocultural nation of much of the AfD (and the CSU and WerteUnion); and the ideal of the biological nation on the far-right. At the heart of each moral ideal is a sacred object that serves as a moral authority that legitimates certain moral prescriptions, and leads to a set of moral truths and moral judgments, the totality of which Émile Durkheim identifies as a moral fact. For the Autonomen and adherents of Verfassungspatriotismus the sacred object is the individual understood through the concept of human dignity. For others the sacred object is the German nation, understood either in an (ethno)cultural sense or a biological sense. As the dissertation argues, these different moral ideals are inherently profanatory to each other, such that the moral prescriptions inspired by one sacred object (human dignity) directly violate the sacred object of the other (the nation), and vice-versa. These ideals all compete with each other for power and influence within the German political sphere as a means to gain access to (or to dismantle) state power. The result is political conflict that takes place essentially within a moral framework. These conflicts occur in the legal domain, in battles over party leadership and membership, and through political violence; they touch on a number of key issues such as free speech, multiculturalism, and political extremism. This dissertation seeks to understand these conflicts through the prism of Durkheim’s concept of the moral fact and to develop a Durkheimian sociology of moral conflict. In this analysis, the dissertation draws on Randall Collins’ conflict theory, which Durkheim’s work also largely inspires

    fh-presse Mai 2013

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    Ausgabe 3/2013 der fh-press

    fh-presse April 2010

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    Ausgabe 2/2010 der fh-press

    Die Symbolik des Budapester Holocaust-Mahnmals "Die Schuhe am Donauufer" innerhalb der Erinnerungskultur an die Schoah

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    Die Abhandlung untersucht das Holocaust-Mahnmal Die Schuhe am Donauuferin Budapest, Ungarn. Die Installation, bestehend aus 60 Paar Schuhen aus Gusseisen, erinnert an die Erschießungen ungarischer JĂŒdinnen und Juden, Kommunistinnen und Kommunisten und Angehöriger der Sinti-und Roma-Gemeinde im Jahre 1944/45 durch die Pfeilkreuzler-Bewegung. Die Arbeit betrachtet das Mahnmal in drei Dimensionen: als historisches Ereignis, als gegenwĂ€rtige Kunstform und als mahnende Botschaft fĂŒr die Zukunft. Dabei werden die drei Zeitformen Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft analysiert. DieStudie zieht wichtige Forschungsergebnisse aus den Kulturwissenschaften heran und vergleicht das Budapester Schuhdenkmal mit anderen Holocaust-Mahnmalen. Ein Interview mit dem KĂŒnstler Can Togay, der die Idee und Konzeptualisierung fĂŒr das Mahnmal entwickelte, dient als eine der Hauptquellen. Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Ausblick auf international vergleichbare SchuhdenkmĂ€ler und deren Rolle in der Erinnerungskultur

    fh-presse Dezember 2006

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    Ausgabe 6/2006 der fh-press

    YourNow : DaimlerÂŽs and BMWÂŽs joint road towards new mobility?

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    In the late 1990s the Dynamic Capabilities framework by Teece et al. (1997) shifted the focus of strategic management to an individual company’s resources and its ability to adapt them to external market trends. Refined by Barreto (2010), this resource-based view serves as a theoretical framework for this thesis, which aims at examining the development of a strategic, technological partnership between two established industrial companies. Hereby, Daimler and BMW, two of Germany’s leading automotive manufacturers are used as a real-world example in the form of a case study. The case depicts the current developments in the automotive industry and the opportunities available in the field of new mobility for traditional manufacturing companies. It outlines Daimler’s and BMW’s historical milestones and their path towards their mobility joint venture YourNow, launched in early 2019. From a strategic point of view, the case highlights the companies’ motives for the joint venture. It analyzes the exogenous shocks the companies faced, urging the former rivals to cooperate. Furthermore, the case evaluates the joint venture’s capabilities to succeed in the highly competitive mobility market as of mid 2020.No final dos anos 1990, a framework das Dynamic Capabilities de Teece et al. (1997) mudou o foco da gestĂŁo estratĂ©gica para os recursos internos de uma empresa e para a sua capacidade de adaptĂĄ-los Ă s tendĂȘncias do mercado externo. Refinada por Barreto (2010), essa visĂŁo baseada em recursos serve como base teĂłrica para esta tese, que visa examinar o desenvolvimento de uma parceria tecnolĂłgica estratĂ©gica entre duas empresas industriais jĂĄ estabelecidas no mercado. O caso de estudo da Daimler e da BMW, dois dos principais fabricantes de automĂłveis da Alemanha, Ă© utilizado como exemplo do mundo real das empresas. O caso descreve os desenvolvimentos atuais na indĂșstria automĂłvel e as oportunidades disponĂ­veis no campo da nova mobilidade para os fabricantes tradicionais. SĂŁo relatados os marcos histĂłricos da Daimler e da BMW e o seu caminho para a joint venture de mobilidade “YourNow”, lançada no inĂ­cio de 2019. Do ponto de vista estratĂ©gico, o caso destaca os motivos das empresas para a joint venture. Analisa ainda os choques exĂłgenos enfrentados pelas empresas, que motivaram os antigos rivais a cooperar. AlĂ©m disso, o caso avalia as capacidades da joint venture ser bem sucedida no mercado altamente competitivo da mobilidade, em meados de 2020
