21 research outputs found

    Using interval temporal logic and inference rules for the automatic generation of multimedia presentations

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    [[abstract]]Proposes a mechanism and a system for the automatic generation of interactive multimedia presentations from their specifications. A presentation specification contains three parts: the resources, the temporal information and the spatial information. We use an icon programming technique and a graphical user interface to allow the presentation designer to quickly specify what he/she wants. Our system takes these requirements and relies on inference rules written in Prolog to generate interactive presentations. These inference rules are based on interval temporal logic and important issues in multimedia presentations, such as the hardware limitations of an ordinary personal computer and the properties of a multimedia resource. Our prototype system run under Microsoft Windows. Early experience of using the system shows that it is feasible to use logical inference rules to assist with the design of good multimedia presentations[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19960617~19960617[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Hiroshima, Japa

    Allen's Interval Algebra Makes the Difference

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    Allen's Interval Algebra constitutes a framework for reasoning about temporal information in a qualitative manner. In particular, it uses intervals, i.e., pairs of endpoints, on the timeline to represent entities corresponding to actions, events, or tasks, and binary relations such as precedes and overlaps to encode the possible configurations between those entities. Allen's calculus has found its way in many academic and industrial applications that involve, most commonly, planning and scheduling, temporal databases, and healthcare. In this paper, we present a novel encoding of Interval Algebra using answer-set programming (ASP) extended by difference constraints, i.e., the fragment abbreviated as ASP(DL), and demonstrate its performance via a preliminary experimental evaluation. Although our ASP encoding is presented in the case of Allen's calculus for the sake of clarity, we suggest that analogous encodings can be devised for other point-based calculi, too.Comment: Part of DECLARE 19 proceeding

    An ICON programming technique for multimedia presentation designs

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    [[abstract]]Relations among temporal intervals can be used to assist the automatic generation of multimedia presentations. The authors analyze the domains of interval temporal relations. A set of algorithms is proposed to derive reasonable relations between intervals. Possible conflicts in the user specification are firstly detected and eliminated. The mechanism then constructs partial order relations among temporal intervals before the presentation time chart is built. The algorithm is extended for objects in an arbitrary n-dimensional space. Thus, presentation layouts in 2D space, or virtual reality object representations in 3D space can be constructed. They use the algorithms to design a reasoning system that generates the schedule and layout of multimedia presentations.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19971028~19971031[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Beijing, Chin

    The algebra of spatio-temporal intervals

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    [[abstract]]The relations among temporal intervals can be used to model all time dependent objects. We propose a fast mechanism for temporal relation compositions. A temporal transitive closure table is derived, and an interval-based temporal relation algebraic system is constructed. Thus, we propagate the time constraints of arbitrary two objects across long distances n by linear time. We also give a complete discussion of different possible domains of interval relations. A set of algorithms is proposed to detect time conflicts and to derive reasonable interval relations. The algorithms are extended for time-based media in an arbitrary n-dimensional space[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19980121~19980121[[conferencelocation]]Tokyo, Japa

    Shape-based Image Retrieval Using Spatio-temporal Relation Computations

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    [[abstract]]Content-based retrieval of multimedia information is one of the most difficult research topics in multimedia computing and information retrieval. In this paper, we present a visual system which allows content-based retrieval of still image. The recognition algorithms we used are based on spatio-temporal relations. Two approaches and algorithms were developed based on the similarity between polygons. The system is incorporated with a visual interface which allows the user to specify polygons as the shape specification of pictures. The preliminary experience shows that, within an image database containing about 300 bitmapped images, the system is able to retrieve correct information of a high satisfaction.[[notice]]補正完

    Script-Based QOS Specifications for Multimedia Presentations

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    Multimedia presentations can convey information not only by the sequence of events but by their timing. The correctness of such presentations thus depends on the timing of events as well as their sequence and content. This paper introduces a formal specification language for playback of real-time presentations. The main contribution of this language is a quality of service (QOS) specification that relaxes resolution and synchronization requirements for playback. Our definitions give a precise meaning to the correctness of a presentation. This specification language will form the basis for a QOS interface for reservation of operating system resources

    A spatial/temporal relation computing technology for multimedia presentation designs

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    [[abstract]]Relations among temporal intervals can be used to assist the automatic generation of multimedia presentations. In this paper, we analyze the domains of interval temporal relations. A set of algorithms is proposed to derive reasonable relations between intervals. Possible conflicts in the user specification are firstly detected and eliminated. Our mechanism then constructs partial order relations among temporal intervals before the presentation time chart is built. The algorithm is extended for objects in an arbitrary n-dimensional space. Thus, presentation layouts in a 2-D space, or Virtual Reality object representations in a 3-D space can be constructed. We use our algorithms to design a reasoning system that generates the schedule and layout of multimedia presentations. The main contributions of this paper are in its theoretical analysis of interval relation composition and a systematic approach for automation. We hope that, with our analysis and algorithms, the knowledge underlying temporal interval relations can be used in many computer applications, especially those in multimedia computing.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19980106~19980109[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Kohala Coast, HI, US

    Toward a generic spatial/temporal computation model for multimedia presentations

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    [[abstract]]Relations among temporal intervals can be used to assist the automatic generation of multimedia presentations. The authors analyze the domains of interval temporal relations. A set of algorithms is proposed to derive reasonable relations between intervals. Possible conflicts in the user specification are firstly detected and eliminated. The mechanism then constructs partial order relations among temporal intervals before the presentation time chart is built. The algorithm is extended for objects in an arbitrary n-dimensional space. Thus, presentation layouts in 2-D space, or virtual reality object representations in 3-D space can be constructed. They use their algorithms to design a reasoning system that generates the schedule and layout of multimedia presentations[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19970603~19970606[[conferencelocation]]Ottawa, Ont., Canad