76 research outputs found

    On the Properties of Language Classes Defined by Bounded Reaction Automata

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    Reaction automata are a formal model that has been introduced to investigate the computing powers of interactive behaviors of biochemical reactions([14]). Reaction automata are language acceptors with multiset rewriting mechanism whose basic frameworks are based on reaction systems introduced in [4]. In this paper we continue the investigation of reaction automata with a focus on the formal language theoretic properties of subclasses of reaction automata, called linearbounded reaction automata (LRAs) and exponentially-bounded reaction automata (ERAs). Besides LRAs, we newly introduce an extended model (denoted by lambda-LRAs) by allowing lambda-moves in the accepting process of reaction, and investigate the closure properties of language classes accepted by both LRAs and lambda-LRAs. Further, we establish new relationships of language classes accepted by LRAs and by ERAs with the Chomsky hierarchy. The main results include the following : (i) the class of languages accepted by lambda-LRAs forms an AFL with additional closure properties, (ii) any recursively enumerable language can be expressed as a homomorphic image of a language accepted by an LRA, (iii) the class of languages accepted by ERAs coincides with the class of context-sensitive languages.Comment: 23 pages with 3 figure

    A Note on Emergence in Multi-Agent String Processing Systems

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    We propose a way to define (and, in a certain extent, even to measure) the phenomenon of emergence which appears in a complex system of interacting agents whose global behaviour can be described by a language and whose components (agents) can also be associated with grammars and languages. The basic idea is to identify the "linear composition of behaviours" with "closure under basic operations", such as the AFL (Abstract Families of Languages) operations, which are standard in the theory of formal languages

    Reset machines

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    AbstractA reset tape has one read-write head which moves only left-to-right except that the head can be reset once to the left end and the tape rescanned; a multiple-reset machine has reset tapes as auxiliary storage and a one-way input tape. Linear time is no more powerful than real time for nondeterministic multiple-reset machines and so the family MULTI-RESET of languages accepted in real time by nondeterministic multiple-reset machines is closed under linear erasing. MULTI-RESET is closed under Kleene. It can be characterized as the smallest family of languages containing the regular sets and closed under intersection and linear-erasing homomorphic duplication or as the smallest intersection-closed semiAFL containing COPY = {ww | w in {a, b}∗}. A circular tape is read full-sweep from left-to-right only and then reset to the left, any number of times; a nonwriting circular tape cannot be altered after the first sweep. For nondeterministic machines operating in real time, multiple reset tapes, circular tapes or nonwriting circular tapes have the same power. Languages in MULTI-RESET can be accepted in real time by nondeterministic machines using only three reset tapes or using only one reset tape and one nonwriting circular tape

    A language theoretic analysis of combings

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    A group is combable if it can be represented by a language of words satisfying a fellow traveller property; an automatic group has a synchronous combing which is a regular language. This paper gives a systematic analysis of the properties of groups with combings in various formal language classes, and of the closure properties of the associated classes of groups. It generalises previous work, in particular of Epstein et al. and Bridson and Gilman.Comment: DVI and Post-Script files only, 21 pages. Submitted to International Journal of Algebra and Computatio

    On Boolean closed full trios and rational Kripke frames

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    A Boolean closed full trio is a class of languages that is closed under the Boolean operations (union, intersection, and complementation) and rational transductions. It is well-known that the regular languages constitute such a Boolean closed full trio. It is shown here that every such language class that contains any non-regular language already includes the whole arithmetical hierarchy (and even the one relative to this language). A consequence of this result is that aside from the regular languages, no full trio generated by one language is closed under complementation. Our construction also shows that there is a fixed rational Kripke frame such that assigning an arbitrary non-regular language to some variable allows the definition of any language from the arithmetical hierarchy in the corresponding Kripke structure using multimodal logic

    Word Blending and Other Formal Models of Bio-operations

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    As part of ongoing efforts to view biological processes as computations, several formal models of DNA-based processes have been proposed and studied in the formal language literature. In this thesis, we survey some classical formal language word and language operations, as well as several bio-operations, and we propose a new operation inspired by a DNA recombination lab protocol known as Cross-pairing Polymerase Chain Reaction, or XPCR. More precisely, we define and study a word operation called word blending which models a special case of XPCR, where two words x w p and q w y sharing a non-empty overlap part w generate the word x w y. Properties of word blending that we study include closure properties of the Chomsky families of languages under this operation and its iterated version, existence of solution to equations involving this operation, and its state complexity


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