37 research outputs found

    Ramsey-type constructions for arrangements of segments

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    Improving a result of K\'arolyi, Pach and T\'oth, we construct an arrangement of nn segments in the plane with at most nlog⁥8/log⁥169n^{\log{8} / \log{169}} pairwise crossing or pairwise disjoint segments. We use the recursive method based on flattenable arrangements which was established by Larman, Matou\v{s}ek, Pach and T\"or\H{o}csik. We also show that not every arrangement can be flattened, by constructing an intersection graph of segments which cannot be realized by an arrangement of segments crossing a common line. Moreover, we also construct an intersection graph of segments crossing a common line which cannot be realized by a flattenable arrangement.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Density theorems for intersection graphs of t-monotone curves

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    A curve \gamma in the plane is t-monotone if its interior has at most t-1 vertical tangent points. A family of t-monotone curves F is \emph{simple} if any two members intersect at most once. It is shown that if F is a simple family of n t-monotone curves with at least \epsilon n^2 intersecting pairs (disjoint pairs), then there exists two subfamilies F_1,F_2 \subset F of size \delta n each, such that every curve in F_1 intersects (is disjoint to) every curve in F_2, where \delta depends only on \epsilon. We apply these results to find pairwise disjoint edges in simple topological graphs

    Erdos-Hajnal-type theorems in hypergraphs

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    The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture states that if a graph on n vertices is H-free, that is, it does not contain an induced copy of a given graph H, then it must contain either a clique or an independent set of size n^{d(H)}, where d(H) > 0 depends only on the graph H. Except for a few special cases, this conjecture remains wide open. However, it is known that a H-free graph must contain a complete or empty bipartite graph with parts of polynomial size. We prove an analogue of this result for 3-uniform hypergraphs, showing that if a 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices is H-free, for any given H, then it must contain a complete or empty tripartite subgraph with parts of order c(log n)^{1/2 + d(H)}, where d(H) > 0 depends only on H. This improves on the bound of c(log n)^{1/2}, which holds in all 3-uniform hypergraphs, and, up to the value of the constant d(H), is best possible. We also prove that, for k > 3, no analogue of the standard Erdos-Hajnal conjecture can hold in k-uniform hypergraphs. That is, there are k-uniform hypergraphs H and sequences of H-free hypergraphs which do not contain cliques or independent sets of size appreciably larger than one would normally expect.Comment: 15 page

    Induced Ramsey-type theorems

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    We present a unified approach to proving Ramsey-type theorems for graphs with a forbidden induced subgraph which can be used to extend and improve the earlier results of Rodl, Erdos-Hajnal, Promel-Rodl, Nikiforov, Chung-Graham, and Luczak-Rodl. The proofs are based on a simple lemma (generalizing one by Graham, Rodl, and Rucinski) that can be used as a replacement for Szemeredi's regularity lemma, thereby giving much better bounds. The same approach can be also used to show that pseudo-random graphs have strong induced Ramsey properties. This leads to explicit constructions for upper bounds on various induced Ramsey numbers.Comment: 30 page

    The number of edges in k-quasi-planar graphs

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    A graph drawn in the plane is called k-quasi-planar if it does not contain k pairwise crossing edges. It has been conjectured for a long time that for every fixed k, the maximum number of edges of a k-quasi-planar graph with n vertices is O(n). The best known upper bound is n(\log n)^{O(\log k)}. In the present note, we improve this bound to (n\log n)2^{\alpha^{c_k}(n)} in the special case where the graph is drawn in such a way that every pair of edges meet at most once. Here \alpha(n) denotes the (extremely slowly growing) inverse of the Ackermann function. We also make further progress on the conjecture for k-quasi-planar graphs in which every edge is drawn as an x-monotone curve. Extending some ideas of Valtr, we prove that the maximum number of edges of such graphs is at most 2^{ck^6}n\log n.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1106.095

    On the number of touching pairs in a set of planar curves

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    Given a set of planar curves (Jordan arcs), each pair of which meets -- either crosses or touches -- exactly once, we establish an upper bound on the number of touchings. We show that such a curve family has O(t2n)O(t^2n) touchings, where tt is the number of faces in the curve arrangement that contains at least one endpoint of one of the curves. Our method relies on finding special subsets of curves called quasi-grids in curve families; this gives some structural insight into curve families with a high number of touchings.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure