1,469 research outputs found

    The planning coordinator: A design architecture for autonomous error recovery and on-line planning of intelligent tasks

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    Developing a robust, task level, error recovery and on-line planning architecture is an open research area. There is previously published work on both error recovery and on-line planning; however, none incorporates error recovery and on-line planning into one integrated platform. The integration of these two functionalities requires an architecture that possesses the following characteristics. The architecture must provide for the inclusion of new information without the destruction of existing information. The architecture must provide for the relating of pieces of information, old and new, to one another in a non-trivial rather than trivial manner (e.g., object one is related to object two under the following constraints, versus, yes, they are related; no, they are not related). Finally, the architecture must be not only a stand alone architecture, but also one that can be easily integrated as a supplement to some existing architecture. This thesis proposal addresses architectural development. Its intent is to integrate error recovery and on-line planning onto a single, integrated, multi-processor platform. This intelligent x-autonomous platform, called the Planning Coordinator, will be used initially to supplement existing x-autonomous systems and eventually replace them

    Power system fault analysis based on intelligent techniques and intelligent electronic device data

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    This dissertation has focused on automated power system fault analysis. New contributions to fault section estimation, protection system performance evaluation and power system/protection system interactive simulation have been achieved. Intelligent techniques including expert systems, fuzzy logic and Petri-nets, as well as data from remote terminal units (RTUs) of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, and digital protective relays have been explored and utilized to fufill the objectives. The task of fault section estimation is difficult when multiple faults, failures of protection devices, and false data are involved. A Fuzzy Reasoning Petri-nets approach has been proposed to tackle the complexities. In this approach, the fuzzy reasoning starting from protection system status data and ending with estimation of faulted power system section is formulated by Petri-nets. The reasoning process is implemented by matrix operations. Data from RTUs of SCADA systems and digital protective relays are used as inputs. Experiential tests have shown that the proposed approach is able to perform accurate fault section estimation under complex scenarios. The evaluation of protection system performance involves issues of data acquisition, prediction of expected operations, identification of unexpected operations and diagnosis of the reasons for unexpected operations. An automated protection system performance evaluation application has been developed to accomplish all the tasks. The application automatically retrieves relay files, processes relay file data, and performs rule-based analysis. Forward chaining reasoning is used for prediction of expected protection operation while backward chaining reasoning is used for diagnosis of unexpected protection operations. Lab tests have shown that the developed application has successfully performed relay performance analysis. The challenge of power system/protection system interactive simulation lies in modeling of sophisticated protection systems and interfacing the protection system model and power system network model seamlessly. An approach which utilizes the "compiled foreign model" mechanism of ATP MODELS language is proposed to model multifunctional digital protective relays in C++ language and seamlessly interface them to the power system network model. The developed simulation environment has been successfully used for the studies of fault section estimation and protection system performance evaluation

    Topics in perturbation analysis for stochastic hybrid systems

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    Control and optimization of Stochastic Hybrid Systems (SHS) constitute increasingly active fields of research. However, the size and complexity of SHS frequently render the use of exhaustive verification techniques prohibitive. In this context, Perturbation Analysis techniques, and in particular Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA), have proven to be particularly useful for this class of systems. This work focuses on applying IPA to two different problems: Traffic Light Control (TLC) and control of cancer progression, both of which are viewed as dynamic optimization problems in an SHS environment. The first part of this thesis addresses the TLC problem for a single intersection modeled as a SHS. A quasi-dynamic control policy is proposed based on partial state information defined by detecting whether vehicle backlogs are above or below certain controllable threshold values. At first, the threshold parameters are controlled while assuming fixed cycle lengths and online gradient estimates of a cost metric with respect to these controllable parameters are derived using IPA techniques. These estimators are subsequently used to iteratively adjust the threshold values so as to improve overall system performance. This quasi-dynamic analysis of the TLC\ problem is subsequently extended to parameterize the control policy by green and red cycle lengths as well as queue content thresholds. IPA estimators necessary to simultaneously control the light cycles and thresholds are rederived and thereafter incorporated into a standard gradient based scheme in order to further ameliorate system performance. In the second part of this thesis, the problem of controlling cancer progression is formulated within a Stochastic Hybrid Automaton (SHA) framework. Leveraging the fact that cell-biologic changes necessary for cancer development may be schematized as a series of discrete steps, an integrative closed-loop framework is proposed for describing the progressive development of cancer and determining optimal personalized therapies. First, the problem of cancer heterogeneity is addressed through a novel Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation that integrates somatic mutation and gene expression data to infer the temporal sequence of events from cross-sectional data. This formulation is tested using both simulated data and real breast cancer data with matched somatic mutation and gene expression measurements from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Second, the use of basic IPA techniques for optimal personalized cancer therapy design is introduced and a methodology applicable to stochastic models of cancer progression is developed. A case study of optimal therapy design for advanced prostate cancer is performed. Given the importance of accurate modeling in conjunction with optimal therapy design, an ensuing analysis is performed in which sensitivity estimates with respect to several model parameters are evaluated and critical parameters are identified. Finally, the tradeoff between system optimality and robustness (or, equivalently, fragility) is explored so as to generate valuable insights on modeling and control of cancer progression

    Task planning with uncertainty for robotic systems

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    In a practical robotic system, it is important to represent and plan sequences of operations and to be able to choose an efficient sequence from them for a specific task. During the generation and execution of task plans, different kinds of uncertainty may occur and erroneous states need to be handled to ensure the efficiency and reliability of the system. An approach to task representation, planning, and error recovery for robotic systems is demonstrated. Our approach to task planning is based on an AND/OR net representation, which is then mapped to a Petri net representation of all feasible geometric states and associated feasibility criteria for net transitions. Task decomposition of robotic assembly plans based on this representation is performed on the Petri net for robotic assembly tasks, and the inheritance of properties of liveness, safeness, and reversibility at all levels of decomposition are explored. This approach provides a framework for robust execution of tasks through the properties of traceability and viability. Uncertainty in robotic systems are modeled by local fuzzy variables, fuzzy marking variables, and global fuzzy variables which are incorporated in fuzzy Petri nets. Analysis of properties and reasoning about uncertainty are investigated using fuzzy reasoning structures built into the net. Two applications of fuzzy Petri nets, robot task sequence planning and sensor-based error recovery, are explored. In the first application, the search space for feasible and complete task sequences with correct precedence relationships is reduced via the use of global fuzzy variables in reasoning about subgoals. In the second application, sensory verification operations are modeled by mutually exclusive transitions to reason about local and global fuzzy variables on-line and automatically select a retry or an alternative error recovery sequence when errors occur. Task sequencing and task execution with error recovery capability for one and multiple soft components in robotic systems are investigated

    Scheduling and discrete event control of flexible manufacturing systems based on Petri nets

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    A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a computerized production system that can simultaneously manufacture multiple types of products using various resources such as robots and multi-purpose machines. The central problems associated with design of flexible manufacturing systems are related to process planning, scheduling, coordination control, and monitoring. Many methods exist for scheduling and control of flexible manufacturing systems, although very few methods have addressed the complexity of whole FMS operations. This thesis presents a Petri net based method for deadlock-free scheduling and discrete event control of flexible manufacturing systems. A significant advantage of Petri net based methods is their powerful modeling capability. Petri nets can explicitly and concisely model the concurrent and asynchronous activities, multi-layer resource sharing, routing flexibility, limited buffers and precedence constraints in FMSs. Petri nets can also provide an explicit way for considering deadlock situations in FMSs, and thus facilitate significantly the design of a deadlock-free scheduling and control system. The contributions of this work are multifold. First, it develops a methodology for discrete event controller synthesis for flexible manufacturing systems in a timed Petri net framework. The resulting Petri nets have the desired qualitative properties of liveness, boundedness (safeness), and reversibility, which imply freedom from deadlock, no capacity overflow, and cyclic behavior, respectively. This precludes the costly mathematical analysis for these properties and reduces on-line computation overhead to avoid deadlocks. The performance and sensitivity of resulting Petri nets, thus corresponding control systems, are evaluated. Second, it introduces a hybrid heuristic search algorithm based on Petri nets for deadlock-free scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems. The issues such as deadlock, routing flexibility, multiple lot size, limited buffer size and material handling (loading/unloading) are explored. Third, it proposes a way to employ fuzzy dispatching rules in a Petri net framework for multi-criterion scheduling. Finally, it shows the effectiveness of the developed methods through several manufacturing system examples compared with benchmark dispatching rules, integer programming and Lagrangian relaxation approaches

    A petri net on-line controller for the coordination of multiple mobile robots

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    In applications such as mining, space exploration, and toxic waste cleanup, mobile robots are often required to move within a common environment and to share resources. This introduces the need for a means of coordinating their behaviours. Also, due to the unpredictable nature of the worksite, there is a need to accommodate changes in a dynamic environment. -- A general framework for group robotics was developed in response to this need. The framework includes a discrete event controller for on-line control and runtime monitoring, the focus of the current research. -- A Petri net based discrete event formalism has been investigated as a basis for the development of an on-line controller, ftom a high-level task description, a set of rules have been used to automatically generate a Petri net structure that provides coordinated behaviour. The Petri net can then be executed to send instructions to robots and to incorporate feedback from the robots at runtime. This on-line controller has been used to control mobile robots in a proof-of-concept demonstration. In a laboratory setting, the Petri net controller was able to coordinate the behaviour of two robots in marker-based navigation tasks. -- Although the work completed to date has provided promising results, many research challenges remain. Some suggestions for future work are presented