7 research outputs found

    Piercing axis-parallel boxes

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    Let \F be a finite family of axis-parallel boxes in Rd\R^d such that \F contains no k+1k+1 pairwise disjoint boxes. We prove that if \F contains a subfamily \M of kk pairwise disjoint boxes with the property that for every F\in \F and M\in \M with F∩M≠∅F \cap M \neq \emptyset, either FF contains a corner of MM or MM contains 2d−12^{d-1} corners of FF, then \F can be pierced by O(k)O(k) points. One consequence of this result is that if d=2d=2 and the ratio between any of the side lengths of any box is bounded by a constant, then \F can be pierced by O(k)O(k) points. We further show that if for each two intersecting boxes in \F a corner of one is contained in the other, then \F can be pierced by at most O(klog⁥log⁥(k))O(k\log\log(k)) points, and in the special case where \F contains only cubes this bound improves to O(k)O(k)

    Coloring translates and homothets of a convex body

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    We obtain improved upper bounds and new lower bounds on the chromatic number as a linear function of the clique number, for the intersection graphs (and their complements) of finite families of translates and homothets of a convex body in \RR^n.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Coloring Kk-free intersection graphs of geometric objects in the plane

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    AbstractThe intersection graph of a collection C of sets is the graph on the vertex set C, in which C1,C2∈C are joined by an edge if and only if C1∩C2≠0Ìž. ErdƑs conjectured that the chromatic number of triangle-free intersection graphs of n segments in the plane is bounded from above by a constant. Here we show that it is bounded by a polylogarithmic function of n, which is the first nontrivial bound for this problem. More generally, we prove that for any t and k, the chromatic number of every Kk-free intersection graph of n curves in the plane, every pair of which have at most t points in common, is at most (ctlognlogk)clogk, where c is an absolute constant and ct only depends on t. We establish analogous results for intersection graphs of convex sets, x-monotone curves, semialgebraic sets of constant description complexity, and sets that can be obtained as the union of a bounded number of sets homeomorphic to a disk.Using a mix of results on partially ordered sets and planar separators, for large k we improve the best known upper bound on the number of edges of a k-quasi-planar topological graph with n vertices, that is, a graph drawn in the plane with curvilinear edges, no k of which are pairwise crossing. As another application, we show that for every Δ>0 and for every positive integer t, there exist ÎŽ>0 and a positive integer n0 such that every topological graph with n≄n0 vertices, at least n1+Δ edges, and no pair of edges intersecting in more than t points, has at least nÎŽ pairwise intersecting edges

    Hitting Subgraphs in Sparse Graphs and Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    We investigate a fundamental vertex-deletion problem called (Induced) Subgraph Hitting: given a graph GG and a set F\mathcal{F} of forbidden graphs, the goal is to compute a minimum-sized set SS of vertices of GG such that G−SG-S does not contain any graph in F\mathcal{F} as an (induced) subgraph. This is a generic problem that encompasses many well-known problems that were extensively studied on their own, particularly (but not only) from the perspectives of both approximation and parameterization. We focus on the design of efficient approximation schemes, i.e., with running time f(Δ,F)⋅nO(1)f(\varepsilon,\mathcal{F}) \cdot n^{O(1)}, which are also of significant interest to both communities. Technically, our main contribution is a linear-time approximation-preserving reduction from (Induced) Subgraph Hitting on any graph class G\mathcal{G} of bounded expansion to the same problem on bounded degree graphs within G\mathcal{G}. This yields a novel algorithmic technique to design (efficient) approximation schemes for the problem on very broad graph classes, well beyond the state-of-the-art. Specifically, applying this reduction, we derive approximation schemes with (almost) linear running time for the problem on any graph classes that have strongly sublinear separators and many important classes of geometric intersection graphs (such as fat-object graphs, pseudo-disk graphs, etc.). Our proofs introduce novel concepts and combinatorial observations that may be of independent interest (and, which we believe, will find other uses) for studies of approximation algorithms, parameterized complexity, sparse graph classes, and geometric intersection graphs. As a byproduct, we also obtain the first robust algorithm for kk-Subgraph Isomorphism on intersection graphs of fat objects and pseudo-disks, with running time f(k)⋅nlog⁥n+O(m)f(k) \cdot n \log n + O(m).Comment: 60 pages, abstract shortened to fulfill the length limi

    Algorithmic and Combinatorial Results in Selection and Computational Geometry

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    This dissertation investigates two sets of algorithmic and combinatorial problems. Thefirst part focuses on the selection problem under the pairwise comparison model. For the classic “median of medians” scheme, contrary to the popular belief that smaller group sizes cause superlinear behavior, several new linear time algorithms that utilize small groups are introduced. Then the exact number of comparisons needed for an optimal selection algorithm is studied. In particular, the implications of a long standing conjecture known as Yao’s hypothesis are explored. For the multiparty model, we designed low communication complexity protocols for selecting an exact or an approximate median of data that is distributed among multiple players. In the second part, three computational geometry problems are studied. For the longestspanning tree with neighborhoods, approximation algorithms are provided. For the stretch factor of polygonal chains, upper bounds are proved and almost matching lower bound constructions in \mathbb{R}^2 and higher dimensions are developed. For the piercing number τ and independence number Îœ of a family of axis-parallel rectangles in the plane, a lower bound construction for Îœ = 4 that matches Wegner’s conjecture is analyzed. The previous matching construction for Îœ = 3, due to Wegner himself, dates back to 1968