32 research outputs found

    Automatic lineament analysis techniques for remotely sensed imagery

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    Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra

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    Development of an image matching scheme using feature- and area based matching techniques

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    Image matching is widely considered to be one of the most difficult tasks of a digital photogrammetric system. Traditionally image matching has been approached from either an area based or a feature based point of view. In recent years significant progress has been made in Area Based Matching (ABM) techniques such as Multiphoto Geometrically Constrained Least Squares Matching. Also in the field of Feature Based Matching (FBM) improvements have been made in extracting and matching image features, using for example the Forstner Operator followed by feature matching. Generally, area- and feature based matching techniques have been developed independently from each other. The aim of this research project was to design an automated image matching scheme that combines aspects of Feature Based Matching (FBM) and Area Based Matching (ABM). The reason for taking a hybrid approach is to encapsulate only the advantages of each matching scheme while cancelling out the disadvantages. The approach taken was to combine traditional aspects of ABM in digital photogrammetry with image analysis techniques found more commonly in the area of image processing and specifically machine vision

    3-D data handling and registration of multiple modality medical images

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    The many different clinical imaging modalities used in diagnosis and therapy deliver two different types of information: morphological and functional. Clinical interpretation can be assisted and enhanced by combining such information (e.g. superimposition or fusion). The handling of such data needs to be performed in 3-D. Various methods for registration developed by other authors are reviewed and compared. Many of these are based on registering external reference markers, and are cumbersome and present significant problems to both patients and operators. Internal markers have also been used, but these may be very difficult to identify. Alternatively, methods based on the external surface of an object have been developed which eliminate some of the problems associated with the other methods. Thus the methods which have been extended, developed, and described here, are based primarily on the fitting of surfaces, as determined from images obtained from the different modalities to be registered. Annex problems to that of the surface fitting are those of surface detection and display. Some segmentation and surface reconstruction algorithms have been developed to identify the surface to be registered. Surface and volume rendering algorithms have also been implemented to facilitate the display of clinical results. An iterative surface fitting algorithm has been developed based on the minimization of a least squares distance (LSD) function, using the Powell method and alternative minimization algorithms. These algorithms and the qualities of fit so obtained were intercompared. Some modifications were developed to enhance the speed of convergence, to improve the accuracy, and to enhance the display of results during the process of fitting. A common problem with all such methods was found to be the choice of the starting point (the initial transformation parameters) and the avoidance of local minima which often require manual operator intervention. The algorithm was modified to apply a global minimization by using a cumulative distance error in a sequentially terminated process in order to speed up the time of evaluating of each search location. An extension of the algorithm into multi-resolution (scale) space was also implemented. An initial global search is performed at coarse resolution for the 3-D surfaces of both modalities where an appropriate threshold is defined to reject likely mismatch transformations by testing of only a limited subset of surface points. This process is used to define the set of points in the transformation space to be used for the next level of resolution, again with appropriately chosen threshold levels, and continued down to the finest resolution level. All these processes were evaluated using sets of well defined image models. The assessment of this algorithm for 3-D surface registration of data from (3-D) MRI with MRI, MRI with PET, MRI with SPECT, and MRI with CT data is presented, and clinical examples are illustrated and assessed. In the current work, the data from multi-modality imaging of two different types phantom (e.g. Hoffman brain phantom, Jaszczak phantom), thirty routinely imaged patients and volunteer subjects, and ten patients with setting external markers on their head were used to assess and verify 3-D registration. The accuracy of the sequential multi-resolution method obtained by the distance values of 4-10 selected reference points on each data set gave an accuracy of 1.44±0.42 mm for MR-MR, 1.82±0.65 for MR-CT, 2.38±0.88 for MR-PET, and 3.17±1.12 for MR-SPECT registration. The cost of this process was determined to be of the order of 200 seconds (on a Micro-VAX II), although this is highly dependent on some adjustable parameters of the process (e.g. threshold and the size of the geometrical transformation space) by which the accuracy is aimed

    Implementation of a real time Hough transform using FPGA technology

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    This thesis is concerned with the modelling, design and implementation of efficient architectures for performing the Hough Transform (HT) on mega-pixel resolution real-time images using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. Although the HT has been around for many years and a number of algorithms have been developed it still remains a significant bottleneck in many image processing applications. Even though, the basic idea of the HT is to locate curves in an image that can be parameterized: e.g. straight lines, polynomials or circles, in a suitable parameter space, the research presented in this thesis will focus only on location of straight lines on binary images. The HT algorithm uses an accumulator array (accumulator bins) to detect the existence of a straight line on an image. As the image needs to be binarized, a novel generic synchronization circuit for windowing operations was designed to perform edge detection. An edge detection method of special interest, the canny method, is used and the design and implementation of it in hardware is achieved in this thesis. As each image pixel can be implemented independently, parallel processing can be performed. However, the main disadvantage of the HT is the large storage and computational requirements. This thesis presents new and state-of-the-art hardware implementations for the minimization of the computational cost, using the Hybrid-Logarithmic Number System (Hybrid-LNS) for calculating the HT for fixed bit-width architectures. It is shown that using the Hybrid-LNS the computational cost is minimized, while the precision of the HT algorithm is maintained. Advances in FPGA technology now make it possible to implement functions as the HT in reconfigurable fabrics. Methods for storing large arrays on FPGA’s are presented, where data from a 1024 x 1024 pixel camera at a rate of up to 25 frames per second are processed

    From Algorithmic to Neural Beamforming

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    Human interaction increasingly relies on telecommunication as an addition to or replacement for immediate contact. The direct interaction with smart devices, beyond the use of classical input devices such as the keyboard, has become common practice. Remote participation in conferences, sporting events, or concerts is more common than ever, and with current global restrictions on in-person contact, this has become an inevitable part of many people's reality. The work presented here aims at improving these encounters by enhancing the auditory experience. Augmenting fidelity and intelligibility can increase the perceived quality and enjoyability of such actions and potentially raise acceptance for modern forms of remote experiences. Two approaches to automatic source localization and multichannel signal enhancement are investigated for applications ranging from small conferences to large arenas. Three first-order microphones of fixed relative position and orientation are used to create a compact, reactive tracking and beamforming algorithm, capable of producing pristine audio signals in small and mid-sized acoustic environments. With inaudible beam steering and a highly linear frequency response, this system aims at providing an alternative to manually operated shotgun microphones or sets of individual spot microphones, applicable in broadcast, live events, and teleconferencing or for human-computer interaction. The array design and choice of capsules are discussed, as well as the challenges of preventing coloration for moving signals. The developed algorithm, based on Energy-Based Source Localization, is discussed and the performance is analyzed. Objective results on synthesized audio, as well as on real recordings, are presented. Results of multiple listening tests are presented and real-time considerations are highlighted. Multiple microphones with unknown spatial distribution are combined to create a large-aperture array using an end-to-end Deep-Learning approach. This method combines state-of-the-art single-channel signal separation networks with adaptive, domain-specific channel alignment. The Neural Beamformer is capable of learning to extract detailed spatial relations of channels with respect to a learned signal type, such as speech, and to apply appropriate corrections in order to align the signals. This creates an adaptive beamformer for microphones spaced on the order of up to 100m. The developed modules are analyzed in detail and multiple configurations are considered for different use cases. Signal processing inside the Neural Network is interpreted and objective results are presented on simulated and semi-simulated datasets

    Single-Laser Multi-Terabit/s Systems

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    Optical communication systems carry the bulk of all data traffic worldwide. This book introduces multi-Terabit/s transmission systems and three key technologies for next generation networks. A software-defined multi-format transmitter, an optical comb source and an optical processing scheme for the fast Fourier transform for Tbit/s signals. Three world records demonstrate the potential: The first single laser 10 Tbit/s and 26 Tbit/s OFDM and the first 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist WDM experiments

    Single-Laser Multi-Terabit/s Systems

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    Optical communication systems carry the bulk of all data traffic worldwide. This book introduces multi-Terabit/s transmission systems and three key technologies for next generation networks. A software-defined multi-format transmitter, an optical comb source and an optical processing scheme for the fast Fourier transform for Tbit/s signals. Three world records demonstrate the potential: The first single laser 10 Tbit/s and 26 Tbit/s OFDM and the first 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist WDM experiments

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Reconstructing the galactic magnetic field

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    Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Rekonstruktion des Magnetfeldes der Milchstraße (GMF für Galaktisches Magnetfeld). Eine genaue Beschreibung des Magnetfeldes ist für mehrere Fragestellungen der Astrophysik relevant. Erstens spielt es eine wichtige Rolle dabei, wie sich die Struktur der Milchstraße entwickelt, da die Ströme von interstellarem Gas und kosmischer Strahlung durch das GMF abgelenkt werden. Zweitens stört es die Messung und Analyse von Strahlung extra-galaktischer Quellen. Drittens lenkt es ultra-hoch-energetische kosmische Strahung (UHECR) derartig stark ab, dass die Zuordnung von gemessenen UHECR zu potentiellen Quellen nicht ohne Korrekturrechnung möglich ist. Viertens kann mit dem GMF ein kosmischer Dynamo-Prozess inklusive dessen innerer Strukturen studiert werden. Im Gegensatz zum GMF ist bei Sternen und Planeten nur das äußere Magnetfeld zugänglich und messbar. So großen Einfluss das GMF auf eine Vielzahl von Effekten hat, genauso schwer ist es auch zu ermitteln. Der Grund dafür ist, dass das Magnetfeld nicht direkt, sondern nur durch seinen Einfluss auf verschiedene physikalische Observablen messbar ist. Messungen dieser Observablen liefern für eine konkrete Sichtlinie ihren gesamt-akkumulierten Wert. Aufgrund der festen Position des Sonnensystems in der Milchstraße ist es daher eine Herausforderung der gemessenen Wirkung des Magnetfelds einer räumlichen Tiefe zuzuordnen. Als Informationsquelle dienen vor allem Messungen der Intensität und Polarisation von Radiound Mikrowellen, sowohl für den gesamten Himmel, als auch für einzelne Sterne, deren Position im Raum bekannt ist. Durch die Betrachtung der zugrunde liegenden physikalischen Prozesse wie Synchrotronemission und Faraday Rotation kann auf das GMF rückgeschlossen werden. Voraussetzung dafür sind jedoch dreidimensionale Dichte-Karten anderer Konstituenten der Milchstraße, beispielsweise der thermischen Elektronen oder des interstellaren Staubes. Für die Erstellung dieser Hilfskarten sind physikalische Prozesse wie Dispersion und Staubabsorption von entscheidender Bedeutung. Um das GMF anhand der vorhandenen Messdaten zu rekonstruieren, gibt es im Wesentlichen zwei Herangehensweisen. Zum einen benutzt man den phänomenologischen Ansatz parametrischer Magnetfeld-Modelle. Dabei wird die Struktur des Magnetfeldes durch analytische Formeln mit einer begrenzten Anzahl von Parametern festgelegt. Diese Modelle beinhalten die generelle Morphologie des Magnetfeldes, wie etwa Galaxie-Arme und Feld-Umkehrungen, aber auch lokale Charakteristika wie Nebel in der Nachbarschaft des Sonnensystems. Gegeben einem Satz Messdaten versucht man nun, jene Modellparameter zu finden, die eine möglichst gute Übereinstimmung mit den Observablen ergeben. Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit Imagine, die Interstellar MAGnetic field INference Engine, entwickelt. Aufgrund der verhältnismäßig geringen Anzahl an Parametern ist eine Parameteranpassung auch mit robusten all-sky maps möglich, auch wenn diese keine Tiefen-Information enthalten. Allerdings gibt es bei der Herangehensweise über parametrische Modelle das Problem der Beliebigkeit: es gibt eine Vielzahl an Modellen verschiedenster Komplexität, die sich darüber hinaus häufig gegenseitig widersprechen. In der Vergangenheit wurden dann meist auch noch die Unsicherheit der Parameter-Rekonstruktionen unterschätzt. Im Gegensatz dazu ermöglicht eine rigorose Bayes’sche Analyse, beispielsweise mit dem in dieser Doktorarbeit entwickelten Imagine, eine verlässliche Bestimmung der Modellparameter. Neben parametrischen Modellen kann das GMF auch über einen nicht-parametrischen Ansatz rekonstruiert werden. Dabei hat jedes Raumvoxel zwei unabhängige Freiheitsgrade für das Magnetfeld. Diese Art der Rekonstruktion stellt deutlich höhere Ansprüche an die Datenmenge und -qualität, die Algorithmik, und die Rechenkapazität. Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Freiheitsgraden werden Messdaten benötigt, die direkte (Parallax-Messungen) oder indirekte (über das Hertzsprung Russel Diagramm) Tiefeninformation beinhalten. Zudem sind starke Prior für jene Raumbereiche notwendig, die von den Daten nur schwach abgedeckt werden. Einfache Bayes’sche Methoden reichen hierfür nicht mehr aus. Vielmehr ist nun Informationsfeldtheorie (IFT) nötig, um die verschiedenen Informationsquellen korrekt zu kombinieren, und verlässliche Unsicherheiten zu erhalten. Für diese Aufgabe ist das Python Framework NIFTy (Numerical Information Field Theory) prädestiniert. In seiner ersten Release-Version war NIFTy jedoch noch nicht für Magnetfeldrekonstruktionen und die benötigten Größenordnungen geeignet. Um die Datenmengen verarbeiten zu können wurde daher zunächst d2o als eigenständiges Werkzeug für Daten-Parallelisierung entwickelt. Damit kann parallelisierter Code entwickelt werden, ohne das die eigentliche Entwicklungsarbeit behindert wird. Da im Grunde alle numerischen Disziplinen mit großen Datensätzen, die sich nicht in Teilmengen zerlegen lassen davon profitieren können, wurde d2o als eigenständiges Paket veröffentlicht. Darüber hinaus wurde NIFTy so umfassend in seinem Funktionsumfang und seiner Struktur überarbeitet, sodass nun unter anderem auch hochaufgelöste Magnetfeldrekonstruktionen durchgeführt werden können. Außerdem ist es jetzt mit NIFTy auch möglich Karten der thermischen Elektronendichte und des interstellaren Staubes auf Basis neuer und gleichzeitig auch sehr großer Datensätze zu erstellen. Damit wurde der Weg zu einer nicht-parametrischen Rekonstruktionen des GMF geebnet.This thesis deals with the reconstruction of the magnetic field of the MilkyWay (GMF for Galactic Magnetic Field). A detailed description of the magnetic field is relevant for several problems in astrophysics. First, it plays an important role in how the structure of the Milky Way develops as the currents of interstellar gas and cosmic rays are deflected by the GMF. Second, it interferes with the measurement and analysis of radiation from extra-galactic sources. Third, it deflects ultra-high energetic cosmic rays (UHECR) to such an extent that the assignment of measured UHECR to potential sources is not possible without a correcting calculations. Fourth, the GMF can be used to study a cosmic dynamo process including its internal structures. In contrast to the GMF, normally only the outer magnetic field of stars and planets is accessible and measurable. As much as the GMF has an impact on a variety of effects, it is just as diffcult to determine. The reason for this is that the magnetic field cannot be measured directly, but only by its influence on various physical observables. Measurements of these observables yield their total accumulated value for a certain line of sight. Due to the fixed position of the solar system in the Milky Way, it is therefore a challenge to map the measured effect of the magnetic field to a spatial depth. Measurements of the intensity and polarization of radio and microwaves, both for the entire sky and for individual stars whose position in space is known, serve as a source of information. Based on physical processes such as synchrotron emission and Faraday rotation, the GMF can be deduced. However, this requires three-dimensional density maps of other constituents of the Milky Way, such as thermal electrons or interstellar dust. Physical processes like dispersion and dust absorption are crucial for the creation of these auxiliary maps. To reconstruct the GMF on the basis of existing measurement data, there are basically two approaches. On the one hand, the phenomenological approach of parametric magnetic field models can be used. This involves defining the structure of the magnetic field using analytical formulas with a limited number of parameters. These models include the general morphology of the magnetic field, such as galaxy arms and field reversals, but also local characteristics like nebulae in the solar system’s neighbourhood. If a set of measurement data is given, one tries to find those model parameter values that are in concordance with the observables as closely as possible. For this purpose, within the course of this doctoral thesis Imagine, the Interstellar MAGnetic field INference Engine was developed. Due to parametric model’s relatively small number of parameters, a fit is also possible with robust all-sky maps, even if they do not contain any depth information. However, there is the problem of arbitrariness in the approach of parametric models: there is a large number of models of different complexity available, which on top of that often contradict each other. In the past, the reconstructed parameter’s uncertainty was often underestimated. In contrast, a rigorous Bayesian analysis, as for example developed in this doctoral thesis with Imagine, provides a reliable analysis. On the other hand, in addition to parametric models the GMF can also be reconstructed following a non-parametric approach. In this case, each space voxel has two independent degrees of freedom for the magnetic field. Hence, this type of reconstruction places much higher demands on the amount and quality of data, the algorithms, and the computing capacity. Due to the high number of degrees of freedom, measurement data are required which contain direct (parallax measurements) or indirect (by means of the Russel diagram) depth information. In addition, strong priors are necessary for those areas of space that are only weakly covered by the data. Simple Bayesian methods are no longer suffcient for this. Rather, information field theory (IFT) is now needed to combine the various sources of information correctly and to obtain reliable uncertainties. The Python framework NIFTy (Numerical Information Field Theory) is predestined for this task. In its first release version, however, NIFTy was not yet natively capable of reconstructing a magnetic field and dealing with the order of magnitude of the problem’s data. To be able to process given data, d2o was developed as an independent tool for data parallelization. With d2o parallel code can be developed without any hindrance of the actual development work. Basically all numeric disciplines with large datasets that cannot be broken down into subsets can benefit from this, which is the reason why d2o has been released as an independent package. In addition, NIFTy has been comprehensively revised in its functional scope and structure, so that now, among other things, high-resolution magnetic field reconstructions can be carried out. With NIFTy it is now also possible to create maps of thermal electron density and interstellar dust on the basis of new and at the same time very large datasets. This paved the way for a non-parametric reconstruction of the GMF