3,169 research outputs found

    Soft bilateral filtering shadows using multiple image-based algorithms

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    This study introduces Soft Bilateral Filtering Shadows method of dynamic scenes, which uses multi-matrices of the light sample points due to lack realism in soft shadows generation in real time. While geometry-based shadow algorithm requires one pass per polygon for rendering shadow that requires time-consuming, the adopted shadow map algorithm needs a single rendering pass for each sample point of the light source to generate shadow at low cost. This method renders a complex scenes and accurately eliminating the inherent deficiencies in shadow maps. In order to compute shadow maps, view matrices were used for each sample point of the extended light source. Then penumbra region was used for interpolation based on bilateral filtering to create the soft shadows. They depend on multiple shadow maps which provide antialiasing shadow maps. The method uses fragment shader for rendering multiple shadow maps with penumbra and umbra regions. The main contribution of this article is introducing interpolation bilaterally of image-based shadows. This method makes the most effect of the computation significantly appear at the edges of the penumbra region. Furthermore, the filtering allows to obtain on the soft shadow marvelously at the lowest number possible of the light sample points. The generated soft shadows have good performance and high quality therefore, they are suitable for interactive applications. © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New Yor

    Efficient From-Point Visibility for Global Illumination in Virtual Scenes with Participating Media

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    Sichtbarkeitsbestimmung ist einer der fundamentalen Bausteine fotorealistischer Bildsynthese. Da die Berechnung der Sichtbarkeit allerdings äußerst kostspielig zu berechnen ist, wird nahezu die gesamte Berechnungszeit darauf verwendet. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir neue Methoden zur Speicherung, Berechnung und Approximation von Sichtbarkeit in Szenen mit streuenden Medien vor, die die Berechnung erheblich beschleunigen, dabei trotzdem qualitativ hochwertige und artefaktfreie Ergebnisse liefern

    Real-time Cinematic Design Of Visual Aspects In Computer-generated Images

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    Creation of visually-pleasing images has always been one of the main goals of computer graphics. Two important components are necessary to achieve this goal --- artists who design visual aspects of an image (such as materials or lighting) and sophisticated algorithms that render the image. Traditionally, rendering has been of greater interest to researchers, while the design part has always been deemed as secondary. This has led to many inefficiencies, as artists, in order to create a stunning image, are often forced to resort to the traditional, creativity-baring, pipelines consisting of repeated rendering and parameter tweaking. Our work shifts the attention away from the rendering problem and focuses on the design. We propose to combine non-physical editing with real-time feedback and provide artists with efficient ways of designing complex visual aspects such as global illumination or all-frequency shadows. We conform to existing pipelines by inserting our editing components into existing stages, hereby making editing of visual aspects an inherent part of the design process. Many of the examples showed in this work have been, until now, extremely hard to achieve. The non-physical aspect of our work enables artists to express themselves in more creative ways, not limited by the physical parameters of current renderers. Real-time feedback allows artists to immediately see the effects of applied modifications and compatibility with existing workflows enables easy integration of our algorithms into production pipelines

    Real-time Realistic Rendering Of Nature Scenes With Dynamic Lighting

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    Rendering of natural scenes has interested the scientific community for a long time due to its numerous applications. The targeted goal is to create images that are similar to what a viewer can see in real life with his/her eyes. The main obstacle is complexity: nature scenes from real life contain a huge number of small details that are hard to model, take a lot of time to render and require a huge amount of memory unavailable in current computers. This complexity mainly comes from geometry and lighting. The goal of our research is to overcome this complexity and to achieve real-time rendering of nature scenes while providing visually convincing dynamic global illumination. Our work focuses on grass and trees as they are commonly visible in everyday life. We handle geometry and lighting complexities for grass to render millions of grass blades interactively with dynamic lighting. As for lighting complexity, we address real-time rendering of trees by proposing a lighting model that handles indirect lighting. Our work makes extensive use of the current generation of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to meet the real-time requirement and to leave the CPU free to carry out other tasks

    Benthic mapping of the Bluefields Bay fish sanctuary, Jamaica

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    Small island states, such as those in the Caribbean, are dependent on the nearshore marine ecosystem complex and its resources; the goods and services provided by seagrass and coral reef for example, are particularly indispensable to the tourism and fishing industries. In recognition of their valuable contributions and in an effort to promote sustainable use of marine resources, some nearshore areas have been designated as fish sanctuaries, as well as marine parks and protected areas. In order to effectively manage these coastal zones, a spatial basis is vital to understanding the ecological dynamics and ultimately inform management practices. However, the current extent of habitats within designated sanctuaries across Jamaica are currently unknown and owing to this, the Government of Jamaica is desirous of mapping the benthic features in these areas. Given the several habitat mapping methodologies that exist, it was deemed necessary to test the practicality of applying two remote sensing methods - optical and acoustic - at a pilot site in western Jamaica, the Bluefields Bay fish sanctuary. The optical remote sensing method involved a pixel-based supervised classification of two available multispectral images (WorldView-2 and GeoEye-1), whilst the acoustic method comprised a sonar survey using a BioSonics DT-X Portable Echosounder and subsequent indicator kriging interpolation in order to create continuous benthic surfaces. Image classification resulted in the mapping of three benthic classes, namely submerged vegetation, bare substrate and coral reef, with an overall map accuracy of 89.9% for WorldView-2 and 86.8% for GeoEye-1 imagery. These accuracies surpassed those of the acoustic classification method, which attained 76.6% accuracy for vegetation presence, and 53.5% for bottom substrate (silt, sand and coral reef/ hard bottom). Both approaches confirmed that the Bluefields Bay is dominated by submerged aquatic vegetation, with contrastingly smaller areas of bare sediment and coral reef patches. Additionally, the sonar revealed that silty substrate exists along the shoreline, whilst sand is found further offshore. Ultimately, the methods employed in this study were compared and although it was found that satellite image classification was perhaps the most cost-effective and well-suited for Jamaica given current available equipment and expertise, it is acknowledged that acoustic technology offers greater thematic detail required by a number of stakeholders and is capable of operating in turbid waters and cloud covered environments ill-suited for image classification. On the contrary, a major consideration for the acoustic classification process is the interpolation of processed data; this step gives rise to a number of potential limitations, such as those associated with the choice of interpolation algorithm, available software and expertise. The choice in mapping approach, as well as the survey design and processing steps is not an easy task; however the results of this study highlight the various benefits and shortcomings of implementing optical and acoustic classification approaches in Jamaica.Persons automatically associate tropical waters with spectacular views of coral reefs and colourful fish; however many are perhaps not aware that these coral reefs, as well as other living organisms inhabiting the seabed are in fact extremely valuable to our existence. Healthy coral reefs and seagrass assist in maintaining the sand on our beaches and fish populations and are thereby crucial to the tourism and fishing industries in the Caribbean. For this reason, a number of areas are protected by law and have been designated fish sanctuaries or marine protected areas. In order to understand the functioning of theses areas and effectively inform management strategy, the configuration of what exists on the seafloor is crucial. In the same vein that a motorist needs a road map to navigate unknown areas, coastal stakeholders require maps of the seafloor in order to understand what is happening beneath the water’s surface. The location of seafloor habitats within fish sanctuaries in Jamaica are currently unknown and the Government is interested in mapping them. However a myriad of methods exist that could be employed to achieve this goal. Remote sensing is a broad grouping of methods that involve collecting information about an object without being in direct physical contact with it. Many researchers have successfully mapped marine areas using these techniques and it was believed crucial to test the practicality of two such methods, specifically optical and acoustic remote sensing. The main question to be answered from this study was therefore: Which mapping approach is better for benthic habitat mapping in Jamaica and possibly the wider Caribbean? Optical remote sensing relates to the interaction of energy with the Earth’s surface. A digital photograph is taken from a satellite and subsequently interpreted. Acoustic/ sonar technology involves the recording of waveforms reflected from the seabed. Both methods were employed at a pilot site, the Bluefields Bay fish sanctuary, situated in western Jamaica. The optical remote sensing method involved the classification of two satellite images (named WorldView-2 and GeoEye-1) and this process was informed using known positions of seafloor features, this being known as supervised image classification. With regard to the acoustic method, a field survey utilising sonar equipment (BioSonics DT-X Portable Echosounder) was undertaken in order to collect the necessary sonar data. The processed field data was modelled in order to convert lines of field point data to one continuous map of the sanctuary, a process known as interpolation. The accuracy of each method was then tested using field knowledge of what exists in the sanctuary. The map resulting from the image classification revealed three seafloor types, namely submerged vegetation, coral reef and bare seafloor. The overall map accuracy was 89.9% for the WorldView-2 image and 86.8% for GeoEye-1 imagery. These accuracies surpassed those attained from the acoustic classification method (76.6% for vegetation presence and 53.5% for bottom type - silt, sand and coral reef/ hard bottom). Similar to previous studies undertaken, it was shown that the seabed of Bluefields Bay is primarily inhabited by submerged aquatic vegetation (including seagrass and algae), with contrastingly smaller areas of bare sediment and coral reef. Ultimately, the methods employed in this study were compared and the pros and cons of each were weighed in order to deem one method more suitable in Jamaica. Often, the presence of cloud and suspended matter in the water block the view of the seafloor making image classification difficult. On the contrary, acoustic surveys are capable of operating throughout cloudy conditions and attaining more detailed information of the ocean floor, otherwise not possible with optical remote sensing. A major step in the acoustic classification process however, was the interpolation of processed data, which may introduce additional limitations if careful consideration is not given to the intricacies of the process. Lastly, the acoustic survey certainly required greater financial resources than satellite image classification. In answer to the main question of this study, the most cost effective and feasible mapping method for Jamaica is satellite image classification (based on the results attained). It must be stressed however that the effective implementation of any method will depend on a number of factors, such as available software, equipment, expertise and user needs, that must be weighed in order to select the most feasible mapping method for a particular site

    Mobile graphics: SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 course

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    Can Differentiable Decision Trees Learn Interpretable Reward Functions?

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    There is an increasing interest in learning reward functions that model human intent and human preferences. However, many frameworks use blackbox learning methods that, while expressive, are difficult to interpret. We propose and evaluate a novel approach for learning expressive and interpretable reward functions from preferences using Differentiable Decision Trees (DDTs) for both low- and high-dimensional state inputs. We explore and discuss the viability of learning interpretable reward functions using DDTs by evaluating our algorithm on Cartpole, Visual Gridworld environments, and Atari games. We provide evidence that that the tree structure of our learned reward function is useful in determining the extent to which a reward function is aligned with human preferences. We visualize the learned reward DDTs and find that they are capable of learning interpretable reward functions but that the discrete nature of the trees hurts the performance of reinforcement learning at test time. However, we also show evidence that using soft outputs (averaged over all leaf nodes) results in competitive performance when compared with larger capacity deep neural network reward functions

    A Lack of "Environmental Earth Data" at the Microhabitat Scale Impacts Efforts to Control Invasive Arthropods That Vector Pathogens

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    We currently live in an era of major global change that has led to the introduction and range expansion of numerous invasive species worldwide. In addition to the ecological and economic consequences associated with most invasive species, invasive arthropods that vector pathogens (IAVPs) to humans and animals pose substantial health risks. Species distribution models that are informed using environmental Earth data are frequently employed to predict the distribution of invasive species, and to advise targeted mitigation strategies. However, there are currently substantial mismatches in the temporal and spatial resolution of these data and the environmental contexts which affect IAVPs. Consequently, targeted actions to control invasive species or to prepare the population for possible disease outbreaks may lack efficacy. Here, we identify and discuss how the currently available environmental Earth data are lacking with respect to their applications in species distribution modeling, particularly when predicting the potential distribution of IAVPs at meaningful space-time scales. For example, we examine the issues related to interpolation of weather station data and the lack of microclimatic data relevant to the environment experienced by IAVPs. In addition, we suggest how these data gaps can be filled, including through the possible development of a dedicated open access database, where data from both remotely- and proximally-sensed sources can be stored, shared, and accessed
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