2,083 research outputs found

    Designing and configuring context-aware semantic web applications

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    Context-aware services are attracting attention of world as the use of web services are rapidly growing. We designed an architecture of context-aware semantic web which provides on demand flexibility and scalability in extracting and mining the research papers from well-known digital libraries i.e. ACM, IEEE and SpringerLink. This paper proposes a context-aware administrations system, which supports programmed revelation and incorporation of setting dependent on Semantic Web administrations. This work has been done using the python programming language with a dedicated library for the semantic web analysis named as “Cubic-Web” on any defined dataset, in our case as we have used a dataset for extracting and studying several publications to measure the impact of context aware semantic web application on the results. We have found the average recall and averge accuracy for all the context aware research journals in our research work. Moreover, as this study is limited journal documents, other future studies can be approached by examining different types of publications using this advance research. An efficient system has been designed considering the parameters of research article meta-data to find out the papers from the web using semantic web technology. Parameters like year of publication, type of publication, number of contributors, evaluation methods and analysis method used in publication. All this data has been extracted using the designed context-aware semantic web technology

    An Extended Semantic Interoperability Model for Distributed Electronic Health Record Based on Fuzzy Ontology Semantics

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    Semantic interoperability of distributed electronic health record (EHR) systems is a crucial problem for querying EHR and machine learning projects. The main contribution of this paper is to propose and implement a fuzzy ontology-based semantic interoperability framework for distributed EHR systems. First, a separate standard ontology is created for each input source. Second, a unified ontology is created that merges the previously created ontologies. However, this crisp ontology is not able to answer vague or uncertain queries. We thirdly extend the integrated crisp ontology into a fuzzy ontology by using a standard methodology and fuzzy logic to handle this limitation. The used dataset includes identified data of 100 patients. The resulting fuzzy ontology includes 27 class, 58 properties, 43 fuzzy data types, 451 instances, 8376 axioms, 5232 logical axioms, 1216 declarative axioms, 113 annotation axioms, and 3204 data property assertions. The resulting ontology is tested using real data from the MIMIC-III intensive care unit dataset and real archetypes from openEHR. This fuzzy ontology-based system helps physicians accurately query any required data about patients from distributed locations using near-natural language queries. Domain specialists validated the accuracy and correctness of the obtained resultsThis work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (NRF-2021R1A2B5B02002599)S

    Interoperability in health care

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    With the advancement of technology, patient information has been being computerized in order to facilitate the work of healthcare professionals and improve the quality of healthcare delivery. However, there are many heterogeneous information systems that need to communicate, sharing information and making it available when and where it is needed. To respond to this requirement the Agency for Integration, Diffusion, and Archiving of medical information (AIDA) was created, a multi-agent and service-based platform that ensures interoperability among healthcare information systems. In order to improve the performance of the platform, beyond the SWOT analysis performed, a system to prevent failures that may occur in the platform database and also in machines where the agents are executed was created. The system has been implemented in the Centro Hospitalar do Porto (one of the major Portuguese hospitals), and it is now possible to define critical workload periods of AIDA, improving high availability and load balancing. This is explored in this chapter.(undefined


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    Educational collaboration through e-learning is one of the fields that have been worked on since the emergence of e-learning in educational system. The e-learning standards (e.g. learning object metadata standard) and e-learning system architectures or frameworks, which support interoperation of correlated e-learning systems, are the proposed technologies to support the collaboration. However, these technologies have not been successful in creating boundless educational collaboration through e-learning. In particular, these technologies offer solutions with their own requirements or limitations and endeavor challenging efforts in applying the technologies into their elearning system. Thus, the simpler the technology enhances possibility in forging the collaboration. This thesis explores a suite of techniques for creating an interoperability tool model in e-learning domain that can be applied on diverse e-learning platforms. The proposed model is called the e-learning Interoperability Agent or eiA. The scope of eiA focuses on two aspects of e-learning: Learning Objects (LOs) and the users of elearning itself. Learning objects that are accessible over the Web are valuable assets for sharing knowledge in teaching, training, problem solving and decision support. Meanwhile, there is still tacit knowledge that is not documented through LOs but embedded in form of users' expertise and experiences. Therefore, the establishment of educational collaboration can be formed by the users of e-learning with a common interest in a specific problem domain. The eiA is a loosely coupled model designed as an extension of various elearning systems platforms. The eiA utilizes XML (eXtensible Markup Language) technology, which has been accepted as the knowledge representation syntax, to bridge the heterogeneous platforms. At the end, the use of eiA as facilitator to mediate interconununication between e-leaming systems is to engage the creation of semantically Federated e-learning Community (FeC). Eventually, maturity of the FeC is driven by users' willingness to grow the community, by means of increasing the elearning systems that use eiA and adding new functionalities into eiA

    Translational Medicine and Patient Safety in Europe:TRANSFoRm - Architecture for the Learning Health System in Europe

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    The Learning Health System (LHS) describes linking routine healthcare systems directly with both research translation and knowledge translation as an extension of the evidence-based medicine paradigm, taking advantage of the ubiquitous use of electronic health record (EHR) systems. TRANSFoRm is an EU FP7 project that seeks to develop an infrastructure for the LHS in European primary care. Methods. The project is based on three clinical use cases, a genotype-phenotype study in diabetes, a randomised controlled trial with gastroesophageal reflux disease, and a diagnostic decision support system for chest pain, abdominal pain, and shortness of breath. Results. Four models were developed (clinical research, clinical data, provenance, and diagnosis) that form the basis of the projects approach to interoperability. These models are maintained as ontologies with binding of terms to define precise data elements. CDISC ODM and SDM standards are extended using an archetype approach to enable a two-level model of individual data elements, representing both research content and clinical content. Separate configurations of the TRANSFoRm tools serve each use case. Conclusions. The project has been successful in using ontologies and archetypes to develop a highly flexible solution to the problem of heterogeneity of data sources presented by the LHS


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    Collaboration has been an area of interest in many domains including education, research, healthcare supply chain, Internet of things, and music etc. It enhances problem solving through expertise sharing, ideas sharing, learning and resource sharing, and improved decision making. To address the limitations in the existing literature, this dissertation presents a design science artifact and a conceptual model for collaborative environment. The first artifact is a blockchain based collaborative information exchange system that utilizes blockchain technology and semi-automated ontology mappings to enable secure and interoperable health information exchange among different health care institutions. The conceptual model proposed in this dissertation explores the factors that influences professionals continued use of video- conferencing applications. The conceptual model investigates the role the perceived risks and benefits play in influencing professionals’ attitude towards VC apps and consequently its active and automatic use
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