18 research outputs found

    The Effect of STEM-Fishbone diagram Learning on Critical Thinking Ability and Self-Efficacy: A Study on High School Students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of STEM-fishbone diagram learning on critical thinking skills and self-efficacy of high school (SMA) students. This type of research is Quasi-Experimental Design. The population in this study were all students of class XI SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. The sampling technique used cluster random sampling, obtained class XI MIPA 5 (experimental class) and class XI MIPA 7 (control class). The collection technique used is in the form of tests and questionnaires. The research instrument used was a test of the ability to think critically and self-efficacy. The technique uses the MANOVA test. The results of the study stated that there was an influence of STEM-fishbone diagram learning on the critical thinking skills and self-efficacy of high school students in Bandar Lampung, besides that it was also known that there was an influence of STEM-fishbone diagram learning on the critical thinking skills of high school students in Bandar Lampung and there was an influence on learning STEM-fishbone diagram on self-efficacy of high school students in Bandar Lampung

    Can self-efficacy have a role in learning interest

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    Self-efficacy is one of the important things that must be possessed by all students, including medical students. Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in their ability to perform the task or action required to achieve a certain result. Self-efficacy is an important variable for students to evaluate because with self-efficacy people can perform certain tasks properly and correctly. One of the influential factors in self-efficacy is interest in learning. Interest in learning is a feeling of interest and pleasure that causes a desire to establish a more positive relationship, characterized by feelings of pleasure without a relationship, studying references about school subjects with pleasure, sincerely carrying out activities without any internal or external coercion from the individual. To determine the relationship between learning interest and self-efficacy in undergraduate students of the Faculty of Medicine, Malahayati University. Based on the research results, it was found that a sample of 228 students with a low level of interest in learning was not found and students who had the most interest in learning were in the category of high learning interest totaling 145 students (63.6%), and students, then for the highest level of self-efficacy in the high category there were 140 students (61.4%). Statistical analysis using the Spearman test showed a p=value of <0.000 with a correlation test of 0.942. There is a significant relationship between interest in learning and self-efficacy in students of the Faculty of Medicine at the Bachelor Stage of Malahayati University. Interest in learning affects self-efficacy by 92.3%.Efikasi diri merupakan salah satu hal yang penting yang harus dimiliki oleh semua mahasiswa termasuk mahasiswa kedokteran. Efikasi diri adalah keyakinan individu dalam kemampuan mereka untuk melakukan tugas atau tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mencapai hasil tertentu. Efikasi diri merupakan variabel penting bagi mahasiswa untuk evaluasi karena dengan rasa percaya diri seseorang dapat melakukan tugas-tugas tertentu dengan baik dan benar. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh dalam efikasi diri adalah minat belajar. Minat belajar adalah perasaan tertarik dan senang yang menyebabkan keinginan untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih positif, ditandai dengan perasaan senang tanpa adanya hubungan, mempelajari referensi tentang mata pelajaran sekolah dengan perasaan senang, dengan ikhlas melakukan kegiatan tanpa ada paksaan internal maupun eksternal dari individu tersebut. Untuk mengetahui hubungan minat belajar dengan tingkat efikasi diri pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Tahap Sarjana Universitas Malahayati. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan sampel sebanyak 228 mahasiswa dengan tingkat minat belajar rendah tidak ditemukan dan mahasiswa yang memiliki minat belajar terbanyak adalah dalam kategori minat belajar tinggi berjumlah 145 mahasiswa (63,6%), dan mahasiswa, kemudian untuk tingkat efikasi diri terbanyak dalam kategori tinggi berjumlah 140 mahasiswa (61,4%). Analisis statistik menggunakan uji spearman menunjukkan p=value sebesar <0,000 dengan uji korelasi sebesar 0,942. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara minat belajar dengan efikasi diri pada Mahasiswa Fakultas X

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Media Chat Online dan Minat Belajar terhadap Keterampilan Berkomunikasi dan Berpikir Kritis: (The Effect of Online Chat Media and Interest in Learning on Communication and Critical Thinking Skills)

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    The aims of the research was to determine the effect of online chat media on communication and critical thinking skills, the effect of interest in learning on communication and critical thinking skills, and the interaction between online chat media and interest in learning. The methods of research is an quasy experimental factorial type between-group pretest and posttest design. Data analysis was performed using two-way Multivariate Analysis (MANOVA) technique with the assumptions of normality, homogenity, and effect tests. The results of data analysis show that there is a significant between the average scores of communication and critical thinking skills from learned with different online chat media. The results also show that there is a significant between the average scores of communication and critical thinking skills from learned with different learning interests. The conclusion is online chat media and interest in learning affect communication and critical thinking skills, and there is an interaction between online chat media and interest in learning. Key words: online chat media, interest in learning, communication, critical thinking   ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media chat online berbeda terhadap keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis, pengaruh minat belajar berbeda terhadap keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis, serta interaksi antara media chat online dan minat belajar dalam mempengaruhi keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen antara kelas tipe faktorial. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis multivarian dua jalur dengan asumsi dasar uji normalitas, homogenitas, dan efek. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan nilai rata-rata keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis dari pembelajaran dengan media chat online yang berbeda, terdapat perbedaan signifikan nilai rata-rata keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis peserta didik dari minat belajar yang berbeda. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media chat online berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis, minat belajar berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis, serta terdapat interaksi antara media chat online dan minat belajar dalam memengaruhi keterampilan berkomunikasi dan berpikir kritis. Kata kunci: chat online, minat belajar, berkomunikasi, berpikir kriti

    Effects of Signaling on Learner Engagement in Informal Learning on YouTube

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    Millions of educational videos available on YouTube offer unprecedented learning opportunities. A considerable number of studies have been directed toward YouTube educational videos. Yet, research on learner engagement with YouTube educational videos is scarce, despite its central role in learning. This paper addresses this research gap. We adopt the conceptualization that learner engagement has three dimensions - behavioral, emotional, and cognitive- and investigate how signaling in YouTube educational video presentation affects learner engagement in informal learning. Our analysis shows that signaling positively affects behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement. These findings substantiate the empirical knowledge on learner engagement with YouTube educational videos. Our study corroborates traditional video engagement research and extends its relevance to the social media learning environment. It also informs video designers and developers on adding features in the video presentation to optimize learner engagement with YouTube educational videos

    Educative Sensemaking on Social Media: An Empirical Investigation of Informal Learning on YouTube

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    Educational videos on social media are widely used in informal learning. However, empirical studies hardly look into sensemaking, a key aspect in the construction of meaning and knowledge, of educational videos on social media in informal learning, despite the growing interest and practice in educative sensemaking. This study addresses this research gap. We draw upon sensemaking theories and investigate how the physical properties of educational videos affect sensemaking. Our research shows how information control, anchor, and noise are associated with committed interpretation in the learning communities to understand the scientific inquiry at hand with data from YouTube educational videos. This study makes timely contributions to the literature on the educative sensemaking in informal learning on social media. It also offers insights into the better design of educational videos to facilitate sensemaking and informal learning

    Exploring Impacting Factors of Undergraduate Students' Satisfaction with Online Courses of Adult Higher Education in Chengdu

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    Purpose:&nbsp;This study explores the satisfaction of adult higher education undergraduate students with the online course education method in Chengdu. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, service quality, information quality, system quality, self-efficacy, and user satisfaction are used to investigate students' satisfaction with online courses.&nbsp;Research design, data, and methodology:&nbsp;The researcher adopts a quantitative exploration approach with 493 samples and distribute the quantitative questionnaire to adult higher education undergraduate students at one university. The sampling approach are judgmental, quota, and convenience sampling. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models are employed to explore the relationship of the variable in the current study.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;All hypotheses are supported. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, service quality, information quality, system quality, and self-efficacy significantly impact user satisfaction. Conclusions:&nbsp;For adult higher education undergraduate students to acknowledge and recognize the effectiveness of online courses, the administrator and teaching staff of continuing education schools in public universities should pay more attention to the factor that has to produce an important effect on the satisfaction of instruction and consider the correlated teaching adjust or reform in future according to the findings of this research.&nbsp

    Factors affecting learner’s satisfaction towards online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Vietnam

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    Online learning is being considered a new model of knowledge exchange in modern education. In parallel with the incredible impacts of the global pandemic, this is considered an opportunity to promote the development of online learning globally. Therefore, this study proposed a research framework including four factors affecting learner satisfaction towards online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at a university, which are system quality, service quality, transformational leadership, and self-efficacy. A questionnaire was conducted online to assess which 131 respondents were representative students from two large private universities in Da Nang: FPT University and Duy Tan University. The results from the regression analysis show that three factors have a positive impact on learner satisfaction during COVID-19. This study concludes that students at private universities in Da Nang prioritize system quality as the most significant factor in their satisfaction with the online learning system, followed by transformational leadership and the last one is self-efficacy. Therefore, it can be more strategic for private organizations, developers, software designers, or even transformation-trained trainers to be emphasized to build a system of processes for implementing online learning for students effectively

    Predictors of Academic Success in Students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Introduction: Considering that academic success is one of the most important topics for medical sciences schools and faculty members, this study was conducted to determine the predictors of academic success in students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 542 students of the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran.The sampling method was stratified at random. The sociodemographic characteristics questionnaire, Multiple Intelligences Profiling Questionnaire (MIPQ), College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES), Personal Resource Questionnaire (PRQ-85-PART2), and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) were used to collect data. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 16 software. The General Linear Model (GLM) was used to determine the predictors of academic success.Results: According to the Pearson correlation test, there was a significant positive correlation between academic grade point average (GPA) and social support (r=0.10, P=0.048), academic self-efficacy (r=0.36, P<0.001) and there was a significant negative relationship between GPA and total mental health score (r=-0.14; P=0.003) and its subdomains including anxiety (r=-0.10, P=0.027), depression (r=-0.15, P=0.002), and social dysfunction (r=-0.12; P=0.010). According to GLM, the variables of academic self-efficacy, and level of education were among the predictors of academic success, so the GPA increased significantly with academic self-efficacy (β:0.02, P<0.001). The GPA was greater in bachelor’s students than in professional doctorate students (β:0.76, P<0.001). The significance level was considered at P<0.05.Conclusion: Due to the significant relationship between academic self-efficacy, and educational level with academic success, the promotion of self-efficacy is necessary for all students of all educational levels


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    The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia built a web-based integrated system called the Agency Level Financial Application (SAKTI) to provide benefits: increased integration, efficiency, planning, implementation and accountability of the state budget. This study aims to determine and explain user satisfaction as a mediating variable for the causal relationship between overall quality and self-efficacy towards conative use of information systems. SAKTI users were a primary data that collected directly by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaire includes overall quality, self-efficacy, user satisfaction and conative use. This research focuses on the central work unit of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. The population in this study were 552 people. The sampling technique used in this study was stratified random sampling consisting of 3 levels of users: operators, validators and approvers with a total of 247 respondents. Most respondents were male with a total of 125 people or 50.6%, while female were 49, 4%. In addition, most of the respondents have a bachelor's degree (131 people or 53%). Data analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) - Partial Least Square (PLS). The findings show that overall quality and self-efficacy have a direct and independent effect on conative use of SAKTI. The results of this study also examine the relationship between overall quality, self-efficacy and conative use through user satisfaction

    Learner Engagement with YouTube Videos in Informal Online Learning: An Investigation of the Effects of Segmenting, Signaling, and Weeding

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    Millions of educational videos available on YouTube offer unprecedented opportunities for online learning. As it invites open-ended and self-paced exploration of almost any topic, YouTube has emerged as an important platform for informal online learning that occurs outside the formal classroom. A considerable number of studies have been directed toward YouTube educational videos. However, research on learner engagement with YouTube educational videos is limited, despite the central role of engagement in learning and the increasing popularity of YouTube videos in informal online learning. This paper addresses this research gap. We adopt the conceptualization that learner engagement has three dimensions – behavioral, emotional, and cognitive - and investigate how the features of segmenting, signaling, and weeding (SSW), the three multimedia learning principles, in YouTube educational video presentations collectively affect learner engagement in informal online learning. Our analysis shows that different SSW features have various associations with the three dimensions of learner engagement. These findings substantiate the empirical knowledge of learner engagement with YouTube educational videos. Our study corroborates extant video engagement research and extends its relevance to informal learning on social media. It also informs video designers and developers on adding video presentation features to optimize video engagement on social media