232 research outputs found


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    Jumlah IP Address sangat terbatas, apalagi jika harus memberikan alamat semua host di Internet. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan efisiensi dalam penggunaan IP Address supaya dapat mengalamati semaksimal mungkin host yang ada dalam satu jaringan. Konsep subnetting dari IP Address merupakanteknik yang umum digunakan di Internet untuk mengefisienkan alokasi IP Address dalam sebuah jaringan supaya bisa memaksimalkan penggunaan IP Address. Routing & konsekuensi logis lainnya akan terjadi dengan lebih effisien dengan metoda subnetting yang baik. Tulisan ini akan menyorot secara seksamakonsep / cara melakukan subnetting pada IP Address

    Mitigating Threats in IoT Network using Device Isolation

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    In recent years, the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) is seen across various sectors. There is a sharp inclination towards using IoT devices in both home and office premises. Many traditional manufacturers are enhancing their traditional appliances into IoT devices. With the myriad of devices in the market, there also exist vulnerable devices which can be exploited by adversaries. Several security solutions are trying to address different areas of security such as network security, privacy, threat detection, etc. IoT Sentinel is one such novel system that can identify device types based on their pattern of communication. IoT Sentinel proposes several isolation levels that can be used to control the traffic of devices identified as vulnerable. IoT Sentinel uses a Software-defined Networking (SDN) component for controlling the traffic flow for devices and isolating them. In this thesis, we develop a solution to extend IoT Sentinel for device isolation, which is not dependent on SDN. The goal is to build a generic and deployable solution for network segmentation and device isolation that is suitable for home networks. The system divides the network into isolated subnets and places new devices into appropriate subnets. Communication between the subnets is controlled using a firewall thereby isolating them. We dynamically configure a DHCP server to place (lease IP address) new IoT devices identified by IoT Sentinel into appropriate subnets based on their level of vulnerability. Using our solution, we can confine vulnerable devices. Thus, the solution minimizes the damage that could be caused by vulnerable devices present in a network. Finally, we evaluate the developed solution for its security requirement of device isolation. We also present the performance evaluation of our solution based on time-delay and throughput analysis. We observe that our solution adds an acceptable delay to the existing IoT Sentinel processes. We also observe that the system throughput is not significantly affected by firewall rules in a home network scenario

    Rede digital comunitária: uma rede sem fios metropolitana

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    O recurso às Redes sem Fios na construção de redes privativas de telecomunicações está em expansão no nosso País, embora o seu amadurecimento técnico, legal e económico seja relativamente recente. Representando um compromisso bastante atractivo naquelas vertentes, esta tecnologia é apropriada à interligação metropolitana de instituições, requisito frequente em projectos ligados às Cidades Digitais. No caso de Bragança, o projecto Rede Digital Comunitária instalou uma Rede sem Fios, servindo aqueles propósitos, e que aqui se descreve

    On assessment and evaluation of teaching computer networks to electrical engineering students by the aid of a lab course

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    In the era of the Internet-of-everything, learning the principles of data communications and networking is inevitable for many electrical engineering disciplines. The paper addresses the effectiveness of teaching the fundamentals of data communications and networking using a dedicated lab course as a co-requisite to a classic lecture-based course. In the introduced lab course, the students are asked to do a variety of tasks using real hardware and a network simulator. The paper introduces quantitative measures of an outcomebased learning approach applied to both courses. Based on students’ achievements, the role of the lab course in the attainment of both the course learning outcomes and the electrical engineering program learning outcomes is measured in comparison with the case where the lab course is not taken. Our findings reveal a general enhancement trend in attaining the course and program learning outcomes with a significant increase in the program outcome related to solving engineering problems. Also, a slight increase is noticed in meeting the lab course outcomes for the students who attended the lab with the course in the same semester, which indicates an improvement in gaining practical knowledgePeer Reviewe

    Measuring Effectiveness of Address Schemes for AS-level Graphs

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    This dissertation presents measures of efficiency and locality for Internet addressing schemes. Historically speaking, many issues, faced by the Internet, have been solved just in time, to make the Internet just work~\cite{justWork}. Consensus, however, has been reached that today\u27s Internet routing and addressing system is facing serious scaling problems: multi-homing which causes finer granularity of routing policies and finer control to realize various traffic engineering requirements, an increased demand for provider-independent prefix allocations which injects unaggregatable prefixes into the Default Free Zone (DFZ) routing table, and ever-increasing Internet user population and mobile edge devices. As a result, the DFZ routing table is again growing at an exponential rate. Hierarchical, topology-based addressing has long been considered crucial to routing and forwarding scalability. Recently, however, a number of research efforts are considering alternatives to this traditional approach. With the goal of informing such research, we investigated the efficiency of address assignment in the existing (IPv4) Internet. In particular, we ask the question: ``how can we measure the locality of an address scheme given an input AS-level graph?\u27\u27 To do so, we first define a notion of efficiency or locality based on the average number of bit-hops required to advertize all prefixes in the Internet. In order to quantify how far from ``optimal the current Internet is, we assign prefixes to ASes ``from scratch in a manner that preserves observed semantics, using three increasingly strict definitions of equivalence. Next we propose another metric that in some sense quantifies the ``efficiency of the labeling and is independent of forwarding/routing mechanisms. We validate the effectiveness of the metric by applying it to a series of address schemes with increasing randomness given an input AS-level graph. After that we apply the metric to the current Internet address scheme across years and compare the results with those of compact routing schemes

    Design, implementation & first run problems of a factory corporate network

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    En aquest projecte s'ha dut a terme el disseny de la infraestructura de comunicacions i de xarxa d'una fàbrica que comptarà amb zones de producció i d’oficines corporatives, s'han analitzat les subseqüents necessitats dels recursos de comunicacions dels diferents departaments per determinar els equipaments de xarxa necessaris, així com la topologia de la jerarquia d'interconnexions. Igualment, s'ha tingut en compte la infraestructura de connexions sense fils per donar cobertura als dispositius tant corporatius com de dispositius personals o treballadors externs. Un cop establerta la topologia de xarxa, s'ha realitzat l'assignació d'adreces IP, segmentant la xarxa en diferents VLANs segons una classificació de funcionalitats i necessitats de la mateixa (nombre de dispositius, servidor DHCP, nivells de seguretat…) Finalment, s'ha realitzat un estudi econòmic respecte al pressupost del qual es disponia per al projecte i el que finalment ha fet falta per cobrir tot el material, obres i hores d’enginyeria necessaris per a la realització d'aquest.In this project, the design of the communications and network infrastructure of a factory that will have production areas and corporate offices has been carried out, the subsequent needs of the communications resources of the different departments have been analyzed for determine the necessary network equipment, as well as the topology of the interconnection hierarchy. Similarly, the infrastructure of wireless connections has been taken into account to provide coverage for both corporate devices and personal devices or external workers. Once the network topology has been established, the assignment of IP addresses has been carried out, segmenting the network into different VLANs according to a classification of functionalities and its needs (number of devices, DHCP server, security levels...) Finally , an economic study has been carried out with respect to the budget that was available for the project and what was ultimately needed to cover all the material, works and hours of engineering necessary to carry it out

    Securing the home network

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