60 research outputs found

    Connecting strategic thinking with product innovativeness to reinforce NPD support process

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    Strategic thinking is considered a significant business process by management experts due to it's appeal to strengthen organizational performance management and its effectiveness. Furthermore, new product development is regarded as the crucial operation of each and every industrial concern. Grounded in such rationality, the current study presents an attempt to connect the concept of strategic thinking with product innovativeness to formulate a diagnostic approach to reinforce NPD support process. The idea behind formulating such a research framework is to offer industrial leaders, a mechanism, that can offer connectivity among various aspects of operations linked to corporate strategy and product innovativeness. The research survey is conducted on 30 team member's representing new product development (NPD) operations at three selected work locations of a European multinational company. The study results highlighted the proposed theoretical connection between the two business operational areas; strategic thinking and product innovation. According to the study results, the key variables that have shown positive linkage among them were, early client involvement (product innovation) to target reach (strategic thinking); customer value (product innovation) to target reach (strategic thinking); early client involvement (product innovation) to customer value (Product innovation); management initiatives (product innovation) to collaboration (strategic thinking); management initiatives (product innovation) to communication (strategic thinking); and idea generation (product innovation) to responsiveness (strategic thinking).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Integrating Strategic Thinking and Transformational Leadership for NPD Idea Support Process

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    Contemporary businesses implement tactical approaches to support their corporate interests. Based on such logic, the current study presents an attempt to connect the concept of transformational leadership with strategic thinking capability to formulate a diagnostic approach to harness new product idea generation potential in industrial work teams. The idea behind formulating such a research framework is to offer industrial leaders, a mechanism for connectivity among various aspects of operations linked to leadership, corporate strategy and new product idea generation process, of their teams for corporate harmony and effectiveness. The research survey is conducted on 30 team member's representing new product development (NPD) operations at three selected work locations of a European multinational company (Finland, Norway and the UK). The results of our study identified scientifically, the proposed theoretical connection among three industrial operational areas i.e., transformational leadership, strategy thinking and new product idea generation process.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Identifying dissimilarities among global teams while pursuing new product idea generation practices

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    This study survey has attempted to explore assessment of a European multinational company's new product idea generation potential linked to their industrial teams’ diversified capabilities as well as their work potential. The study is carried out by employing quantitative, supported through qualitative, research methodologies. The aim behind such an evaluation is to identify and compare the differences in work approaches as well as the specialization in each one of the three target global teams (i.e. Norway, Finland, the UK) of a European multi-national organization, linked to the new product idea generation operations. The study results revealed that team working in Finland's office is strong in ‘NPD team climate trends’ with the scores 3.6, the UK office displayed higher scores on ‘strategic thinking trends’ with the scores 3.6 while Norway office location is strong at ‘NPD idea support trends’ with the overall scores of 3.6.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Characterizing Transgender Health Issues in Twitter

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    Although there are millions of transgender people in the world, a lack of information exists about their health issues. This issue has consequences for the medical field, which only has a nascent understanding of how to identify and meet this population's health-related needs. Social media sites like Twitter provide new opportunities for transgender people to overcome these barriers by sharing their personal health experiences. Our research employs a computational framework to collect tweets from self-identified transgender users, detect those that are health-related, and identify their information needs. This framework is significant because it provides a macro-scale perspective on an issue that lacks investigation at national or demographic levels. Our findings identified 54 distinct health-related topics that we grouped into 7 broader categories. Further, we found both linguistic and topical differences in the health-related information shared by transgender men (TM) as com-pared to transgender women (TW). These findings can help inform medical and policy-based strategies for health interventions within transgender communities. Also, our proposed approach can inform the development of computational strategies to identify the health-related information needs of other marginalized populations


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    Social networking sites such as Twitter have provided a great opportunity for organizations such as public libraries to disseminate information for public relations purposes. However, there is a need to analyze vast amounts of social media data. This study presents a computational approach to explore the content of tweets posted by nine public libraries in the northeastern United States of America. In December 2017, this study extracted more than 19,000 tweets from the Twitter accounts of seven state libraries and two urban public libraries. Computational methods were applied to collect the tweets and discover meaningful themes. This paper shows how the libraries have used Twitter to represent their services and provides a starting point for different organizations to evaluate the themes of their public tweets

    Reviewing Pakistan's investment potential as a foreign investor

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    This analytical review aims to introduce Pakistan, a land, capable of offering and extending investment opportunities to the foreign investors. On the basis of a detailed investigation regarding investment possibilities in Pakistan, the paper highlights the key areas including, the determinants of investments in Pakistan. The determinants of investment possibilities in Pakistan are described in the form of strengths and weaknesses attached to the international investment venture for the foreign investor's foresight.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    A lack of information exists about the health issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people who are often excluded from national demographic assessments, health studies, and clinical trials. As a result, medical experts and researchers lack holistic understanding of the health disparities facing these populations. Fortunately, publicly available social media data such as Twitter data can be utilized to support the decisions of public health policy makers and managers with respect to LGBTQ people. This research employs a computational approach to collect tweets from gay users on healthrelated topics and model these topics. To determine the nature of health-related information shared by men who have sex with men on Twitter, we collected thousands of tweets from 177 active users. We sampled these tweets using a framework that can be applied to other LGBTQ sub-populations in future research. We found 11 diseases in 7 categories based on ICD 10 that are in line with the published studies and official reports


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    E-learning is important to be adopted by universities so that they can still have anadvantage during increasingly high competition. Plus the condition of our nation iscurrently entering a new habit adaptation period due to the Covid-19 pandemic.Thus, the implementation of learning is carried out online. To maintain usersatisfaction with the service, it is necessary to evaluate the user usability of theimplementation of e-learning to generate recommendations that can be used as ameans to improve the quality of the system and media used in the future. This studyuses a descriptive method with a quantitative approach that refers to service qualityincluding TERRA which consists of tangible, empathy, reliability, responsiveness,and assurance. The questionnaire instrument uses closed questions, consisting of an assessment between expectations and reality. The scale used in the questionnaireusing a Likert scale was distributed to 100 respondents who were selected based ona simple random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using descriptiveanalysis by calculating the average variable score, then measuring the CustomerSatisfaction Index (CSI). The results showed that overall users were satisfied withthe performance of ServQual's attributes in implementing e-learning at Al-GhifariUniversity during the adaptation period for the new habits of the COVID-19pandemic
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