144 research outputs found

    CSCL@Work: Making Learning Visible in Unexpected Online Places Across Established Boundaries

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    Abstract We introduce Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) at the workplace (CSCL@Work) as a conceptual framework for bridging the knowledge of researchers in the field of CSCL to work-based learning. Research in the field of Organizational Learning emerged in 1978, and gained further attention in the 1990's when challenges centered on the creation of organizational cultures to support existing knowledge sharing. In contemporary firms, shepherding the creation of new knowledge is of equal importance, and is driven by two primary research questions. First, how do organizations create new knowledge when the answer to a particular problem is not available within the firm? Second, what cultures of learning must and do exist to support solving problems when the answer is not known within an organization? Contemporary answers to these questions must recognize that learning is an implicit, often invisible component of work, and explicitly decouple the construct of learning from its main western institutionalization, the school. To advance thinking in this area, we undertook a meta analysis of 8 CSCL@Work cases and developed 3 design theses: 1) Learning occurs in unexpected and unusual online learning places, especially through Social Media. 2) Learning activities incorporate feedback from diverse people, who are not available within traditional organizational boundaries; 3) learning must be made visible across established boundaries. Designing explicit construction of new knowledge needs to be integrated into workplace practices today through pedagogical and technological design

    Exploring The Risk Factors of Interactive E-health Interventions for Digital Addiction

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    Digital Addiction refers to a problematic usage of digital devices characterised by being excessive, compulsive, impulsive and hasty. It is often associated with negative life experience such as anxiety and depression. To combat Digital Addiction, interactive e-health intervention applications started to appear to aid users adjust their usage style. The present study aims to understand the risks related to such e-health interventions. The authors conducted an empirical research to investigate such risks from users’ perspectives through a diary study. Fourteen participants were recruited and asked to install popular “digital diet” applications and use them for two weeks and record their significant moments. The authors then interviewed the participants to discuss their experience. Self-governed interactive e-health intervention for digital addiction could lead to adverse side effects such as lower self-esteem, misconception of the healthy usage and creating an alternative addictive experience. Thus, there is a need for theory-based development and rigorous testing for such e-health solution

    Empirical Evidence of Organizational Knowledge From a Typological Perspective and Its Linkages With Performance

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    Empirical evidence on the role of individuals' and group tacit and explicit knowledge in driving performance, is clearly missing in organisational knowledge literature. To fill this gap, a survey of 504 Managerial, technical and administrative employees of organisations in the Nigerian telecommunications industry form the sample for this study. Based on the multiple regression analysis, the relationship between organisational knowledge and performance was established. The results indicate that managers should focus on group-tacit knowledge, individual-explicit knowledge and individual-tacit knowledge as the most strategic types of organisational knowledge for enhancing performanc

    Transferability of Voice Communication in Games to Virtual Teams Training for Crisis Management

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    Publisher's version (Ăştgefin grein)A crisis is an emergency event that can lead to multiple injuries and damage to property or environment. Proper training of crisis management personnel is vital for reducing the impact of a major incident. In search for knowledge on how best to implement communication for virtual environments for training, communication in online games was studied. Findings on voice communication in online games were researched and formulated as a set of statements. By asking participants in an empirical study of crisis management, the statements were either confirmed or refuted. Results show that multiplayer games are highly similar to the requirements for crisis management training in virtual environments. Approximately two-thirds of the statements proved coherent in both domains. The practical significance of this work lies in the provision of design implications for a virtual environment for crisis management training. Thus, this paper contributes to demonstrating the transferability between these domains. Finally, the paper reflects the results in theories of communication and engagement.Peer Reviewe

    Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction to Online Shopping

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    Most companies are expanding their network through an online platform. Under various scenarios (e.g. pandemic situations), market vendors should be versatile and adaptable to different types of distribution channels. This paper described the factors affecting consumer satisfaction to online shopping such as reliability and responsiveness, assurance and empathy, and tangibility. This paper determined the significant difference between the sex of respondents and the factors affecting consumer satisfaction to online shopping. This paper used a descriptive method, a total of 487 online consumers (219 Male and 268 Female) within Cabanatuan City were involved in this study using adopted questionnaire with adopted likert-scale responses. Based on the gathered data, the researchers drew four conclusions. First, the respondents have a strong degree of confidence in their respective website/application for online shopping. Hence, it is recommended that owners of online shopping website/application should work on improving their order cancelation and returns. Second, the respondents trusted online shopping websites/applications because of their marketing tactics, such as word of mouth, to boost their credibility. Hence, it is highly suggested that the owners of online shopping website/application should track the problems involving product delivery. Third, respondents have been literate in using and searching online shopping websites/applications. Hence, it is recommended that the owners of the online shopping website/application continuously improve their system to keep their consumers satisfied. Finally, the null hypothesis is retained. It implies that sex does not affect the consumer satisfaction to online shopping factors. Thus, it is suggested to look for other variables that may affect consumer satisfaction

    The role of brand loyalty and social media in e-commerce interfaces: survey results and implications for user interfaces

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    This paper explores the role of brand loyalty and social media in e-commerce interfaces. A survey consisting of 118 respondents was contacted to address the questions relating to online shopping and brand loyalty. Link between the frequency of access and time spent on an e-commerce user interface, and brand loyalty, gender and age profile differences, and the role of social media to branding and on-line shopping was analyzed. It was found that online loyalty differs from offline loyalty and loyalty also differed across genders, showing men were more loyal than women when shopping online. Information shared about products on social media by friends and family played an important role in purchase decision making. Website interface and ease of navigation were also key aspects for online shopping. The research concluded with recommendations to create multimodal websites which are more interactive and targeted so customer experience is enhanced and loyalty is achieved through the use of interactivity and social media

    Creative Economy of College Student Gamification based on E-Commerce

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    The application of Blockchain technology in the context of providing security for transactions in the digital era 4.0 to prevent manipulation of transaction recording reports by irresponsible parties. By using research methods 10 (ten) literature reviews and methods of formulating problems, designing research, collecting data, processing & presenting data, analysis & research reports are expected to solve security problems in transactions. At present security in transactions is still very minimal, therefore a blockchain technology is needed to secure transactions where data can still be manipulated. Specifically, there are 2 (two) benefits of this research that use blockchain technology, (1) transactions become safer in the presence of encryption codes, (2) transactions become more transparent with blockchain. This research implements the encryption code into the payment system using AI Coin, where payment is now cashless, to make it more secure and transparent in transactions

    Sociotechnical design of mHealth applications for chronic diseases

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    This workshop paper aims at briefly presenting the authors’ previous experience in the field of sociotechnical design of mHealth applications and at illustrating the opportunity in joining forces of multidisciplinary researchers, domain experts, and practitioners for improving the field

    Analisis Kepercayaan Konsumen Dalam Memediasi Hubungan Antara Cash On Delivery Dengan Keputusan Pembelian Di Sosial Media Facebook

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    This study aims to determine the effect of trust in mediating the relationship of cash on delivery on purchasing decisions. The research method used is the method of causality. The sample in this study was 347 members of the Facebook Sukabumi Shopping SS Online Buying Forum who had used COD services, which were taken using a simple random sampling technique. Researchers used path analysis data analysis techniques with the help of the AMOS 25 data processing application.The results of this study found that cash on delivery has a significant effect on trust, trust has a significant effect on purchasing decisions and trust is a mediating variable in the relationship between cash on delivery and purchasing decisions. Then trust becomes a bridge in the relationship between cash on delivery and purchasing decisions.   Keyword  : Cash On Delivery, Facebook, Trust, Purchase Decisio

    Pengaruh Cash On Delivery, Promo Gratis Ongkir, dan Customer Review Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Secara Online Pada Situs Marketplace Shopee di Wilayah Kota Tangerang

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    Dalam situasi pandemi Covid-19 saat ini, mayoritas seluruh penduduk Indonesia menggunakan teknologi internet sebagai sarana transaksi jual beli secara online. Dengan layanan marketplace, memungkinkan konsumen memesan produk dengan mudah dan praktis dari berbagai lokasi dan wilayah yang berbeda. Shopee adalah platform jual beli online yang memudahkan pengguna untuk menyelesaikan transaksi. Shopee mempunyai metode pembayaran cash on delivery, penawaran gratis ongkos kirim dan fitur ulasan produk untuk membantu konsumen dalam memutuskan akan pembelian suatu produk. Riset ini dilakukan guna menguji besaran pengaruh cash on delivery, promo gratis ongkir dan customer review terhadap keputusan pembelian secara online pada situs marketplace Shopee di wilayah Kota Tangerang. Pada penarikan sampel digunakan teknik sampel snowball dengan menggunakan data kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan media kuesioner yang disebarluaskan kepada responden dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan alat pengolah data SPSS 25. Pengujian hipotesis secara parsial (uji T) didapati cash on delivery menghasilkan Thitung (11.396) > Ttabel (1.968), promo gratis ongkir menghasilkan Thitung (12.678) > Ttabel (1.968) dan customer review menghasilkan Thitung (14.601) > Ttabel (1.968) dengan Sig 0.000. Maka dari itu disimpulkan bahwa Hipotesis 1, Hipotesis 2, dan Hipotesis 3 terbukti. Pengujian hipotesis secara simultan (uji F) didapati Sig. 0.000 dengan nilai Fhitung (109.555) > Ftabel (2.63). Dengan demikian, hipotesis 4 terbukti yang artinya cash on delivery, promo gratis ongkir dan customer review berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian secara online pada marketplace Shopee di wilayah Kota TangerangDalam situasi pandemi Covid-19 saat ini, mayoritas seluruh penduduk Indonesia menggunakan teknologi internet sebagai sarana transaksi jual beli secara online. Dengan layanan marketplace, memungkinkan konsumen memesan produk dengan mudah dan praktis dari berbagai lokasi dan wilayah yang berbeda. Shopee adalah platform jual beli online yang memudahkan pengguna untuk menyelesaikan transaksi. Shopee mempunyai metode pembayaran cash on delivery, penawaran gratis ongkos kirim dan fitur ulasan produk untuk membantu konsumen dalam memutuskan akan pembelian suatu produk. Riset ini dilakukan guna menguji besaran pengaruh cash on delivery, promo gratis ongkir dan customer review terhadap keputusan pembelian secara online pada situs marketplace Shopee di wilayah Kota Tangerang. Pada penarikan sampel digunakan teknik sampel snowball dengan menggunakan data kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan media kuesioner yang disebarluaskan kepada responden dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan alat pengolah data SPSS 25. Pengujian hipotesis secara parsial (uji T) didapati cash on delivery menghasilkan Thitung (11.396) > Ttabel (1.968), promo gratis ongkir menghasilkan Thitung (12.678) > Ttabel (1.968) dan customer review menghasilkan Thitung (14.601) > Ttabel (1.968) dengan Sig 0.000. Maka dari itu disimpulkan bahwa Hipotesis 1, Hipotesis 2, dan Hipotesis 3 terbukti. Pengujian hipotesis secara simultan (uji F) didapati Sig. 0.000 dengan nilai Fhitung (109.555) > Ftabel (2.63). Dengan demikian, hipotesis 4 terbukti yang artinya cash on delivery, promo gratis ongkir dan customer review berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian secara online pada marketplace Shopee di wilayah Kota Tangerang
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