86 research outputs found

    Investigation of an Extended Typology for Marketing Destinations with YouTube

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    This article describes how YouTube has been evolving as an e-tool for marketing activities over the past decade. Utilizing YouTube for enhancing marketing endeavours is a strategy practiced by marketing professionals across a growing number of industries. The research documented in this article investigates virtual community-based destination marketing using an extended conceptualisation of a virtual community typology. A non-participant netnographic investigation of virtual communities through a content analysis has been applied in this article to investigate the research questions. The contribution includes the application of an extended typology of virtual communities to YouTube leading to a number of managerial implications for marketing practice on using YouTube as an effective marketing tool.</jats:p

    Earning a Seat at the Table: How IT Departments Can Partner in Organizational Change and Innovation

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    Few would argue that the information technology department (ITD) is not an essential part of an organization. It is hard to envision a project that does not need the support of the ITD. Despite this importance, the ITD is not always involved in the management of projects. Often, the ITD is brought into the project late in the planning and development process. In many cases, the inclusion of the ITD in an advanced project stage can result in project failure where early involvement could have prevented it. Why is it that ITDs, while clearly a vital part of project implementation, are not always incorporated in the early stages of organizational projects? Is the ITD\u27s role not understood, or are there misconceptions regarding the ITD\u27s value? This paper seeks to provide a clearer understanding of the role of ITDs in organizations through a conceptual model of ITD organizational integration. The model provides actionable recommendations, demonstrates the organizational value of ITDs, and highlights the importance of including ITDs early in organizational project lifecycles

    Earning a Seat at the Table: How IT Departments Can Partner in Organizational Change and Innovation

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    Few would argue that the information technology department (ITD) is not an essential part of an organization. It is hard to envision a project that does not need the support of the ITD. Despite this importance, the ITD is not always involved in the management of projects. Often, the ITD is brought into the project late in the planning and development process. In many cases, the inclusion of the ITD in an advanced project stage can result in project failure where early involvement could have prevented it. Why is it that ITDs, while clearly a vital part of project implementation, are not always incorporated in the early stages of organizational projects? Is the ITD’s role not understood, or are there misconceptions regarding the ITD’s value? This paper seeks to provide a clearer understanding of the role of ITDs in organizations through a conceptual model of ITD organizational integration. The model provides actionable recommendations, demonstrates the organizational value of ITDs, and highlights the importance of including ITDs early in organizational project lifecycles

    Cognitive Ontology based Framework for Networking Women in Sciences

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    In order to increase the percentage of women in academics or researchers, there is need for a functioning research networking through which women can exchange ideas; ask questions and more importantly, mentorship, in Nigeria. In order to make for this, several recommendations have been suggested but are not scientific. Therefore, to bridge this gap scientifically, this paper is presenting an overview of a question and answering system framework that hybridize semantic search methodology and cognitive reasoning. The hybridization will enhance the question and answering accuracy especially due to the introduction of domain ontology for the semantic process. This paper also presents the output of the first phase of the implementation which is the development of the domain ontology for the question and answering syste

    El impacto de la gestión del conocimiento en el desempeño organizacional: un estudio de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales

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    This study attempts to investigate the role of knowledge management (KM) in commercial companies.To this end, a literature review was made and relevant components were extracted to conceptualizeKM and organizational performance (OP), and the relationship between KM and OP was presented ina theoretical framework. Secondly, to assess the proposed model, a questionnaire was given to 200participants in five commercial companies, chosen through multi-stage stratified sampling. The datawere analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and Lisrel 8.8. The results revealed that themodel enjoyed an acceptable degree of fit. The obtained coefficient (0.41) showed a direct impact ofKM indices on OP, indicating the significant and positive relationship between KM and OP dimensionssuch as financial performance, quality of goods and services, staff members’ performance, innovation,and customers’ level of satisfaction.Este estudio trató de investigar el papel de la gestión del conocimiento (KM) en las empresas comerciales. Con este fin, se revisó la literatura y se extrajeron componentes relevantes para conceptualizar el KM yel desempeño organizacional (OP). A continuación, la relación entre KM y OP se presentó en un marcoteórico. En segundo lugar, para evaluar el modelo propuesto, se entregó un cuestionario a 200 participantesen 5 empresas comerciales, elegidos mediante muestreo estratificado de etapas múltiples. Los datosse analizaron utilizando modelado mediante ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) y Lisrel 8.8. Los resultadosrevelaron que el modelo proporcionaba un grado aceptable de ajuste. El coeficiente obtenido (0,41)muestra un impacto directo de los índices de KM en OP, lo que indica la relación significativa y positiva entrelas dimensiones de KM y OP, tales como el desempeño financiero, la calidad de los bienes y servicios, eldesempeño de los miembros del personal, la innovación y el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes

    The Impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance: A Structural Equation Modeling Study

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    This study attempts to investigate the role of knowledge management (KM) in commercial companies. To this end, the literature was reviewed and relevant components were extracted to conceptualize KM and organizational performance, (OP) and the relationship between KM and OP was presented in a theoretical framework. Secondly, to assess the proposed model, a questionnaire was given to 200 participants in five commercial companies, chosen through multi-stage stratified sampling. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and Lisrel 8.8. The results revealed that the model enjoyed an acceptable degree of fit. The obtained coefficient (0.41) showed a direct impact of KM indices on OP, indicating the significant and positive relationship between KM and OP dimensions such as financial performance, quality of goods and services, staff members’ performance, innovation, and customers’ level of satisfaction

    Optimizing Sample Design for Approximate Query Processing

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    The rapid increase of data volumes makes sampling a crucial component of modern data management systems. Although there is a large body of work on database sampling, the problem of automatically determine the optimal sample for a given query remained (almost) unaddressed. To tackle this problem the authors propose a sample advisor based on a novel cost model. Primarily designed for advising samples of a few queries specified by an expert, the authors additionally propose two extensions of the sample advisor. The first extension enhances the applicability by utilizing recorded workload information and taking memory bounds into account. The second extension increases the effectiveness by merging samples in case of overlapping pieces of sample advice. For both extensions, the authors present exact and heuristic solutions. Within their evaluation, the authors analyze the properties of the cost model and demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the heuristic solutions with a variety of experiments

    Organizational Analysis in Preparation for LMS Change: A Narrative Case Study

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    Collaboration and teamwork are concepts routinely attributed to organizational success and successful change management. Yet often the details of these collaborative experiences are limited to participants in the team involved. In this case study we highlight how a learning experience architect, as part of an organizational working group, could leverage human performance technology (HPT) principles to lead the analysis efforts surrounding an LMS platform change at a professional training organization. Human performance technology is the study and practice of improving productivity in organizations. This includes designing and developing effective interventions, processes, and methodologies that are ethical, results-oriented, comprehensive, and systemic (West, 2018). This article covers the project’s genesis, the project team’s creation, and how the analysis work was carried out. The first author’s unique access to the subject matter of this case study provides the ability to present the project’s analysis phase in the following narrative format. This article’s intrinsic case study represents an exploratory inquiry into a single case, as this article’s conclusions are inherently limited to its scope. Nevertheless, the article provides evidence that large scale change within organizations requires a balance of effective communication practices and organizational systems thinking

    A Knowledge Mining Approach for Effective Customer Relationship Management

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    The problem of existing customer relationship management (CRM) system is not lack of information but the ability to differentiate useful information from chatter or even disinformation and also maximize the richness of these heterogeneous information sources. This paper describes an improved text mining approach for automatically extracting association rules from collections of textual documents. It discovers association rules from keyword features extracted from the documents. The main contributions of the technique are that, in selecting the most discriminative keywords for use in association rules generation, the system combines syntactic and semantic relevance into its Information Retrieval Scheme which is integrated with XML technology. Experiments carried out revealed that the extracted association rules contain important features which form a worthy platform for making effective decisions as regards customer relationship management. The performance of the improved text mining approach is compared with existing system that uses the GARW algorithm to reveal a significant reduction in the large itemsets, leading to reduction in rules generated to more interesting ones due to the semantic analysis component being introduced. Also, it has brought about reduction of the execution time, compared to the GARW algorithm.</p

    Role of Work Activities and Knowledge Sharing in Employee Sustainable Social Well-Being Along with the Moderating Role of Supply Chain Education

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    The objective of this study is to examine the role of work activities and knowledge sharing in employee sustainable social well-being. The moderating role of supply chain education (SCE) was also examined. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between work activities, knowledge sharing, SCE and sustainable social well-being. Population of the study is the garment companies of Indonesia. Employees of these companies were selected as the respondents. Consequently, data collection was performed among the garment companies of Indonesia. For the purpose of data collection, questionnaire was distribution among the garment company employees. Data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS). Results of the study highlighted that work activities have positive effect on sustainable social well-being. Knowledge sharing also shows the positive effect on sustainable social well-being. Moreover, SCE shows positive influence to enhance the sustainable social well-being directly and by playing the moderating role between work activities and sustainable social well-being
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