73 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of sponsorship of the F1 Singapore Grand Prix: recall and recognition

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    The effectiveness of sponsorship of the F1 Singapore Grand Prix: recall and recognitio

    Accounting Service Supply Chain and Accounting Outsourcing

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    A critical part of the accounting service supply chain is outsourcing. Outsourcing is an important function for both accounting professionals and small business professionals. An effective supply chain can reduce costs and manage limited resources. With the advancement of technology, outsourcing has become a major part of all global companies. While outsourcing has some risks to go with the many benefits, it can be managed. Outsourcing done properly can give companies a major competitive edge. This paper looks at the issues and benefits of outsourcing. It also gives a current list of companies who provide outsourcing accounting services

    Pengalaman Konsumen, Nilai dan Keinginan untuk Berbelanja Ulang di Kantin Mahasiswa

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    This study aims to explore the role of experience of students as consumers on utilitarian and hedonic values ​​towards intention to revisit canteen of students in Politeknik Negeri Padang. Consumer experience are measured using dimensions of sense, feel, think, act, and relate. Data were analysed using partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). This study found that consumer experience from dimensions of sense, feel and act have a significant positive impact on utilitarian values. In addition, sense, and act also have a significant positive influence on hedonism value. Furthermore, utilitarian, and hedonic values ​​have a positive and significant impact towards intention to revisit the canteen. Thus, the utilitarian and hedonic values ​​obtained through consumer experience will increase student intention to revisit the canteen

    Jammu and Kashmir Post Article 370: A Comparative Overview of the Shifts

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    This study explores how Jammu and Kashmir s terrain has changed since Article 370 was repealed and provides a thorough comparative analysis of the socio-political and economic aspects of the area The goal of the study is to offer important insights into the ramifications of this historic event by examining the complex developments that have occurred since the constitutional amendment A thorough analysis of the pre- and post-Article 370 abrogation periods is included in the comparative overview Using a multidisciplinary approach the study incorporates information from a range of sources including government documents and scholarly literature By utilizing a variety of research approaches the study aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the changes in Jammu and Kashmi


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    This article aims to review and analyze the Topic of Accounting Information Systems published in the Web of Science database. This research uses the Bibliometric method through Vos Viewer and Biblioshiny to show information about trend set, frequency of article production, frequency of authors, and some other information. The results showed that SIA's research, which was first published in the Web of Science database, was recorded in 1975 and reached its peak in 2011. However, the peak of SIA's article production in 2011 was due to a symposium held in China. However, after that, SIA's article production continued to decline and in the 2012-2021 period tends to increase. Other results show that there are no researchers who focus on producing SIA research articles consistently, this is evidenced by the authors who published the most SIA articles, only 4 articles. This low publication proves that collaboration between SIA researchers is lacking so that many articles are single author status

    Literature Study: The Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems From Organizational Perspective

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    This article aims to fill the research gap by providing a systematic literature review on the factors that influence the effectiveness of accounting information systems from an organizational perspective. This research method uses a literature review process or the results of a literature review obtained through reading sources in the field of accounting information systems. The results of the literature review are research found in journals published from 2013 to 2021. The components used in measuring the Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems are based on the DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model Theory, including Information Quality, System Quality and Service Qualit

    Geographical Indication and Traditional Wisdom: A Study with Special Reference to Chamba Rumal in Himachal Pradesh

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    Geographical Indications and traditional knowledge associated with Chamba rumal in the state of Himachal Pradesh are the current research subjects. A visual art form characterized by characteristic embroidery, Chamba Rumal arose and flourished in Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, during the 17th and 18th centuries and is being practiced today. Rumal is a Persian name that refers to a square piece of cloth that is used as a handkerchief in traditional Persian culture. Paintings influence the fundamental structure and themes of Chamba Rumal; there is a prevalence of God depictions, notably of Vishnu in his numerous incarnations, which is a theme that runs throughout the collection of paintings. Dorukha-tanka embroidery is an extremely rare and one-of-a-kind stitch that has never been seen before in the history of Indian embroidery. The Dorukha-tanka stitch is a double satin stitch that is employed in Chamba Rumal embroidery. The present research attempted to determine the degree of public awareness of traditional knowledge connected to GI Chamba rumal in the state of HP. This study also sheds light on the historical context of Chamba rumal and the many topics and traditional knowledge associated with Chamba rumal, among other things


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi tingkat cakupan materi pemikiran lean dan akuntansi lean di dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah akuntansi biaya dan akuntansi manajemen pada jurusan/program studi akuntansi di Kota Ambon serta untuk menginvestigasi alasan dosen menambahkan atau tidak menambahan cakupan topik tersebut dalam aktivitas pembelajaran. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen akuntansi di Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Ambon. Teknik Penyampelan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah random sampling. Metode Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah survey kuesioner. Teknik Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para dosen menganggap bahwa topik akuntansi lean merupakan hal yang penting, namun demikian mayoritas yang signifikan ditunjukkan bahwa buku pilihan mereka saat ini tidak memberikan liputan tentang topik akuntansi lean dan mayoritas dosen menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak melengkapi materi akuntansi biaya dan akuntansi manajemen dengan topik akuntansi lean karena mereka kekurangan waktu saat memberi perkuliahan, terbatasanya referensi yang tersedia dan mereka tidak cukup paham dengan topiknya. Hasil ini menjadi indikasi bahwa lulusan dari jurusan/program studi akuntansi di Kota Ambon hanya memiliki sedikit atau bahkan tidak memiliki pemahaman tentang akuntansi lean, meskipun pengetahuan ini dbutuhkan dalam industri bisnis.   &nbsp


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    Customers are an important part of a company. Therefore, customer loyalty is an important aspect that needs to be obtained by the Company. One of the steps to increase customer loyalty is through brand personality. This study aims to see how brand personality can increase customer loyalty. This research will be carried out with a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this study comes from various research results and previous studies. The results of this study then found that brand personality is an important factor in building customer loyalty. Through an attractive brand personality, customers will feel personally connected to the brand, where which will then increase trust and cause purchasing decisions to be more consistent
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