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    A neural information retreival approach for resume searching in a recruitment agency

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    Finding resumes that match a job description can be a daunting task for a recruitment agency, due to the fact that these agencies are dealing with hundreds of job descriptions and tens of thousands of resumes simultaneously. In this paper we explain a search method devised for a recruitment agency by measuring similarity between resume documents and job description documents. Document vectors are obtained via TF-IDF weights from word embeddings arising from a neural language model with a skip-gram loss function. We show that, with this approach, successful searches can be achieved, and that the number of skips assumed in the skip gram loss function determines how successful it can be for different job descriptions.peer-reviewe

    Handwriting recognition by using deep learning to extract meaningful features

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    [EN] Recent improvements in deep learning techniques show that deep models can extract more meaningful data directly from raw signals than conventional parametrization techniques, making it possible to avoid specific feature extraction in the area of pattern recognition, especially for Computer Vision or Speech tasks. In this work, we directly use raw text line images by feeding them to Convolutional Neural Networks and deep Multilayer Perceptrons for feature extraction in a Handwriting Recognition system. The proposed recognition system, based on Hidden Markov Models that are hybridized with Neural Networks, has been tested with the IAM Database, achieving a considerable improvement.Work partially supported by the Spanish MINECO and FEDER founds under project TIN2017-85854-C4-2-R.Pastor Pellicer, J.; Castro-Bleda, MJ.; España Boquera, S.; Zamora-Martinez, FJ. (2019). Handwriting recognition by using deep learning to extract meaningful features. 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    Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors

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    In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for precise eye detection. First, a couple of AdaBoost classifiers trained with Haar-like features are used to preselect possible eye locations. Then, a Support Vector Machine machine that uses Histograms of Oriented Gradients descriptors is used to obtain the best pair of eyes among all possible combinations of preselected eyes. Finally, we compare the eye detection results with three state-of-the-art works and a commercial software. The results show that our algorithm achieves the highest accuracy on the FERET and FRGCv1 databases, which is the most complete comparative presented so far. © Springer-Verlag 2010.This work has been partially supported by the grant TEC2009-09146 of the Spanish Government.Monzó Ferrer, D.; Albiol Colomer, A.; Sastre, J.; Albiol Colomer, AJ. (2011). Precise eye localization using HOG descriptors. 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    Querying out-of-vocabulary words in lexicon-based keyword spotting

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2197-8[EN] Lexicon-based handwritten text keyword spotting (KWS) has proven to be a faster and more accurate alternative to lexicon-free methods. Nevertheless, since lexicon-based KWS relies on a predefined vocabulary, fixed in the training phase, it does not support queries involving out-of-vocabulary (OOV) keywords. In this paper, we outline previous work aimed at solving this problem and present a new approach based on smoothing the (null) scores of OOV keywords by means of the information provided by ``similar'' in-vocabulary words. Good results achieved using this approach are compared with previously published alternatives on different data sets.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MEC under FPU Grant FPU13/06281, by the Generalitat Valenciana under the Prometeo/2009/014 Project Grant ALMA-MATER, and through the EU Projects: HIMANIS (JPICH programme, Spanish grant Ref. PCIN-2015-068) and READ (Horizon-2020 programme, grant Ref. 674943).Puigcerver, J.; Toselli, AH.; Vidal, E. (2016). Querying out-of-vocabulary words in lexicon-based keyword spotting. Neural Computing and Applications. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2197-8S110Almazan J, Gordo A, Fornes A, Valveny E (2013) Handwritten word spotting with corrected attributes. In: 2013 IEEE international conference on computer vision (ICCV), pp 1017–1024. doi: 10.1109/ICCV.2013.130Amengual JC, Vidal E (2000) On the estimation of error-correcting parameters. In: Proceedings 15th international conference on pattern recognition, 2000, vol 2, pp 883–886Fernández D, Lladós J, Fornés A (2011) Handwritten word spotting in old manuscript images using a pseudo-structural descriptor organized in a hash structure. In: Vitri'a J, Sanches JM, Hern'andez M (eds) Pattern recognition and image analysis: Proceedings of 5th Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2011, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, June 8–10. 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    Word graphs size impact on the performance of handwriting document applications

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    [EN] Two document processing applications are con- sidered: computer-assisted transcription of text images (CATTI) and Keyword Spotting (KWS), for transcribing and indexing handwritten documents, respectively. Instead of working directly on the handwriting images, both of them employ meta-data structures called word graphs (WG), which are obtained using segmentation-free hand- written text recognition technology based on N-gram lan- guage models and hidden Markov models. A WG contains most of the relevant information of the original text (line) image required by CATTI and KWS but, if it is too large, the computational cost of generating and using it can become unafordable. Conversely, if it is too small, relevant information may be lost, leading to a reduction of CATTI or KWS performance. We study the trade-off between WG size and performance in terms of effectiveness and effi- ciency of CATTI and KWS. Results show that small, computationally cheap WGs can be used without loosing the excellent CATTI and KWS performance achieved with huge WGs.Work partially supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under the Prometeo/2009/014 Project Grant ALMAMATER, by the Spanish MECD as part of the Valorization and I+D+I Resources program of VLC/CAMPUS in the International Excellence Campus program, and through the EU projects: HIMANIS (JPICH programme, Spanish Grant Ref. PCIN-2015-068) and READ (Horizon-2020 programme, Grant Ref. 674943).Toselli ., AH.; Romero Gómez, V.; Vidal, E. (2017). Word graphs size impact on the performance of handwriting document applications. Neural Computing and Applications. 28(9):2477-2487. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2336-2S24772487289Amengual JC, Vidal E (1998) Efficient error-correcting Viterbi parsing. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 20(10):1109–1116Bazzi I, Schwartz R, Makhoul J (1999) An omnifont open-vocabulary OCR system for English and Arabic. 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    Using latent features for short-term person re-identification with RGB-D cameras

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    This paper presents a system for people re-identification in uncontrolled scenarios using RGB-depth cameras. Compared to conventional RGB cameras, the use of depth information greatly simplifies the tasks of segmentation and tracking. In a previous work, we proposed a similar architecture where people were characterized using color-based descriptors that we named bodyprints. In this work, we propose the use of latent feature models to extract more relevant information from the bodyprint descriptors by reducing their dimensionality. Latent features can also cope with missing data in case of occlusions. Different probabilistic latent feature models, such as probabilistic principal component analysis and factor analysis, are compared in the paper. The main difference between the models is how the observation noise is handled in each case. Re-identification experiments have been conducted in a real store where people behaved naturally. The results show that the use of the latent features significantly improves the re-identification rates compared to state-of-the-art works.The work presented in this paper has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under the CICYT contract TEVISMART, TEC2009-09146.Oliver Moll, J.; Albiol Colomer, A.; Albiol Colomer, AJ.; Mossi García, JM. (2016). Using latent features for short-term person re-identification with RGB-D cameras. Pattern Analysis and Applications. 19(2):549-561. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-015-0489-8S549561192http://kinectforwindows.org/http://www.gpiv.upv.es/videoresearch/personindexing.htmlAlbiol A, Albiol A, Oliver J, Mossi JM (2012) Who is who at different cameras. Matching people using depth cameras. Comput Vis IET 6(5):378–387Bak S, Corvee E, Bremond F, Thonnat M (2010) Person re-identification using haar-based and dcd-based signature. 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    Integration of perceptal grouping and depth

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    International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2000, Barcelona (España)Different data acquisition methods are tailored at extracting particular characteristics from a scene and by combining their results a more robust scene description can be created. A method to fuse perceptual groupings extracted from color-based segmentation and depth information from stereo using supervised classification is presented. The merging of data from these two acquisition modules allows for a spatially coherent blend of smooth regions and detail in an image. Depth cues are used to limit the area of interest in the scene and to improve perceptual grouping solving subsegmentation and oversegmentation of the original images. The complexity of the algorithm does not exceed that of the individual acquisition modules. The resulting scene description can then be fed to an object recognition modules for scene interpretation.This work was supported by the project 'Active vision systems based in automatic learning for industrial applications' ().Peer Reviewe