6 research outputs found

    A generic, collaborative framework for internal constraint solving

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    Esta tesis propone un esquema gen茅rico y cooperativo para CLP(Interval(X)) donde X es cualquier dominio de computaci贸n con estructura de ret铆culo. El esquema, que est谩 basado en la teor铆a de ret铆culos, es un enfoque general para la satisfacci贸n y op-timizaci贸n de restricciones de intervalo as铆 como para la cooperaci贸n de resolutores de intervalo definidos sobre dominios de computaci贸n con estructura de ret铆culos, independientemente de la cardinalidad de estos. Nuestra propuesta asegura un enfoque transparente sobre el cual las restricciones, los dominios de computaci贸n y los mecanismos de propagaci贸n y cooperaci贸n, definidos entre las variables restringidas, pueden ser f谩cilmente especificados a nivel del usuario. La parte principal de la tesis presenta una especificaci贸n formal de este esquema.Los principales resultados conseguidos en esta tesis son los siguientes:Una comparativa global de la eficiencia y algunos aspectos de la expresividad de ocho sistemas de restricciones. Esta comparativa, realizada sobre el dominio finito y el dominio Booleano, muestra diferencias principales entre los sistemas de restricciones existentes.Para formalizar el marco de satisfacci贸n de restricciones para CLP(Interval(X))hemos descrito el proceso global de resoluci贸n de restricciones de intervalo sobre cualquier ret铆culo, separando claramente los procesos de propagaci贸n y divisi贸n (ramificaci贸n) de intervalos. Una de las ventajas de nuestra propuesta es que la mon贸tona de las restricciones esta impl铆citamente definida en la teor铆a. Adem谩s, declaramos un conjunto de propiedades interesantes que, bajo ciertas condiciones, son satisfechas por cualquier instancia del esquema gen茅rico. Mas a煤n, mostramos que muchos sistemas de restricciones actualmente existentes satisfacen estas condiciones y, adem谩s, proporcionamos indicaciones sobre como extender el sistema mediante la especificaci贸n de otras instancias interesantes y novedosas. Nuestro esquema para CLP(Interval(X)) permite la cooperaci贸n de resolutores de manera que la informaci贸n puede 鈦皍ir entre diferentes dominios de computaci贸n.Adem谩s, es posible combinar distintas instancias del esquema: por ejemplo, instancias bien conocidas tales como CLP(Interval(<)), CLP(Interval(Integer)),CLP(Interval(Set)), CLP(Interval(Bool)), y otras novedosas que son el resultado de la generaci贸n de nuevos dominios de computaci贸n definidos por el usuario, o incluso que surgen de la combinaci贸n de dominios ya existentes como puede ser CLP(Interval(X1 拢 : : : 拢 Xn)). Por lo tanto, X puede ser instanciado a cualquier conjunto de dominios de computaci贸n con estructura de ret铆culo de forma que su correspondiente instancia CLP(Interval(X)) permite una amplia flexibilidad en la definici贸n de dominios en X (probablemente definidos por el usuario) y en la interaccion entre estos dominios.Mediante la implementacion de un prototipo, demostramos que un unico sistema,que este basado en nuestro esquema para CLP(Interval(X)), puede proporcionarsoporte para la satisfaccion y la optimizacion de restricciones as como para la cooperacion de resolutores sobre un conjunto conteniendo multiples dominios decomputacion. Ademas, el sistema sigue un novedoso enfoque transparente sujeto a una doble perspectiva ya que el usuario puede definir no solo nuevas restricciones y su mecanismo de propagacion, sino tambien nuevos dominios sobre los cuales nuevas restricciones pueden ser resueltas as como el mecanismo de cooperacion entre todos los dominios de computaci贸n (ya sean definidos por el usuario o predefinidos por el sistema).En nuestra opini贸n, esta tesis apunta nuevas y potenciales direcciones de investigaci贸n dentro de la comunidad de las restricciones de intervalo.Para alcanzar los resultados expuestos, hemos seguido los siguientes pasos (1) la elecci贸n de un enfoque adecuado sobre el cual construir los fundamentos te贸ricos de nuestro esquema gen茅rico; (2) la construcci贸n de un marco te贸rico gen茅rico (que llamaremos el marco b谩sico) para la propagaci贸n de restricciones de intervalo sobre cualquier ret铆culo; (3) la integraci贸n, en el marco b谩sico, de una t茅cnica novedosa que facilita la cooperaci贸n de resolutores y que surge de la definici贸n, sobre m煤ltiples dominios, de operadores de restricciones y (4) la extensi贸n del marco resultante para la resoluci贸n y optimizaci贸n completa de las restricciones de intervalo.Finalmente presentamos clp(L), un lenguaje de programaci贸n l贸gica de restricciones de intervalo que posibilita la resoluci贸n de restricciones sobre cualquier conjunto de ret铆culos y que esta implementado a partir de las ideas formalizadas en el marco te贸rico. Describimos una primera implementaci贸n de este lenguaje y desarrollamos algunos ejemplos de como usarla. Este prototipo demuestra que nuestro esquema para CLP(Interval(X)) puede ser implementado en un sistema 煤nico que, como consecuencia, proporciona, bajo un enfoque transparente sobre dominios y restricciones, cooperaci贸n de resolutores as铆 como satisfacci贸n y optimizaci贸n completa de restricciones sobre diferentes dominios de computaci贸n

    Flight Mechanics/Estimation Theory Symposium, 1994

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    This conference publication includes 41 papers and abstracts presented at the Flight Mechanics/Estimation Theory Symposium on May 17-19, 1994. Sponsored by the Flight Dynamics Division of Goddard Space Flight Center, this symposium featured technical papers on a wide range of issues related to orbit-attitude prediction, determination and control; attitude sensor calibration; attitude determination error analysis; attitude dynamics; and orbit decay and maneuver strategy. Government, industry, and the academic community participated in the preparation and presentation of these papers

    The impact of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange's alternative exchange on listed firm's performance and entrepreneurship

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    This study鈥檚 primary objective is to determine the impact that the JSE鈥檚 AltX has on listed firm鈥檚 performance and the level of entrepreneurship in South Africa. Its secondary objective was to quantitatively determine whether there exists a link between increased capitalisation of the AltX and the expansionary drive of listed firms, as well as to ascertain the impact that the listing requirements of the AltX has on the broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) score performance of listed firms. In order to achieve the methodological objectives of this study, mixed methods was used to measure this phenomenon which led to the development of an integrated model for the JSE鈥檚 AltX listed firms, as well as for intending small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that might want to list. Accordingly, the researcher employed pragmatic research paradigm and conducted two types of analysis. Firstly, quantitative analysis which is based on primary and secondary data was conducted followed by a qualitative analysis based on a qualitative semi-structured case study. It was found that the JSE's AltX positively impacts on the performance of listed firms and the level of entrepreneurship in South Africa. Most especially as increased capitalisation levels was positively linked with the expansionary drive of these registered firms. And that the listing requirements of the AltX had a net positive effect on the B-BBEE score performance of these companies. Practically, by virtue of being listed many SMEs would generate enough capital and buzz to facilitate their expansion. This study also contributes to new knowledge by recommending that the JSE's AltX develop a custom-made business-friendly targeted listing procedure. Just as policy makers are encouraged to create a one-stop-shop investment portal which would streamline the activities of government agencies for the benefit of Small, Medium and Micro-Enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa. The researcher proposes that future research would extend beyond South Africa, across the SADC, Africa or even across continents. Besides, a 3-level multi-level modelling (MLM) equation testing procedure was conducted to test the efficacy of firm listing, using IBM SPSS Statistics version 27 statistical software package. Quantitative analysis, comprising: quantitative analysis of primary data from survey questionnaire (investigated whether location or sector impacts on firm performance), and quantitative analysis of secondary data (determined if the number of both SMMEs and the JSE's AltX listed companies impacts on firm performance and the level of entrepreneurship in South Africa). Using participants' sample from sixty JSE's AltX listed firms who were either CEOs/directors/top management team members, and ten interviewees (i.e. for the qualitative analysis, comprising: qualitative analysis of primary data from semi-structured case study), this study's triangulated findings and conclusions became more valid and reliable. Evidence provided by the ensuing econometric analysis suggests that: Firstly, firms that are listed on the JSE鈥檚 AltX were more likely to perform better than their unlisted peers (i.e. both formal and informal SMMEs). Thus, this helped listed firms to improve their company鈥檚 performance, corporate profile, loan amount and profits, as well as assisted in securing a major investor for the firm. Besides, it was observed that the variation in the dataset occurred within sectors between the JSE's AltX variable parameters at Level 1. This positively impacted on the AltX market capitalisation, total number of employed personnel, foreign assets, as well as the total equity and liabilities of the JSE's AltX listed firms. Secondly, listing on the JSE鈥檚 AltX was found to be positively associated with the level of entrepreneurship in South Africa. There was evidence that listing boosted the level of creativity and innovation in South Africa, as well as encouraged entrepreneurial risk taking, and also increased business confidence levels. Furthermore, it was observed that the variation in the dataset occurred within sectors between the JSE's AltX variable parameters at Level 1. Likewise, the turnover, AltX market capitalisation, the total investments and loans, as well as the earnings yield of the JSE's AltX listed firms were positively linked with the level of entrepreneurship in South Africa. Thirdly, the rising share capitalisation of listed firms on the AltX was linked to an increased likelihood for company expansion. In addition, listing led to international firm exposure and industry position consolidation. However, the corporate bonds and equities sold by these listed firms on the AltX did not guaranty the long-term sustainability of their business. Also, it was observed that the variation in the dataset occurred within sectors between the JSE's AltX variable parameters at Level 1. Correspondingly, the qualitative case analysis indicated that listing on the AltX led to a high yield but with lower multiples, higher return on equity, joint ventures and acquisitions, share ownership dilution, debt reduction, more capital disbursement and risk diversification, and it also led to firm growth and economic development, which was good. Fourthly, higher compliance requirements for listing on the AltX, increased the likelihood that there would be improvements in quoted B-BBEE performance score. Equally, the implementation of good governance systems like the B-BBEE by listed firms made them more attractive to stakeholders. On the other hand, when the B-BBEE score of these listed firms becomes the regressand, listing had an undesirable effect on their value added, patents and trademarks in relation to company performance. This study therefore opens-up a new vista for examining the performance of listed firms in South Africa, which is a significant contribution to new knowledge.Business ManagementD. Phil. (Management Studies (Entrepreneurship)

    ICRISAT Annual Report 1978 - 1979

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    This sixth Annual Report cover s research by ICRISAT for the crop year beginning 1 June 1978 and ending 31 May 1979. It includes wor k done at ICRISAT Center near Hyderabad, India, at substat ions on the campuses of agricultural universities in four dif ferent climatic regions of India, and at national and international research facilities in the nine countries of Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East where ICRISAT scientists are posted. Detailed reporting of the extensive activities of ICRISAT' s many research support units is beyond the scope of this volume, but a comprehensive coverage of ICRISAT ' score research programs is included. For easier management of material, the year's activities are, in general, reported unit by unit under individual research programs; however, it should be borne in mind that most research at . ICRISAT is highly interdisciplinary and the scientists work in teams. Their work is reported in more detail in individual program publications, which usually are available from the particular research program