224 research outputs found

    Cyclotomic matrices over real quadratic integer rings

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    We classify all cyclotomic matrices over real quadratic integer rings and we show that this classification is the same as classifying cyclotomic matrices over the compositum all real quadratic integer rings. Moreover, we enumerate a related class of symmetric matrices; those matrices whose eigenvalues are contained inside the interval [-2,2] but whose characteristic polynomials are not in Z[x].Comment: 13 page

    Ramanujan Coverings of Graphs

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    Let GG be a finite connected graph, and let ρ\rho be the spectral radius of its universal cover. For example, if GG is kk-regular then ρ=2k1\rho=2\sqrt{k-1}. We show that for every rr, there is an rr-covering (a.k.a. an rr-lift) of GG where all the new eigenvalues are bounded from above by ρ\rho. It follows that a bipartite Ramanujan graph has a Ramanujan rr-covering for every rr. This generalizes the r=2r=2 case due to Marcus, Spielman and Srivastava (2013). Every rr-covering of GG corresponds to a labeling of the edges of GG by elements of the symmetric group SrS_{r}. We generalize this notion to labeling the edges by elements of various groups and present a broader scenario where Ramanujan coverings are guaranteed to exist. In particular, this shows the existence of richer families of bipartite Ramanujan graphs than was known before. Inspired by Marcus-Spielman-Srivastava, a crucial component of our proof is the existence of interlacing families of polynomials for complex reflection groups. The core argument of this component is taken from a recent paper of them (2015). Another important ingredient of our proof is a new generalization of the matching polynomial of a graph. We define the rr-th matching polynomial of GG to be the average matching polynomial of all rr-coverings of GG. We show this polynomial shares many properties with the original matching polynomial. For example, it is real rooted with all its roots inside [ρ,ρ]\left[-\rho,\rho\right].Comment: 38 pages, 4 figures, journal version (minor changes from previous arXiv version). Shortened version appeared in STOC 201

    Dirichlet-Neumann inverse spectral problem for a star graph of Stieltjes strings

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    We solve two inverse spectral problems for star graphs of Stieltjes strings with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, respectively, at a selected vertex called root. The root is either the central vertex or, in the more challenging problem, a pendant vertex of the star graph. At all other pendant vertices Dirichlet conditions are imposed; at the central vertex, at which a mass may be placed, continuity and Kirchhoff conditions are assumed. We derive conditions on two sets of real numbers to be the spectra of the above Dirichlet and Neumann problems. Our solution for the inverse problems is constructive: we establish algorithms to recover the mass distribution on the star graph (i.e. the point masses and lengths of subintervals between them) from these two spectra and from the lengths of the separate strings. If the root is a pendant vertex, the two spectra uniquely determine the parameters on the main string (i.e. the string incident to the root) if the length of the main string is known. The mass distribution on the other edges need not be unique; the reason for this is the non-uniqueness caused by the non-strict interlacing of the given data in the case when the root is the central vertex. Finally, we relate of our results to tree-patterned matrix inverse problems.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure