34 research outputs found

    Innovation on the Open Sea: Examining Competence Transfer and Open Innovation in the Design of Offshore Vessels

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    In this article, we discuss the role of open innovation in collaborative design processes in mature industries such as the shipping industry. We examine the design of high-tech offshore service vessels in environments characterized by high volatility and complexity. We elaborate on the role that accumulating and sharing core competences plays in speeding up the innovation process and increasing product value. We present a longitudinal case study of a shipping company implementing an open innovation approach that integrates its own core competences in offshore operations with the competences of ship designers and ship builders to develop a new design for challenging environments. In this article, we draw on an open innovation approach and a competence-based view to demonstrate how the firm can "reach out" to gain novel competences related to innovation, which may transform the competitive environment to the firm鈥檚 advantage. The article would be useful to innovation scholars and practitioners who work with innovative product development

    Does Supplier And Customer Involvement In New Product Development Enhance The Performance Of Product? Evidence from Pakistani Banking Sector

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    The objective of this research is to find the impact of supplier and customer involvement on new product development. This study aims to explore what factors affect supplier and customer involvement altogether and how such involvement affects new product performance. The study is about the empirical survey data from 190 questionnaires distributed in three private banks of Pakistan. The study found that modular design, product innovation, and internal coordination are positively correlated with the supplier and customer involvement. Such involvement and product innovation leads to better new product performance. The study is limited to the use of cross-sectional data The study not only provides new empirical evidence to support the importance of supply chain management in product development, but also extends existing literature to identify new contextual factors for such involvement. Keywords: Product development, Supplier involvement, Customer involvement, Modularity, Innovativenes

    What and how about customer-driven product development

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    A Framework for Assessing Knowledge Sharing Risks in Interorganizational Networks

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    Collaboration technologies are making it easier for organizations and knowledge workers to collaborate across organizational boundaries. However, it is necessary for organizations to monitor, regulate and build appropriate security mechanisms in collaboration systems to prevent loss of strategic knowledge and competitive advantage. In this paper, we present a risk assessment framework that can help organizations identify valuable knowledge assets that can be exposed through collaboration technologies, and help prioritize security strategies that can be used to secure the collaboration systems to prevent the loss of valuable knowledge assets. We present an illustrative case to demonstrate the feasibility of the framework, and discuss issues for future research

    The Role of ICT in Collaborative Product Development: A Conceptual Model Based on Information Processing Theory

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    Manufacturing firms are increasingly adopting collaborative product development (CPD) as a strategy to achieve competitive advantage through joint synergies in introducing new products to market. Substantial increase in use of information and communication technology (ICT) in CPD is evidenced recently, as a result of extended spans between collaborative partners and enhanced collaboration effectiveness. Since using ICT is a highly cost intensive task, uncovering a detailed picture of the effect of ICT usage on CPD performance would be immensely useful for effective management ICT in CPD. This study develops a conceptual model (measurement considerations included) to comprehensively examine the role of ICT in CPD. Organizational information processing theory (OIPT) is adopted as the key methodology to draw the relationship between ICT usage and tangible and intangible outcomes of CPD. The model guides testing of hypotheses concerning direct and moderated effects of ICT usage on CPD performance considering project characteristics (complexity, uncertainty, and urgency) as moderators. Key insights from the model suggest that utilization of ICT resources and capabilities based on the information processing requirement generated by the characteristics of a project would provide better results in terms of both collaborative and new product performance.fals

    El efecto estrat茅gico de la colaboraci贸n entre ETICS

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between networking capabilities and the motives behind SMEs taking part in collaborative relationships with firms within the same sector. Specifically, we analyzed inter-firm collaborations for new product development and the decision(s) to outsource. The main contribution of this paper is focused on identifying the existence of the mediating effect that Hybrid growth strategy has, connected to these relations. It is argued that the Hybrid growth strategy mediates the relationship between networking capabilities and the different collaborative modes with firms within the same sector. The results, obtained through a binomial logit model, supported these arguments by using a database formed by 450 face-to-face surveys, from which 296 took part in an inter-firm collaboration between 2012-2014. The surveys were given to CEOs from SMEs that participated in collaborative activities with other firms in the Electronic, Technology, Information, and Communications sector (ETICS) in Mexico.El presente art铆culo analiza la relaci贸n entre las capacidades relacionales y los motivos de las PYMEs, que establecen relaciones de colaboraci贸n con empresas del mismo sector. Espec铆ficamente, analizamos las colaboraciones entre empresas para el desarrollo de nuevos productos y las decisiones de subcontratar. La principal contribuci贸n del art铆culo se centra en identificar la existencia del efecto mediador que tiene la estrategia de crecimiento h铆brida, entre estas relaciones. Se argumenta que la estrategia de crecimiento h铆brido media la relaci贸n entre las capacidades relacionales y los diferentes motivos de colaboraci贸n con empresas dentro del mismo sector. Los resultados, obtenidos a trav茅s de un modelo logit binomial, respaldaron estos argumentos mediante el uso de una base de datos formada por 450 encuestas realizadas cara a cara, de las cuales 296 participaron en una colaboraci贸n entre empresas entre 2012 y 2014. Las encuestas fueron realizadas a CEOs de PYMEs que participaron en actividades de colaboraci贸n con otras empresas del sector de Electr贸nica, Tecnolog铆a, Informaci贸n y Comunicaciones (ETICS) en M茅xico

    Coopetition as a Small Business Strategy: Implications for Performance

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    This paper explores coopetition, a strategy that combines cooperation and competition in addressing relationships between firms. We examine the underlying nature of coopetition, and evaluate the extent to which it represents a relevant strategy for small firms. Inherent problems are identified when attempting to collaborate with competitors. We propose an approach to measuring the coopetitive tendencies of small firms. The measurement approach centers on three underlying dimensions: mutual benefit, trust, and commitment. Applying this approach, we assess the relationship between coopetition and firm performance. Based on a survey of 647 small firms in Turkey, a strong, positive relationship is identified. Theoretical and managerial implications are drawn from the findings

    Building Country-Specific Advantages (CSA): Understanding How FTZ Incentives Impact Strategic Plant Location and Buyer-Supplier Relationships

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    We explore how leading companies manage relationships in supply chains that are not formed by natural market forces. Rather, they were stimulated by exogenous forces, such as the Free Trade Zones that are created by the Government鈥檚 policy initiatives for purposes of regional development. We researched electronic industry in Manaus, located in the Brazilian Amazon Rain Forest. Multi-methods using qualitative, structured interviews, and quantitative approaches, structural modeling equation, were used. Results indicated that the companies settled for a location that they would not do under normal conditions and, secondly, that there was an expectation of externality as the makers of the strategy, in this case the public entity. Coordination among the members is not enough structured. No strategic supplier was found on the local FTZ, indicating that the local suppliers are only based on the premise of volume vs. logistics cost

    Propuesta te贸rica de factores que impulsan la colaboraci贸n interempresarial en la etapa de la conformaci贸n de los Clusters

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    Key words: Clusters, intercompanies collaboration, intercompanies cooperation,globalizationAbstract. Present research intends to clarify relationship between intercompaniescollaboration and cluster successful conformation. This project shows theoretical concepts about clusters, origins and how clusters evolution parallels the globalization process. The investigation also clarifies differences about concepts of intercompanies cooperation and collaboration used so far without distinction. Actual scientific literature is analyzed about early phase of cluster conformation. intercompanies collaboration (C.I.) is considered key to cluster successful conformation, and highlights which key factors are most relevant in clusterconformation, its consolidation and its competitiveness. This is why this research is important regarding what theoretical framework lies behind the 7 factors recognized as the intercompanies collaboration (C.I.) construct. Such factors are: i) Interchange of strategic information (I.E.), ii) formalized and consensual rules (R.C.); iii) preexistence of particular strategies (P.E.); iv) Process of firms selection (P.S.); v) Government roll as facilitator (R.G.); vi) Expected leadership in first cluster president (L.P.) and vii) Expected leadership in first cluster manager (L.G.). This theoretical framework is the first part of an investigationpresented here in qualitative terms and the quantitative results will be presented shortly. Finally, some recommendations are presented useful to new clusters being founded in the state as well in Mexico.Palabras clave: Cluster, colaboraci贸n interempresarial, cooperaci贸n interempresarial, globalizaci贸nResumen. La presente investigaci贸n pretende aclarar la relaci贸n entre la colaboraci贸n interempresarial (C.I) y la conformaci贸n exitosa de un cluster descrita en la literatura cient铆fica. En este proyecto se presentan los conceptos te贸ricos de un Cluster, sus or铆genes y como el Cluster evoluciona aparejado al proceso de la globalizaci贸n. Se clarifica la diferencia entre cooperaci贸n y colaboraci贸n interempresarial usualmente usados en forma indistinta. Se identifica el marco te贸rico y se corrobora que la Colaboraci贸n Interempresarial es vista como indispensable para una conformaci贸n exitosa de Clusters. Adicionalmente se destacan siete factores de Colaboraci贸n interempresarial que tienen impacto en la conformaci贸n del cluster y pueden aumentar su competitividad, facilitar su evoluci贸n y su consolidaci贸n en el estado. Dichos siete factores destacados en el marco te贸rico son: i) el Intercambio de informaci贸n estrat茅gica (I.E.); ii) las Reglas consensuadas y formalizadas (R.C.); iii) la Preexistencia de estrategias particulares (P.E.); iv) el Proceso de selecci贸n de empresas (P.S.); v) el Rol facilitador del gobierno (R.G.); vi) el Liderazgo esperado del primer presidente del Cluster (L.P) y vii) el Liderazgo esperado del primer gerente del cluster (L.G.). Esta informaci贸n es la primera parte de la investigaci贸n en forma cualitativa, los aspectos cuantitativos con resultados definitivos se presentar谩n pr贸ximamente. Se brindan algunas recomendaciones sobre la forma como debe ser abordada la conformaci贸n de los nuevos cluster en el estado y en M茅xico

    Propuesta te贸rica de factores que impulsan la colaboraci贸n interempresarial en la etapa de la conformaci贸n de los Clusters (Theoretical proposal on factors in promoting intercompanies collaboration on the early phase of cluster conformation)

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    Abstract. Present research intends to clarify relationship between intercompanies collaboration and cluster successful conformation. This project shows theoretical concepts about clusters, origins and how clusters evolution parallels the globalization process. The investigation also clarifies differences about concepts of intercompanies cooperation and collaboration used so far without distinction. Actual scientific literature is analyzed about early phase of cluster conformation. intercompanies collaboration (C.I.) is considered key to cluster successful conformation, and highlights which key factors are most relevant in cluster conformation, its consolidation and its competitiveness. This is why this research is important regarding what theoretical framework lies behind the 7 factors recognized as the intercompanies collaboration (C.I.) construct. Such factors are: i) Interchange of strategic information (I.E.), ii) formalized and consensual rules (R.C.); iii) preexistence of particular strategies (P.E.); iv) Process of firms selection (P.S.); v) Government roll as facilitator (R.G.); vi) Expected leadership in first cluster president (L.P.) and vii) Expected leadership in first cluster manager (L.G.). This theoretical framework is the first part of an investigation presented here in qualitative terms and the quantitative results will be presented shortly. Finally, some recommendations are presented useful to new clusters being founded in the state as well in Mexico. Resumen. La presente investigaci贸n pretende aclarar la relaci贸n entre la colaboraci贸n interempresarial (C.I) y la conformaci贸n exitosa de un cluster descrita en la literatura cient铆fica. En este proyecto se presentan los conceptos te贸ricos de un Cluster, sus or铆genes y como el Cluster evoluciona aparejado al proceso de la globalizaci贸n. Se clarifica la diferencia entre cooperaci贸n y colaboraci贸n interempresarial usualmente usados en forma indistinta. Se identifica el marco te贸rico y se corrobora que la Colaboraci贸n Interempresarial es vista como indispensable para una conformaci贸n exitosa de Clusters. Adicionalmente se destacan siete factores de Colaboraci贸n interempresarial que tienen impacto en la conformaci贸n del cluster y pueden aumentar su competitividad, facilitar su evoluci贸n y su consolidaci贸n en el estado. Dichos siete factores destacados en el marco te贸rico son: i) el Intercambio de informaci贸n estrat茅gica (I.E.); ii) las Reglas consensuadas y formalizadas (R.C.); iii) la Preexistencia de estrategias particulares (P.E.); iv) el Proceso de selecci贸n de empresas (P.S.); v) el Rol facilitador del gobierno (R.G.); vi) el Liderazgo esperado del primer presidente del Cluster (L.P) y vii) el Liderazgo esperado del primer gerente del cluster (L.G.). Esta informaci贸n es la primera parte de la investigaci贸n en forma cualitativa, los aspectos cuantitativos con resultados definitivos se presentar谩n pr贸ximamente. Se brindan algunas recomendaciones sobre la forma como debe ser abordada la conformaci贸n de los nuevos cluster en el estado y en M茅xico