10 research outputs found

    Aggregate Interference Modeling in Cognitive Radio Networks with Power and Contention Control

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    In this paper, we present an interference model for cognitive radio (CR) networks employing power control, contention control or hybrid power/contention control schemes. For the first case, a power control scheme is proposed to govern the transmission power of a CR node. For the second one, a contention control scheme at the media access control (MAC) layer, based on carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), is proposed to coordinate the operation of CR nodes with transmission requests. The probability density functions of the interference received at a primary receiver from a CR network are first derived numerically for these two cases. For the hybrid case, where power and contention controls are jointly adopted by a CR node to govern its transmission, the interference is analyzed and compared with that of the first two schemes by simulations. Then, the interference distributions under the first two control schemes are fitted by log-normal distributions with greatly reduced complexity. Moreover, the effect of a hidden primary receiver on the interference experienced at the receiver is investigated. It is demonstrated that both power and contention controls are effective approaches to alleviate the interference caused by CR networks. Some in-depth analysis of the impact of key parameters on the interference of CR networks is given via numerical studies as well.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Communications in July 201

    Multi-objective optimization of cognitive radio networks

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    New generation networks, based on Cognitive Radio technology, allow dynamic allocation of the spectrum, alleviating spectrum scarcity. These networks also have a resilient potential for dynamic operation for energy saving. In this paper, we present a novel wireless network optimization algorithm for cognitive radio networks based on a cloud sharing-decision mechanism. Three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were optimized: spectrum usage, power consumption, and exposure. For a realistic suburban scenario in Ghent city, Belgium, we determine the optimal trade-off between the KPIs. Compared to a traditional Cognitive Radio network design, our optimization algorithm for the cloud-based architecture reduced the network power consumption by 27.5%, the average global exposure by 34.3%, and spectrum usage by 34.5% at the same time. Even for the worst-case optimization (worst achieved result of a single KPI), our solution performs better than the traditional architecture by 4.8% in terms of network power consumption, 7.3% in terms of spectrum usage, and 4.3% in terms of global exposure

    Wirtualna zajętość widma w sieciach radia kognitywnego - algorytmy oceny. Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2014, nr 1-2

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    Artykuł zawiera ogólny przegląd problemów związanych z inżynierią widma w aspekcie radia kognitywnego, bez wiązania go z jakąkolwiek specyficzną technologią, zakresem częstotliwości lub zastosowaniem. Zajętość taka jest powodowana nieliniowościami w elementach toru transmisyjnego i w otoczeniu. Omawia się w nim podstawowe mechanizmy oraz dyskutuje problemy praktycznego wykorzystania tej nowej technologii. Przedstawia się dwa algorytmy, z których jeden pozwala odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy dany kanał częstotliwości może być wykorzystany przez radio kognitywne w konkretnej sytuacji. Przytacza się wyniki badań symulacyjnych pokazujące, że wirtualna zajętość może znacznie ograniczać pulę dostępnych kanałów. Drugi algorytm pozwala oszacować prawdopodobieństwo tego rodzaju efektów nieliniowych przy koegzystencji systemów radiowych na danym obszarze geograficznym. Chociaż został on opracowany dla innego zastosowania radia (tzw. CB - citizen band) autorzy proponują, aby zaadaptować go dla potrzeb radia kognitywnego. Dotychczas, przy wyznaczaniu obszarów potencjalnego zastosowania radia kognitywnego nie brano pod uwagę wirtualnej zajętości ani nie zwracano uwagi na konieczność oddzielnego planowanie częstotliwości dla kanałów nadawania i dla kanałów odbioru w radiu kognitywnym. Wspomina się związane z tematem wcześniejsze badania Instytutu Łączności i proponuje się dalsze prace

    D21.3 Analysis of initial results at EuWIN@CTTC

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    Deliverable D21.3 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The nature of this Deliverable of WP2.1 (“Radio interfaces for next-generation wireless systems”) is mainly descriptive and its purpose is to provide a report on the status of the different Joint Research Activities (JRAs) currently ongoing, some of them being performed on the facilities that are available at EuWInPeer ReviewedPreprin

    Analysis and Optimization of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    The goal of this dissertation is to present the analysis and optimization of dynamic spectrum sharing for cognitive radio networks (CRNs). Spectrum scarcity is a well known problem at present. In order to deal with this problem, dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) was proposed. DSS is a technique where cognitive radio networks dynamically and opportunistically share the channels with primary users. The major contribution of this dissertation is in analyzing the problem of dynamic spectrum sharing under different scenarios and developing optimal solutions for these scenarios. In the first scenario, a contention based dynamic spectrum sharing model is considered and its throughput analysis is presented. One of the applications of this throughput analysis is in finding the optimal number of secondary users in such a scenario. The problem is studied for fixed and random allocation of channels to primary users while secondary users try to opportunistically use these channels. Primary users contend for the channels, and secondary users try to use the channels only when primary users are not using it. These secondary users themselves contend for the opportunistic usage. The numerical formulas developed for finding the optimal number of secondary users have been carefully analyzed with the solutions obtained using the throughput model directly and finding the optimal number of secondary users. These two match very closely with each other and hence provide simple numerical formulas to calculate the optimal number. The second scenario studied is based upon the idea of pre-knowledge of primary user activity. For instance, the active broadcasting periods of TV channels can be obtained from past measurements as the TV channels activities are approximately fixed. In this scenario, time spectrum block (TSB) allocation for DSS is studied. Optimal TSB allocation is considered to minimize the total interference of the system and hence maximize the overall throughput of the system of community networks. The results obtained using the proposed ABCD algorithm follow very closely with the optimal results. Thus the simple algorithm developed can be used for time spectrum block allocation in practical scenarios

    20 Years of Evolution from Cognitive to Intelligent Communications

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    It has been 20 years since the concept of cognitive radio (CR) was proposed, which is an efficient approach to provide more access opportunities to connect massive wireless devices. To improve the spectrum efficiency, CR enables unlicensed usage of licensed spectrum resources. It has been regarded as the key enabler for intelligent communications. In this article, we will provide an overview on the intelligent communication in the past two decades to illustrate the revolution of its capability from cognition to artificial intelligence (AI). Particularly, this article starts from a comprehensive review of typical spectrum sensing and sharing, followed by the recent achievements on the AI-enabled intelligent radio. Moreover, research challenges in the future intelligent communications will be discussed to show a path to the real deployment of intelligent radio. After witnessing the glorious developments of CR in the past 20 years, we try to provide readers a clear picture on how intelligent radio could be further developed to smartly utilize the limited spectrum resources as well as to optimally configure wireless devices in the future communication systems.Comment: The paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networkin

    Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2014, nr 1-2

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