118 research outputs found

    Generic framework for the personal omni-remote controller using M2MI

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    A Generic Framework for the Personal Omni-Remote Controller Using M2MI is a master’s thesis outlining a generic framework for the wireless omni-remote controller that controls neighboring appliances by using Many-to-Many Invocation (M2MI). M2MI is an object-oriented abstraction of broadcast communication. First, this paper introduces the history of remote controllers and analyzes omni-remote controller projects made by other researchers in this area, such as the Pebbles PDA project at Carnegie Mellon University and HP’s COOLTOWN project. Second, this paper depicts a generic framework of the personal omni-remote controller system including architecture, type hierarchy, and service discovery. In this framework, a module approach and a decentralized dual-mode service discovery scheme are introduced. When users request a certain type of service, their omni-remote controller application will first discover the available appliances in the vicinity and then bring up the corresponding control module for the target appliance. Thus, users can control the appliance through the User Interface of the control module. To join the omni-remote controller system, servers and clients need to follow the type hierarchy convention of the system. Finally, several implementations are given to show the control of different appliances with different capabilities. These appliances include thermostats, TVs with parental control, and washing machines

    an open and modular hardware node for wireless sensor and body area networks

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    Health monitoring is nowadays one of the hottest markets due to the increasing interest in prevention and treatment of physical problems. In this context the development of wearable, wireless, open-source, and nonintrusive sensing solutions is still an open problem. Indeed, most of the existing commercial architectures are closed and provide little flexibility. In this paper, an open hardware architecture for designing a modular wireless sensor node for health monitoring is proposed. By separating the connection and sensing functions in two separate boards, compliant with the IEEE1451 standard, we add plug and play capabilities to analog transducers, while granting at the same time a high level of customization. As an additional contribution of the work, we developed a cosimulation tool which simplifies the physical connection with the hardware devices and provides support for complex systems. Finally, a wireless body area network for fall detection and health monitoring, based on wireless node prototypes realized according to the proposed architecture, is presented as an application scenario

    Strategic Analysis of Frontier Handset R&D Organization

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    Frontier Communication Corporation (“Frontier” or the “Company”) is a worldwide supplier for mobile handsets. Being a leader in the market for years, the company is facing new challenges to differentiate its products and improve return of investments. The R&D organization is Frontier’s key function tasked with creating new products. Accordingly, Frontier is adopting a new product creation process to create better products in shorter cycle time at lower cost. The goal of this study is to evaluate Frontier‘s new R&D product development and associated processes, cross reference with an external market analysis, internal analysis and propose improvements of focus areas

    Digital touch for remote personal communication: An emergent sociotechnical imaginary

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    This article makes legible emergent social imaginaries of digital touch for remote communication in personal relationships, with attention to digital touch interfaces. It draws on data from rapid prototyping research workshops with apprentice professionals embedded within digital communication. Touch is discussed with respect to four analytical themes: materiality, body, emplacement and temporality. We illustrate how participants’ past and present experiences and future visions of remote digital touch thread through these themes and weave together to form a hegemonic, emergent sociotechnical imaginary of digital touch. The article contributes to social debates within digital personal remote communication by foregrounding touch, the material and the sensorial. The article’s novel interdisciplinary framework (combining design-based rapid prototyping with a multimodal and multi-sensorial analysis within the frame of the sociotechnical imaginary) also contributes to methodology around future-facing phenomena, prior to the process of their solidification into material, political formations

    A Perspective on the Future of Middleware-based Software Engineering

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    International audienceMiddleware is a software layer that stands between the networked operating system and the application and provides well known reusable solutions to frequently encountered problems like heterogeneity, interoperability, security, dependability. Further, with networks becoming increasingly pervasive, middleware appears as a major building block for the development of future software systems. Starting with the impact of pervasive networking on computing models, manifested by now common grid and ubiquitous computing, this paper surveys related challenges for the middleware and related impact on the software development. Indeed, future applications will need to cope with advanced non-functional properties such as contextawareness and mobility, for which adequate middleware support must be devised together with accompanying software development notations, methods and tools. This leads us to introduce our view on next generation middleware, considering both technological advances in the networking area but also the need for closer integration with software engineering best practices, to ultimately suggest middleware-based software processes

    Quizzes vis Short Message Service

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    Quizzes are usually held early in the lecture which is good because it will make sure that students do attend the lectures early. However, there are some students that cannot come to the lectures as early as others and missed it. In addition, sometimes the announcement about the quizzes does not reach the student effectively, some student might have problem accessing the e-learning website and there might be some student that did not attend previous class when the announcement about the quizzes were made. There is also possibility that the answer sheets submitted will be misplaced by the lecturers. The objective of this project is to develop a new quizzing system that will help busy lecturers to be more organized and allow them to manage their quizzing system effectively. The system developed can broadcast questions to all students that enrolled the subject and receive the answers submitted by the students. It also able to stores the answers submitted and checks whether the answers received is correct or not. In developing this system, Rapid Application Development method is used considering the time frame given is quite short. This system was developed using the Ozeki Message Server, Microsoft Excel and MySQL. With the help of this system, the current quizzing system will be more efficient and organized. Meanwhile, for future development, this system can be improved with more features and a better architecture and codes style

    Emerging technologies for learning (volume 2)

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    REINVENT : solução para uso de redes veiculares em aplicações móveis

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaAs redes veiculares têm sido alvo de grandes avanços tecnológicos, e a comunicação entre veículos é hoje uma realidade que tem despertado o interesse tanto ao nível da investigação como de alguns dos principais fabricantes de automóveis com o intuito de criar um conjunto de serviços para melhorar a experiência dos utilizadores deste tipo de redes. Por outro lado, os dispositivos móveirs como smartphones, tablets ou PDA’s também são uma área emergente no mundo das tecnologias devido ao enorme aumento de capacidade computacional que sofreram nos últimos anos. Embora as redes veiculares tenham sido alvo de grandes avanços tecnológicos continuam a encontrar obstáculos para a sua afirmação devido à indisponibilidade de dispositivos nos veículos que permitam usufruir das suas potencialidades. Esta falta de dispositivos pode ser ultrapassada aliando o mundo dos dispositivos móveis com as redes veiculares. Utilizando o potencial das redes veiculares e a capacidade computacional dos novos dispositivos móveis pode-se explorar um cenário de criação de serviços e aplicações de segurança, controlo e eficiência de tráfego e entretenimento. O presente trabalho propõe-se a estudar, criar e testar uma solução para a integração das duas áreas tecnológicas referidas anteriormente. Neste documento é descrita uma arquitectura de alto nível que permite a integração de aplicações móveis com as redes veiculares, abstraindo as camadas de transporte e de rede com um módulo de software que fornece os métodos necessários para as aplicações usufruírem dos serviços das redes veiculares. O resultado final deste trabalho é uma arquitectura de software para integração em aplicações Android que permite utilizar a rede veicular para comunicação entre as aplicações. Ao longo deste documento é descrito todo o processo de implementação desta arquitectura, e posteriormente é apresentada a implementação de aplicações exemplo para experimentação da arquitectura e avaliação do seu desempenho. No âmbito da Dissertação foram criados cenários para realização de testes de desempenho das aplicações em ambientes reais e simulados. Estes testes serviram para identificar a viabilidade da utilização do REINVENT em dispositivos com diferentes características de hardware, e também para identificar potenciais pontos de atraso na estrutura da arquitectura criada. Os resultados obtidos permitiram constatar que a utilização desta arquitectura não induz qualquer tipo de interferência nem atraso no normal funcionamento das aplicações, e que o REINVENT pode ser utilizado na criação de novas aplicações móveis no âmbito das redes veiculares.Vehicular networks have been the subject of major technological progress, and the communication between vehicles is a reality that has been the subject of interest both in terms of research and of some of the major car manufacturers in order to create a set of services to enhance the user experience of such networks. On the other hand, mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and PDA's are also an emerging technology in the world due to the enormous increase of computing power they got in recent years. Although vehicular networks have been the subject of great technological advances, they continue to encounter obstacles to their raising due to unavailability of devices in vehicles that allow the use of its potential. This lack of devices can be overcome by combining the world of mobile devices with vehicular networks. Using the potential of vehicular networks and computational capabilities of new mobile devices, a set of scenarios can be explored in order to create services and applications for security, control and efficiency of traffic and entertainment. This work proposes to study, create and test a solution for the integration of the two technology areas mentioned above, applications and vehicular networks. In this Dissertation we describe a high-level architecture that allows the integration of mobile applications with vehicular networks by abstracting transport and network layers with a software architecture that provides the methods needed for the applications to take advantage of vehicular networks services. The end result of this work is a software architecture for integration into Android applications that allows the use of vehicular network for relaying communication between applications. Throughout this document, the whole process of the architecture implementation is described as well as two example applications for proof of concept, testing purpose and performance evaluation. In order to test the performance of the REINVENT module in the applications, two test scenario environments were created, a simulated environment, integrating a VANET simulation framework with mobile devices, and a real environment using an on board unit for vehicle communication purposes. These tests served to identify the feasibility of using REINVENT in devices with different hardware characteristics, and also to identify potential sources of delay in the structure of the architecture created. The results revealed that the use of this module does not induce any interference or delay on the normal operation of applications, and REINVENT can be used in creating new mobile applications in the context of vehicular networks

    A Perspective on the Future of Middleware-based Software Engineering

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