108 research outputs found

    Electrical control of magnetism by electric field and current-induced torques

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    While early magnetic memory designs relied on magnetization switching by locally generated magnetic fields, key insights in condensed matter physics later suggested the possibility to do it electrically. In the 1990s, Slonczewzki and Berger formulated the concept of current-induced spin torques in magnetic multilayers through which a spin-polarized current may switch the magnetization of a ferromagnet. This discovery drove the development of spin-transfer-torque magnetic random-access memories (STT-MRAMs). More recent research unveiled spin-orbit-torques (SOTs) and will lead to a new generation of devices including SOT-MRAMs. Parallel to these advances, multiferroics and their magnetoelectric coupling experienced a renaissance, leading to novel device concepts for information and communication technology such as the MESO transistor. The story of the electrical control of magnetization is that of a dance between fundamental research (in spintronics, condensed matter physics, and materials science) and technology (MRAMs, MESO, microwave emitters, spin-diodes, skyrmion-based devices, components for neuromorphics, etc). This pas de deux led to major breakthroughs over the last decades (pure spin currents, magnetic skyrmions, spin-charge interconversion, etc). As a result, this field has propelled MRAMs into consumer electronics products but also fueled discoveries in adjacent research areas such as ferroelectrics or magnonics. Here, we cover recent advances in the control of magnetism by electric fields and by current-induced torques. We first review fundamental concepts in these two directions, then discuss their combination, and finally present various families of devices harnessing the electrical control of magnetic properties for various application fields. We conclude by giving perspectives in terms of both emerging fundamental physics concepts and new directions in materials science.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Review on Spintronics : Principles and Device Applications

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    Spintronics is one of the emerging fields for the next-generation nanoelectronic devices to reduce their power consumption and to increase their memory and processing capabilities. Such devices utilise the spin degree of freedom of electrons and/or holes, which can also interact with their orbital moments. In these devices, the spin polarisation is controlled either by magnetic layers used as spin-polarisers or analysers or via spin-orbit coupling. Spin waves can also be used to carry spin current. In this review, the fundamental physics of these phenomena is described first with respect to the spin generation methods as detailed in Sections 2 ~ 9. The recent development in their device applications then follows in Sections 10 and 11. Future perspectives are provided at the end

    Propriétés de transport et d'anisotropie de jonctions tunnel magnétiques perpendiculaires avec simple ou double barrière

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    Due to their advantageous properties in terms of data retention, storage density and critical current density for Spin Transfer Torque (STT) switching, the magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular anisotropy have become predominant in the developments for MRAM applications. The aim of this thesis is to improve the anisotropy and transport properties of such structures and to realize even more complex stacks such as perpendicular double junctions. Studies on the magnetic properties and Tunnel MagnetoResistance (TMR) measurements showed that to optimize the performances of the junctions, all the thicknesses of the different layers constituting the stack have to be adapted. To guaranty both a large TMR as well a strong perpendicular anisotropy, compromises are most of the time needed. Studies as a function of magnetic thickness enabled to extract the saturation magnetization, the critical thickness and the magnetic dead layer thickness both in the bottom reference and the top storage layer in structures capped with Ta. This type of junction could be tested electrically after patterning the sample into nanopillars. Knowing that perpendicular anisotropy mostly arises at the metal/oxide interface, the Ta capping layer was replaced by a MgO one, leading to a huge increase in the anisotropy of the free layer. A second top reference was then added on such a stack to create functional perpendicular double junctions. CoFeB/insertion/CoFeB synthetic antiferromagnetic storage layers could be developed and were proved to be stable enough to replace the standard Co/Pt-based reference layers.Du fait de leurs propriétés avantageuses en termes de rétention des données, densité de stockage et faible courant critique pour l'écriture par courant polarisé en spin (STT), les jonctions tunnel magnétiques à anisotropie perpendiculaire sont devenues prédominantes dans les études sur les applications aux mémoires magnétiques MRAM. Les travaux de cette thèse s'inscrivent dans ce contexte avec pour but l'amélioration des propriétés de transport et d'anisotropie de telles structures ainsi que la réalisation d'empilements encore plus complexes tels que des doubles jonctions perpendiculaires. Grâce à l'étude des propriétés magnétiques et des mesures de MagnétoRésistance Tunnel (TMR), il apparaît que pour optimiser les performances des jonctions tunnel, l'ensemble des épaisseurs des couches composant l'empilement doit être adapté. Des compromis sont souvent nécessaires pour obtenir à la fois une forte anisotropie perpendiculaire et des signaux de TMR élevés. Des études en fonction des épaisseurs magnétiques ont permis de déterminer les aimantations à saturation, épaisseurs critiques et couches mortes dans les couches de référence et de stockage de jonctions standard avec électrode libre supérieure et couverture Ta. Ce type de jonction a pu être nano-fabriqué sous forme de piliers circulaires afin de tester l'écriture par STT. Sachant que l'anisotropie perpendiculaire provient essentiellement de l'interface métal/oxyde, la couverture Ta a été ensuite remplacée par une deuxième couche de MgO, permettant d'améliorer significativement l'anisotropie de la couche libre. En introduisant une seconde référence au-dessus de cette jonction, des doubles jonctions perpendiculaires fonctionnelles ont pu être fabriquées. Des couches de stockage antiferromagnétiques synthétiques de la forme CoFeB/insert/CoFeB ont pu être développées et apparaissent suffisamment stables pour pouvoir remplacer les traditionnelles références à base de multicouches Co/Pt