19 research outputs found

    Didactics of Mathematics Profile of Engineering Students: A Case Study in a Multimedia Engineering Degree

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    Multimedia engineers develop digital content in a wide range of fields that require them to acquire skills in the development of web solutions for those fields. In this study, we evaluated the level of didactic knowledge of mathematics that Multimedia Engineering degree students possess. The aim was to determine whether they are prepared to conceive, design and develop educational multimedia tools for teaching mathematics to primary school children. For this evaluation, the Didactic–Mathematical Knowledge and Elementary Algebraic Reasoning (DMK/EAR) test was carried out on a sample of 50 students in the second year of a Multimedia Engineering Degree. The results were compared with those of teacher training students who receive specific training in mathematics didactics. The study shows that, for most of the variables analysed, the Multimedia student scored better or comparatively equal to the teaching trainee. In conclusion, students of Multimedia Engineering have a solid foundation in the didactics of mathematics, although some deficiencies have been detected in the cognitive dimension and the content in structures, which indicate that they would need to complete their training in these areas

    System-forming results of integrative formats of collaboration in foreign-language training of engineering and technical majors

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    Представлена методология переформатирования содержания и результатов образовательного процесса иностранному языку, основанного на отходе от традиционного профессионально ориентированного обучения к междисциплинарной интеграции контекста обучения и системообразующим результатам овладения дисциплиной «иностранный язык». Описаны интегрируемые дисциплины и форматы совместной работы, предлагаемые при их освоении на примере направления 38.03.02 – Менеджмент, профиль «Логистика и управление цепями поставок»

    Legalization of Human Rights Violations

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    Social media is a product resulting from the development of technology that is used by the community to share content anywhere and everywhere. Uploading video or photo content about an event can be a trigger for the growing negative stigma of the community, especially if the content is related to the reporting of a controversial event. Without realizing it, with the growth of citizen journalism, it can also cause losses to the party who is the object of content where the party does not know that he has become viral on social media. This is stipulated in article 26 paragraph 1 of Law No. 19/2006. Keywords: Social media, community, citizen journalism, viral, La

    Legalization Of Rules For Determination Of The Fake News Spreading Suspect As Seen From Law On Electronic Information And Transaction

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    This research aims to observe the legality of determination of the fake news or hoax spreading suspect as seen from Law no 11 of 2008 on Electronic information and transaction law. The employed method is normative legal researc by examining applied legal rules in Indonesia. The results show that the determination of a suspect in a fake news of hoax case is based on Article 28 paragraph (1) of Electronic information and transaction law (UU ITE). However, th use of the article is unfitting because the existence of a clause "which causes consumer losses in Electroni Transactions". The term is used in trading activities through electronic systems (electronic commerce) in the national and international trades. Besides, the element of consumer loss must be fulfilled. Consequently, a special article in Electronic information and transaction law related to hoax spreading should be composed. Keywords: Lagalization, Determination, Fake News, Suspec

    Legality of Electronic Business Actor Registration Regulations (E-Commerce)

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    The development of technology and communication forces human beings to rely on technology. Such advancement influences smoother communication and turns trade process into an online system. The switch of the sale and purchase transaction mode from the conventional method to online method has possibility to trigger crime. Therefore, the fine regulations are needed to guarantee consumer rights so that e-commerce develops. The needs for regulation are fulfilled with the presence of the Consumer Protection Law which regulates consumer rights, businessman obligations, and businessman sanctions for neglecting the obligations. Furthermore, Law No 11 of 2008 on Electronic information and transaction law (UU ITE) standardizes electronic transactions. Lastly, Government Regulation No 82 of 2012 on the Implementation of Electronic System and Transaction Operations regulates the validity of an electronic contract which requires several conditions. Keywords: Technology, communication, law, electronic contract, validit