294 research outputs found

    Cross-Platform Presentation of Interactive Volumetric Imagery

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    Volume data is useful across many disciplines, not just medicine. Thus, it is very important that researchers have a simple and lightweight method of sharing and reproducing such volumetric data. In this paper, we explore some of the challenges associated with volume rendering, both from a classical sense and from the context of Web3D technologies. We describe and evaluate the pro- posed X3D Volume Rendering Component and its associated styles for their suitability in the visualization of several types of image data. Additionally, we examine the ability for a minimal X3D node set to capture provenance and semantic information from outside ontologies in metadata and integrate it with the scene graph

    Analysis of Visualisation and Interaction Tools Authors

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    This document provides an in-depth analysis of visualization and interaction tools employed in the context of Virtual Museum. This analysis is required to identify and design the tools and the different components that will be part of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF). The CIF will be the base of the web-based services and tools to support the development of Virtual Museums with particular attention to online Virtual Museum.The main goal is to provide to the stakeholders and developers an useful platform to support and help them in the development of their projects, despite the nature of the project itself. The design of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF) is based on an analysis of the typical workflow ofthe V-MUST partners and their perceived limitations of current technologies. This document is based also on the results of the V-MUST technical questionnaire (presented in the Deliverable 4.1). Based on these two source of information, we have selected some important tools (mainly visualization tools) and services and we elaborate some first guidelines and ideas for the design and development of the CIF, that shall provide a technological foundation for the V-MUST Platform, together with the V-MUST repository/repositories and the additional services defined in the WP4. Two state of the art reports, one about user interface design and another one about visualization technologies have been also provided in this document

    Expressive cutting, deforming, and painting of three-dimensional digital shapes through asymmetric bimanual haptic manipulation

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    Practitioners of the geosciences, design, and engineering disciplines communicate complex ideas about shape by manipulating three-dimensional digital objects to match their conceptual model. However, the two-dimensional control interfaces, common in software applications, create a disconnect to three-dimensional manipulations. This research examines cutting, deforming, and painting manipulations for expressive three-dimensional interaction. It presents a cutting algorithm specialized for planning cuts on a triangle mesh, the extension of a deformation algorithm for inhomogeneous meshes, and the definition of inhomogeneous meshes by painting into a deformation property map. This thesis explores two-handed interactions with haptic force-feedback where each hand can fulfill an asymmetric bimanual role. These digital shape manipulations demonstrate a step toward the creation of expressive three-dimensional interactions

    Surveying, modeling and communication techniques for the documentation of medieval wooden painted ceilings in the Mediterranean area

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    Wooden painted ceilings of the Mediterranean area in the middle age have their origin in the islamic culture and were then spread in the countries under the dominion of the Arabs; some of the surviving ceilings are now located in Sicily and Spain. In the historic centre of Palermo two well preserved medieval ceilings are still surviving; the first, built in the XII century, is located in the Palatine chapel; the second one, built in the XIV century covers the “Sala Magna” in the Steri of Palermo. The research, focused on the ceiling in the Steri, deals with the definition of a process for the integration of surveying techniques (photogrammetry, laser scanning), modelling processes and communication technologies for the documentation of such artefacts. The documentation of painted ceilings requires the strict integration of photographic and 3D metric data; the existing documentation is usually made of documents (drawings, photographs) that keep geometric and metric data separated from the photographic documentation of the paintings. The first stage in this work is therefore addressed to produce a digital document that combines metric and photographic data in a 3D textured model; in the second stage a vocal guide interacting with the 3D model has been developed; such guide, thought as a support to people visiting the Steri, uses a database with historic contents and symbolic interpretation of the painted scenes to answer specific questions and “take” the visitor close to the related paintings

    3D Virtual Worlds and the Metaverse: Current Status and Future Possibilities

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    Moving from a set of independent virtual worlds to an integrated network of 3D virtual worlds or Metaverse rests on progress in four areas: immersive realism, ubiquity of access and identity, interoperability, and scalability. For each area, the current status and needed developments in order to achieve a functional Metaverse are described. Factors that support the formation of a viable Metaverse, such as institutional and popular interest and ongoing improvements in hardware performance, and factors that constrain the achievement of this goal, including limits in computational methods and unrealized collaboration among virtual world stakeholders and developers, are also considered

    3DRepo4Unity: Dynamic Loading of Version Controlled 3D Assets into the Unity Game Engine

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    In recent years, Unity has become a popular platform for the development of a broad range of visualization and VR applications. This is due to its ease of use, cross-platform compatibility and accessibility to independent developers. Despite such applications being cross-platform, their assets are generally bundled with executables, or streamed at runtime in a highly optimised, proprietary format. In this paper, we present a novel system for dynamically populating a Unity environment at runtime using open Web3D standards. Our system generates dynamic resources at runtime from a remote 3D Repo repository. This enables us to build a viewer which can easily visualize X3D-based revisions from a version controlled database in the cloud without any compile-time knowledge of the assets. We motivate the work and introduce the high-level architecture of our solution. We describe our new dynamic transcoding library with an emphasis on scalability and 3D rendering. We then perform a comparative evaluation between 3drepo.io, a state of the art X3DOM based renderer, and the new 3DRepo4Unity library on web browser platforms. Finally, we present a number of different applications that demonstrate the practicality of our chosen approach. By building on previous Web3D functionality and standards, our hope is to stimulate further discussion around and research into web formats that would enable incremental loading on other platforms

    Rapid Prototyping for Virtual Environments

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    Development of Virtual Environment (VE) applications is challenging where application developers are required to have expertise in the target VE technologies along with the problem domain expertise. New VE technologies impose a significant learning curve to even the most experienced VE developer. The proposed solution relies on synthesis to automate the migration of a VE application to a new unfamiliar VE platform/technology. To solve the problem, the Common Scene Definition Framework (CSDF) is developed, that serves as a superset/model representation of the target virtual world. Input modules are developed to populate the framework with the capabilities of the virtual world imported from VRML 2.0 and X3D formats. The synthesis capability is built into the framework to synthesize the virtual world into a subset of VRML 2.0, VRML 1.0, X3D, Java3D, JavaFX, JavaME, and OpenGL technologies, which may reside on different platforms. Interfaces are designed to keep the framework extensible to different and new VE formats/technologies. The framework demonstrated the ability to quickly synthesize a working prototype of the input virtual environment in different VE formats

    COLLADA + MPEG-4 or X3D + MPEG-4

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    The paper is an overview of 3D graphics assets and applications standards.The authors analyzed the three main open standards dealing with three-dimensional (3-D) graphics content and applications, X3D, COLLADA, and MPEG4, to clarify the role of each with respect to the following criteria: ability to describe only the graphics assets in a synthetic 3-D scene or also its behavior as an application, compression capacities, and appropriateness for authoring, transmission, and publishing. COLLADA could become the interchange format for authoring tools; MPEG4 on top of it (as specified in MPEG-4 Part 25), the publishing format for graphics assets; and X3D, the standard for interactive applications, enriched by MPEG-4 compression in the case of online ones. The authors also mentioned that in order to build a mobile application, a developer has to consider different hardware configurations and performances, different operating systems, different screen sizes, and input controls

    Developing serious games for cultural heritage: a state-of-the-art review

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    Although the widespread use of gaming for leisure purposes has been well documented, the use of games to support cultural heritage purposes, such as historical teaching and learning, or for enhancing museum visits, has been less well considered. The state-of-the-art in serious game technology is identical to that of the state-of-the-art in entertainment games technology. As a result, the field of serious heritage games concerns itself with recent advances in computer games, real-time computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence. On the other hand, the main strengths of serious gaming applications may be generalised as being in the areas of communication, visual expression of information, collaboration mechanisms, interactivity and entertainment. In this report, we will focus on the state-of-the-art with respect to the theories, methods and technologies used in serious heritage games. We provide an overview of existing literature of relevance to the domain, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the described methods and point out unsolved problems and challenges. In addition, several case studies illustrating the application of methods and technologies used in cultural heritage are presented