130 research outputs found

    Interior Design of Smart Home Based on Intelligent 3D Virtual Technology

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    With the development of society and the continuous advancement of technology, people's research on smart home products is gradually deepening. Compared with the past, smart homes are no longer out of reach, but actually penetrate into our lives. However, while continuously exploring the technology of smart home products, designers have not conducted in-depth research on the interactive mode of the control interface of smart home products. Based on this, the purpose of this article is to study the smart home interior design based on intelligent three-dimensional virtual technology. This article first analyzes the development and current situation of smart homes, and on this basis, combines three-dimensional virtual reality technology to research and analyze smart home systems (S H S). This article systematically elaborates the design of functional modules of the S H S based on intelligent 3D virtual reality technology and the method of converting 2D plane to 3D space coordinate. And use comparative analysis method, interview method and other research methods to carry out experimental research on the theme of this article. The research shows that compared with the traditional S H S, the S H S based on 3D virtual technology studied in this paper has higher feasibility

    Hand-Gesture Based Programming of Industrial Robot Manipulators

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    Nowadays, industrial robot manipulators and manufacturing processes are associated as never before. Robot manipulators execute repetitive tasks with increased accuracy and speed, features necessary for industries with needs for manufacturing of products in large quantities by reducing the production time. Although robot manipulators have a significant role for the enhancement of productivity within industries, the programming process of the robot manipulators is an important drawback. Traditional programming methodologies requires robot programming experts and are time consuming. This thesis work aims to develop an application for programming industrial robot manipulators excluding the need of traditional programing methodologies exploiting the intuitiveness of humans’ hands’ gestures. The development of input devices for intuitive Human-Machine Interactions provides the possibility to capture such gestures. Hence, the need of the need of robot manipulator programming experts can be replaced by task experts. In addition, the integration of intuitive means of interaction can reduce be also reduced. The components to capture the hands’ operators’ gestures are a data glove and a precise hand-tracking device. The robot manipulator imitates the motion that human operator performs with the hand, in terms of position. Inverse kinematics are applied to enhance the programming of robot manipulators in-dependently of their structure and manufacturer and researching the possibility for optimizing the programmed robot paths. Finally, a Human-Machine Interface contributes in the programming process by offering important information for the programming process and the status of the integrated components

    Advances in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Rapid advances in the field of robotics have made it possible to use robots not just in industrial automation but also in entertainment, rehabilitation, and home service. Since robots will likely affect many aspects of human existence, fundamental questions of human-robot interaction must be formulated and, if at all possible, resolved. Some of these questions are addressed in this collection of papers by leading HRI researchers

    Model Based Teleoperation to Eliminate Feedback Delay NSF Grant BCS89-01352 Second Report

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    We are conducting research in the area of teleoperation with feedback delay. Delay occurs with earth-based teleoperation in space and with surface-based teleoperation with untethered submersibles when acoustic communication links are involved. The delay in obtaining position and force feedback from remote slave arms makes teleoperation extremely difficult leading to very low productivity. We have combined computer graphics with manipulator programming to provide a solution to the problem. A teleoperator master arm is interfaced to a graphics based simulator of the remote environment. The system is then coupled with a robot manipulator at the remote, delayed site. The operator\u27s actions are monitored to provide both kinesthetic and visual feedback and to generate symbolic motion commands to the remote slave. The slave robot then executes these symbolic commands delayed in time. While much of a task proceeds error free, when an error does occur, the slave system transmits data back to the master environment which is then reset to the error state from which the operator continues the task

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 5

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    Papers presented at the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics are compiled. The theme of the conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for the application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990's and beyond. Volume 5 contains papers related to the following subject areas: robot arm modeling and control, special topics in telerobotics, telerobotic space operations, manipulator control, flight experiment concepts, manipulator coordination, issues in artificial intelligence systems, and research activities at the Johnson Space Center

    Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS 1994), volume 1

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    The AIAA/NASA Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS '94) was originally proposed because of the strong belief that America's problems of global economic competitiveness and job creation and preservation can partly be solved by the use of intelligent robotics, which are also required for human space exploration missions. Individual sessions addressed nuclear industry, agile manufacturing, security/building monitoring, on-orbit applications, vision and sensing technologies, situated control and low-level control, robotic systems architecture, environmental restoration and waste management, robotic remanufacturing, and healthcare applications

    Testing Self-Adaptive Systems

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    Autonomy is the most demanded yet hard-to-achieve feature of recent and future software systems. Self-driving cars, mail-delivering drones, automated guided vehicles in production sites, and housekeeping robots need to decide autonomously during most of their operation time. As soon as human intervention becomes necessary, the cost of ownership increases, and this must be avoided. Although the algorithms controlling autonomous systems become more and more intelligent, their hardest opponent is their inflexibility. The more environmental situations such a system is confronted with, the more complexity the control of the autonomous system will have to master. To cope with this challenge, engineers have approached a system design, which adopts feedback loops from nature. The resulting architectural principle, which they call self-adaptive systems, follows the idea of iteratively gathering sensor data, analyzing it, planning new adaptations of the system, and finally executing the plan. Often, adaptation means to alter the system setup, re-wire components, or even exchange control algorithms to keep meeting goals and requirements in the newly appeared situation. Although self-adaptivity helps engineers to organize the vast amount of information in a self-deciding system, it remains hard to deal with the variety of contexts, which involve both environmental influences and knowledge about the system\'s internals. This challenge not only holds for the construction phase but also for verification and validation, including software test. To assure sufficient quality of a system, it must be tested under an enormous and, thus, unmanageable, number of different contextual situations and manual test-cases. This thesis proposes a novel set of methods and model types, which help test engineers to specify precisely what they expect from a self-adaptive system under test. The formal nature of the introduced artifacts allows for automatically generating test-suites or running simulations in the loop so that a qualitative verdict on the system\'s correctness can be gained. Additional to these conceptional contributions, the thesis describes a model-based adaptivity test environment, which test engineers can use for testing actual self-adaptive systems. The implementation includes comprehensive tooling for creating the introduced types of models, generating test-cases, simulating them in the loop, automating tests, and reporting. Composing all enabling components for these tasks constitutes a reference architecture of integrated test environments for self-adaptive systems. We demonstrate the completeness and accuracy of the technical approach together with the underlying concepts by evaluating them in an experimental case study where an autonomous robot interacts with human co-workers. In summary, this thesis proposes concepts for automatically and, thus, efficiently testing self-adaptive systems. The quality, which is fostered by this novel approach, is resilience: the ability of a system to maintain its promises while facing changing environments.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Description 1 1.2 Overview of Adopted Methods 3 1.3 Hypothesis and Main Contributions 4 1.4 Organization of This Thesis 5 I Foundations 7 2 Background 9 2.1 Self-adaptive Software and Autonomic Computing 9 2.1.1 Common Principles and Components of SAS 10 2.1.2 Concrete Implementations and Applications of SAS 12 2.2 Model-based Testing 13 2.2.1 Testing for Dependability 14 2.2.2 The Basics of Testing 15 2.2.3 Automated Test Design 18 2.3 Dynamic Variability Management 22 2.3.1 Software Product Lines 23 2.3.2 Dynamic Software Product Lines 25 3 Related Work: Existing Research on Testing Self-Adaptive Systems 29 3.1 Testing Context-Aware Applications 30 3.2 The SimSOTA Project 31 3.3 Dynamic Variability in Complex Adaptive Systems (DiVA) 33 3.4 Other Early-Stage Research 34 3.5 Taxonomy of Requirements of Model-based SAS Testing 36 II Methods 39 4 Model-driven SAS Testing 41 4.1 Problem/Solution Fit 41 4.2 Example: Surveillance Drone 43 4.3 Concepts and Models for Testing Self-Adaptive Systems 44 4.3.1 Test Case Generation vs. Simulation in the Loop 44 4.3.2 Incremental Modeling Process 45 4.3.3 Basic Representation Format: Petri Nets 46 4.3.4 Context Variation 50 4.3.5 Modeling Adaptive Behavior 53 4.3.6 Dynamic Context Change 57 4.3.7 Interfacing Context from Behavioral Representation 62 4.3.8 Adaptation Mode Variation 64 4.3.9 Context-Dependent Recon guration 67 4.4 Adequacy Criteria for SAS Test Models 71 4.5 Discussion on the Viability of the Employed Models 71 4.6 Comparison to Related Work 73 4.7 Summary and Discussion 74 5 Model-based Adaptivity Test Environment 75 5.1 Technological Foundation 76 5.2 MATE Base Components 77 5.3 Metamodel Implementation 78 5.3.1 Feature-based Variability Model 79 5.3.2 Abstract and Concrete Syntax for Textual Notations 80 5.3.3 Adaptive Petri Nets 86 5.3.4 Stimulus and Recon guration Automata 87 5.3.5 Test Suite and Report Model 87 5.4 Test Generation Framework 87 5.5 Test Automation Framework 91 5.6 MATE Tooling and the SAS Test Process 93 5.6.1 Test Modeling 94 5.6.2 Test Case Generation 95 5.6.3 Test Case Execution and Test Reporting 96 5.6.4 Interactive Simulation Frontend 96 5.7 Summary and Discussion 97 III Evaluation 99 6 Experimental Study: Self-Adaptive Co-Working Robots 101 6.1 Robot Teaching and Co-Working with WEIR 103 6.1.1 WEIR Hardware Components 104 6.1.2 WEIR Software Infrastructure 105 6.1.3 KUKA LBR iiwa as WEIR Manipulator 106 6.1.4 Self-Adaptation Capabilities of WEIR 107 6.2 Cinderella as Testable Co-Working Application 109 6.2.1 Cinderella Setup and Basic Functionality 109 6.2.2 Co-Working with Cinderella 110 6.3 Testing Cinderella with MATE 112 6.3.1 Automating Test Execution 112 6.3.2 Modeling Cinderella in MATE 113 6.3.3 Testing Cinderella in the Loop 121 6.4 Evaluation Verdict and Summary 123 7 Summary and Discussion 125 7.1 Summary of Contributions 126 7.2 Open Research Questions 127 Bibliography 129 Appendices 137 Appendix Cinderella De nitions 139 1 Cinderella Adaptation Bounds 139 2 Cinderella Self-adaptive Workflow 14

    The development of a human-robot interface for industrial collaborative system

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    Industrial robots have been identified as one of the most effective solutions for optimising output and quality within many industries. However, there are a number of manufacturing applications involving complex tasks and inconstant components which prohibit the use of fully automated solutions in the foreseeable future. A breakthrough in robotic technologies and changes in safety legislations have supported the creation of robots that coexist and assist humans in industrial applications. It has been broadly recognised that human-robot collaborative systems would be a realistic solution as an advanced production system with wide range of applications and high economic impact. This type of system can utilise the best of both worlds, where the robot can perform simple tasks that require high repeatability while the human performs tasks that require judgement and dexterity of the human hands. Robots in such system will operate as “intelligent assistants”. In a collaborative working environment, robot and human share the same working area, and interact with each other. This level of interface will require effective ways of communication and collaboration to avoid unwanted conflicts. This project aims to create a user interface for industrial collaborative robot system through integration of current robotic technologies. The robotic system is designed for seamless collaboration with a human in close proximity. The system is capable to communicate with the human via the exchange of gestures, as well as visual signal which operators can observe and comprehend at a glance. The main objective of this PhD is to develop a Human-Robot Interface (HRI) for communication with an industrial collaborative robot during collaboration in proximity. The system is developed in conjunction with a small scale collaborative robot system which has been integrated using off-the-shelf components. The system should be capable of receiving input from the human user via an intuitive method as well as indicating its status to the user ii effectively. The HRI will be developed using a combination of hardware integrations and software developments. The software and the control framework were developed in a way that is applicable to other industrial robots in the future. The developed gesture command system is demonstrated on a heavy duty industrial robot
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