11 research outputs found

    Problem-Based Tasks in Mathematics Learning: Opportunities and Challenges for Teachers

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    Mathematics education and teaching should not only include routine tasks; but tasks that need practice and memorization are mathematically more prosperous and more difficult because they promote problem-solving, investigation, and the discovery of the actual value of mathematical assertions. Therefore, the teacher must be able to select, create, and modify assignments under the established goals. This study attempts to examine opportunities and challenges that teachers encounter while adopting problem-based tasks. The subjects involved in this study were three secondary school mathematics teachers that are acceptable, in East Java, Indonesia. The teachers involved have more than five years of teaching experience and have good academic qualifications. The data collection consisted of observing three classes of secondary school during the implementation of a problem-based task related to the topic of rectangles and algebra. The study begins with the introduction and giving of several examples of problem-based tasks in secondary school mathematics designed to foster advanced learners' critical thinking and creativity. The findings show that teachers gain new knowledge about problem-based assignments and pedagogical insights on how they explain them to students. The results also provide an overview of the challenges for teachers to design and implement problem-based tasks.


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    Student-Centred Learning (SCL) is a method of teaching that puts student at the center of the learning process. The implementation of SCL requires a shift in focus from the lecturer to the student. This study investigated both perceptions and attitudes of 167 students specializing in the area of Product Design and Process Manufacturing Engineering Technology at the Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK) in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). Students were given a set of questionnaires during one of the classes. From the findings, conclusion has been drawn regarding the SCL approach to support teaching and learning. The result shows that the students’ self-directed learning readiness and a positive perception toward SCL should be encouraged. At the same time, the role of lecturers is very important to ensure the successful of the SCL approach in teaching and learning is taking place and thus, will lead to a change in the perceptions and attitudes of the students towards SCL. Keywords: student-centred learning, perception, attitude, engineering technology

    A aprendizagem das ciências baseada na resolução de problemas online : comparação entre estilos de aprendizagem e opiniões de alunos do 7º ano

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    Publicado em "Atas do XII Congresso Internacional Galego-Português de Psicopedagogia. Braga : Universidade do Minho, 2013. ISBN : 978-989-8525-22-2"A Aprendizagem Baseada na Resolução de Problemas online (ABRP online) é uma abordagem de ensino em que os alunos aprendem através da resolução de problemas, em grupo e com recurso exclusivo à Internet. Diferentes alunos apresentam diferentes preferências em termos da forma como gostam de aprender, ou seja, apresentam diferentes estilos de aprendizagem. Alguns desses estilos são mais compatíveis com determinados tipos de abordagens de ensino do que outros e dependendo essa compatibilidade, entre outros, do nível de autonomia que estas abordagens requerem. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar a opinião de alunos do 7º ano de escolaridade sobre o ensino do tema Dinâmica da Terra através da ABRP online (que requer elevada autonomia) em função do estilo de aprendizagem. Para o efeito, utilizou-se um questionário de opinião e um teste de estilos cognitivos. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que os alunos com preferência pelo menos alta pelos estilos reflexivo, pragmático ou teórico aderiram um pouco mais à ABRP online do que os que têm um estilo ativo. Estes resultados devem ser aprofundados através de outras técnicas de recolha de dados a fim de poderem ajudar os professores a adequar o ensino orientado para a ABRP às preferências de aprendizagem dos seus alunos

    Shaping socio-critical thinking of junior students using problem-based learning and inquiry strategy

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    This research examined a pattern of integration between problem-based learning (PBL) strategy with inquiry in shaping the critical thinking framework and psychosocial of youth-level students. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a literature study method. The data sources were derived from documentation, books, and various related articles. Its analytical techniques used deductions, induction, interpretation, and comparison and analysis of multilayered texts. The results of this research showed that the PBL and inquiry strategies had substantial collation and synergy in the process of forming a framework of critical thinking and psychosocial of youth-level students. It was based on the process of implementing both strategies that emphasized the search for solutions to the problems encountered by conducting investigations, hypotheses, testing, data mining supported by teamwork, collaboration, communication, discussion, and coordination. Thus, the use of the PBL strategy and inquiry integratively is highly recommended in the learning process

    Addressing drop-out and sustained effort issues with large practical groups using an automated delivery and assessment system

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    The acquisition of programming skills specially in introductory programming courses poses an important challenge for freshmen students of engineering programs. These courses require students to devote a sustained effort during the whole course and a failure to do so may contribute to not passing the course. However, it is difficult for the teaching staff to deploy measures to enforce a pattern of continuous work without significantly increasing the required management tasks. A significant reduction of this workload can be achieved with the automation of time consuming tasks such as the delivery of activities or submission grading. This paper presents a case of study where a technology based orchestration of learning scripts was applied in a large enrollment course to promote student sustained effort through the course and keep the workload on teaching staff within reasonable margins. The orchestration system, based on IMS Learning Design and Generic Service Integration, automatically evaluated the student submissions and gradually unlocked the following activities depending on the received results. Such system was used during a semester supporting 425 students and 8 instructors. The analysis of the case of study followed a mixed method based on qualitative and quantitative data, and revealed a significant reduction of the orchestration workload on the teaching staff, allowing the strategy of continuous work to be applied in a course with high enrollment. Additionally, the application of these techniques show statistically significant differences in the drop out rate with respect to previous editions of the course.Work partially funded by the EEE project, “Plan Nacional de I+D+I TIN2011-28308-C03-01” and the “Emadrid: Investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías para el e-learning en la Comunidad de Madrid” project (S2009/TIC-1650)

    The Effectiveness of Value Clarification Technique (VCT) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) Models on Social Problem-Solving Skills Viewed from Emotional Intelligence

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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out significant differences in the social problem-solving skills between classes that apply the Value Clarification Technique (VCT) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning models and the class that applies the direct learning model.  The research population included all fifth-grade students in Cilacap Regency public elementary schools. This research employed a cluster random sampling technique. An experimental method with a 3x3 factorial design was used. The data analysis used two-way ANOVA test with SPSS 21. The results showed that (1) there were differences in effectiveness in the use of VCT, PBL and direct learning models on the social problem solving skills (FA = 7.176, p = 0.01 0.05), and (3) there was no interaction of the effect between the use of VCT, PBL, and the high, medium and low emotional intelligence categories on the students' social problem solving skills (FAB = 0.619, p = 0.649 > 0.05).

    Pembangunan dan penilaian perisian e-PBL ReC untuk kursus kejuruteraan

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    Kajian ini bertujuan membangunkan prototaip perisian pembelajaran untuk kursus kejuruteraan (e-PBL ReC) sebagai bahan sokongan pembelajaran bagi membantu memenuhi keperluan proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan PBL. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti keperluan pengguna, mereka bentuk dan membangunkan serta menilai perisian dari aspek kebergunaan perisian dari segi elemen yang diintegrasikan membantu memenuhi keperluan pelajar dalam proses pembelajaran. Kajian ini bersifat pembangunan produk dengan menggunakan model ADDIE dan kaedah kajian berbentuk kajian kuantitatif yang disokong oleh kajian kualitatif. Responden kajian telah melibatkan 146 orang pelajar, empat orang tenaga pengajar dan empat orang pakar pembelajaran atas talian dalam kajian analisis keperluan manakala kajian analisis reka bentuk perisian pula melibatkan pakar, tenaga pengajar dan pelajar serta bagi kajian penilaian kebergunaan perisian e-PBL ReC pula, responden kajian terdiri daripada 35 orang pelajar yang telah ditetapkan dalam satu kelas sedia ada. Hasil dapatan kajian daripada analisis keperluan telah dijadikan kayu ukur untuk mereka bentuk perisian dan responden kajian telah memberikan maklum balas yang positif berhubung pembangunan perisian e-PBL ReC dalam kajian analisis reka bentuk perisian serta hasil dapatan kajian kebergunaan perisian e-PBL ReC mendapati perisian membantu memenuhi keperluan pelajar dalam proses pembelajaran dengan elemen yang diintegrasikan berasaskan pendekatan PBL, teori behaviorisme, teori kognitivisme, teori konstruktivisme, unsur multimedia dan interaksi. Implikasi kajian ini ialah keupayaan perisian e-PBL ReC mampu memantapkan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah untuk kerjaya masa depan pelajar, dapat membantu melanjutkan proses pembelajaran konvensional, membantu tenaga pengajar dalam menyediakan aktiviti sokongan pembelajaran dan satu panduan dapat disediakan kepada pembangun perisian pendidikan. Sumbangan keseluruhan kajian ini ialah perisian pembelajaran (e-PBL ReC), model pembangunan perisian, perisian yang membantu memenuhi keperluan pelajar kejuruteraan, perisian yang membantu dalam pemerolehan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah, instrumen kajian dan keputusan

    Administrative Perspectives on Technology Integration: the Globaloria: MyGLife Program in West Virginia

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    The reputed benefits of using technology in schools have been the topic of many research studies. When the World Wide Workshop Foundation implemented their Globaloria program into a group of pilot public secondary schools in West Virginia in the fall of 2008, another opportunity for study was created. The perceptions of principals relating to: 1) the effect(s) of the Globaloria program on students‘ academic outcomes; 2) the purpose(s) of the program; 3) the principal‘s role in the program 4) the benefits; and/or 5) the liabilities of having the program in their schools were examined in this mixed-method study. Analysis of student data indicated that there was no statistically significant change in students‘ academic outcomes following the program‘s implementation, although data were available for only the year immediately prior to and the year immediately after their enrollment in Globaloria . Principals indicated that they believed the program had an overall positive effect upon students‘ academic outcomes, behavior and attendance. A majority of the participating principals also reported that they would like to continue the program in their schools. These findings were viewed through Lev Vygotsky‘s (1978) cultural-historical activity theory in order to generate conclusions and recommendations for further study

    Biotechnology literacy of future teachers: A new educational approach

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    En les últimes dècades, s'ha produït una revolució en el camp de la investigació en biologia, concretament en genètica i biotecnologia. Aquest desenvolupament científic ha deixat una fissura entre els estudis de la comunitat científica i el coneixement dels ciutadans. Per tal d'involucrar a la societat en els processos de presa de decisions sobre la legislació científica, es necessiten ciutadans informats, que siguin capaços de prendre decisions raonades basades en conclusions científiques tenint en compte les consideracions ètiques i morals. Els professors juguen un rol crític i central en el sistema educatiu i són el col•lectiu amb influència en la propera generació. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és explorar el coneixement i les actituds en biotecnologia dels estudiants de magisteri d'un país Nòrdic (Suècia) i un país del Sud (Espanya) d'Europa. A partir dels resultats obtinguts, s'ha desenvolupat una nova activitat educativa per alfabetitzar biotecnològicament als futurs professors. Primerament s'ha creat un nou qüestionari per analitzar quins són els coneixements i les actituds dels estudiants de magisteri. Les dades s'han analitzat de manera quantitativa. Els resultats mostren que els estudiants de magisteri d'Espanya i Suècia estan interessats en temes de biotecnologia encara que els seus coneixements en genètica bàsica estan per sota dels esperats. A partir d'aquests primers resultats, s'ha desenvolupat una nova activitat basada en Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes (ABP), l’objectiu de la qual és d'incrementar el coneixement dels futurs professors sobre temes de genètica bàsica. Un qüestionari previ i un de final han estat creats per tal de validar l'eficiència de la nova eina educativa. Un cop obtingudes les dades, han estat analitzades tant qualitativa com quantitativament. Finalment, després de participar en l’activitat s'ha demostrat una millora significativa del coneixement dels estudiant i una forta implicació en l’activitat.En las ultimas décadas, se ha producido una revolución en el campo de la investigación en biología y más concretamente de la genética y la biotecnología. Este desarrollo científico ha dejado una grieta entre los estudios de la comunidad científica y los conocimientos de los ciudadanos. Para involucrar a la sociedad en los procesos de toma de decisiones sobre la legislación científica, se necesitan ciudadanos informados y capaces de tomar decisiones razonadas basadas en conclusiones científicas y a la vez con consideraciones éticas y morales. Los profesores juegan un rol crítico y central en el sistema educativo ya que son el colectivo con influencia en la próxima generación. El objetivo de esta tesis es explorar el conocimiento y las actitudes en biotecnología de los estudiantes de magisterio de un país Nórdico (Suecia) y un país del Sur (España) de Europa. En base a estos resultados, se ha desarrollado una nueva actividad educativa para alfabetizar biotecnológicamente a los futuros profesores. Primeramente se ha creado un nuevo cuestionario para poder analizar cuáles son los conocimientos y las actitudes de los estudiantes de magisterio. Los datos se han analizado de forma cuantitativa. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes de magisterio en España y Suecia están interesados en temas de biotecnología aunque sus conocimientos en genética básica están por debajo de los esperados. A partir de estos primeros resultados, se ha desarrollado una nueva actividad educativa basada en Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP), el objetivo de la cual es incrementar el conocimiento de los futuros profesores sobre temas de genética básica. Un cuestionario previo y uno de final han sido creados para validar la eficacia de la nueva herramienta educativa. A continuación, los datos han sido analizados tanto cualitativa como cuantitativamente. Finalmente, después de realizar la actividad se ha demostrado una mejora significativa del conocimiento y una fuerte implicación de los estudiantes en la realización de la actividad.Over the past decades, there has been a revolution in the field of biology research and, more concretely, in biotechnology and genetic fields. This scientific development has led to a huge gap between what scientific comunity studies and what citizens know. In order to involve society in the decision-making process about scientific policies, we need well-informed citizens who are able to make thoughtful decisions based on scientific conclusions combined with ethical and moral considerations. The forefront to educate new generations is teacher. Teachers play a critical and central role in the education system and they are therefore an influential collective because they become teachers of the next generation. The purpose of this thesis is to explore knowledge and attitudes towards biotechnology of pre-service teachers from a Northern (Sweden) and Southern (Spain) countries. After that it is developed a new educational activity in order to make future teachers literate of biotechnology. First, it was created a new questionnaire in order to analyse the knowledge, and attitudes of pre-service teachers. Data is analysed in a quantitative method. The results show that pre-service teachers from Spain and Sweden are interested in biotechnology topics and this research has also shown that their knowledge about basics genetics is lower than expected. Due to these first results, a new Problem-Based Learning (PBL) educational material has been developed. The aim of this educational material is to increase pre-service teacher’s knowledge about genetics topics. A pre and post-test was created in order to validate the efficacy of this new educational tool, then data is analysed in a quantitative and qualitative approach. Finally, a significanlty increase of student’s knowledge is proved with taking part of the learning activity. Moreover, most of the students involved in the activity expressed that they were feeling engaged to this educational dynamic