690 research outputs found


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    This paper regards cultural heritage as a strategic development tool for urban tourist policy. It highlights the use of e-services as a central instrument in a competitive tourist sector. The appropriate choice of e-services – and packages thereof – depends on the various strategic considerations of urban stakeholders (agents) and may differ for each individual city. The paper offers a systematic analysis framework for supporting these choices and deploys multi-criteria analysis as a systematic evaluation methodology, in particular the Regime method. The evaluation framework is exemplified through an application to three field cases in Europe, viz. the cities of Amsterdam, Genoa and Leipzig. Our analysis concludes that tailor-made packages of e-services that serve the needs of the stakeholders can be made with the help of our evaluation tools.

    An Agent-Based Decision Support Model for the Development of E-Services in the Tourist Sector

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    This paper regards cultural heritage as a strategic development tool for urban tourist policy. It highlights the use of e-services as a central instrument in a competitive tourist sector. The appropriate choice of e-services - and packages thereof - depends on the various strategic considerations of urban stakeholders (agents) and may differ for each individual city. The paper offers a systematic analysis framework for supporting these choices and deploys multi-criteria analysis as a systematic evaluation methodology, in particular the Regime method. The evaluation framework is exemplified through an application to three field cases in Europe, viz. the cities of Amsterdam, Genoa and Leipzig. Our analysis concludes that tailor-made packages of e-services that serve the needs of the stakeholders can be made with the help of our evaluation tools.cultural heritage, e-services, city marketing, agent-based decision support model

    Augmented Reality in Smart Cities: A Multimedia Approach

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    Intro: This paper presents an advance overview of utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) in smart cities. Although, Smart cities contain six major aspects (mobility, economy, government, environment, living, and people), this paper focuses on three of them that have more potentiality in using virtual assistant (mobility, environment, and living). Methodology: Presenting a state-of-the-art review studies undertake between 2013 and 2017, which is driven from highlighted libraries is the aim of this research. After exact examine, 15 emphasized studies are chosen to divide the main aspects while 120 selective articles are supporting them. These categorizes have been critically compared with an aim, method and chronological perspectives. Results: First of All, Environmental issues (Museums industry) attract the most attention of researchers while the living issues (maintenance) have lower significant compare t latter and mobility (indoor-outdoor navigation) attract the least. Moreover, a close connection between academic and industry fields is going to be created. Conclusions: it has been concluded that, because of economic advantages, utilizing AR technology has improved in the tourism and maintenance. Moreover, until now, most of studies try to prove their concept rather than illustrate well stablished analytic approach. Because of hardware and software improvement, it is essential for the future studies to evaluate their hypothesis in a real urban context

    Mapping speditivo da sensori mobili per il controllo della conservazione dei valori paesaggistici del territorio. Quick mapping by mobile sensors for landscape values monitoring and conservation

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    Geomatics researches, applied to architecture and landscape, are becoming increasingly focused on development of innovation in survey techniques and digital data management. Quick techniques are sought, with a high level of automation and versatility, to support knowledge management and protection of cultural heritage, be it referred to artistic and architectural heritage or, overall, to whole varied landscape assets, in so such highest density in the country as to consider Heritage itself. The investigation and conservation initiatives in the field of landscape heritage must constantly deal with many conditions of risk exposure, and that is not always possible to make up with preventive protection, whether if it is a constant risk like that intrinsic to the status of the property, or sudden and unforeseen risks, or if it is only partially predictable, determined by an environmental emergency. In these test-sites, which have a typical vulnerability resulting from their intrinsic conditions of exposure to risk, is interesting to experiment and combine technological research with the public interest for the protection and preservation of the value of the asset. This paper is intended for the testing of systems for the expeditious acquisition of spatial data in a outstanding test site, an area of the Cinque Terre, devastated by the flood of autumn 2011 Le ricerche della Geomatica applicata all’Architettura e al paesaggio, sono mirati sempre più allo sviluppo dell’innovazione nel campo delle tecniche di acquisizione dei dati e della loro gestione digitale; si ricercano metodi speditivi, con elevati gradi di automazione e versatili, per il supporto alla gestione della conoscenza e della tutela del patrimonio culturale, che sia esso riferito ai beni artistico-architettonici o in senso più ampio all’insieme variegato dei beni paesaggistici, ad elevatissima densità nel territorio nazionale tanto da considerarlo Patrimonio esso stesso. Le indagini e le iniziative di conservazione in materia di patrimonio paesaggistico devono costantemente fronteggiare le innumerevoli condizioni di rischio cui esso è esposto, e cui non sempre si riesce a sopperire con una tutela preventiva. sia esso un rischio costante come quello intrinseco allo status del bene, oppure rischi improvvisi e imprevedibili, o solo parzialmente prevedibili, determinati da una emergenza ambientale. E’ in questi test-site, che possiedono una tipica vulnerabilità derivante dalle loro intrinseche condizioni di esposizione al rischio, che risulta interessante sperimentare e combinare la ricerca tecnologica con l’interesse collettivo di tutela e conservazione del valore del bene stesso. Il presente contributo ha per obiettivo la sperimentazione di sistemi speditivi di acquisizione dei dati spaziali in un test site d’eccezione, un’area delle Cinque Terre devastata dall’alluvione dell’autunno 2011

    Digital reconstructions and interactive visualisations of lost heritage as part of a virtual learning experience. Dissemination of heritage knowledge through digital guides and online platforms: A case study - Mackintosh House, 6 Florentine Street [dissertation]

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    The following project explores the use of digital technology in terms of popularizing and disseminating knowledge about lost heritage. It explores how use of latest information technology solutions can enhance learning experience by covering aspects that fail to be adequately represented with the use of traditional, non-digital means of transmitting knowledge. The general focus is given to the study of this how mobile applications integrating different recording and digital reconstruction technologies can be used to provide more complex and engaging ways of teaching about cultural heritage. Additionally, the role of online sharing platforms is being assessed in terms of making digital recordings more accessible to the public.To accurately assess the benefits of such digital tools, practical part of the project focuses on the case study of the Mackintosh House and its original premises. The history of those lost premises is introduced as a Unity engine based application that acts as a form of virtual guide. The guide is meant to enhance the visits to the Mackintosh House reassembled interiors by presenting users with additional knowledge about the building that no longer exists. Despite carefully recreated interiors, traditional exhibition at The Hunterian cannot offer the full scope of knowledge about the history of the original building that Mackintosh lived from 1906. There is a lack of sufficient visual information about the building itself. To address this problem, following project is exploring the process of creating and utilizing digital reconstruction techniques. With the use of 3d modelling software, Unity engine and some open sharing platforms, an interactive, visual guide is created. Another aim of the research is too assess the ways in which irreversibly lost context can be recreated digitally. It also reflects on the idea of this how heritage knowledge can be delivered in the context of the dynamic, highly democratized web. By using the different heritage sources, types of data, media together within virtual online environment - the researched subject can reach wider audience, and can be disseminated independently of static physical reconstructions

    Poland tourism report 2012

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    Taking People\u27s History Back to the People: An Approach to Making History Popular, Relevant, and Intellectual

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    This article takes the educational vision of people’s history an additional step, combining it with experiential approaches to democratic education that have developed over the past century and presenting the tools for students and adults to take control of their own historical study, control their heritage, and personalize the study of history on the very landscapes of their own communities. Through this approach, history becomes an exciting democratic exercise not merely in storytelling but in discovery of, participation in, and interaction with history on the very grounds of the community. The new approach to history, being tested in several communities, takes history as a collection of “stories,” and roots and expands it to places, landscapes, and environment in everyday life, where history is unavoidable and where protecting and making history are ordinary household and community activities
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